451 resultados para Parrotfish Dentition


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Introduction: The aim of this prospective clinical study was to investigate the cephalometric changes produced by bonded spurs associated with high-pull chincup therapy in children with Angle Class I malocclusion and anterior open bite. Methods: Thirty patients with an initial mean age of 8.14 years and a mean anterior open bite of -3.93 mm were treated with bonded spurs associated with chincup therapy for 12 months. An untreated control group of 30 subjects with an initial mean age of 8.36 years and a mean anterior open bite of -3.93 mm and the same malocclusion was followed for 12 months for comparison. Student t tests were used for intergroup comparisons. Results: The treated group demonstrated a significantly greater decrease of the gonial angle, and increase in overbite, palatal tipping of the maxillary incisors, and vertical dentoalveolar development of the maxillary and mandibular incisors compared with the control group. Conclusions: The association of bonded spurs with high-pull chincup therapy was efficient for the correction of the open bite in 86.7% of the patients, with a 5.23-mm (SD, +/- 1.69) overbite increase. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2012;142:487-93)


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The objective of the current study was to assess the outcome of the alveolar bone grafting (ABG) in patients with cleft palate. Thirty-one patients with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate were prospectively divided into 2 groups according to the timing of surgery: (1) secondary ABG (SABG), undertaken during mixed dentition (n = 16); and (2) tertiary ABG (TABG), undertaken during permanent dentition (n = 15). Septum height was assessed using cone beam computed tomography in 3 views (buccal, intermediate, palatal) and classified according to the modified Bergland Index, which scores the results into 5 types according to the height of the neoformed bone septum (excellent: septum with a normal height; good: septum with minor deficiency; regular: marginal defect of >25% of the root length; bad: bone deficiency on the nasal aspect; and failure). In the SABG group, 6 to 12 months postoperatively, 75% of the patients were classified as having excellent/good conditions and 25% as having regular/bad conditions. No patients were observed as having failure conditions. In the TABG group, 53% of the patients were classified as having excellent/good, 21% were classified as having regular/bad conditions, and 26% were classified as having failure conditions. Significantly better outcomes were observed for the SABG group when compared with the TABG group. In conclusion, the age at which ABG is performed is a factor that impacts on the surgical outcome. Specifically, increasing age is associated with worse outcomes.


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The aim of this article is to present the pediatric dentistry and orthodontic treatment protocol of rehabilitation of cleft lip and palate patients performed at the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies - University of So Paulo (HRAC-USP). Pediatric dentistry provides oral health information and should be able to follow the child with cleft lip and palate since the first months of life until establishment of the mixed dentition, craniofacial growth and dentition development. Orthodontic intervention starts in the mixed dentition, at 8-9 years of age, for preparing the maxillary arch for secondary bone graft procedure (SBGP). At this stage, rapid maxillary expansion is performed and a fixed palatal retainer is delivered before SBGP. When the permanent dentition is completed, comprehensive orthodontic treatment is initiated aiming tooth alignment and space closure. Maxillary permanent canines are commonly moved mesially in order to substitute absent maxillary lateral incisors. Patients with complete cleft lip and palate and poor midface growth will require orthognatic surgery for reaching adequate anteroposterior interarch relationship and good facial esthetics.


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Trichomycterus anhanga is described from the Amazon basin, northern Brazil. The species is diagnosed by the latero-sensory system which is restricted to LL1 and LL2, the pectoral fin with two branched rays, the absence of pelvic fins and girdle, the reduced jaws and pharyngeal dentition, the presence of six to seven interopercular odontodes, the absence of a lateral series of spots, the presence of a small dark spot on the ventral surface of the mandibular symphysis, the narrow comma-shaped palatine, the absence of procurrent rays anterior to the dorsal and anal fins, the position of insertion of the first dorsal-fin pterygiophore and the presence of a single pair of pleural ribs. Trichomycterus anhanga shares with T. hasemani and T. johnsoni a wide cranial fontanel which occupies most of the skull roof. Miniaturization as well as synapomorphies for the T. hasemani group are discussed.


