971 resultados para Polymers (Organic chemistry) (Applications)


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The thesis entitled INVESTIDGATIONS ON THE RECOVERY OF TITANIUM VANADIUM AND IRON VALUES FROM THE WASTE CHILORIDE LIQUORS OF TITANIA INDUSTRY embodies the results of the investigations carried out on the solvent extraction separation of iron (III) vanadium(V) and titanium (IV) chlorides from the waste chloride liquors of titanium minerals processing industry by employing tributylphosphate (TBT) as an extractant. The objective of this study is to generate the knowledge base to achieve the recovery of iron, vanadium and titanium cvalues from multi- metal waste chloride liquors originating from ilmenite mineral beneficiation industries through selective separation and value added material development


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In the thesis entitled " Novel Strategies for Heterocyclic Constructions via 1 ,4-Dipolar Intermediates"Synthesis of a complex organic molecules essentially involves the formation of carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom bonds. Various synthetic methods are available for these processes involving ionic, pericyclic and radical reactions. Among the pericyclic reactions, dipolar cycloaddition reactions, introduced by Huisgen, have emerged as a very powerful tool for heterocyclic construction. Heterocyclic compounds remain an important class of organic molecules due to their natural abundance and remarkable biological activity, thus constituting an intergral part of pharmaceutical industry. In this respect, developing newer synthetic methodology for heterocyclic construction has been an area of immense interest. In recent years, 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions proved to be efficient routes to a wide variety of five membered heterocycles, as attested by their application in the total synthesis of various complex organic molecules. However, the potential application of similar 1,4- dipolar cycloaddition reactions for the construction of six memebered heterocycles remained underexploited. In this context, a systematic investigation of the reactivity of 1,4-dipoles generated from nitrogen heterocycles (pyridine and its analogues) and dimethyl acetylenedicarboxy!ate (DMAD) towards various dipolarophiles has been carried out and the results are embodied.


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A systematic investigation of the reactivity and functionalization of two heterocyclic analogs of triphenylmethane , namely tris(2-thienyl)methane and tris(2-furyl)methane have been carried out and the results are presented in this thesis entitled "NOVEL REACTIONS OF TRIS(2-THIENYL)METHANE AND TRIS(2-FURYL)METHANE.". The history of organic free radicals dates back to Gomberg's monumental discovery of the triphenylmethyl radical in 1900. The heterocyclic analogs of triarylmethane are also interesting from the vantage point of their transformation to the corresponding radicals akin to Gomberg ' s triphenylmethyl radical and also they are prone to further transformation leading to three dimensionally elongated molecules such as dendrimers. Dendritic architectures are one of the most pervasive topologies observed in nature at the macro- and microdimensional length devices. Because of their ability to combine both organic and inorganic compounds and their propensity to either encapsulate or be engineered into unimolecular functional devices , dendrimers are versatile amongst existing nanoscale building blocks and materials.


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Two series of transition metal complexes of Schiff bases derived from quinoxaline-2-carboxaldehyde with semicarbazide (QSC) and furfurylamine (QFA) were synthesised and characterised by elemental analyses, molar conductance and magnetic susceptibility measurements, IR, electronic and EPR spectral studies. The QSC complexes have the general formula [M(QSC)Cl2]. A tetrahedral structure has been assigned for the Mn(II), Co(II) and Ni(II) complexes and a square-planar structure for the Cu(II) complex. The QFA complexes have the formula [M(QFA)2Cl2]. An octahedral structure has been assigned for these complexes. All of the complexes exhibit catalytic activity towards the oxidation of 3,5-di-tert-butylcatechol (DTBC) to 3,5-di-tert-butylquinone (DTBQ) using atmospheric oxygen. The cobalt(II) complex of the ligand QFA was found to be the most active catalyst.


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This manuscript describes the first example of silver ion complex of a dendritic tetranitrile ligand catalyzed one-pot three component Mannich reaction and 1,5-benzodiazepine synthesis. The catalyst can be separated from the products by a change in the solvent. The catalyst is reusable.


