987 resultados para Padre de pobres-Parroquia de san Martín Obispo y san Antonio Abad(Valencia)-Privilegios
En este artículo se aportan algunos de los resultados preliminares de mi tesis doctoral: “Las políticas públicas de la televisión digital terrestre en la Unión Europea. Estudio comparado de Suecia y España”. Mediante el análisis de las estructuras institucionales implicadas en la transición analógico-digital de la plataforma de difusión terrestre, sus lógicas legitimadoras y las estrategias desarrolladas, se pretende contribuir a la identificación de buenas prácticas y de factores clave de éxito que ayuden a diseñar políticas públicas más efectivas.
La unitat didàctica s’inicia amb una seqüència per emfatitzar la importància del llenguatge en ciències, contextualitzada en el desxiframent dels jeroglífics egipcis i en el mètode hipotètic-deductiu que s’utilitzà per a desxifrar-los. Aquest, serà el fil conductor per introduir la meiosi, ara emmarcada en un cas de Síndrome de Down, determinat en el cariotip de l’embrió d’una parella que rep el diagnòstic prenatal d’un equip investigador. Amb activitats proposades durant les sis sessions l’alumne haurà d’ aprendre a identificar evidències, a justificar proves a partir de continguts teòrics, i a formular hipòtesis a partir d’un cas; a explicitar el procés amb recursos simbòlics i visuals; a comprendre’n la funcionalitat i a caracteritzar-ne les fases. S’utilitzen eines de regulació tals com el treball cooperatiu i la coavaluació, així com pautes i bases d’orientació. També es treballen les idees prèvies i l’atenció a la diversitat present a l’aula.
We study wave-induced fluid flow effects in porous rocks partially saturated with gas and water, where the saturation patterns are governed by mesoscopic heterogeneities associated with the dry frame properties. The link between the dry frame properties and the gas saturation is defined by the assumption of capillary pressure equilibrium, which in the presence of heterogeneity implies that neighboring regions can exhibit different levels of saturation. In order to determine the equivalent attenuation and phase velocity of the synthetic rock samples considered in this study, we apply a numerical upscaling procedure, which permits to take into account mesoscopic heterogeneities associated with the dry frame properties as well as spatially continuous variations of the pore fluid properties. We consider numerical experiments to analyze such effects in heterogeneous partially saturated porous media, where the saturation field is determined by realistic variations in porosity. Our results indicate that the spatially continuous nature of gas saturation inherent to this study is a critical parameter controlling the seismic response of these environments, which in turn suggests that the physical mechanisms governing partial saturation should be accounted for when analyzing seismic data in a poro-elastic context.
Les dificultats detectades en molts alumnes alhora d’escriure ciència interfereixen en la construcció de coneixement, atès que el mitjà per construir-lo és el llenguatge. A través de la caracterització d’activitats encaminades en la millora del llenguatge escrit en ciència, es planteja fer un treball transversal del llenguatge des d’àrees diferents a les de llengua, estudiant el procés d’indagació i la redacció d’un text científic. Com que fer, pensar i escriure ha de tenir sentit per l’alumnat, s’han dissenyat activitats contextualitzades per fer ciència escolar. Es pretén generar activitat científica escolar. Però dels resultats es desprenen també alguns aspectes relacionats amb l’atenció a la diversitat. S’observa que els resultats de l’avaluació podrien estar relacionats amb les tipologies d’alumnes presents a l’aula, essent els alumnes nadius els més avantatjats alhora d’aconseguir els objectius d’aprenentatge que no pas els nouvinguts. Aquest fet conduirà al plantejament de propostes en aquest sentit.
