998 resultados para PowerPoint


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Skinner's approach to verbal behaviour (language) is central to behaviour analysis, as a philosophy of science, and, increasingly in application, including interventions for autism and challenging behaviour. This PowerPoint show provides an advanced undergraduate level introduction to the basic concepts of Skinner's functional approach to understanding verbal behaviour.


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Lecture 1: The Pioneers and History of Hypertext (pre-WWW) Contains Powerpoint Lecture slides and Hypertext Research Papers: Bush: As We may Think; Engelbart: NLS and A Framework for Augmenting Human Intelligence; Nelson: Xanalogical Structure; Conklin: A Survey of Hypertext; Halasz 1987: Reflections on NoteCards: Seven Issues for the Next Generation of Hypermedia Systems; Berners-Lee 1994 The World-Wide Web.


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Lecture 1: Contributions of Pre WWW Research: Open Hypermedia Systems Contains Powerpoint Lecture slides and Hypertext Research Papers: Industrial Strength Hypermedia: Requirements for a Large Engineering Enterprise (Malcolm et al. 1991); Towards An Integrated Information Environment With Open Hypermedia Systems (Davis et al. 1992); Unifying Strategies for Web Augmentation (Bouvin 1999); Hyper-G (Adapted from Lowe and Hall); OHP:A Draft Proposal for a Standard Open Hypermedia Protocol (Davis et al. 1996); XML Linking (DeRose 99)


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Esta publicaci??n recoge el desarrollo de un proyecto educativo promovido por el Centro de Profesores y Recursos del Noroccidente (Luarca, Asturias). En esta experiencia han participado veinti??n alumnos que cursan tercero, cuarto, quinto y sexto de primaria en las escuelas de las localidades de Cadavedo, Moanes y Anleo, del Colegio Rural Agrupado Pintor ??lvaro Delgado de Luarca, y 12 personas mayores del Centro Social de Personas Mayores de Luarca. Un proyecto intergeneracional cuyos objetivos han sido: a) Favorecer el gusto por la lectura, la mejora de las destrezas lectoescritoras y el aprendizaje significativo de la lengua con una din??mica creativa y cooperativa; b) Promover el acercamiento de j??venes y mayores entre s??, potenciando al m??ximo las relaciones intergeneracionales, al tiempo que un acercamiento al panorama literario contempor??neo; c) Fomentar la capacidad cr??tica de los participantes a trav??s del di??logo y el respeto hacia los dem??s; d) Poner en valor a la persona independientemente de la edad; los ni??os y ni??as pueden aprender de las personas mayores y ??stas del alumnado; e) Favorecer la sensibilizaci??n y el entendimiento hacia todas aquellas personas que sufren cualquier tipo de discapacidad con especial dedicaci??n a la visual; f) Intercambiar impresiones sobre las diferentes maneras de leer un libro y de recrear los lugares, las situaciones y los personajes. Acompa??an la publicaci??n dos DVDs que contienen fotos, powerpoint y v??deo de las actividades realizadas y la grabaci??n de la lectura dramatizada de la obra Ojo de Nube de Ricardo G??mez.


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Lecture 3: Contributions of Pre WWW Research: Spatial Hypertext and Temporal Hypertext Contains Powerpoint Lecture slides and Hypertext Research Papers: Spatial [SPATIAL] VIKI: spatial hypertext supporting emergent structure (Marshall, 94); Towards Geo-Spatial Hypermedia: Concepts and Prototype Implementation, (Gronbaek et al. 2002); Cyber Geography and Better Search Engines; [TEMPORAL] Anticipating SMIL 2.0: The Developing Cooperative Infrastructure for Multimedia on the Web (Rutledge 1999); Its About Time: Link Streams as Continuous Metadata (Page et al., 2001); Everything You Wanted to Know About MPEG-7:Part 1 (Nack & Lindsay 1999)


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Lecture 4: Ontological Hypertext and the Semantic Web Contains Powerpoint Lecture slides and Hypertext Research Papers: Conceptual linking: Ontology-based Open Hypermedia (Carr et al. 2001); CS AKTiveSpace: Building a Semantic Web Application (Glaser et al., 2004); The Semantic Web Revisited (Shadbolt, Hall and Berners-Lee, 2006); Mind the Semantic Gap (Millard et al., 2005).


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Lecture 5: Web 2.0 and Social Hypertext Contains Powerpoint Lecture slides and Hypertext Research Papers: What Is Web 2.0 Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software . Tim O'Reilly (2005); Web 2.0: Hypertext by Any Other Name? (Millard & Ross, 2006)


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Lecture 6: Where are all the links taking us: Web Science Contains Powerpoint Lecture slides and Hypertext Research Papers: The Literati (The Cyberspace and critical theory website) (Eastgate website); Pervasive Hypertext at Southampton and at Aarhus; Adaptive Hypertext - The Next Big Thing: (De Bra & Chepegin, 2004); Web Science: Creating a Science of the Web (Berners-Lee, Hall, Hendler, Shadbolt & Weitzner, 2006).


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Powerpoint quiz for use with zappers on Shapes of Molecules (A-level revision).


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A PowerPoint presentation used to support a skills development session for postgraduate students who wish to act as demonstrators in lab and workshop sessions.


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This animated PowerPoint shows how the Turnitin system can be used to check students' assignments againast a database of internet sources, journal articles and previous assignments.


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This resource is now obsolete and has been replaced by http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/5920/ This PowerPoint is an animated step-by-step guide that shows tutors how to use zappers in a teaching session. It covers starting the PC, distributing the zappers, plugging in the receiver, starting the software, running the presentation and managing voting, saving data at the end and collecting the handsets. It takes around 5 minutes to view.


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This PowerPoint can either be used by itself the first time you use zappers with your students, or you can copy the slides to your own presentation. Students are shown how to vote using the zapper handset, and it includes a sample question "what did you drink for breakfast this morning?" so they can see how it works and test that their handsets are working. Now updated for Office 2010.


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This animated PowerPoint shows students how to reset their zapper handsets to use the default communication channel (41). If students press the GO button on their handset they may inadvertently change the channel and will not be able to vote. It only takes a few seconds to reset - essentially you press GO - 4 - 1 - GO and it should work again.


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This PowerPoint describes the growth of online learning from early hand-crafted solutions, through 'virtual learning environments' to today's 'managed learning environments'. It also looks at the emergence of the 'personal learning environment' concept.