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The aim of this study was to validate the use of fingernail fluoride concentrations at ages 2-7 years as predictors of the risk for developing dental fluorosis in the permanent dentition. Fifty-six children of both genders (10-15 years of age) had their incisors and premolars examined for dental fluorosis using the Thylstrup-Fejerskov index. Fingernail fluoride concentrations were obtained from previous studies when children were 2-7 years of age. Data were analyzed by unpaired t test, ANOVA, and Fisher's exact test when the fingernail fluoride concentrations were dichotomized (<= 2 or > 2 mu g/g). Children with dental fluorosis had significantly higher fingernail fluoride concentrations than those without the condition, and the concentrations tended to increase with the severity of fluorosis (r(2) = 0.47, p < 0.0001). Using a fingernail fluoride concentration of 2 mu g/g at ages 2-7 years as a threshold, this biomarker had high sensitivity (0.84) and moderate specificity (0.53) as a predictor for dental fluorosis. The high positive predictive value indicates that fingernail fluoride concentrations should be useful in public health research, since it has the potential to identify around 80% of children at risk of developing dental fluorosis. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Objectives: The main objective of this study was to investigate whether the interaction of malocclusion (open bite or increased overjet) combined with inadequate lip coverage strengthens its association with traumatic dental injury (TDI) in the primary teeth of preschool children compared to the presence of malocclusion alone. Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted with 376 children aged 3659 months who attended the National Day of Childrens Vaccination. Presence of TDI, tooth discoloration, and sinus tract were evaluated in the children. Variables associated with occlusion were also evaluated. A Poisson regression analysis was performed to verify the association between the explanatory variables and TDI as well as possible interactions among the variables. Then, the prevalence ratio was calculated. Results: The prevalence of TDI was 27.7%. The maxillary central incisor was the most affected tooth, without differences between the right and left sides. Boys had more dental trauma than girls (P = 0.04). The most common TDI was crown fracture restricted to the enamel (58.4%). Children with a combination of anterior open bite or increased overjet and inadequate lip coverage presented a higher prevalence of TDI than when the malocclusions were presented alone (P < 0.05). The same trends were observed when we included, in the final adjusted model, increased overjet instead of open bite. Conclusions: Anterior malocclusions of primary teeth such as increased overjet and anterior open bite are statistically significantly associated with dental trauma only when inadequate lip coverage is also present.


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Ectopic eruption of maxillary canines can be associated with root resorption of adjacent teeth. This case report describes and discusses an interesting case of a 15-year-old girl with a Class III malocclusion and an impacted maxillary canine. Because of the unfavorable position of the ectopic canine and the severe root resorption of the maxillary left central and lateral incisors, the treatment options included extraction of the maxillary permanent canines. The mandibular first premolars were extracted to compensate for the Class III malocclusion. A panoramic radiograph taken earlier in the mixed dentition already indicated a possible eruption disturbance of the maxillary left permanent canine. The importance of early diagnosis of maxillary canine ectopic eruption is highlighted in this case report. The early identification of radiographic signs of an ectopic pathway of eruption should be followed by deciduous canine extraction to prevent canine retention and maxillary incisor root resorption. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2012;142:256-63)


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The aim of this in vitro study was to compare the degradation of resin-dentin bonds of an etch-and-rinse adhesive system to primary and permanent teeth. Flat superficial coronal dentin surfaces from 5 primary second molars and 5 permanent third molars were etched with phosphoric acid and bonded with an adhesive system (Adper Single Bond 2, 3M ESPE). Blocks of resin composite (Z250, 3M ESPE) were built up and the teeth sectioned to produce bonded sticks with a 0.8 mm(2) cross-sectional area. The sticks of each tooth were randomly divided and assigned to be subjected to microtensile testing immediately (24 h) or after aging by water storage (6 months). Data were analyzed by two-way repeated measures ANOVA and Tukey post hoc test (alpha = 0.05). Failure mode was evaluated using a stereomicroscope (400x). Microtensile values significantly decreased after the 6 months aging, independent of the dentin substrate. In 24 h, the values obtained to primary dentin were lower compared with permanent dentin. This difference was not maintained after aging. Adhesive/mixed failure was predominant in all experimental groups. In conclusion, degradation of resin-dentin bonds of the etch-and-rinse adhesive system occurred after 6 months of water storage; however, the reduction in bond strength values was higher for permanent teeth.


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Objective: The aim of this prospective study was to compare the dentoalveolar effects produced by two types of palatal crib, removable (Rpc+C) and fixed (Fpc+C), combined with chincup in growing patients with anterior open bite. Material and Methods: Each group comprised 30 patients, in the mixed dentition phase, with similar cephalometric characteristics and skeletal ages. Group 1 (Rpc+ C) presented initial mean age of 8.3 years and mean anterior open bite of 4.0 mm. Group 2 (Fpc+C) presented initial mean age of 8.54 years and mean anterior open bite of 4.3 mm. The evaluation period comprised 12 months between initial (T1) and second lateral radiograph (T2). The T2-T1 changes were compared cephalometrically in the 2 groups using the non-paired t-test. Results: Vertical changes in the posterior dentoalveolar region were similar between the groups (about 1 mm) and no significant differences were found in molar mesialization. The Fpc+C group had in average 1.6 mm more improvement of the overbite as a result of greater maxillary incisor extrusion (1.3 mm). Patients in this group also presented less lingual tipping of maxillary incisors and more mandibular incisors uprighting. Conclusions: The Fpc+C combination was more efficient in the correction of the negative overbite mainly due to greater extrusion of the maxillary incisors. However, the Rpc+C appliance promoted better upper and lower incisor inclination, resulting in a more adequate overjet.