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The reactions involving fulvenes and its derivatives have received a great deal of attention over the years in synthetic organic chemistry. Functionalizations of fulvenes provide versatile and powerful approaches to various polycyclic systems and natural products. They serve as versatile intermediates in the construction of various ring systems through inter- as well as intramolecular cycloadditions. Compared to the rich literature on the cycloaddition reactions of pentafulvenes, much less attention has been paid to the synthetic utilization of their cycloadducts. Tactical manipulations on the chosen adduct offer the prospects for designing a variety of useful molecular skeletons. Addition of heterodienophiles to fulvenes offers an efficient strategy towards the synthesis of azabicyclic olefins. However, there have been no serious attempts to study the synthetic utility of these substrates. In this context and with the intention of utilizing pentafulvenes towards synthetically important molecules, author decided to explore the reactivity of pentafulvene derived azabicyclic olefins. Our attention was focused on the synthetic potential associated with the ring opening of fulvene derived bicyclic hydrazines under palladium catalysis. It was envisioned that the desymmetrization of these adducts using various soft nucleophiles will provide a novel access to synthetically and biologically important alkylidene cyclopentenes. The investigations along this line form the focal theme of this thesis entitled “PALLADIUM CATALYZED CARBONCARBON/ CARBON-HETEROATOM BOND FORMATION REACTIONS UTILIZING PENTAFULVENE DERIVED BICYCLIC HYDRAZINES


