972 resultados para Post operative pain
OBJETIVO: Estudar no implante lobar autólogo a eficiência da anastomose brônquica simples, a perfusão pulmonar e as complicações devido a desproporção doador/receptor. MÉTODOS: Estudou-se 15 cães submetidos à pneumonectomia esquerda, e reimplante do lobo caudal. Estudou-se a perfusão pulmonar e a anastomose brônquica, respectivamente, por cintilografia e por broncografia. O sacrifício ocorreu aproximadamente 200 dias após a cirurgia para o estudo das anastomoses e medidas de volumes e pesos pulmonares. RESULTADOS: Quatro cães foram a óbito, um por deiscência precoce de anastomose brônquica, 1 com infecção e outros 2 por infarto pulmonar devido a oclusão da veia pulmonar no local da anastomose. A perfusão relativa do pulmão direito e esquerdo foram em média respectivamente 72,7% e 27,3%. A broncografia não mostrou nem estenose nem outras alterações na anastomose brônquica. No momento do sacrifício o lobo caudal ocupava totalmente a cavidade pleural sem que houvesse evidentes desvios do mediastino. CONCLUSÕES: O estudo mostrou que a sutura brônquica término-terminal desprotegida não levou a complicações anastomóticas. Não houve complicações pelo fato do lobo implantado ter ocupado somente metade da cavidade pleural. As complicações mais importantes foram o infarto pulmonar e deiscência total da parede torácica. Tanto a broncografia como a cintilografia se mostraram eficientes respectivamente, para o estudo da anastomose brônquica e da perfusão relativa do pulmão funcionante in vivo.
Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo de 35 casos de ruptura de ligamento cruzado atendidos pelo Serviço de Cirurgia de Pequenos Animais da FMVZ-UNESP-Campus de Botucatu, no período janeiro de 1991 a junho de 1997. Os cães foram submetidos à técnica de PAATSAMA (1952), modificada para reconstituição do ligamento cruzado, que consistiu na passagem do retalho de fascia lata através da articulação do joelho e fixação no côndilo medial da tíbia e epicôndilo medial do fêmur. Pelos resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que esta técnica permite boa estabilização das superfícies articulares, com trans e pós operatório sem complicações, e permite recuperação completa da capacidade funcional do membro afetado.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A reconstrução cirúrgica do ligamento cruzado posterior (L.C.P.) do joelho ainda permanece como um grande desafio terapêutico. Neste trabalho avaliamos 30 pacientes submetidos à reconstrução cirúrgica do L.C.P. com a técnica de fixação do enxerto tendíneo no leito tibial por abordagem direta (INLAY). 28 pacientes eram do sexo masculino e 2 do feminino, com idade média de 31,10 anos. O tempo médio de lesão foi de 34,24 meses em 67% dos casos a lesão foi secundária a acidente motociclístico. As lesões condrais e do ligamento cruzado anterior (L.C.A.) do joelho estavam presentes em 67% e 33% dos casos, respectivamente. Os pacientes foram avaliados objetivamente (teste de gaveta posterior) e subjetivamente (Escala de Lysholm). O seguimento pós-operatório médio foi de 21,7 meses. Cerca de 66% dos casos foram classificados como bom e excelente na avaliação subjetiva e objetiva. A análise estatística apresentou comportamento semelhante para as duas avaliações.Os resultados clínicos pós-operatórios obtidos neste trabalho têm nos encorajado a seguir com esta técnica cirúrgica.
Com o objetivo de avaliar a evolução da condição endometrial após as cirurgias de Caslick e Pouret, empregou-se cada uma destas técnicas em um grupo de sete éguas, com histórico de subfertilidade e portadoras de pneumovagina, que justificassem, por sua conformação vulvar, a aplicação destas cirurgias. A avaliação da condição endometrial foi feita através dos exames de biópsia do endométrio, realizados imediatamente antes da cirurgia e aos 15 e 60 dias de pós-operatório e ainda pela verificação das taxas de fertilidade em ambos os grupos, durante a estação reprodutiva do ano subseqüente. A comparação dos resultados dos exames do período pós em relação ao pré-operatório evidenciou modificações histopatológicas suficientemente sutis para não levar a mudanças na classificação endometrial durante o período de observação, porém a melhora obtida nas taxas de fertilidade nos grupos experimentais permitiram concluir que as cirurgias corretivas de Caslick e Pouret proporcionaram melhora do desempenho reprodutivo de éguas portadoras de pneumovagina.
