908 resultados para Photoinduced CS in Molecular system


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Les microcantileviers fonctionnalisés offrent une plateforme idéale pour la nano- et micro-mécanique et pour le développement de (bio-) capteurs tres sensible. Le principe d’opération consiste dans des évènements physicochimiques qui se passent du côté fonctionnalisé du microcantilevier induisant une différence de stress de surface entre les deux côtés du cantilevier qui cause une déflexion verticale du levier. Par contre, les facteurs et les phénomènes interfacials qui régissent la nature et l'intensité du stress de surface sont encore méconnus. Pour éclaircir ce phénomène, la première partie de cette thèse porte sur l'étude des réactions de microcantileviers qui sont recouverts d'or et fonctionnalisés par une monocouche auto-assemblée (MAA) électroactive. La formation d'une MAA de ferrocènylundécanethiol (FcC11SH) à la surface d'or d'un microcantilevier est le modèle utilisé pour mieux comprendre le stress de surface induit par l’électrochimie. Les résultats obtenus démontrent qu'une transformation rédox de la MAA de FcC11SH crée un stress de surface qui résulte dans une déflexion verticale du microcantilevier. Dépendamment de la flexibilité du microcantilevier, cette déflexion peut varier de quelques nanomètres à quelques micromètres. L’oxydation de cette MAA de FcC11SH dans un environnement d'ions perchlorate génère un changement de stress de surface compressive. Les résultats indiquent que la déflexion du microcantilevier est due à une tension latérale provenant d'une réorientation et d'une expansion moléculaire lors du transfért de charge et de pairage d’anions. Pour vérifier cette hypothèse, les mêmes expériences ont été répéteés avec des microcantileviers qui ont été couverts d'une MAA mixte, où les groupements électroactifs de ferrocène sont isolés par des alkylthiols inactifs. Lorsqu’un potentiel est appliqué, un courant est détecté mais le microcantilevier ne signale aucune déflexion. Ces résultats confirment que la déflexion du microcantilevier est due à une pression latérale provenant du ferrocènium qui se réorganise et qui crée une pression sur ses pairs avoisinants plutôt que du couplage d’anions. L’amplitude de la déflexion verticale du microcantilevier dépend de la structure moléculaire de la MAA et du le type d’anion utilisés lors de la réaction électrochimique. Dans la prochaine partie de la thèse, l’électrochimie et la spectroscopie de résonance de plasmon en surface ont été combinées pour arriver à une description de l’adsorption et de l’agrégation des n-alkyl sulfates à l’interface FcC11SAu/électrolyte. À toutes les concentrations de solution, les molécules d'agent tensio-actif sont empilées perpendiculairement à la surface d'électrode sous forme de monocouche condensé entrecroisé. Cependant, la densité du film spécifiquement adsorbé s'est avérée être affectée par l'état d'organisation des agents tensio-actifs en solution. À faible concentration, où les molécules d'agent tensio-actif sont présentes en tant que monomères solvatés, les monomères peuvent facilement s'adapter à l’évolution de la concentration en surface du ferrocènium lors du balayage du potential. Cependant, lorsque les molécules sont présentes en solution en tant que micelles une densité plus faible d'agent tensio-actif a été trouvée en raison de l'incapacité de répondre effectivement à la surface de ferrocenium générée dynamiquement.