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Es wurden die optischen Eigenschaften einiger Spirooligophenylverbindungen untersucht. Bei den Verbindungen handelte es sich um lineare und verzweigte Derivate des Spirobifluorens. Es wurden dünne amorphe Schichten der Verbindungen mittels spincoating und Vakuumverdampfen (OMBD) auf unterschiedlichen Substraten hergestellt. Mit spektroskopischer Ellipsometrie konnten die Schichtdicken und optische Konstanten der dünnen Schichten bestimmt werden. Dafür sind die Extinktionsspektren mit Tauc-Lorentz-Oszillatoren modelliert worden. Auf diese Weise ließen sich die optischen Konstanten der amorphen Filme besser beschreiben als mit den üblicherweise verwendeten Gauß-Oszillatoren. In dünnen Filmen von Spirosexiphenyl konnte uniaxiale Anisotropie nachgewiesen werden. Im Bereich der pie,pie*-Bande beträgt das Verhältnis des ordentlichen zum außerordentlichen Extinktionskoeffizienten 2.09. Mit einer Integrationskugel wurden die absoluten Quantenausbeuten der Fluoreszenz in festen Filmen bestimmt. Dafür ist ein vereinfachtes Verfahren der Auswertung entwickelt worden. Im Vergleich der untersuchten Substanzen zeigt sich, dass die Verbindungen mit dem Sexiphenyl-Chromophor höhere Quantenausbeuten im Festkörper haben (31 % - 48 %) als die Verbindungen mit Quaterphenyl als Chromophor (15 % - 30 %). In den beiden Klassen haben jeweils die sterisch anspruchsvollen Octopusvarianten die höchsten Festkörperquantenausbeuten. Durch verdünnen mit m,m-Spirosexiphenyl konnte die Quantenausbeute von p,p-Spirosexiphenyl in dünnen festen Filmen bis auf 65 % (95 % m,m- und 5 % p,p-Spirosexiphenyl) gesteigert werden. Eine Korrelation der Quantenausbeuten in Lösung und im festen, unverdünnten Film wurde nicht festgestellt. Als dünne Filme in Wellenleitergeometrie zeigen Spirooligophenyle bei optischer Anregung verstärkte spontane Emission (ASE). Dies manifestiert sich in einer Einengung des Emissionsspektrums mit zunehmender Pumpleistungsdichte. Auch für stimulierte Emission sind die Verbindungen mit Sexiphenylchromophor besser geeignet. Die niedrigste Schwelle in einer unverdünnten Reinsubstanz wurde mit 0.23 µJ/cm² in einer aufgeschleuderten Schicht Spirosexiphenyl gemessen. Auch 4-Spiro³, Spiro-SPO und Octo-2 zeigten niedrige ASE-Schwellen von 0.45 µJ/cm², 0.45 µJ/cm² und 0.5 µJ/cm². Die ASE-Schwellwerte von Spiroquaterphenyl und seinen beiden Derivaten Methoxyspiroquaterphenyl und Octo-1 sind mit 1.8 µJ/cm², 1.4 µJ/cm² und 1.2 µJ/cm² höher als die der Sexiphenylderivate. Im gemischten System aus m,m- und p,p-Spirosexiphenyl konnte die ASE-Schwelle noch weiter gesenkt werden. Bei einer Konzentration von 5 % p,p-Spirosexiphenyl wurde ein Schwellwert von nur 100 nJ/cm² bestimmt. Durch Dotierung mit unterschiedlichen Farbstoffen in Spirosexiphenyl als Matrix konnte ASE fast über den gesamten sichtbaren Spektralbereich gezeigt werden. Mit der „variable Streifenlänge“ (VSL-) -Methode wurden die pumpleistungsabhängigen Gainspektren dünner aufgedampfter Proben gemessen. Hieraus konnten die Wechselwirkungsquerschnitte der stimulierten Emission der Substanzen ermittelt werden. In Übereinstimmung mit den Verhältnissen bei den Festkörperfluoreszenzquantenausbeuten und den Schwellwerten der ASE sind auch bei den Gainkoeffizienten reiner Spirooligophenyle die besten Werte bei den Sexiphenylderivaten gefunden worden. Der Wirkungsquerschnitt der stimulierten Emission beträgt für Methylspiroquaterphenyl und Octo-1 ca. 1.8*10^-17 cm². Für Spiro-SPO und Spirosexiphenyl wurden Wirkungsquerschnitte von 7.5*10^-17 cm² bzw. 9.2*10^-17 cm² bestimmt. Noch etwas größer waren die Werte im gemischten System aus m,m- und p,p-Spirosexiphenyl (1.1*10^-16 cm²) und für DPAVB dotiert in Spirosexiphenyl (1.4*10^-16 cm²). Der höchste Maximalwert des Gainkoeffizienten von 328 cm-1 bei einer absorbierten Pumpenergiedichte von 149 µJ/cm² wurde mit Spirosexiphenyl erreicht. Abschließend wurden DFB-Laser-Strukturen mit reinen und dotierten Spirooligophenylverbindungen als aktiven Materialien vorgestellt. Mit Spiroterphenyl konnte ein DFB-Laser mit der bisher kürzesten Emissionswellenlänge (361.9 nm) in einem organischen Festkörperlaser realisiert werden. Mit reinen Spirooligophenylverbindungen und Mischungen daraus habe ich DFB-Lasing bei Wellenlängen zwischen 361.9 nm und 479 nm aufgezeigt. Durch Dotierung mit DPAVB wurde der Bereich der erreichbaren Wellenlängen bis 536 nm erweitert, bei gleichzeitiger Erniedrigung der Schwellenergiedichten für Lasertätigkeit. Bei Emissionswellenlängen von 495 nm bis 536 nm blieb die Laserschwelle zwischen 0.8 µJ/cm² und 1.1 µJ/cm². Diese Werte sind für DFB-Laser zweiter Ordnung sehr niedrig und geben Anlass zu glauben, dass sich mit DFB-Strukturen erster Ordnung Schwellen im Nanojoule Bereich erzielen lassen. Damit würde man den Bedingungen für elektrisch gepumpten Betrieb nahe kommen.


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The development of new chemical processes and efficient catalysts for the formation of carbon-carbon bonds is an important topic in organic chemistry. In particular, the [2+2+2] cycloaddition reaction involving different insaturations mainly alkynes, alkenes and nitriles is a highly efficient synthetic tool that allows polysubstituted benzenic, cyclohexadienic and pyridinic compounds to be obtained in one reaction step and in an atom economy process, resulting in the simultaneous formation of three new bonds in the formed ring. In recent years, research to produce new catalysts that can work effectively in mild reaction conditions has attracted great interest, as has the use of these processes in the synthesis of products of potential biological interest. This doctoral thesis is based on the methodological study of the rhodium(I)-catalyzed [2+2+2] cycloaddition reaction.


