998 resultados para Projecto 12-15
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[Vente. Estampes. 1859-12-12 - 1859-12-15. Paris]
ABSTRACT:: Adherence patterns and their influence on virologic outcome are well characterized for protease inhibitor (PI)- and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI)-based regimens. We aimed to determine how patterns of adherence to raltegravir influence the risk of virological failure. We conducted a prospective multicenter cohort following 81 HIV-infected antiretroviral-naive or experienced subjects receiving or starting twice-a-day raltegravir-based antiretroviral therapy. Their adherence patterns were monitored using the Medication Events Monitoring System. During follow-up (188 days, ±77), 12 (15%) of 81 subjects experienced virological failure. Longer treatment interruption [adjusted odds ratio per 24-hour increase: 2.4; 95% confidence interval: 1.2 to 6.9; P < 0.02] and average adherence (odds ratio per 5% increase: 0.68; 95% confidence interval: 0.46 to 1.00, P < 0.05) were both independently associated with virological failure controlling for prior duration of viral suppression. Timely interdose intervals and high levels of adherence to raltegravir are both necessary to control HIV replication.
We propose to evaluate automatic three-dimensional gray-value rigid registration (RR) methods for prostate localization on cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans. In total, 103 CBCT scans of 9 prostate patients have been analyzed. Each one was registered to the planning CT scan using different methods: (a) global RR, (b) pelvis bone structure RR, (c) bone RR refined by local soft-tissue RR using the CT clinical target volume (CTV) expanded with a 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15 or 20-mm margin. To evaluate results, a radiation oncologist was asked to manually delineate the CTV on the CBCT scans. The Dice coefficients between each automatic CBCT segmentation - derived from the transformation of the manual CT segmentation - and the manual CBCT segmentation were calculated. Global or bone CT/CBCT RR has been shown to yield insufficient results in average. Local RR with an 8-mm margin around the CTV after bone RR was found to be the best candidate for systematically significantly improving prostate localization.
Audit report on the North Iowa Juvenile Detention Services Commission for the year ended June 30, 2014
Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Griswold, Iowa for the period July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014
INTRODUCTION: to assess the outcome of endovascular aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR) using intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) without angiography. MATERIALS/METHODS: eighty consecutive patients (median age 69 years (range 25-90): male 72 (90%), female 8 (10%)) underwent endovascular aneurysm repair (AAA 68 (85%), TAA 12 (15%)) using either angiography in 31/80 patients (39%) or IVUS in 49/80 patients (61%) in accordance to the surgeons preference. RESULTS: hospital mortality was 2/80 (3%), 1/68 for AAA (2%), 1/12 for TAA (8%), 2/31 for angiography (7%), and 0/49 for IVUS (0.0%: NS). Median quantity of contrast medium was 190 ml (range: 20-350) for angiography versus 0 ml for IVUS (p<0.01). Median X-ray exposure time 24 min (range 9-65 min) versus 8 min (range 0-60 min) for IVUS (p<0.05). No coverage of renal or suprarenal artery orifices occurred in either group. Conversion to open surgery was necessary in 4/80 patients (5%), 1/31 for angiography (3%) and 3/49 patients for IVUS (6%: NS). Early endoleaks were observed in 13/80 patients (16%): 8/31 patients for angiography (26%) versus 5/49 for IVUS (10%: p<0.05): 5/13 endoleaks resolved spontaneously (39%) whereas 8/13 (61%) required additional procedures. CONCLUSIONS: IVUS is a reliable tool for EVAR. In most cases, perprocedural angiography is not necessary.
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Les protestes socials esdevingudes en nombrosos països durant els últims tres anys –des de Tunísia i l’anomenada “Primavera àrab” fins a les recents mobilitzacions a Turquia o Brasil– han fet aflorar un debat sobre la possible dimensió global i transestatal de totes elles. El present article pretén realitzar una aproximació descriptiva i analítica a aquest intens cicle de protestes, reflexionant sobre les diferències i similituds existents entre elles, el paper que Internet i les xarxes socials han tingut en el curs de les diferents mobilitzacions o, entre altres aspectes, el repertori d’accions que han emprat. Més enllà d’aquests trets compartits o no, l’article mira d’emfasitzar la importància d’entendre aquest cicle de mobilitzacions com un procés de repolitització social que combina les contradiccions i conflictes locals de cada context en particular amb l’aparent existència d’una demanda global per major democratització política, regeneració institucional, justícia social i reapropiació d’allò comú.
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Introduction: We report a case of cefepime intoxication with acute severe neurologic symptoms, which was treated by temporary hemodialysis. Patients (or Materials) and Methods: Cefepime 2 g BID for endovascular prosthesis infection was prescribed to a frail, chronically ill 88-year-old woman with a serum creatinine of 199 μmol/L and an estimated creatinine clearance of 13 mL/min (Cockroft formula). Two days later, she was transferred to a neurocritical care unit because of acute aphasia, myoclonic jerks, and delirium with a Glasgow coma scale score of 12/15. The following day, in the absence of other causes, cefepime intoxication was hypothesized, and cefepime was withdrawn after a total of 7 doses = 14 g. Over the next 24 hours, two 3-hour hemodialysis (HD) sessions were performed under cefepime concentration monitoring. Results: Cefepime plasma levels were measured by liquid chromatography/ mass spectrometry. There is no validated reference range, but a study (Chapuis T et al, Critical Care, 2010) found a 50% risk of neurotoxicity with residual levels > 15 mg/L. In our patient, levels were 83.3 mg/L 10 hours after last dose, 24.1 mg/L immediately after the first HD session, 13.4 mg/L immediately before the second HD session, and 2.5 mg/L immediately after the second HD session. The patient made a full clinical recovery over the next 48 hours. The 70% to 80% fall in plasmatic levels observed during each HD session is in accordance with literature data (Schmaldienst S et al, Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 2000, and Manyor LM et al, Pharmacotherapy, 2008). According to kinetic simulation, cefepime dropped at a concentration < 15 mg/L 15 hours earlier with HD than it would have without. Conclusion: Neuropsychiatric adverse effects of beta-lactam antibiotics can be easily overlooked by clinicians. One should be especially cautious with their use in very old and frail patients in whom plasma creatinine poorly estimates renal function and cognitive impairment is highly prevalent. Temporary hemodialysis effectively clears cefepime, but its role in hastening clinical recovery may be limited.