832 resultados para Principal components
Examinou-se a mortalidade por neoplasias no Brasil, utilizando-se dados oficiais do Ministério da Saúde, abrangendo 26 Unidades da Federação e 13 diferentes localizações neoplásicas, para os anos de 1980, 1983 e 1985. As Análises de Agrupamento e de Componentes Principais revelaram comportamento heterogêneo entre regiões do país, com relação às 13 variáveis estudadas, sendo que os principais elementos discriminantes foram as neoplasias malignas da traquéia/brônquio/pulmão, seguidas das do estômago, esôfago, cólon e pâncreas. Análises complementares evidenciaram tendência de crescimento das taxas de mortalidade para as neoplasias malignas da próstata (17,74%), da traquéia/brônquio/pulmão(15,22%), da mama (11,32%), do pâncreas (10,23%), do cólon (8,08%), do colo uterino (6,45%) e da laringe (6,36%). Houve redução da mortalidade por neoplasias benignas/carcinoma in situ/ outras (27,37%), por neoplasias malignas no reto sigmóide/ânus (7,67%), do estômago (5,31%), de outro local do útero não especificado (2,56%), por leucemia (0,70%) e por neoplasias malignas do esôfago (0,44%). As neoplasias malignas do estômago foram a principal causa de morte por câncer no Brasil, representando 21,30% do total médio, seguidas das neoplasias malignas da traquéia/brônquio/pulmão(17,49% do total médio). Destacam-se os altos índices de mortalidade por neoplasias malignas do esôfago no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Avaliaram-se as respostas da tilápia do Nilo à atratividade e palatabilidade de 14 ingredientes. O método utilizado foi de dupla escolha, comparando-se cada ingrediente peletizado à uma ração controle. Foram empregados quatro aquários (750 litros) contendo, cada um, três alevinos e dois comedouros instalados nos cantos direito e esquerdo, sendo registrados tempo decorrido entre colocação do ingrediente e chegada dos animais aos comedouros, freqüência de visitas aos comedouros, número de grânulos ingeridos e freqüência de ejeções. Os tratamentos foram comparados pela prova não-paramétrica de Kruskal-Wallis e a comparação dos ingredientes para o conjunto de variáveis, por intermédio da Análise de Agrupamento e Análise de Componentes Principais. Os ingredientes foram assim classificados: a) baixa atrato-palatabilidade = farelos de trigo, soja e algodão, farinha e raspa de mandioca, farinha de girassol e fubá de milho, b) média atrato-palatabilidade = levedura de cana-de-açúcar e glúten de milho e c) alta atrato-palatabilidade = ovo integral liofilizado, farinhas de crisálidas, peixes, carne e camarão. Ingestão de grânulos (manhã e tarde) e freqüência de visitas aos comedouros (tarde) foram consideradas as variáveis mais discriminatórias e freqüência de ejeção de grânulos e tempo gasto para aproximação dos comedouros (manhã e tarde), as menos discriminatórias. As respostas comportamentais dos peixes variaram de acordo com o ingrediente apresentado. A avaliação do grau de atrato-palatabilidade deve ser realizada considerando-se uma combinação de parâmetros.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This work describes the development of an analytical procedure for on-line tin determination using thermospray flame furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (TS-FF-AAS). Two tubes were evaluated as atomization cells: a metallic tube (Ni-Cr, principal components composition: 73.95% Ni and 16.05% Cr) and a ceramic tube (99.8% Al2O3). The use of air as the carrier was made by employing a Rheodyne valve to inject the samples, allowing an analytical frequency of 90 h(-1) and avoiding sample dispersion. The carrier flow rate (air), sample volume injected, and acid concentration (HCl) were evaluated for the optimization of the TS-FF-AAS system. The sensitivity for 50 mL of analytical solution with TS-FF-AAS was 2 and 5 times higher (to metallic and ceramic tube, respectively) than using an acetylene-nitrous oxide flame with pneumatic aspiration (requiring a sample volume of approximately 20 times higher.
