362 resultados para Porites Lutea


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Tropical scleractinian corals are particularly vulnerable to global warming as elevated sea surface temperatures (SST) disrupt the delicate balance between the coral host and their algal endosymbionts, leading to symbiont expulsion, mass bleaching and mortality. While satellite sensing of SST has proven a good predictor of coral bleaching at the regional scale, there are large deviations in bleaching severity and mortality on the local scale, which are only poorly understood. Here, we show that internal waves play a major role in explaining local coral bleaching and mortality patterns in the Andaman Sea. In spite of a severe region-wide SST anomaly in May 2010, frequent upslope intrusions of cold sub-pycnocline waters due to breaking large amplitude internal waves (LAIW) alleviated heating and mitigated coral bleaching and mortality in shallow LAIW-exposed waters. In LAIW-sheltered waters, by contrast, bleaching susceptible species suffered severe bleaching and total mortality. These findings suggest that LAIW, which are ubiquitous in tropical stratified waters, benefit coral reefs during thermal stress and provide local refugia for bleaching susceptible corals. The swash zones of LAIW may thus be important, so far overlooked, conservation areas for the maintainance of coral diversity in a warming climate. The consideration of LAIW can significantly improve coral bleaching predictions and can provide a valuable tool for coral reef conservation and management.


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A set of individual identification cards for rare and sensitive plant species found in the southeastern United States including Puerto Rico. Categories include forbs, shrubs, ferns, and trees. Each card has a color picture on one side and a description and map on the reverse. The description includes: family, flowering date, habitat, and identifying characteristics.


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A detailed ecological, micro-structural and skeletal Sr/Ca study of a 3.42 m thick Goniopora reef profile from an emerged Holocene reef terrace at the northern South China Sea reveals at least nine abrupt massive Goniopora stress and mortality events occurred in winter during the 7.0-7.5 thousand calendar years before present (cal. ka BP) (within the Holocene climatic optimum). Whilst calculated Sr/Ca-SST (sea surface temperature) maxima during this period are comparable to those in the 1990s, Sr/Ca-SST minima are significantly lower, probably due to stronger winter monsoons. Such generally cooler winters, superimposed by further exceptional winter cooling on inter-annual to decadal scales, may have caused stress and mortality of the corals about every 50 years. Sea level rose by similar to 3.42 m during this period, with present sea-level reached at similar to 7.3 ka BP and a sea-level highstand of at least similar to 1.8 m occurred at similar to 7.0 ka. The results show that it took about 20-25 years for a killed Goniopora coral reef to recover. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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High-resolution Sr/Ca ratios of two Porites corals from Leizhou Peninsula were measured using inductively coupled plasma atomic spectrometry (ICP-AES). TIMS U-Th dating reveals that the life-spans of the two corals are 489500 AD and 539-530 BC, respectively. Monthly sea surface temperatures (SSTs) during these two periods can be reconstructed from their skeletal Sr/Ca ratios. The results reveal that SSTs during 539-530 BC were roughly the same as those during 1990-2000 AD in this area, indicating a relative warm climate period. However, the period of 489-500 AD was significantly cooler, with annual mean SST, the 10-a average of minimum monthly winter SSTs and the 10-a average of maximum monthly summer SSTs being about 2, 2.9 and 1degreesC lower than that in the 1990s, respectively. Such climate patterns agree well with the phenological results recorded in the historic documents in other areas of China.


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Sedimentation and high turbidity have long been considered a major threat to corals, causing world-wide concern for the health of coral reefs in coastal environments. While studies have demonstrated that sediment conditions characteristic of inshore reefs cause stress in corals, the consequences of such conditions for the physiological status of corals require testing in field situations. Here, I compare the size of energy stores (as lipid content), a proxy for physiological condition, of 2 coral species (Turbinaria mesenterina and Acropora valida) between coastal and offshore environments. Corals on coastal reefs contained 4-fold (T mesenterina) and 2-fold (A. valida) more lipid than conspecifics offshore, despite 1 order of magnitude higher turbidity levels inshore. Results were consistent across 4 sites in each environment. Reproductive investment in A. valida (a seasonal mass spawner) did not vary between environments, suggesting that the larger lipid stores in corals on coastal reefs are mainly somatic energy reserves. These results demonstrate that the environmental conditions on inshore, high-turbidity reefs do not always impact negatively on the physiology of corals. The contrasting lipid levels of T. mesenterina between environments may explain its greater success on coastal reefs.


