912 resultados para Pedestal elimination
This paper proposes a multilevel inverter configuration which produces a hexagonal voltage space vector structure in the lower modulation region and a 12-sided polygonal space vector structure in the overmodulation region. A conventional multilevel inverter produces 6n plusmn 1 (n = odd) harmonics in the phase voltage during overmodulation and in the extreme square-wave mode of operation. However, this inverter produces a 12-sided polygonal space vector location, leading to the elimination of 6n plusmn 1 (n = odd) harmonics in the overmodulation region extending to a final 12-step mode of operation with a smooth transition. The benefits of this arrangement are lower losses and reduced torque pulsation in an induction motor drive fed from this converter at higher modulation indexes. The inverter is fabricated by using three conventional cascaded two-level inverters with asymmetric dc-bus voltages. A comparative simulation study of the harmonic distortion in the phase voltage and associated losses in conventional multilevel inverters and that of the proposed inverter is presented in this paper. Experimental validation on a prototype shows that the proposed converter is suitable for high-power applications because of low harmonic distortion and low losses.
This paper develops a seven-level inverter structure for open-end winding induction motor drives. The inverter supply is realized by cascading four two-level and two three-level neutral-point-clamped inverters. The inverter control is designed in such a way that the common-mode voltage (CMV) is eliminated. DC-link capacitor voltage balancing is also achieved by using only the switching-state redundancies. The proposed power circuit structure is modular and therefore suitable for fault-tolerant applications. By appropriately isolating some of the inverters, the drive can be operated during fault conditions in a five-level or a three-level inverter mode, with preserved CMV elimination and DC-link capacitor voltage balancing, within a reduced modulation range.
A new three-phase current source inverter topology is presented, consisting of three single-phase bridge inverters connected in series and feeding the isolated windings of a standard three-phase induction motor. Because a current zero in one phase now does not affect the others, it enables the implementation of a wide range of current PWM patterns for the reduction and selective elimination of torque pulsations. Furthermore, this system allows for very fast control of the fundamental load current through the use of sinusoidal PWM, a method that was not possible to implement on existing inverter topologies.
This paper proposes a multilevel inverter which produces hexagonal voltage space vector structure in lower modulation region and a 12-sided polygonal space vector structure in the over-modulation region. Normal conventional multilevel inverter produces 6n +/- 1 (n=odd) harmonics in the phase voltage during over-modulation and in the extreme square wave mode operation. However, this inverter produces a 12-sided polygonal space vector location leading to the elimination of 6n 1 (n=odd) harmonics in over-modulation region extending to a final 12-step mode operation. The inverter consists of three conventional cascaded two level inverters with asymmetric dc bus voltages. The switching frequency of individual inverters is kept low throughout the modulation index. In the low speed region, hexagonal space phasor based PWM scheme and in the higher modulation region, 12-sided polygonal voltage space vector structure is used. Experimental results presented in this paper shows that the proposed converter is suitable for high power applications because of low harmonic distortion and low switching losses.
Oxidation of diaryl, aryl alkyl, and dialkyl thioketones by singlet oxygen generated via self-sensitization and other independent methods yielded the corresponding ketone and sulfine in varying amounts. A zwitterionic/ diradical intermediate arising out of the primary interaction of singlet oxygen with the thiocarbonyl chromophore is believed to be the common intermediate for the ketone and sulfine. While closure of the zwitterion/diradical to give 1,2,3-dioxathietane would lead to the ketone, competing oxygen elimination is believed to lead to the sulfine. This partitioning is governed by steric and electronic factors operating on the zwitterionic/diradical intermediate.
Consanguineous marriages are strongly favoured among the populations of South India. In a study conducted on 407 infants and children, a total of 35 genetic diseases was diagnosed in 63 persons: 44 with single gene defects, 12 with polygenic disorders, and seven with Down's syndrome. The coefficient of inbreeding of the total study group, F = 0.0414, was significantly higher than that previously calculated for the general population, F = 0.0271, and autosomal recessive disorders formed the largest single disease category diagnosed. The results suggest that long term inbreeding may not have resulted in appreciable elimination of recessive lethals and sub-lethals from the gene pool.