Statistical methods of multiple regression analysis, trend surface analysis and principal components analysis were applied to seismographic data recorded during production blasting at a diabase quarry in the urban area of Campinas (SP), Brazil. The purpose of these analyses was to determine the influence of the following variables: distance (D), charge weight per delay (W), and scaled distance (SD) associated with properties of the rock body (orientation, frequency and angle of geological discontinuities; depth of bedrock and thickness of the soil overburden) in the variation of the peak particle velocity (PPV). This approach yielded variables with larger influences (loads) on the variation of ground vibration, as well as behavior and space tendency of this variation. The results showed a better relationship between PPV and D, with D being the most important factor in the attenuation of the ground vibrations. The geological joints and the depth to bedrock have a larger influence than the explosive charges in the variation of the vibration levels, but frequencies appear to be more influenced by the amount of soil overburden.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the genotype x environment interaction for weaning and yearling weights, daily weight gain from weaning to 12 months of age and the growth performance in Canchim (5/8 Charolais + 3/8 Zebu) beef cattle estimated by a principal components analysis including those three traits. The environment was defined by season of birth (first and second semesters of the year). Genetic parameters were estimated by bayesian method with the Gibbs sampler using bivariate analyses (considering the trait in each of the two seasons as a different one) and models that included the fixed effects of year and month of birth, sex and age of cow (linear and quadratic) and the random effects of animal and residual. The results suggested that genetic evaluation and selection in Canchim beef cattle for the traits studied should consider the genotype and season of birth interaction.
Presented here is a study about the capability of a sensing unit to detect changes in river water quality. In order to determine its accuracy, water quality was monitored at 11 points along the Veado River in Presidente Prudente, Brazil. To have a basis for comparison, a water quality index (WQI) was developed following methods previously applied in different watersheds. Results showed an accurate relationship between WQI and electric impedance readings detected by the sensing unit. Principal components analysis (PCA) was used to derive results in a form that can be correlated with WQI calculated for each sample point, which showed the potential application of this device.
The correspondence between morphometric and isozymic geographic variation patterns of Africanized honey bees in Brazil was analyzed. Morphometric data consisted of mean vectors of 19 wing traits measured in 42 local populations distributed throughout the country. Isozymic data refer to allelic frequencies of malate dehydrogenase (MDH), and were obtained from Lobo and Krieger. The two data sets were analyzed through canonical trend surface, principal components and spatial autocorrelation analyses, and showed north-south dines, demonstrating that Africanized honey bees in southern and southeastern Brazil are more similar to European honey bees than those found in northern and northeastern regions. Also, the morphometric variation is within the limits established by the racial admixture model, considering the expected values of Africanized honey bee fore wing length (WL) in southern and northeastern regions of Brazil, estimated by combining average values of WL in the three main subspecies involved in the Africanization process (Apis mellifera scutellata, A. m. ligustica and A. m. mellifera) with racial admixture coefficients.
A methodology to define favorable areas in petroleum and mineral exploration is applied, which consists in weighting the exploratory variables, in order to characterize their importance as exploration guides. The exploration data are spatially integrated in the selected area to establish the association between variables and deposits, and the relationships among distribution, topology, and indicator pattern of all variables. Two methods of statistical analysis were compared. The first one is the Weights of Evidence Modeling, a conditional probability approach (Agterberg, 1989a), and the second one is the Principal Components Analysis (Pan, 1993). In the conditional method, the favorability estimation is based on the probability of deposit and variable joint occurrence, with the weights being defined as natural logarithms of likelihood ratios. In the multivariate analysis, the cells which contain deposits are selected as control cells and the weights are determined by eigendecomposition, being represented by the coefficients of the eigenvector related to the system's largest eigenvalue. The two techniques of weighting and complementary procedures were tested on two case studies: 1. Recôncavo Basin, Northeast Brazil (for Petroleum) and 2. Itaiacoca Formation of Ribeira Belt, Southeast Brazil (for Pb-Zn Mississippi Valley Type deposits). The applied methodology proved to be easy to use and of great assistance to predict the favorability in large areas, particularly in the initial phase of exploration programs. © 1998 International Association for Mathematical Geology.