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La formation des sociétés fondées sur la connaissance, le progrès de la technologie de communications et un meilleur échange d'informations au niveau mondial permet une meilleure utilisation des connaissances produites lors des décisions prises dans le système de santé. Dans des pays en voie de développement, quelques études sont menées sur des obstacles qui empêchent la prise des décisions fondées sur des preuves (PDFDP) alors que des études similaires dans le monde développé sont vraiment rares. L'Iran est le pays qui a connu la plus forte croissance dans les publications scientifiques au cours de ces dernières années, mais la question qui se pose est la suivante : quels sont les obstacles qui empêchent l'utilisation de ces connaissances de même que celle des données mondiales? Cette étude embrasse trois articles consécutifs. Le but du premier article a été de trouver un modèle pour évaluer l'état de l'utilisation des connaissances dans ces circonstances en Iran à l’aide d'un examen vaste et systématique des sources suivie par une étude qualitative basée sur la méthode de la Grounded Theory. Ensuite au cours du deuxième et troisième article, les obstacles aux décisions fondées sur des preuves en Iran, sont étudiés en interrogeant les directeurs, les décideurs du secteur de la santé et les chercheurs qui travaillent à produire des preuves scientifiques pour la PDFDP en Iran. Après avoir examiné les modèles disponibles existants et la réalisation d'une étude qualitative, le premier article est sorti sous le titre de «Conception d'un modèle d'application des connaissances». Ce premier article sert de cadre pour les deux autres articles qui évaluent les obstacles à «pull» et «push» pour des PDFDP dans le pays. En Iran, en tant que pays en développement, les problèmes se situent dans toutes les étapes du processus de production, de partage et d’utilisation de la preuve dans la prise de décision du système de santé. Les obstacles qui existent à la prise de décision fondée sur des preuves sont divers et cela aux différents niveaux; les solutions multi-dimensionnelles sont nécessaires pour renforcer l'impact de preuves scientifiques sur les prises de décision. Ces solutions devraient entraîner des changements dans la culture et le milieu de la prise de décision afin de valoriser la prise de décisions fondées sur des preuves. Les critères de sélection des gestionnaires et leur nomination inappropriée ainsi que leurs remplaçants rapides et les différences de paiement dans les secteurs public et privé peuvent affaiblir la PDFDP de deux façons : d’une part en influant sur la motivation des décideurs et d'autre part en détruisant la continuité du programme. De même, tandis que la sélection et le remplacement des chercheurs n'est pas comme ceux des gestionnaires, il n'y a aucun critère pour encourager ces deux groupes à soutenir le processus décisionnel fondés sur des preuves dans le secteur de la santé et les changements ultérieurs. La sélection et la promotion des décideurs politiques devraient être basées sur leur performance en matière de la PDFDP et les efforts des universitaires doivent être comptés lors de leurs promotions personnelles et celles du rang de leur institution. Les attitudes et les capacités des décideurs et des chercheurs devraient être encouragés en leur donnant assez de pouvoir et d’habiliter dans les différentes étapes du cycle de décision. Cette étude a révélé que les gestionnaires n'ont pas suffisamment accès à la fois aux preuves nationales et internationales. Réduire l’écart qui sépare les chercheurs des décideurs est une étape cruciale qui doit être réalisée en favorisant la communication réciproque. Cette question est très importante étant donné que l'utilisation des connaissances ne peut être renforcée que par l'étroite collaboration entre les décideurs politiques et le secteur de la recherche. Dans ce but des programmes à long terme doivent être conçus ; la création des réseaux de chercheurs et de décideurs pour le choix du sujet de recherche, le classement des priorités, et le fait de renforcer la confiance réciproque entre les chercheurs et les décideurs politiques semblent être efficace.


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We present an experimental study on the behavior of bubbles captured in a Taylor vortex. The gap between a rotating inner cylinder and a stationary outer cylinder is filled with a Newtonian mineral oil. Beyond a critical rotation speed (ω[subscript c]), Taylor vortices appear in this system. Small air bubbles are introduced into the gap through a needle connected to a syringe pump. These are then captured in the cores of the vortices (core bubble) and in the outflow regions along the inner cylinder (wall bubble). The flow field is measured with a two-dimensional particle imaging velocimetry (PIV) system. The motion of the bubbles is monitored by using a high speed video camera. It has been found that, if the core bubbles are all of the same size, a bubble ring forms at the center of the vortex such that bubbles are azimuthally uniformly distributed. There is a saturation number (N[subscript s]) of bubbles in the ring, such that the addition of one more bubble leads eventually to a coalescence and a subsequent complicated evolution. Ns increases with increasing rotation speed and decreasing bubble size. For bubbles of non-uniform size, small bubbles and large bubbles in nearly the same orbit can be observed to cross due to their different circulating speeds. The wall bubbles, however, do not become uniformly distributed, but instead form short bubble-chains which might eventually evolve into large bubbles. The motion of droplets and particles in a Taylor vortex was also investigated. As with bubbles, droplets and particles align into a ring structure at low rotation speeds, but the saturation number is much smaller. Moreover, at high rotation speeds, droplets and particles exhibit a characteristic periodic oscillation in the axial, radial and tangential directions due to their inertia. In addition, experiments with non-spherical particles show that they behave rather similarly. This study provides a better understanding of particulate behavior in vortex flow structures.