We report a detailed and full computational investigation on the hydrovinylation reaction of styrene with the Ni(II)-phospholane catalytic system, which was originally presumed to proceed through a cationic mechanism involving a nickel hydride intermediate. The following general features emerge from this study on a specific catalyst complex that was found to give quantitative yield and moderate selectivity: (a) the activation barrier for the initiation (18.8 kcal/mol) is higher than that for the reaction due to a low-lying square-planar pentenyl chelate intermediate originating from a Ni(II)-allyl catalyst precursor. Consequently there is an induction period for the catalysis; (b) the exit of product from the catalyst is via a β-H-transfer step instead of the usual β-H elimination pathway, which has a very high activation energy due to a trans effect of the phospholane ligand; (c) the turnover-limiting and enantio- determining transition state is also the β-H-transfer; (d) because of the absence of a hydride intermediate, the unwanted isomerization of the product is prevented; (e) since the enantio-discrimination is decided at the H-transfer stage itself, the configuration of the product in a catalytic cycle influences the enantioselectivity in the subsequent cycle; (f) the trans effect of the sole strong ligand in the d8 square-planar Ni(II), the stability of the η3-benzyl intermediate, and the availability of three coordination sites enable regioselective hydrovinylation over the possible oligomerization/polymerization of the olefin substrates and linear hydrovinylation. This work has also confirmed the previously recognized role of the hemilabile group at various stages in the mechanism.
Partial least squares regression models on NIR spectra are often optimised (for wavelength range, mathematical pretreatment and outlier elimination) in terms of calibration terms of validation performance with reference to totally independent populations.
Oxidation of diaryl, aryl alkyl, and dialkyl thioketones by singlet oxygen generated via self-sensitization and other independent methods yielded the corresponding ketone and sulfine in varying amounts. A zwitterionic/ diradical intermediate arising out of the primary interaction of singlet oxygen with the thiocarbonyl chromophore is believed to be the common intermediate for the ketone and sulfine. While closure of the zwitterion/diradical to give 1,2,3-dioxathietane would lead to the ketone, competing oxygen elimination is believed to lead to the sulfine. This partitioning is governed by steric and electronic factors operating on the zwitterionic/diradical intermediate.
In this paper, a novel 12-sided polygonal space vector structure is proposed for an induction motor drive. The space vector pattern presented in this paper consists of two 12-sided concentric polygons with the outer polygon having a radius double the inner one. As compared to previously reported 12-sided polygonal space vector structures, this paper subdivides the space vector plane into smaller sized triangles. This helps in reducing the switching frequency of the inverters without deteriorating the output voltage quality. It also reduces the device ratings and dv/dt stress on the devices to half. At the same time, other benefits obtained from the existing 12-sided space vector structure, such as increased linear modulation range and complete elimination of 5th and 7th order harmonics in the phase voltage, are also retained in this paper. The space vector structure is realized by feeding an open-end induction motor with two conventional three-level neutral point clamped (NPC) inverters with asymmetric isolated dc link voltage sources. The neutral point voltage fluctuations in the three-level NPC inverters are eliminated by utilizing the switching state multiplicities for a space vector point. The pulsewidth modulation timings are calculated using sampled reference waveform amplitudes and are explained in detail in this paper. Experimental verification on a laboratory prototype shows that this configuration may be considered suitable for high power drives.
Suun kautta annosteltava kalsiumherkistäjä parantaa sydämen vajaatoimintaan liittyvää pumppausvajetta kokeellisissa sydämen vajaatoimintamalleissa Huolimatta viime vuosikymmenien lääketieteellisestä kehityksestä krooninen sydämen vajaatoiminta on silti edelleen vakava, elämänlaatua voimakkaasti rajoittava sairaus. Kalsiumherkistäjät ovat uusi, sydämen pumppausvoimaa lisäävä lääkeryhmä. Levosimendaani, kotimaista alkuperää oleva kalsiumherkistäjä, on kliinisessä käytössä akuutin vajaatoiminnan hoitoon suonensisäisesti ja lyhytaikaisesti annosteltavana valmisteena. Levosimendaanilla on aktiivinen metaboliitti, OR-1896, jonka oletetaan olevan vuorokauden mittaisen levosimendaani-infuusion jälkeen havaittujen useita päiviä kestävien hyödyllisisten vaikutuksisten takana. Levosimendaanin kroonisen, suun kautta tapahtuvan annostelun vaikutuksista tieto on vähäisempää, mutta sillä näyttää olevan positiivisia vaikutuksia potilaiden raportoimana. FM Marjut Louhelainen on selvittänyt väitöskirjassaan suun kautta annosteltavan levosimendaanin ja sen pitkäkestoisen aktiivisen metaboliitin vaikutuksia kroonisen vajaatoiminnan hoidossa käyttämällä sekä hypertensiivisen sydäntaudin että 2 tyypin diabeteksen komplisoimaan sydäninfarktin kokeellisia malleja. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin lisäksi vajaatoimintaan johtavia molekyylitason tapahtumia sydänlihaksessa. Tutkimuksessa osoitettiin, että krooninen suun kautta annosteltu hoito sekä kalsiumherkistäjä levosimendaanilla että sen aktiivisella metaboliitilla estää hypertensiiviseen sydämen vajaatoiminnan aikaasaamaa sydämen uudelleenmuovaantumista ja siihen liittyvää kuolleisuutta. Nämä vaikutukset välittyivät vähentyneen sydänlihassoluhypertrofian, solukuolleisuuden ja neurohumaraalisen aktivaation kautta. Levosimendaanin ja OR-1896:n osoitettiin myös parantavan sydämen pumppausfunktiota tyyppi 2 diabeteksen komplisoimassa sydäninfarktissa. Ei-diabeettiseen tilanteeseen verrattuna diabetekseen liittyvä infarktin jälkeinen vajaatoiminnan kehitys oli yhteydessä lisääntyneeseen tulehdukseen, fibroosiin, solukuolemaan, neurohumoraaliseen aktivaatioon ja ennenaikaiseen kudoksen vanhenemiseen. Sekä levosimendaani, että OR-1869 vähensivät tulehduksen, fibroosin ja solukuoleman merkkejä ja vaimensi neurohumoraalista aktivaatiota. OR-1896 myös vähensi solujen vanhenemiseen liittyvien merkkiaineiden ilmentymistä. Väitöskirjassa todettiin, että suun kautta annosteltuna sekä levosimendaani, että sen aktiivinen metaboliitti OR-1896, omaavat terapeuttista potentiaalia sekä hypertensiivisen sydäntaudin hoitoon että sydäninfarktin jälkeisen vajaatoiminnan estoon. FM Marjut Louhelaisen farmakologian alaan kuuluva väitöskirja Effects of oral calcium sensitizers on experimental heart failure tarkastetaan Helsingin yliopiston Lääketieteellisessä tiedekunnassa perjantaina 29.01.2010 klo 12 (Biomedicum Helsinki, luentosali 2, Haartmaninkatu 8, Helsinki). Vastaväittäjänä toimii professori Raimo Tuominen, Helsingin yliopiston Farmasian tiedekunnasta ja kustoksena professori Eero Mervaala Helsingin yliopiston Lääketieteellisestä tiedekunnasta.
This paper presents an inverse dynamic formulation by the Newton–Euler approach for the Stewart platform manipulator of the most general architecture and models all the dynamic and gravity effects as well as the viscous friction at the joints. It is shown that a proper elimination procedure results in a remarkably economical and fast algorithm for the solution of actuator forces, which makes the method quite suitable for on-line control purposes. In addition, the parallelism inherent in the manipulator and in the modelling makes the algorithm quite efficient in a parallel computing environment, where it can be made as fast as the corresponding formulation for the 6-dof serial manipulator. The formulation has been implemented in a program and has been used for a few trajectories planned for a test manipulator. Results of simulation presented in the paper reveal the nature of the variation of actuator forces in the Stewart platform and justify the dynamic modelling for control.
Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) is a well recognized and growing health problem worldwide. ALD advances from fatty liver to inflammation, necrosis, fibrosis and cirrhosis. There is accumulating evidence that the innate immune system is involved in alcoholic liver injury. Within the innate and acquired immune systems, the complement system participates in inflammatory reactions and in the elimination of invading foreign, as well as endogenous apoptotic or injured cells. The present study aimed at evaluating the role of the complement system in the development of alcoholic liver injury. First, in order to study the effects of chronic ethanol intake on the complement system, the deposition of complement components in liver and the expression of liver genes associated with complement in animals with alcohol-induced liver injury were examined. It was demonstrated that chronic alcohol exposure leads to hepatic deposition of the complement components C1, C3, C8 and C9 in the livers of rats. Liver gene expression analysis showed that ethanol up-regulated the expression of transcripts for complement factors B, C1qA, C2, C3 and clusterin. In contrast, ethanol down-regulated the expression of the complement regulators factor H, C4bp and factor D and the terminal complement components C6, C8α and C9. Secondly, the role of the terminal complement pathway in the development of ALD was evaluated by using rats genetically deficient in the complement component C6 (C6-/-). It was found that chronic ethanol feeding induced more liver pathology (steatosis and inflammatory changes) in C6-/- rats than in wild type rats. The hepatic triacylglyceride content and plasma alanine aminotransferase activity increased in C6-/- rats, supporting the histopathological findings and elevation of the plasma pro-/anti-inflammatory TNF-/IL-10 ratio was also more marked in C6-/- rats. Third, the role of the alternative pathway in the development of alcoholic liver steatosis was characterized by using C3-/- mice. In C3-/- mice ethanol feeding tended to reduce steatosis and had no further effect on liver triacylglyceride, liver/body weight ratio nor on liver malondialdehyde level and serum alanine aminotransferase activity. In C3-/- mice alcohol-induced liver steatosis was reduced also after an acute alcohol challenge. In both wild type and C3-/- mice ethanol markedly reduced serum cholesterol and ApoA-I levels, phospholipid transfer protein activity and hepatic mRNA levels of fatty acid binding proteins and fatty acid -oxidation enzymes. In contrast, exclusively in C3-/- mice, ethanol treatment increased serum and liver adiponectin levels but down-regulated the expression of transcripts of lipogenic enzymes, adiponectin receptor 2 and adipose differentiation-related protein and up-regulated phospholipase D1. In conclusion, this study has demonstrated that the complement system is involved in the development of alcohol-induced liver injury. Chronic alcohol exposure causes local complement activation and induction of mRNA expression of classical and alternative pathway components in the liver. In contrast expression of the terminal pathway components and soluble regulators were decreased. A deficient terminal complement pathway predisposes to alcoholic liver damage and promotes a pro-inflammatory cytokine response. Complement component C3 contributes to the development of alcohol-induced fatty liver and its consequences by affecting regulatory and specific transcription factors of lipid homeostasis.
