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O autor discute o significado da recepção das ideias estético-literárias de György Lukácz nas obras de dois dos pensadores brasileiros mais expressivos que se valeram das formulações do autor húngaro nesse campo - Leandro Konder e Carlos Nelson Coutinho, que não teriam se limitado à mera reprodução local das concepções do intelectual estrangeiro, mas teriam buscado testar seus limites e até enriquecê-las a partir de reflexões próprias. O livro retoma o contexto de renovação do marxismo no país, abalado pela crise do socialismo real em meio a denúncias dos crimes do regime stalinista, compreendendo o trabalho de Konder e Coutinho como parte daquele esforço e buscando demarcar as especificidades de cada um sem, no entanto, deixar de notar a curiosa complementaridade presente nas atividades teóricas dos dois pensadores. No caso de Leandro Konder, é destacada sua inclinação enciclopédica e seu desejo de apresentar ao público brasileiro, com riqueza de detalhes, o então desconhecido teórico marxista, o que não o impediu de realizar críticas a pontos que julgasse problemáticos. Já Carlos Nelson Coutinho demonstra um trato diferente em relação à obra lukacsiana, desde seus primeiros escritos procurando aplicá-la à realidade e aos autores brasileiros, evitando cacoetes mecanicistas
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
The paper has analyzed John R. Commons' contribution to the comprehension of Law and Economics relationship. In contrast to the orthodox economics, Commons has shown that the capitalist economic order emerges and functions regulated by laws and institutions. These approaches made possible to him to understand the nature of the modern capitalist wealth and the problems that time introduces in economic transactions.
This paper describes an investigation into the initial training of foreign language teachers (German and English) and the internships required in the fourth year, considering the possibility that online forums may provide a virtual environment for the manifestation of critical thinking by future teachers. We analyze the messages and themes addressed in three forums, based on concepts of critical thinking and on the theoretical model of Practical Inquiry proposed by Garrison, Anderson and Archer (2000; 2001). For a better understanding of the phases in discussions on topics, we use the model of these authors, also identifying some discourse markers characterized by them, mainly based on the assumptions of Systemic Functional Linguistics (HALLIDAY, 1994) and on the types of conversational moves proposed by Eggins and Slade (1997). A new model was created based on the selected theoretical underpinnings and on the analysis of the data, as well as the conclusion was that online forums can be considered an important tool for the manifestation of teachers' critical thinking and for a critical reflexive education, in a context marked by the specificities of information society.
A Sonata de Deus e o diabolus: nacionalismo, música e o pensamento social no cinema de Glauber Rocha
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In his work on human knowledge, Vygotsky reveals the second human nature, the one which is historical and cultural, due to people´s learning throughout life, through the mediation of others and the concrete conditions of life and education. In this eminently social process, the child grows into the intellectual life having the adult as a peer and learns human skills from this adult-child interaction. This means that, for working with abstract formulation, it is necessary understanding it as a complex, dynamic and functional act that is built by the insertion of individual performance into culture that is mediated by interaction with others. In this setting, each individual reaches knowledge through formal and non-formal learning that help on the formulation of scientific and everyday concepts. To make studies on the process of concept formation, Vygotsky adopted an experimental methodology based on the philosophical assumptions of Marxist theory of how mental processes occur, once he perceived these processes in a constantly changing and moving. Thus, the method called “Instrumental, Cultural and Historical” differed from conventional experimental studies focused on the performance of the task itself. The method adopted by Vygotsky was concerned with the process of concept formation and not only with fragmentary cutouts of cognitive processes. According to our study, the formation of the social nature of man develops from processes of appropriation and objectification of knowledge, which makes individual the historically constructed achievements by mankind, as, for example, types of sophisticated thinking, which requires the discussion of concept formation.
Incomplete glimpses of the philosophy of Charles Peirce (1839-1914) can frequently be found in studies about Semiotics and Information Science. Therefore, we sought to discover the theoretical and applied interrelationships between knowledge and information organization and Peirce's Semiotics and Philosophy. The aim was to discover and evaluate the contributions of Peirce's Semiotics and Philosophy to the knowledge and information organization field. The method of this study was bibliographical research. The main results were: indexing process semiotic model, semiotic knowledge organization, interaction between documentary semiotics and documentary languages, kinds of inference to the indexing process, as well as the collaboration of Peirce's pragmatism to terminology theory. Finally, we listed issues for future research.
This text aims to present a very short review on Machiavelli’s ideas reception concerning his military thought and short reflections on international affairs, as part of what was called realism in the realm of international relations theory. The text deals with much more emphasis the mentioned interpretations in a very concise way within contemporary studies about maquiavelian legacy on contemporary studies in International Relations.
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo demonstrar as ideias revolucionárias do economista ganhador do prêmio Nobel, Amartya Sen. Seus ideais e sua historia de vida contribuíram para uma visão da lógica econômica de forma mais social. O trabalho realizado nesta Monografia ocorreu através de revisão bibliográfica, destacando a perspectiva da pobreza, do desenvolvimento e das políticas sociais de forma mais humana, levando em consideração as capacidades dos indivíduos em detrimento de medidas puramente relacionadas com a variável renda
Understanding the global context that holds the organizations today, this work goes on the characteristics that can be used to descript the enterprising mind, walking through the “startup” concept in its essence and observing how the Public Relations professional acts in this field. Then, the paper begins the experience report about Indigo, a real startup, making an observation of the cultural reality that motivated its creation and some of the first processes, coming to the definition of an “enterprising startup”. Seeking consolidation of the enterprise, the Public Relations planning comes up, leading to an event that not only reach the main goal, but also generate financial goods and innovates the cultural scene