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The linear viscoelastic (LVE) spectrum is one of the primary fingerprints of polymer solutions and melts, carrying information about most relaxation processes in the system. Many single chain theories and models start with predicting the LVE spectrum to validate their assumptions. However, until now, no reliable linear stress relaxation data were available from simulations of multichain systems. In this work, we propose a new efficient way to calculate a wide variety of correlation functions and mean-square displacements during simulations without significant additional CPU cost. Using this method, we calculate stress−stress autocorrelation functions for a simple bead−spring model of polymer melt for a wide range of chain lengths, densities, temperatures, and chain stiffnesses. The obtained stress−stress autocorrelation functions were compared with the single chain slip−spring model in order to obtain entanglement related parameters, such as the plateau modulus or the molecular weight between entanglements. Then, the dependence of the plateau modulus on the packing length is discussed. We have also identified three different contributions to the stress relaxation:  bond length relaxation, colloidal and polymeric. Their dependence on the density and the temperature is demonstrated for short unentangled systems without inertia.


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A number of strategies are emerging for the high throughput (HTP) expression of recombinant proteins to enable structural and functional study. Here we describe a workable HTP strategy based on parallel protein expression in E. coli and insect cells. Using this system we provide comparative expression data for five proteins derived from the Autographa californica polyhedrosis virus genome that vary in amino acid composition and in molecular weight. Although the proteins are part of a set of factors known to be required for viral late gene expression, the precise function of three of the five, late expression factors (lefs) 6, 7 and 10, is unknown. Rapid expression and characterisation has allowed the determination of their ability to bind DNA and shown a cellular location consistent with their properties. Our data point to the utility of a parallel expression strategy to rapidly obtain workable protein expression levels from many open reading frames (ORFs).


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Uncertainty contributes a major part in the accuracy of a decision-making process while its inconsistency is always difficult to be solved by existing decision-making tools. Entropy has been proved to be useful to evaluate the inconsistency of uncertainty among different respondents. The study demonstrates an entropy-based financial decision support system called e-FDSS. This integrated system provides decision support to evaluate attributes (funding options and multiple risks) available in projects. Fuzzy logic theory is included in the system to deal with the qualitative aspect of these options and risks. An adaptive genetic algorithm (AGA) is also employed to solve the decision algorithm in the system in order to provide optimal and consistent rates to these attributes. Seven simplified and parallel projects from a Hong Kong construction small and medium enterprise (SME) were assessed to evaluate the system. The result shows that the system calculates risk adjusted discount rates (RADR) of projects in an objective way. These rates discount project cash flow impartially. Inconsistency of uncertainty is also successfully evaluated by the use of the entropy method. Finally, the system identifies the favourable funding options that are managed by a scheme called SME Loan Guarantee Scheme (SGS). Based on these results, resource allocation could then be optimized and the best time to start a new project could also be identified throughout the overall project life cycle.


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In vitro fermentations were carried out by using a model of the human colon to simulate microbial activities of lower gut bacteria. Bacterial populations (and their metabolic products) were evaluated under the effects of various fermentable substrates. Carbohydrates tested were polydextrose, lactitol, and fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS). Bacterial groups of interest were evaluated by fluorescence in situ hybridization as well as by species-specific PCR to determine bifidobacterial species and percent-G+C profiling of the bacterial communities present. Short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) produced during the fermentations were also evaluated. Polydextrose had a stimulatory effect upon colonic bifidobacteria at concentrations of 1 and 2% (using a single and pooled human fecal inoculum, respectively). The bifidogenic effect was sustained throughout all three vessels of the in vitro system (P = 0.01 seen in vessel 3), as corroborated by the bacterial community profile revealed by %G+C analysis. This substrate supported a wide variety of bifidobacteria and was the only substrate where Bifidobacterium infantis was detected. The fermentation of lactitol had a deleterious effect on both bifidobacterial and bacteroides populations (P = 0.01) and decreased total cell numbers. SCFA production was stimulated, however, particularly butyrate (beneficial for host colonocytes). FOS also had a stimulatory effect upon bifidobacterial and lactobacilli populations that used a single inoculum (P = 0.01 for all vessels) as well as a bifidogenic effect in vessels 2 and 3 (P = 0.01) when a pooled inoculum was used. A decrease in bifidobacteria throughout the model was reflected in the percent-G+C profiles.