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Os cosméticos sempre estiveram presentes desde os primórdios da Humanidade, existindo actualmente uma enorme panóplia de produtos ao alcance dos consumidores. Desde sempre o homem se preocupou com a sua aparência e para tal utilizou os cosméticos como forma de realçar a sua beleza. Durante o século XIX a área dos cosméticos e da farmácia sofreu uma grande evolução devido à revolução industrial e ao aparecimento de novas tecnologias. No século XIX surgiram pela primeira vez métodos de eliminação de rugas, de embelezamento do rosto e na higiene deu-se importância aos banhos com a criação dos balneários públicos. A crescente procura de beleza levou à criação de produtos cosméticos diversos, alguns dos quais perigosos para a saúde, sendo este um dos pontos a abordar nesta tese. Os cosméticos serão abordados como um bem de luxo num país que vivia em extrema pobreza. Serão abordados outros pontos como a importância de produtos cosméticos estrangeiros e efectuar-se-á uma comparação entre um cosmético actual e um do século XIX. A Farmácia em Portugal sofreu profundas alterações no século XIX. A botica deu lugar à farmácia e a produção de medicamentos que anteriormente era feita artesanalmente, passou a ser feita industrialmente. A extinção das ordens religiosas em Portugal em 1834 foi crucial para o desenvolvimento das farmácias. O encerramento das farmácias dos mosteiros originou uma maior viabilização e abrangência territorial dos estabelecimentos privados. Este foi o momento na história da farmácia em Portugal que levou à formação do associativismo. O avanço da produção científica e da literatura técnico profissional que se verificava por toda a Europa também se repercutiu em Portugal. Como exemplo da Literatura Farmacêutica Portuguesa neste século temos a publicação do Codigo Pharmaceutico lusitano. Com o surgimento da era industrial e consequente aumento dos bens produzidos, aperfeiçoou-se a técnica publicitária que deixou de ser unicamente informativa para ser mais persuasiva e agressiva levando o consumidor a comprar. Com esta tese de mestrado tenta-se demonstrar o impacto da revolução industrial no Farmacêutico em Portugal e avaliar a sua resposta às necessidades de mercado. O profissional de saúde deverá apreender rapidamente conhecimento de modo a não perder a sua identidade.


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The utility of the nitroaldol reaction for accessing 3-nitro-pyranoside, 3-nitro-septanoside or 4-nitro-septanoside derivatives, by reaction of the anion of nitromethane with glycoside dialdehydes is demonstrated. Initially, the feasibility of using unprotected glucoside dialdehydes was probed for the synthesis of the septanoside products, but this affoided pyranoside rather than septanoside targets. Subsequent studies utilised protected glycoside dialdehydes within the methodology, which allowed entry into a range of 3-nitro or 4-nitro-septanosides in good yield NMR spectroscopic analysis allowed determination of the stereochemistry of each of the products thus afforded.


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Metastatic malignant melanoma remains a highly aggressive form of skin cancer for which no reliable methods for treatment exist. Given the increasing incidence of this cancer, considerable attention has focused on the development of new and improved methods for tackling this disease. Within this article, methods for treating melanoma are reviewed and discussed with particular attention focusing on prodrugs that are activated by the tyrosinase enzyme. This enzyme is up-regulated and is of elevated activity within malignant melanomas compared with healthy melanocytes, providing an ideal in-situ tool for the activation of melanoma prodrugs. By way of background to the prodrug strategies discussed within this review, the causes of melanoma, the enzymology of tyrosinase, and the chemistry of the biosynthetic pathways associated with melanogenesis are presented. Aspects of the design, mode of action, and biological profiles of key prodrugs that are activated by tyrosinase, and that show potential for the treatment of melanoma, are then presented and compared.


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The purpose of this programme was to synthesize and analyze new bioconjugates of interest for the potential inhibition of the influenza virus, using poly(aspartimide) as a polymer support. The macromolecular targets were obtained by attaching various sialic acid-linker-amine compounds to poly(aspartimide). 1H and 13C NMR studies were then performed to analyze the degree of incorporation of the sialic acid-linker-amine compounds within the poly(aspartimide). These studies illustrated that the incorporation was dependent on the nature of the spacer between the sugar and the amine functionality. Thus aliphatic spacers favoured the inclusion of sialic acid onto the polymer support whereas compounds having only an aromatic moiety between the sialic acid and the amine could not be easily incorporated.