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'White syndrome' is considered to be the most prevalent coral disease on the Great Barrier Reef, characterised by rapid rates of lesion progression and high levels of colony mortality. This study investigated the production and translocation of photoassimilates towards white syndrome lesions (WSLs) and artificially inflicted lesions in healthy and diseased colonies of tabular Acropora spp. to determine the intra-colonial response to white syndrome using C-14 labelling. Translocation of C-14 labelled photoassimilates was preferentially orientated away from active WSLs, with minimal C-14 activity observed in the lesion borders, whilst artificial lesions (ALs) created directly opposite WSL borders showed significantly higher C-14 activity, suggesting active translocation of photoassimilates for tissue regeneration. Transport of photoassimilates in healthy coral colonies was preferentially oriented towards ALs with a higher perimeter-area ratio, although translocation towards WSL boundaries was minimal even though the lesion perimeter was often the width of the colony (> 200 cm). We suggest that the preferential orientation of photoassimilates away from WSLs may represent a deliberate strategy by the colony to induce a 'shutdown reaction' in order to preserve intra-colonial resources within areas of the colony that are more likely to survive and recover.


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Most reef-building corals are known to engage in symbiosis not only with unicellular dinoflagellates from the genus, Symbiodinium, but they also sustain highly complex symbiotic associations with other microscopic organisms such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses. The details of these non-pathogenic interactions remain largely unclear. The impetus of this study is to gain a better understanding of the symbiotic interaction between marine bacteria and a variety of coral species representative of differing morphologies. Studies have shown that certain bacterial orders associate specifically with certain coral species, thus making the symbiotic synergy a non-random consortium. Consequently both corals and bacteria may be capable of emitting chemical cues that enables both parties to find one another and thus creating the symbiosis. One potential chemical cue could be the compound DMSP (Dimethylsulfoniopropionate) and its sulphur derivatives. Reef-building corals are believed to be the major producers of the DMSP and its derivatives during times of stress. As a result corals could potentially attract their bacterial consortium depending on their DMSP production. Corals may be able to adapt to fluctuating environmental conditions by changing their bacterial communities to that which may aid in survival. The cause of this attraction may stem from the capability of a variety of marine bacteria to catabolize DMSP into different metabolically significant pathways, which may be necessary for the survival of these mutualistic interactions. To test the hypothesis that coral-produced DMSP play a role in attracting symbiotic bacteria, this study utilized the advent of high-through sequencing paired with bacterial isolation techniques to properly characterize the microbial community in the stony coral Porites astreoides. We conducted DMSP swarming and chemotaxis assays to determine the response of these coral-associated bacterial isolates towards the DMSP compound at differing concentrations. Preliminary data from this study suggests that six out of the ten bacterial isolates are capable of conducting unidirectional motility; these six isolates are also capable of conducting swarming motility in the direction of an increasing DMSP concentration gradient. This would indicate that there is a form of positive chemotaxis on behalf of the bacteria towards the DMSP compound. By obtaining a better understanding of the dynamics that drive the associations between bacterial communities and corals, we can further aid in the protection and conservation processes for corals. Also this study would further elucidate the significance of the DMSP compound in the survival of corals under times of stress.


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Most reef-building corals are known to engage in symbiosis not only with unicellular dinoflagellates from the genus, Symbiodinium, but they also sustain highly complex symbiotic associations with other microscopic organisms such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses. The details of these non-pathogenic interactions remain largely unclear. The impetus of this study is to gain a better understanding of the symbiotic interaction between marine bacteria and a variety of coral species representative of differing morphologies. Studies have shown that certain bacterial orders associate specifically with certain coral species, thus making the symbiotic synergy a non-random consortium. Consequently both corals and bacteria may be capable of emitting chemical cues that enables both parties to find one another and thus creating the symbiosis. One potential chemical cue could be the compound DMSP (Dimethylsulfoniopropionate) and its sulphur derivatives. Reef-building corals are believed to be the major producers of the DMSP and its derivatives during times of stress. As a result corals could potentially attract their bacterial consortium depending on their DMSP production. Corals may be able to adapt to fluctuating environmental conditions by changing their bacterial communities to that which may aid in survival. The cause of this attraction may stem from the capability of a variety of marine bacteria to catabolize DMSP into different metabolically significant pathways, which may be necessary for the survival of these mutualistic interactions. To test the hypothesis that coral-produced DMSP play a role in attracting symbiotic bacteria, this study utilized the advent of high-through sequencing paired with bacterial isolation techniques to properly characterize the microbial community in the stony coral Porites astreoides. We conducted DMSP swarming and chemotaxis assays to determine the response of these coral-associated bacterial isolates towards the DMSP compound at differing concentrations. Preliminary data from this study suggests that six out of the ten bacterial isolates are capable of conducting unidirectional motility; these six isolates are also capable of conducting swarming motility in the direction of an increasing DMSP concentration gradient. This would indicate that there is a form of positive chemotaxis on behalf of the bacteria towards the DMSP compound. By obtaining a better understanding of the dynamics that drive the associations between bacterial communities and corals, we can further aid in the protection and conservation processes for corals. Also this study would further elucidate the significance of the DMSP compound in the survival of corals under times of stress.