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Penetration enhancers are chemicals that temporarily and reversibly diminish the barrier function of the outermost layer of skin, the stratum corneum, to facilitate drug delivery to and through the tissue. In the current study, the complex mechanisms by which 1,8-cineole, a potent terpene penetration enhancer, disrupts the stratum corneum barrier is investigated using post-mortem skin samples. In order to validate the use of excised tissue for these and related studies, a fibre optical probe coupled to an FT-Raman spectrometer compared spectroscopic information for human skin recorded from in vivo and in vitro sampling arrangements. Spectra from full-thickness (epidermis and dermis) post-mortem skin samples presented to the spectrometer with minimal sample preparation (cold acetone rinse) were compared with the in vivo system (the forearms of human volunteers). No significant differences in the Raman spectra between the in vivo and in vitro samples were observed, endorsing the use of post-mortem or surgical samples for this investigational work. Treating post-mortem samples with the penetration enhancer revealed some unexpected findings: while evidence for enhancer-induced disruption of the barrier lipid packing in the stratum corneum was detected in some samples, spectra from other samples revealed an increase in lipid order on treatment with the permeation promoter. These findings are consistent with phase-separation of the enhancer within the barrier lipid domains as opposed to homogeneous disruption of the lipid lamellae. Copyright (C) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A new surface-crossing algorithm suitable for describing bond-breaking and bond-forming processes in molecular dynamics simulations is presented. The method is formulated for two intersecting potential energy manifolds which dissociate to different adiabatic states. During simulations, crossings are detected by monitoring an energy criterion. If fulfilled, the two manifolds are mixed over a finite number of time steps, after which the system is propagated on the second adiabat and the crossing is carried out with probability one. The algorithm is extensively tested (almost 0.5 mu s of total simulation time) for the rebinding of NO to myoglobin. The unbound surface ((FeNO)-N-...) is represented using a standard force field, whereas the bound surface (Fe-NO) is described by an ab initio potential energy surface. The rebinding is found to be nonexponential in time, in agreement with experimental studies, and can be described using two time constants. Depending on the asymptotic energy separation between the manifolds, the short rebinding timescale is between 1 and 9 ps, whereas the longer timescale is about an order of magnitude larger. NO molecules which do not rebind within 1 ns are typically found in the Xenon-4 pocket, indicating the high affinity of NO to this region in the protein.


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The misuse of Personal Protective Equipment results in health risk among smallholders in developing countries, and education is often proposed to promote safer practices. However, evidence point to limited effects of education. This paper presents a System Dynamics model which allows the identification of risk-minimizing policies for behavioural change. The model is based on the IAC framework and survey data. It represents farmers' decision-making from an agent-oriented standpoint. The most successful intervention strategy was the one which intervened in the long term, targeted key stocks in the systems and was diversified. However, the results suggest that, under these conditions, no policy is able to trigger a self sustaining behavioural change. Two implementation approaches were suggested by experts. One, based on constant social control, corresponds to a change of the current model's parameters. The other, based on participation, would lead farmers to new thinking, i.e. changes in their decision-making structure.


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Recombinant expression systems differ in the type of glycosylation they impart on expressed antigens such as the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope glycoproteins, potentially affecting their biological properties. We performed head-to-head antigenic, immunogenic and molecular profiling of two distantly related Env surface (gp120) antigens produced in different systems: (a) mammalian (293 FreeStyle cells; 293F) cells in the presence of kifunensine, which impart only high-mannose glycans; (b) insect cells (Spodoptera frugiperda, Sf9), which confer mainly paucimannosidic glycans; (c) Sf9 cells recombinant for mammalian glycosylation enzymes (Sf9 Mimic), which impart high-mannose, hybrid and complex glycans without sialic acid; and (d) 293F cells, which impart high-mannose, hybrid and complex glycans with sialic acid. Molecular models revealed a significant difference in gp120 glycan coverage between the Sf9-derived and wild-type mammalian-cell-derived material that is predicted to affect ligand binding sites proximal to glycans. Modeling of solvent-exposed surface electrostatic potentials showed that sialic acid imparts a significant negative surface charge that may influence gp120 antigenicity and immunogenicity. Gp120 expressed in systems that do not incorporate sialic acid displayed increased ligand binding to the CD4 binding and CD4-induced sites compared to those expressed in the system that do, and imparted other more subtle differences in antigenicity in a gp120 subtype-specific manner. Non-sialic-acid-containing gp120 was significantly more immunogenic than the sialylated version when administered in two different adjuvants, and induced higher titers of antibodies competing for CD4 binding site ligand-gp120 interaction. These findings suggest that non-sialic-acid-imparting systems yield gp120 immunogens with modified antigenic and immunogenic properties, considerations that should be considered when selecting expression systems for glycosylated antigens to be used for structure-function studies and for vaccine use.


