846 resultados para Prospect


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Objective To explore people's experiences of starting antidepressant treatment. Design Qualitative interpretive approach combining thematic analysis with constant comparison. Relevant coding reports from the original studies (generated using NVivo) relating to initial experiences of antidepressants were explored in further detail, focusing on the ways in which participants discussed their experiences of taking or being prescribed an antidepressant for the first time. Participants 108 men and women aged 22–84 who had taken antidepressants for depression. Setting Respondents recruited throughout the UK during 2003–2004 and 2008 and 2012–2013 and in Australia during 2010–2011. Results People expressed a wide range of feelings about initiating antidepressant use. People's attitudes towards starting antidepressant use were shaped by stereotypes and stigmas related to perceived drug dependency and potentially extreme side effects. Anxieties were expressed about starting use, and about how long the antidepressant might begin to take effect, how much it might help or hinder them, and about what to expect in the initial weeks. People worried about the possibility of experiencing adverse effects and implications for their senses of self. Where people felt they had not been given sufficient time during their consultation information or support to take the medicines, the uncertainty could be particularly unsettling and impact on their ongoing views on and use of antidepressants as a viable treatment option. Conclusions Our paper is the first to explore in-depth patient existential concerns about start of antidepressant use using multicountry data. People need additional support when they make decisions about starting antidepressants. Health professionals can use our findings to better understand and explore with patients’ their concerns before their patients start antidepressants. These insights are key to supporting patients, many of whom feel intimidated by the prospect of taking antidepressants, especially during the uncertain first few weeks of treatment.


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The renowned writer J. B. Priestley suggested in 1934 that the motor-coach had annihilated the old distinction between rich and poor passengers in Britain. This article considers how true this was by examining the relationship between charabancs, motor coaches and class. It shows that this important vehicle of inter-war working class mobility had a complicated relationship with class, identifying three distinct forms of this method of travel. It positions the charabanc alongside historical responses to unwelcome steamer and railway day-trippers, and examines how resorts provided separate class-based entertainment for these holidaymakers. Using the case study of a new charabancwelcoming pub, the Prospect Inn, it proposes that, in the late 1930s, some pubs were beginning to offer charabanc customers facilities that were almost the match of their middle class equivalent. Motor coaches and charabancs contributed to the process of social convergence in inter-war Britain.


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Foi realizado um estágio no grupo Porto Bay Hotels & Resorts, um grupo hoteleiro da Região Autónoma da Madeira, com a duração de três meses. Apresenta-se assim no presente trabalho uma perspectiva das Relações Públicas no sector do turismo e hotelaria bem como a discussão do porquê do afunilamento desta função de gestão das relações entre as organizações e os seus públicos nas Guest Relations em algumas das unidades hoteleiras em que trabalhámos. O turismo é actualmente um dos principais sectores da economia mundial. A sobrevivência de um destino turístico, unidade hoteleira ou mesmo de um resort, depende em muito da percepção que os seus stakeholders têm da qualidade dos seus serviços. Assim as Relações Públicas, como em outros sectores, assumem um papel de destaque sendo que estas têm a capacidade de trabalhar a relação entre uma organização e os seus stakeholders, gerindo conflitos e expressando uma identidade positiva sobre a mesma e trabalhando a sua reputação e visibilidade. Em suma este trabalho pretende compreender e reflectir sobre as relações públicas no sector do turismo e hotelaria mesmo quando não o são assim entendidas. Defender-se-á uma perspectiva global, integrada e proactiva das Relações Públicas no sector hoteleiro.


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Mestrado, Ensino de História e de Geografia no 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário, 8 Março de 2016, Universidade dos Açores (Relatório de Estágio).


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This work reports on an experimental and finite element method (FEM) parametric study of adhesively-bonded single and double-strap repairs on carbon-epoxy structures under buckling unrestrained compression. The influence of the overlap length and patch thickness was evaluated. This loading gains a particular significance from the additional characteristic mechanisms of structures under compression, such as fibres microbuckling, for buckling restrained structures, or global buckling of the assembly, if no transverse restriction exists. The FEM analysis is based on the use of cohesive elements including mixed-mode criteria to simulate a cohesive fracture of the adhesive layer. Trapezoidal laws in pure modes I and II were used to account for the ductility of most structural adhesives. These laws were estimated for the adhesive used from double cantilever beam (DCB) and end-notched flexure (ENF) tests, respectively, using an inverse technique. The pure mode III cohesive law was equalled to the pure mode II one. Compression failure in the laminates was predicted using a stress-based criterion. The accurate FEM predictions open a good prospect for the reduction of the extensive experimentation in the design of carbon-epoxy repairs. Design principles were also established for these repairs under buckling.