Calcium chloride concentrations from 0.0 to 12.12 mM were added to the culture medium and calcium content in calluses were determined directly by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, a non-destructive method, allowing the processing of the same tissue for histological analysis. A multivariate statistical analysis (PCA - Principal Components Analysis) grouped the treatments into 5 blocks and indicated the most responsive group. Lack of calcium supply caused a complete absence of a morphogenic process and tissue collapse. An increase in calcium concentration gave higher total protein and sugar contents, an increase in peroxidase specific activity and changes in the histological characteristics. It was possible to verify that calcium stimulated globular somatic embryo formation at concentration of 6.62 mM.
Constrictotermes cyphergaster builds arboreal nests in Cerrado sensu stricto of Brazil; inquiline termites and termitophiles frequently inhabit their nests. Measurements of the nests and the support trees (nest width and diameter; tree trunk circumference and inclination), colony size of C. cyphergaster and of Inquilinitermes and number of termitophiles were studied at the Parque Estadual da Serra de Caldas Novas. These variables were subjected to a Principal Component Analysis, producing four principal components. The first principal component refers to a multidimensional axis of nest size, encompassing variables related to nest and colony size, such as abundance per caste of C. cyphergaster and I. microcerus, number of termitophile species and the measurements of the nest. The number of soldiers and workers of C. cyphergaster and soldiers of Inquilinitermes increased proportionally to the axis of nest size, while the number of Inquilinitermes workers increased more quickly then the increase in the nest size. Both Inquilinitermes occurred mainly in larger nests. Almost half of the nests (47,5%) were inhabited by I. microcerus and 10% by I. fur.
The aim of this paper is to verify the correlation between environmental indicators and behaviors expressed by laying hens kept in cages. The birds react to a severe environment through their behaviors, end the behaviors can be monitored to identify the birds' welfare conditions. The behaviors birds display ere the result of stress caused by the combination of environmental temperature, relative humidity, radiant heat, and air speed (environmental temperature being the most important). In order to check the influence of the environment, an experiment was carried out on a commercial poultry farm, located in the city of Bastos. The study was initiated in March 2007, during four non-consecutive weeks. The birds' behaviors were recorded using video, by cameras installed in the cages. The birds behaviors were identified and noted for the frequency of occurrence for each bird, and the average duration of each behavior (in seconds), using video samples of 15 minutes recorded from 1 PM to 4 PM. The environmental variables collected were: air temperature, concentration of ammonia, relative air humidity, velocity of the air, noise, roof temperature, and light intensity. The observed behaviors were: opening wings, stretching, threatening, ruffling feathers, drinking water, aggressive pecking, eating, running, lying down, stretching head out of the cage, preening, mounting and prostrating. Principal Components Analysis was used to determine associations between the behavior variables and environmental variables described above. In this experiment, there were no significant correlations between behavioral variables and environmental variables.
The objective of this work was to verify the application of cluster analysis to evaluate soil erosion risk for different soil classes, soil slopes and soil managements. The study was conducted in a 33 ha section of a large field located in Carmo do Rio Claro County, MG, Brazil. The field had been managed in a corn/bean rotation under conventional tillage and under coffee plantation for seven years, both under sprinkle irrigation. Soil samples were obtained at every 10 m at 0.20 m depth along a transect of 1050 m. Soil erosion risk (A), natural potential erosion (PN), and erosion expectation (EE) were determined and submitted to a cluster and principal component analysis. The application of clustering analysis showed high correlation between the clusters and soil types. With clustering analysis plus principal components analysis, it was possible to identify groups of high and low soil erosion expectation, showing that the areas with higher soil erosion expectation are correlated to the soil class, soil slope and soil management. Among the studied variables, the natural potential erosion (PN) showed to be the most important factor to identify different soil erosion groups. The cluster analysis showed that 98% of the variables were classified within each group, and that they should be managed differently due to the soil erosive potential of each group,.