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Starting from the classical Saltzman two-dimensional convection equations, we derive via a severe spectral truncation a minimal 10 ODE system which includes the thermal effect of viscous dissipation. Neglecting this process leads to a dynamical system which includes a decoupled generalized Lorenz system. The consideration of this process breaks an important symmetry and couples the dynamics of fast and slow variables, with the ensuing modifications to the structural properties of the attractor and of the spectral features. When the relevant nondimensional number (Eckert number Ec) is different from zero, an additional time scale of O(Ec−1) is introduced in the system, as shown with standard multiscale analysis and made clear by several numerical evidences. Moreover, the system is ergodic and hyperbolic, the slow variables feature long-term memory with 1/f3/2 power spectra, and the fast variables feature amplitude modulation. Increasing the strength of the thermal-viscous feedback has a stabilizing effect, as both the metric entropy and the Kaplan-Yorke attractor dimension decrease monotonically with Ec. The analyzed system features very rich dynamics: it overcomes some of the limitations of the Lorenz system and might have prototypical value in relevant processes in complex systems dynamics, such as the interaction between slow and fast variables, the presence of long-term memory, and the associated extreme value statistics. This analysis shows how neglecting the coupling of slow and fast variables only on the basis of scale analysis can be catastrophic. In fact, this leads to spurious invariances that affect essential dynamical properties (ergodicity, hyperbolicity) and that cause the model losing ability in describing intrinsically multiscale processes.


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Ingestion of caesium (Cs) radioisotopes poses a health risk to humans. Crop varieties that accumulate less Cs in their edible tissues may provide a useful countermeasure. This study was performed to determine whether quantitative genetics on a model plant (Arabidopsis thaliana) might inform such 'safe'-crop strategies. Arabidopsis accessions and recombinant inbred lines (RILs), from Landsberg erecta (Ler) x Cape Verdi Island (Cvi), Ler x Columbia (Col), and Niederzenz (Nd) x Col mapping populations, were grown on agar supplemented with subtoxic levels of Cs. Shoot Cs concentration varied up to three-fold, and shoot f. wt varied up to 25-fold within populations. The heritability of growth and Cs accumulation traits ranged from 0.06 to 0.28. Four quantitative trait loci (QTL) accounted for > 80 of the genetic contribution to the total phenotypic variation in shoot Cs concentration in the Ler x Col population. QTL identified in this study, in particular, QTL co-localizing to the top and bottom regions of Chromosomes I and V in two different mapping populations, are amenable to positional cloning and, through collinearity, may inform selection or breeding strategies for the development of 'safe' crops.


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Basic concepts of the form of high-latitude ionospheric flows and their excitation and decay are discussed in the light of recent high time-resolution measurements made by ground-based radars. It is first pointed out that it is in principle impossible to adequately parameterize these flows by any single quantity derived from concurrent interplanetary conditions. Rather, even at its simplest, the flow must be considered to consist of two basic time-dependent components. The first is the flow driven by magnetopause coupling processes alone, principally by dayside reconnection. These flows may indeed be reasonably parameterized in terms of concurrent near-Earth interplanetary conditions, principally by the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) vector. The second is the flow driven by tail reconnection alone. As a first approximation these flows may also be parameterized in terms of interplanetary conditions, principally the north-south component of the IMF, but with a delay in the flow response of around 30-60 min relative to the IMF. A delay in the tail response of this order must be present due to the finite speed of information propagation in the system, and we show how "growth" and "decay" of the field and flow configuration then follow as natural consequences. To discuss the excitation and decay of the two reconnection-driven components of the flow we introduce that concept of a flow-free equilibrium configuration for a magnetosphere which contains a given (arbitrary) amount of open flux. Reconnection events act either to create or destroy open flux, thus causing departures of the system from the equilibrium configuration. Flow is then excited which moves the system back towards equilibrium with the changed amount of open flux. We estimate that the overall time scale associated with the excitation and decay of the flow is about 15 min. The response of the system to both impulsive (flux transfer event) and continuous reconnection is discussed in these terms.


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Surfaces coated with polymer brushes in a good solvent are known to exhibit excellent tribological properties. We have performed coarse-grained equilibrium and nonequilibrium molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to investigate dextran polymer brushes in an aqueous environment in molecular detail. In a first step, we determined simulation parameters and units by matching experimental results for a single dextran chain. Analyzing this model when applied to a multichain system, density profiles of end-tethered polymer brushes obtained from equilibrium MD simulations compare very well with expectations based on self-consistent field theory. Simulation results were further validated against and correlated with available experimental results. The simulated compression curves (normal force as a function of surface separation) compare successfully with results obtained with a surface forces apparatus. Shear stress (friction) obtained via nonequilibrium MD is contrasted with nanoscale friction studies employing colloidal-probe lateral force microscopy. We find good agreement in the hydrodynamic regime and explain the observed leveling-off of the friction forces in the boundary regime by means of an effective polymer–wall attraction.