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The wide spread use and strong reliance on both fertilizers and pesticides made of agrigenic pollution one of the major contemporary threats to environment and human health. Impacts on the environment vary from local effects, such as eutrophycation1, 2, loss of biodiversity and diminished ecosystem health3, to global effects, such as the aggravation of global warming2, 4 and ozone layer depletion5. The novelty of nanoremediation and its early successes, reported for various contexts, present the prospect for the development of relevant applications for agrigenic contaminants.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças sob orientação de: Amélia Ferreira da Silva “Esta versão contém as críticas e sugestões dos elementos do júri”


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Relatório de Estágio Apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização, sob orientação da Mestre Inês Veiga Pereira


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Independentemente da área de investigação, considera-se como fundamental conhecer a história, dando a possibilidade de entender o passado e perspetivar o futuro. Muitas são as descobertas e investigações feitas no âmbito da História da Contabilidade em Portugal, ainda que consideravelmente aquém da imensidão de factos ainda não estudados, possuindo o nosso país um longo caminho a percorrer no que diz respeito à investigação e descoberta de factos ligados à Contabilidade. Nesse sentido, e indo ao encontro do principal objetivo desta investigação, que consiste em conhecer e compreender o acesso das mulheres ao estudo da Contabilidade em Portugal, tendo em consideração o período do Estado Novo, a presente investigação pretende aprofundar e compreender um pequeno, mas essencial, ponto da História da Contabilidade em Portugal. Consequentemente, será traçada uma metodologia de investigação mista relativamente ao processo de recolha de dados, utilizando-se, por um lado, uma técnica de investigação qualitativa relativamente à análise documental, e como investigação quantitativa a recolha de informação através de bases de dados. Como resultados, obtiveram-se informações acerca do comportamento histórico do acesso das mulheres ao estudo da Contabilidade em Portugal, durante o Estado Novo, constatando-se, assim, os acontecimentos que estiveram na base desse mesmo comportamento, que se prevê como insatisfatório comparativamente com os valores observados relativamente aos homens. Este facto deverá ficar a dever-se ao contexto político, mas também económico e social da época, capaz de influenciar negativamente a Educação da população.


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RESUMO:O conceito de doenças raras como entidade própria começou a ser divulgado na comunidade médica no início deste século. A perspectiva de congregar múltiplas patologias, com características diferentes, valorizando a baixa frequência com que ocorrem na população interessou a comunidade científica, famílias, indústria e serviços de saúde. Esperava-se encontrar estratégias para melhorar a qualidade dos cuidados de saúde prestados a estes doentes. Uma vez que a informação científica sobre doenças raras está dispersa por diversas fontes o primeiro grande desafio foi sistematizar de forma a obter o “estado da arte”. A investigação que decorreu entre 2001 e 2010 teve como objectivo principal a caracterização dos doentes e das doenças raras numa população com características restritas mas não fechada como é o caso da ilha de S. Miguel nos Açores. Foram identificados 467 doentes a partir de várias fontes e monitorizado o nascimento de recém-nascidos com doença rara durante 10 anos. A prevalência das doenças raras encontrada na ilha de S. Miguel foi de 0,34% e a inerente à definição de doença rara foi de 6 % a 8 % da população na União Europeia. A diferença encontrada poderá decorrer de se ter sobrestimado o verdadeiro valor da prevalência das doenças raras na União Europeia. A incidência de doenças raras determinada na amostra foi de 0,1% e a taxa de mortalidade por causa específica foi de 0,14‰. O diagnóstico foi confirmado por técnicas laboratoriais de citogenética ou genética molecular em 43% dos doentes da amostra. Não foi identificado nenhum agregado populacional com doença rara para além do já conhecido para a DMJ. A criação de uma metodologia de estudo implicou a construção de um registo de doentes. Para tal foi utilizado o conhecimento adquirido anteriormente sobre uma doença rara que serviu de paradigma: a doença de Machado-Joseph. Na sequência dos resultados obtidos foi considerado útil a introdução de variáveis como a figura do cuidador, o cônjuge, o número de filhos do casal, a data da primeira consulta de Genética, o tempo decorrido entre o início dos sintomas e o acesso à consulta de Genética e entre esta actividade e dispor do diagnóstico para melhor compreender o contexto de vida destes doentes na perspectiva de poderem vir a ser incorporadas como indicadores. ----------- ABSTRACT: The concept of rare diseases as a condition began to be disclosed in the medical community at the beginning of this century.The prospect of bringing together multiple pathologies, with different features, enhancing the low frequency with which they occur in the population interested the scientific community, families, industry and health care services. The aim was to find strategies to improve the quality of care provided to these patients. Given that the scientific information on rare diseases is spread out across several sources the first major challenge was to systematize in order to get the "state of the art". The research took place between 2001 and 2010 and had as its main objective the characterization of patients and rare diseases in a population with specific features, but not confined, like in the case of the São Miguel Island in Azores. During 10 years were identified 467 patients from multiple sources and were observed the newborns with rare diseases. Prevalence of rare diseases found in the São Miguel Island was 0,34% compared to the 6% to 8% by definition of rare disease in the population in European Union. This discrepancy may be explained by a likely frequency of overrated rare diseases in European Union. The incidence of rare diseases in the sample was 0,1% and the specific mortality rate was 0,14 ‰. This diagnosis was confirmed by cytogenetic or molecular genetics analysis in 43% of patients in the sample. No population cluster was identified with rare disease besides the already known for Machado-Joseph Disease. The methodology for the study involved the construction of a database of patients. For such purpose it was used previously acquired knowledge on a rare disease paradigm: the Machado-Joseph disease. It was useful to introduce the following variables to properly establish the results: caregiver, spouse, number of children, date of first Genetics appointment, elapsed time between onset of symptoms and access to first appointment as well as this and the final diagnosis to better understand the context of life of these patients in order to incorporate them as rates.


