921 resultados para Private family law


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Another dilemma also had to be dealt with; Lloyd Gaines was determined to attend law school, not just anywhere but at the University of Missouri. Shortly after the Supreme Court decision, Lloyd Gaines left his civil service job in Michigan and returned home to St. Louis, arriving on New Year’s Eve, 1938. In the meantime, to pay his bills, he took a job as a filling station attendant. On January 9, 1939, Gaines spoke to the St. Louis chapter of the NAACP. He told them he stood “ready, willing, and able to enroll at MU.” Gaines later quit his gas station job. He explained to his family that the station owner substituted inferior gas and that he could not, in good conscience, continue to work there. In the meantime, the state Supreme Court sent the Gaines case back to Boone County to determine whether the new law school at Lincoln would comply with the US Supreme Court’s requirement of “substantial equality.”


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Essa pesquisa objetiva a análise da relação entre religião e política, em perspectiva de gênero considerando a atuação de parlamentares evangélicos/as na 54ª Legislatura (de 2011 a 2014) e a forma de intervenção desses atores no espaço político brasileiro quanto à promulgação de leis e ao desenvolvimento de políticas públicas que contemplem, dentre outras, a regulamentação do aborto, a criminalização da homofobia, a união estável entre pessoas do mesmo sexo e os desafios oriundos dessa posição para o Estado Brasileiro que se posiciona como laico. Ora, se laico remete à ideia de neutralidade estatal em matéria religiosa, legislar legitimado por determinados princípios fundamentados em doutrinas religiosas, pode sugerir a supressão da liberdade e da igualdade, o não reconhecimento da diversidade e da pluralidade e a ausência de limites entre os interesses públicos / coletivos e privados / particulares. Os procedimentos metodológicos para o desenvolvimento dessa pesquisa fundamentam-se na análise e interpretação bibliográfica visando estabelecer a relação entre religião e política, a conceituação, qualificação e tipificação do fenômeno da laicidade; levantamento documental; análise dos discursos de parlamentares evangélicos/as divulgados pela mídia, proferidos no plenário e adotados para embasar projetos de leis; pesquisa qualitativa com a realização de entrevistas e observações das posturas públicas adotadas pelos/as parlamentares integrantes da Frente Parlamentar Evangélica - FPE. Porquanto, os postulados das Ciências da Religião devidamente correlacionados com a interpretação do conjunto de dados obtidos no campo de pesquisa podem identificar o lugar do religioso na sociedade de forma interativa com as interfaces da laicidade visando aprofundar a compreensão sobre a democracia, sobre o lugar da religião nas sociedades contemporâneas e sobre os direitos difusos, coletivos e individuais das pessoas.


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Este trabalho tem por objeto a análise dos critérios de submissão de atos de concentração envolvendo fundos de investimento para apreciação pelo Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (CADE), com enfoque nos fundos de private equity. Nos últimos anos os fundos de investimento têm adquirido crescente importância na economia brasileira em setores estratégicos. No entanto, o tratamento pela autoridade antitruste brasileira das operações destes veículos se revela instável resultando em certa insegurança sobre quais devem ser submetidas ao controle de concentrações. Assim, este trabalho propõe uma forma de se acessarem essas operações que ao mesmo tempo atenda aos objetivos visados com o controle das estruturas no Direito Concorrencial brasileiro e não crie obstáculos à atuação destes importantes veículos para a economia moderna. Para tanto, buscou-se respaldo na experiência de países onde a tradição antitruste e o fenômeno analisado são muito mais antigos do que no Brasil. No entanto, uma vez que nem mesmo nestes países a questão está livre de revisões periódicas e alguma controvérsia, este trabalho não tem como pretensão apresentar uma solução definitva para o problema. O primeiro capítulo expõe o objeto de estudo, seu funcionamento e sua importância para a economia. No segundo capítulo são abordados os objetivos do controle de estruturas no Brasil, os critérios de conhecimento de operações pela autoridade concorrencial brasileira e a sua interpretação pelo CADE, notadamente no que toca aos fundos de investimento. No terceiro capítulo são abordadas as ligações estruturais entre concorrentes mais relevantes do ponto de vista concorrencial quando se trata de aquisições perpetradas por fundos de investimento: participações minoritárias e interlocking directorates.