Although the treatment of most cancers has improved steadily, only few metastatic solid tumors can be cured. Despite responses, refractory clones often emerge and the disease becomes refractory to available treatment modalities. Furthermore, resistance factors are shared between different treatment regimens and therefore loss of response typically occurs rapidly, and there is a tendency for cross-resistance between agents. Therefore, new agents with novel mechanisms of action and lacking cross-resistance to currently available approaches are needed. Modified oncolytic adenoviruses, featuring cancer-celective cell lysis and spread, constitute an interesting drug platform towards the goals of tumor specificity and the implementation of potent multimodal treatment regimens. In this work, we demonstrate the applicability of capsid-modified, transcriptionally targeted oncolytic adenoviruses in targeting gastric, pancreatic and breast cancer. A variety of capsid modified adenoviruses were tested for transductional specificity first in gastric and pancreatic cancer cells and patient tissues and then in mice. Then, oncolytic viruses featuring the same capsid modifications were tested to confirm that successful transductional targeting translates into enhanced oncolytic potential. Capsid modified oncolytic viruses also prolonged the survival of tumor bearing orthotopic models of gastric and pancreatic cancer. Taken together, oncolytic adenoviral gene therapy could be a potent drug for gastric and pancreatic cancer, and its specificity, potency and safety can be modulated by means of capsid modification. We also characterized a new intraperitoneal virus delivery method in benefit for the persistence of gene delivery to intraperitoneal gastric and pancreatic cancer tumors. With a silica implant a steady and sustained virus release to the vicinity of the tumor improved the survival of the orthotopic tumor bearing mice. Furthermore, silica gel-based virus delivery lowered the toxicity mediating proimflammatory cytokine response and production of total and anti-adenovirus neutralizing antibodies (NAbs). On the other hand, silica shielded the virus against pre-excisting NAbs, resulting in a more favourable biodistribution in the preimmunized mice. The silica implant might therefore be of interest in treating intraperitoneally disseminated disease. Cancer stem cells are thought to be resistant to conventional cancer drugs and might play an important role in cancer relapse and the formation of metastasis. Therefore, we examined if transcriptionally modified oncolytic adenoviruses are able to kill these cells. Complete eradication of CD44+CD24-/low putative breast cancer stem cells was seen in vitro, and significant antitumor activity was detected in CD44+CD24-/low –derived tumor bearing mice. Thus, genetically engineered oncolytic adenoviruses have potential in destroying cancer initiating cells, which may have relevance for the elimination of cancer stem cells in humans.
Austral bracken, Pteridium esculentum, occurs widely in Australian grazing lands and contains both the known carcinogen ptaquiloside and its hydroxy analogue, ptesculentoside, with untested carcinogenic potential. Calves were fed a diet containing 19% P. esculentum that delivered 1.8 mg of ptaquiloside and 4.0 mg of ptesculentoside per kilogram of body weight (bw) per day to explore the carcass residue potential of these compounds. Concentrations of ptaquiloside and ptesculentoside in the liver, kidney, skeletal muscle, heart, and blood of these calves were determined as their respective elimination products, pterosin B and pterosin G, by HPLC-UV analysis. Plasma concentrations of up to 0.97 mu g/mL ptaquiloside and 1.30 mu g/mL ptesculentoside were found, but were shown to deplete to <10% of these values within 24 h of bracken consumption. Both glycosides were also detected in all tissues assayed, with ptesculentoside appearing to be more residual than ptaquiloside. Up to 0.42 and 0.32 mu g/g ptesculentoside was present in skeletal muscle and liver, respectively, 15 days after bracken consumption ended. This detection of residual glycosides in tissues of cattle feeding on Austral bracken raises health concerns for consumers and warrants further investigation.