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Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are natural biologically synthesized polymers that have been the subject of much interest in the last decades due to their biodegradability. Thus far, its microbial production is associated with high operational costs, which increases PHA prices and limits its marketability. To address this situation, this thesis’ work proposes the utilization of photosynthetic mixed cultures (PMC) as a new PHA production system that may lead to a reduction in operational costs. In fact, the operational strategies developed in this work led to the selection of PHA accumulating PMCs that, unlike the traditional mixed microbial cultures, do not require aeration, thus permitting savings in this significant operational cost. In particular, the first PHA accumulating PMC tested in this work was selected under non-aerated illuminated conditions in a feast and famine regime, being obtained a consortium of bacteria and algae, where photosynthetic bacteria accumulated PHA during the feast phase and consumed it for growth during the famine phase, using the oxygen produced by algae. In this symbiotic system, a maximum PHA content of 20% cell dry weight (cdw) was reached, proving for the first time, the capacity of a PMC to accumulate PHA. During adaptation to dark/light alternating conditions, the culture decreased its algae content but maintained its viability, achieving a PHA content of 30% cdw. Also, the PMC was found to be able to utilize different volatile fatty acids for PHA production, accumulating up to 20% cdw of a PHA co-polymer composed of 3-hydroxybutyrate (3HB) and 3-hydroxyvalerate (HV) monomers. Finally, a new selective approach for the enrichment of PMCs in PHA accumulating bacteria was tested. Instead of imposing a feast and famine regime, a permanent feast regime was used, thus selecting a PMC that was capable of simultaneously growing and accumulating PHA, being attained a maximum PHA content of 60% cdw, the highest value reported for a PMC thus far. The results presented in this thesis prospect the utilization of cheap, VFA-rich fermented wastes as substrates for PHA production, which combined with this new photosynthetic technology opens up the possibility for direct sunlight illumination, leading to a more cost-effective and environmentally sustainable PHA production process.


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BACKGROUND: The feasibility of clinical trials depends, among other factors, on the number of eligible patients, the recruitment process, and the readiness of patients to participate in research. Seeking patients' views about their experience in research projects may allow investigators to develop more effective recruitment and retention strategies. METHODS: A total of 100 patients consecutively admitted to a psychiatric university hospital were interviewed with respect to their willingness to participate in a study. For a different study scenario, patients were asked whether they would be ready to participate if such a study were organized in the service and to indicate their reasons for refusing or for participating. RESULTS: The general readiness to participate in a study ranged between 70% and 96%. The prospect of remuneration did not notably augment the potential consent rate. The most common and spontaneous motivation for agreeing to take part in a study was to help science progress and to allow future patients to benefit from improved diagnosis and treatment (87%). The presence or lack of a financial incentive was rarely chosen as an argument to agree (23%) or to refuse (7%) to participate. Patients relied mainly on their treating physicians when contemplating possible participation in a study (family physician [65%] and hospital physician [54%]). CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians and, in particular, treating doctors can play an important role in facilitating the recruitment process.