Objective To evaluate the pre-emptive analgesic effect of pre-incisional epidural ketamine.Study Design A blinded, randomized experimental study.Animals Sixteen mixed breed mares, 17.6 +/- 2.8 years old, weighing 352 +/- 32 kg.Methods In a pilot study, an incision was made on one lateral thigh using a lidocaine block and no further analgesics, and it was verified that the nociceptive threshold was lower on the incised side than nonincised side (p < 0.05), and that von Frey filaments evoked a pain response. The 16 animals were divided into group A (ketamine, n = 9) and B (saline, n = 7). An epidural catheter was inserted 24 hours before the trials, the thigh was shaved bilaterally, and the right side was blocked (incised side) using lidocaine. Twenty-five minutes later, ketamine (A) or saline (B) was administered epidurally. Five minutes later, a 10-cm. skin incision was made on the right side, and then sutured. Nociceptive threshold was determined with von Frey filaments at 1, 3, and 5 cm. around the incision at 15-minute intervals for 2 hours, then at 4, 6, and 8 hours. Behavioral alterations, heart and respiratory rates were recorded. Nociceptive thresholds from these points were averaged to obtain mean values at each time, converted to a logarithmic scale, and submitted to a nonparametric analysis (Mann-Whitney and one-way repeated measures anova test,p less than or equal to 0.05).Results After 8 hours, the global range score revealed reduced hyperalgesia (p < 0.01) around the incision in 92% (4.65-4.27) of evaluated intervals in group A (ketamine). There were no significant changes in behavior, heart and respiratory rates,Conclusions It was concluded that pre-emptive epidural ketamine reduced post-incisional pain in the horse, and that von Frey filaments were able to quantify cutaneous sensitivity after tissue damage.Clinical relevance Epidural ketamine injection can reduce post-incisional sensitivity in the horse.
To possibly reduce postoperative adhesions that occur after ocular myoplasties, we investigated the topical effects of 0.04% mitomycin C on the repaired areas of the medial rectus muscle using an equine renal capsule preserved in 98% glycerin for reinforcement of the sutures. Twenty-four rabbits, divided into two groups of 12 animals each [untreated (control) and treated group (MMC)], were submitted to surgical rupture of the medial rectus muscle of one eye and repair of the defect 24 h later with sutures and an equine renal capsule. Post-operative prophylactic treatment of the two groups consisted of the administration of eye drops containing neomycin, polymyxin B and dexamethasone at regular 6-h intervals for eight consecutive days and daily rinsing with physiological saline. MMC animals received additional treatment with topical 0.04% mitomycin C every 6 h for 14 consecutive days. Slit lamp biomicroscopy showed greater irritation of the ocular surface in MMC animals during the first days post operatively. Adhesions were observed at 15 and 30 days of assessment in the two groups, but were more extensive in control animals at 60 days. Histopathology revealed inflammatory exudation in both groups, which was greater in MMC animals. Mitomycin C (0.04%) instilled at 6-h intervals for 14 consecutive days reduced the occurrence of fibrosis in the myoplastic areas. However, the equine renal capsule was found to be of little benefit for the reinforcement of myoplasties.
Purpose: To evaluate the 1-year clinical performance of three self-etching adhesives (Adper Prompt L-Pop, Clearfil S-3 Bond, iBond) in posterior composite restorations using one etch&rinse adhesive (One-Step Plus) as control. Methods: Upon approval by the Institutional Review Board, 121 restorations were inserted in 38 subjects. The adhesives were applied as per manufacturers' instructions. Preparations were restored with a nanofilled resin composite (Filtek Supreme) and evaluated at baseline, 6 months, and 1 year. Statistical analyses included the Chi-square distribution with the McNemar non-parametric test (P< 0.05). Results: At 1 year, 111 restorations in 35 subjects were evaluated using the USPHS modified criteria. No significant changes were observed for the etch&rinse adhesive One-Step Plus. At 1 year the number of Alfa ratings decreased significantly for Clearfil S-3 Bond and for iBond in the categories color match, marginal staining, and marginal adaptation. For Adper Prompt L-Pop, marginal adaptation at 1 year was significantly worse than at baseline. Postoperative sensitivity to air improved significantly for Adper Prompt L-Pop, Clearfil S-3 Bond, and iBond. When the evaluation criteria were paired at 1 year, iBond resulted in a significantly lower number of Alfa ratings than any of the other adhesives for color match, marginal staining, and marginal adaptation. One-Step Plus resulted in a greater number of Alfa ratings for marginal adaptation than either Adper Prompt L-Pop or Clearfil S-3 Bond. Marginal adaptation was significantly better for Clearfil S-3 Bond than for Adper Prompt L-Pop. The post-operative sensitivity measured at 1 year for Adper Prompt L-Pop was statistically better than that for One-Step Plus.