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Background. The prevalence of early childhood caries (ECC) is high in developing countries; thus, sensitive methods for the early diagnosis of ECC are of prime importance to implement the appropriate preventive measures. Aim. To investigate the effects of the addition of early caries lesions (ECL) into WHO threshold caries detection methods on the prevalence of caries in primary teeth and the epidemiological profile of the studied population. Design. In total, 351 3-to 4-year-old preschoolers participated in this cross-sectional study. Clinical exams were conducted by one calibrated examiner using WHO and WHO + ECL criteria. During the exams, a mirror, a ball-ended probe, gauze, and an artificial light were used. The data were analysed by Wilcoxon and Mc-Nemar's tests (a = 0.05). Results. Good intra-examiner Kappa values at tooth /surface levels were obtained for WHO and WHO + ECL criteria (0.93 /0.87 and 0.75 /0.78, respectively). The dmfs scores were significantly higher (P < 0.05) when WHO + ECL criteria were used. ECLs were the predominant caries lesions in the majority of teeth. Conclusions. The results strongly suggest that the WHO + ECL diagnosis method could be used to identify ECL in young children under field conditions, increasing the prevalence and classification of caries activity and providing valuable information for the early establishment of preventive measures.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the short-and long-term treatment effects of rapid maxillary expansion (RME) on the soft tissue facial profile of subjects treated with a modified acrylic-hyrax device. The sample comprised 10 males and 10 females in the mixed dentition. Their average age was 9.3 years +/- 10 months pre-treatment (T1), with a narrow maxilla and posterior crossbite, treated with a modified fixed maxillary expander with an occlusal splint. Lateral cephalometric radiographs obtained at T1, immediately post-expansion (T2), and after retention (T3) were used to determine possible changes in the soft tissue facial profile. The means and standard deviations for linear and angular cephalometric measurements were analysed statistically using analysis of variance and Tukey's test (alpha = 0.05). The measurements at T2 differed significantly from those at T1 and T3. However, RME did not produce any statistically significant alteration (P > 0.05) in the soft tissue profile for any of the cephalometric landmarks evaluated when compared at T1 and T3. The use of a fixed expander associated with an occlusal splint did not cause significant alterations in the soft tissue facial profile at T3. This modified device is effective for preventing the adverse vertical effects of RME such as an increase anterior face height in patients with a crossbite.


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Introduction: The literature suggests that individuals with history of cleft lip and palate who present with midfacial growth deficiency are at higher risk of presenting lisping. The relationship between distortions during production of linguoalveolar fricative sounds and the severity of malocclusion, however, has not been established for the population with cleft. Objective: To study the association between lisping and dental arch relationship. Methodology: Speech samples and dental arch casts were obtained from 106 children with operated unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) during the stage of mixed dentition and before orthodontic treatment. Videotaped productions of the phrase/u saci saiw sedu/were rated by speech-language pathologists for the identification of lisping during [s]. Dental arch casts were rated by orthodontists using the Goslon Yardstick and the Five-Year Index to establish dental arch relationship. Results: Multiple logistic regression showed no significant association between lisping and dento-occlusal index (p = .802) and age (p = .662). Substantial interjudge agreement during auditory-perceptual ratings was found (kappa = .63). Almost perfect agreement was found between orthodontists while establishing the dental arch relationship (kappa = .81). Discussion: This study failed to reveal an association between lisping and dental arch relationship in children with operated UCLP. Multiple variables may play a role in determining occurrence of lisping, warranting further investigation.


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Objective: To evaluate the effect of different chewing gum brands on the salivary pH of children with primary dentition. Method: Forty children were selected and assigned to four groups: control (no chewing gum); sugarless chewing gum; chewing gum with casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate; and chewing gum with xylitol. The first saliva collection was made after supervised tooth brushing for stabilization of the oral pH. Next, all children were instructed to drink slowly 100 mL of a cola-based soft drink (Coca-Cola®) and a new saliva collection was made 10 min later. Then, each group chewed on the chewing gum for 5 min and discarded it after this time. Saliva was collected again at 5, 10 and 15 min intervals after start using the chewing gum. Measurement of salivary pH was made with colorimetric test papers and a digital pH-meter. Data were analyzed statistically by analysis of variance and Tukey’s test at a 5% significance level. Results: The use of chewing gums accelerated the increase of salivary pH to considerably alkaline levels after consumption of an acidic beverage, especially within the first minutes. The highest levels were obtained in the groups of children that used chewing gums containing xylitol and casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate. Conclusion: Children that used the chewing gums after ingestion of an acidic soft drink presented an increase in salivary pH, with the best results in the groups that used chewing gums containing casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate and xylitol.


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O tratamento da má oclusão de Classe II sem extrações dentárias vem ganhando popularidade na comunidade ortodôntica já há três décadas. Aparelhos funcionais fixos vêm sendo utilizados por profissionais, de maneira crescente, para promover compensações dentoalveolares e corrigir a má oclusão de Classe II. Os efeitos mais significativos são observados em pacientes com padrão de crescimento horizontal. Um caso clínico será relatado com o uso do aparelho fixo Twin Force Bite Corrector em uma paciente do sexo feminino, para a correção da Classe II. Esse dispositivo de ancoragem fixa dispensa o uso de aparelhos funcionais removíveis e não necessita da cooperação do paciente.