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Préface My thesis consists of three essays where I consider equilibrium asset prices and investment strategies when the market is likely to experience crashes and possibly sharp windfalls. Although each part is written as an independent and self contained article, the papers share a common behavioral approach in representing investors preferences regarding to extremal returns. Investors utility is defined over their relative performance rather than over their final wealth position, a method first proposed by Markowitz (1952b) and by Kahneman and Tversky (1979), that I extend to incorporate preferences over extremal outcomes. With the failure of the traditional expected utility models in reproducing the observed stylized features of financial markets, the Prospect theory of Kahneman and Tversky (1979) offered the first significant alternative to the expected utility paradigm by considering that people focus on gains and losses rather than on final positions. Under this setting, Barberis, Huang, and Santos (2000) and McQueen and Vorkink (2004) were able to build a representative agent optimization model which solution reproduced some of the observed risk premium and excess volatility. The research in behavioral finance is relatively new and its potential still to explore. The three essays composing my thesis propose to use and extend this setting to study investors behavior and investment strategies in a market where crashes and sharp windfalls are likely to occur. In the first paper, the preferences of a representative agent, relative to time varying positive and negative extremal thresholds are modelled and estimated. A new utility function that conciliates between expected utility maximization and tail-related performance measures is proposed. The model estimation shows that the representative agent preferences reveals a significant level of crash aversion and lottery-pursuit. Assuming a single risky asset economy the proposed specification is able to reproduce some of the distributional features exhibited by financial return series. The second part proposes and illustrates a preference-based asset allocation model taking into account investors crash aversion. Using the skewed t distribution, optimal allocations are characterized as a resulting tradeoff between the distribution four moments. The specification highlights the preference for odd moments and the aversion for even moments. Qualitatively, optimal portfolios are analyzed in terms of firm characteristics and in a setting that reflects real-time asset allocation, a systematic over-performance is obtained compared to the aggregate stock market. Finally, in my third article, dynamic option-based investment strategies are derived and illustrated for investors presenting downside loss aversion. The problem is solved in closed form when the stock market exhibits stochastic volatility and jumps. The specification of downside loss averse utility functions allows corresponding terminal wealth profiles to be expressed as options on the stochastic discount factor contingent on the loss aversion level. Therefore dynamic strategies reduce to the replicating portfolio using exchange traded and well selected options, and the risky stock.


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Principales resultados sobre los aspectos biológico-pesqueros de las principales especies capturadas en el Crucero de Evaluación de Recursos Pelágicos 9803-05, realizado a bordo del BIC Humboldt y las LP IMARPE IV y V, entre el 20 de marzo y el 07 de mayo de 1998 desde la Caleta La Cruz, Tumbes, hasta Los Palos, Tacna. Se prospectó la franja de 30 millas náuticas próximas a la costa. Las especies mayormente capturadas fueron la anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) y la samasa (Anchoa nasus), adicionalmente la sardina (Sardinops sagax), el jurel (Trachurus picturatus), la caballa (Scomber japonicus), bagres (Bagre panamensis y Galeichthys peruvianus), cachema (Cynoscion analis) y falso volador (Prionotus stephanophrys). Destaca la presencia de algunas especies que se han aproximado con las aguas cálidas del norte y oeste.


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Manpower is a basic resource. It is the indispensable means of converting other resources to mankind '.s use and benefit. As a process· of increasing the knowledge, skills, and dexterity of the people of a society, manpower development is the most fundamental means of enabling a nation to acquire the capacities to bring about its desired future state of affairs -- a more mighty and wealthier nation. Singapore's brief nation-building history justifies the emphasis accorded to the importance of good quality human resources and manpower development in economic and socio-political developments. As a tiny island-state with a poor natural resource base, Singapore's long-term survival and development depend ultimately upon the quality and the creative energy of her people. In line with the nation-building goals and strategies of the Republic, as conditioned by her objective setting, Singapore's basic manpower development premise has been one of "quality and not quantity". While implementing the "stop-at-two" family planning and population control programs and the relevant immigration measures to guard against the prospect of a "population explosion", the Government has energetically fostered various educational programs, including vocational training schemes, adult education programs, the youth movement, and the national service scheme to improve the quality of Singaporeans. There is no denying that some of the manpower development measures taken by the Government have imposed sacrifice and hardship on the Singapore citizens. Nevertheless, they are the basic conditions for the island-Republic's long-term survival and development. It is essential iii to note that Singapore's continuing existence and phenomenal-success are largely attributable to the will, capacities and efforts of her leaders and people. In the final analysis, the wealth and the strength of a nation are based upon its ability to conserve, develop and utilize effectively the innate capacities of its people. This is true not only of Singapore but necessarily of other developing nations. It can be safely presumed that since most developing states' concerns about the quality of their human resources and the progress of their nation-building work are inextricably bound to those about the quantity of their population, the "quality and not quantity" motto of Singapore's manpower development programs can also be their guiding principle.