The aim of this study was to evaluate, through histologic examination, the effect of surgical repositioning of intruded dog teeth upon the pulpal and surrounding tissues. Thirty teeth in 10 adult dogs, aged 2-3 years, were used. Fifteen teeth were intruded, surgically repositioned and fixed using orthodontics wire, composite resin, and enamel acid conditioning. All these teeth served as the experimental group. The remaining intruded teeth were not treated ( control group). The animals were sacrificed to allow observations at 7,15, and 30 post-operative days. The maxillary and mandibular archs were removed and processed for histologic exam. Based on the methodology and observed results, we concluded that: pulpal necrosis, external root resorption and ankylosis were common sequelae to severe traumatic intrusion; a careful immediate surgical repositioning of severed intruded permanent tooth with complete root formation has many advantages with few disadvantages.
The blepharoplasty has been performed with great frequency due to the appreciation of aesthetic surgery. The complications related to this procedure are rare. This case report aims to emphasize complications that can occur. T.J.S.P., 45 years old, female, white, resident of Botucatu City, presented dermatocalase bilaterally. We opted to perform upper blepharoplasty bilateral, by removing skin and fat of the upper eyelid. In the postoperative period was observed left eyelid ptosis. We decided to reinsert the levator muscle of the left upper eyelid. One month after the ptosis correction, retraction was observed in both upper eyelid. The patient was then submitted to surgery for the correction of eyelid retraction by disinsertion of the muscle of Muller. Two months after this last surgery, the patient presented right eyelid ptosis and worsening of eyelid retraction to the left. New surgery for correction of the eyelid retraction was made, using free graft sclera for elongation of the left eyelid levator muscle, with good results.The authors presented a patient who underwent a blepharoplasty and developed ptosis in the post-operative period, followed by eyelid retraction. These two possibilities may occur as a complication of blepharoplasty and the surgeon must be careful to handle in an appropriate way, in order to get the result that the patient expects to have.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Strips of gauze and furacin gauze were implanted into the subcutaneous space and employed as dressing of dorsal incisions of albino rats. The animals were sacrificed after 24 hours, 2, 5, and 7 post-operative days. The pieces were processed for histological examination. It is possible to conclude that furacin gauze provokes more severe inflammatory reactions and does not favour connective neoformation and epithelization. Furacin gauze should be utilized only as a germicidal aim.
The records of 78 patients (1978-1987 period) submitted to surgical treatment of cysts, were analysed to verify the cyst location, etiology, types of cysts, and surgical techniques. There were made commentaries and orientations on the necessity of radiography, cytological and histopathological examination and post-operative radiological control.
The chronology of the wound healing process following tooth extraction was studied by means of two kinds of histological cuts. Two groups of 42 albino rats were employed. In the first one, the sockets were cut in a transversal way. In the second one the cuts were performed in a longitudinal way. The rats were sacrificed after 3, 6, 9, 15, 21, 24, and 28 days following the surgeries. After laboratorial outline the obtained pieces were stained by hematoxylin and eosin for histological purposes. It way be concluded that: 1. The results got from longitudinal cuts were in agreement to those described by other authors; 2. The transversal cuts allow us to detect intensive resorption of the lateral alveolar wall at the cervical thirs; 3. On the 21st day following dental extraction the incisor socket of the rat shows a great deal of areas not ossified; 4. The healing process of dental extraction wounds of the upper incisor of the rat is completed between 24 and 28 post operative days.
Seven dogs with prostatic retention cysts and three with prostatic abscess were referred for prostatic omentalisation and were discharged 72 hours later. Eight dogs had an uneventful recovery while one dog had a minor incontinence for two days. One dog died due to a previous long-term sepsis. The low incidence of post-operative complications and brief hospitalisation period make omentalisation the surgery of choice for the treatment of prostatic cysts and abscess.