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This article examines past and present systems requiring that a person receive permission before buying or borrowing a firearm. The article covers laws from the eighteenth century to the present. Such laws have traditionally been rare in the United States. The major exceptions are antebellum laws of the slaves states, and of those same states immediately after the Civil War, which forbade gun ownership by people of color, unless the individual had been granted government permission. Today “universal background checks” are based on a system created by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his “Everytown” lobby. Such laws have been enacted in several states, and also proposed as federal legislation. Besides covering the private sale of firearms, they also cover most loans of firearms and the return of loaned firearms. By requiring that almost all loans and returns may only be processed by a gun store, these laws dangerously constrict responsible firearms activities, such as safety training and safe storage. Massachusetts, Connecticut, and California are among the jurisdictions which have enacted less restrictive, more effective legislation which create controls on private firearms sales, without inflicting so much harm on firearms safety.


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In this qualitative study we explored how gender shapes the women´s experiences of living with Fibromyalgia and how it affects their private lives. Through thematic analysis of data from 13 in-depth interviews in Spain, we identified 7 themes which reflect that these women feel remorse and frustration for not being able to continue to fulfil the gender expectation of caring for others and for the home. This research contributes to a better understanding into what suffering from fibromyalgia implies for women and provides insights into how family and providers can support women with fibromyalgia in order to achieve a beneficial lifestyle.


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Four letters dated March 11, 1799, written from debtors' prison ("Debtors' Apartment") in Philadelphia. Includes descriptions of his life in the prison and fellow prisoners.


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In this small paper-bound catalog, Benjamin Welles (1781-1860) listed books in the Harvard College Library which he wished to read. He presumably compiled the list by consulting the Library's 1790 printed catalog, as the works are categorized according to subjects outlined in that catalog (Antiquities, Astronomy, Ancient Authors, Biography, Sacred Criticism, Ethics, Geography, Geometry, History, Nature, Travels / Voyages, Natural Law, Logic, Metaphysics, Miscellaneous Works, Dramatic, Phililogy, Natural Philosophy, Poetry, Rhetoric, and Theology). The final pages of Welles' catalog, which he titles "Another Selection," list additional volumes he wished to read. These are listed alphabetically, A - G. Some titles throughout the catalog have been marked with a "+" perhaps to indicate that Welles had read them.


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Four letters written during the Gardiner family’s journey through Maine and while they were settling in at Oaklands.


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Four letters in which Gardiner discusses progress of the church he was building on the estate and requests Tudor send him certain books from Boston.


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Four letters written from Oaklands. One letter from Emma expressing her grief and shock over the death of their father was finished by her husband, who described hearing the news from a friend, and Emma’s subsequent reaction. In other letters, Gardiner offers advice on resolving the elder William Tudor’s debts by selling off assets such as shares in the Boston Athenaeum and in a pew at Trinity Church. In one letter, Gardiner also offers his opinion regarding the prospects of Henry James (Harry) Tudor’s law career.


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Four letters regarding the Gardiner children as well as Delia Stewart’s constantly changing travel plans.


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Five letters regarding topics such as Delia Stewart’s travel plans, local Maine politics, and progress in the construction of a church on the estate. In one letter, Gardiner writes about attending the funeral of Bowdoin College President Jesse Appleton.


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Four letters regarding topics such as local Maine politics and various household items and books Tudor acquired on the Gardiner family’s behalf.


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One letter from Oaklands requesting Tudor come for a visit, and relaying anectdotes about the Gardiner and Stewart children. One letter written to Tudor in Brazil providing an update on family and local politics


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This letter was written aboard the U.S.S. Franklin. Stewart writes in detail about William’s brother Henry James (Harry) Tudor, and concerns about his character, particularly his "natural indolence and indifference." He notes that like his wife, Delia, Harry spends money irresponsibly. Stewart also writes he tried to interest Harry in the pursership of the Franklin, and had hoped he would be appointed to the Consulate of Tripoli or Tunis.