Purpose: Letrozole (LET) has recently been shown to be superior to tamoxifen for postmenopausal patients (pts). In addition, LET radiosensitizes breast cancer cells in vitro. We conducted a phase II randomized study to evaluate concurrent and sequential radiotherapy (RT)-LET in the adjuvant setting. We present here clinical results with a minimum follow-up of 24 months. Patients and Methods: Postmenopausal pts with early-stage breast cancer were randomized after conservative surgery to either: A) concurrent RT-LET (LET started 3 weeks before the first day of RT) or B) sequential RT-LET (LET started 3 weeks after the end of RT). Whole breast RT was delivered to a total dose of 50 Gy. A 10-16 Gy boost was allowed according to age and pathological prognostic factors. Pts were stratified by center, adjuvant chemotherapy, boost, and radiation-induced CD8 apoptosis (RILA). RILA was performed before RT as previously published (Ozsahin et al. Clin Cancer Res, 2005). An independent monitoring committee reviewed individual safety data. Skin toxicities were evaluated by two different clinicians at each medical visit (CTCAE v3.0). Lung CT-scan and functional pulmonary tests were performed regularly. DNA samples were screened for SNPs in candidate genes as recently published (Azria et al., Clin Cancer Res, 2008). Results: A total of 150 pts were randomized between 01/05 and 02/07. Median follow-up is 26 months (range, 3-40 months). No statistical differences were identified between the two arms in terms of mean age; initial TNM; median surgical bed volume; post surgical breast volume. Chemotherapy and RT boost were delivered in 19% and 38% of pts, respectively. Nodes received 50 Gy in 23% of patients without differences between both arms. During RT and within the first 6 weeks after RT, 10 patients (6.7%) presented grade 3 acute skin dermatitis during RT but no differences were observed between both arms (4 and 6 patients in arm A and B, respectively). At 26 month of follow-up, grade 2 and more radiation-induced subcutaneous fibrosis (RISCF) was present in 4 patients (3%) without any difference between arm A (n = 2) and B (n = 2), p=0.93. In both arms, all patients that presented a RICSF had a RILA lower than 16%. Sensitivity and specificity were 100% and 39%, respectively.No acute lung toxicities were observed and quality of life was good to excellent for all patients.SNPs analyses are still on-going (Pr Rosenstein, NY). Conclusion: Acute and early late grade 2 dermatitis were similar in both arms. The only factor that influenced RISCF was a low radiation-induced lymphocyte apoptosis yield. We confirmed prospectively the capacity of RILA for identifying hypersensitive patients to radiation. Indeed, patients with RILA superior to 16% did not present late effects to radiation and confirmed the first prospective trial we published in 2005 (Ozsahin et al., Clin Cancer Res).
Background: The anti-angiogenic drug, bevacizumab (Bv), is currently used in the treatment of different malignancies including breast cancer. Many angiogenesis-associated molecules are found in the circulation of cancer patients. Until now, there are no prognostic or predictive factors identified in breast cancer patients treated with Bv. We present here the first results of the prospective monitoring of 6 angiogenesis-related molecules in the peripheral blood of breast cancer patients treated with a combination of Bv and PLD in the phase II trial, SAKK 24/06. Methods: Patients were treated with PLD (20 mg/m2) and Bv (10 mg/kg) on days 1 and 15 of each 4-week cycle for a maximum of 6 cycles, followed by Bv monotherapy maintenance (10 mg/m2 q2 weeks) until progression or severe toxicity. Plasma and serum samples were collected at baseline, after 2 months of therapy, then every 3 months and at treatment discontinuation. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (Quantikine, R&D Systems and Reliatech) were used to measure the expression levels of human vascular endothelial growth factor (hVEGF), placental growth factor (hPlGF), matrix metalloproteinase 9 (hMMP9) and soluble VEGF receptors hsVEGFR-1, hsVEGFR-2 and hsVEGFR-3. The log-transformed data (to reduce the skewness) for each marker was analyzed using an analysis of variance (ANOVA) model to determine if there was a difference between the mean of the subgroups of interest (where α = 0.05). The untransformed data was also analyzed in the same manner as a "sensitivity" check. Results: 132 blood samples were collected in 41 out of 43 enrolled patients. Baseline levels of the molecules were compared to disease status according to RECIST. There was a statistically significant difference in the mean of the log-transformed levels of hMMP9 between responders [CR+PR] versus the mean in patients with PD (p-value=0.0004, log fold change=0.7536), and between patients with disease control [CR+PR+SD] and those with PD (p-value=<0.0001, log fold change=0.81559), with the log-transformed level of hMMP9 being higher for the responder group. The mean of the log-transformed levels of hsVEGFR-1 was statistically significantly different between patients with disease control [CR+PR+SD] and those with PD (p-value=0.0068, log fold change=-0.6089), where the log-transformed level of hsVEGFR-1 was lower for the responder group. The log-transformed level of hMMP9 at baseline was identified as a significant prognostic factor in terms of progression free survival (PFS): p-value=0.0417, hazard ratio (HR)=0.574 with a corresponding 95% confidence interval (0.336 - 0.979)). No strong correlation was shown either between the log-transformed levels of hsVEGF, hPlGF, hsVEGFR-2 or hsVEGFR-3 and clinical response or the occurrence of severe toxicity, or between the levels of the different molecules. Conclusions: Our results suggest that baseline plasma level of the matrix metalloproteinase, hMMP9, could predict tumor response and PFS in patients treated with a combination of Bv and PLD. These data justify further investigation in breast cancer patients treated with anti-angiogenic therapy.
PURPOSE: To present in vitro loading and release characteristics of idarubicin with ONCOZENE (CeloNova BioSciences, Inc, San Antonio, Texas) drug-eluting embolic (DEE) agents and in vivo pharmacokinetics data after transarterial chemoembolization with idarubicin-loaded ONCOZENE DEE agents in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Loading efficacy of idarubicin with ONCOZENE DEE agents 100 µm and DC Bead (Biocompatibles UK Ltd, Farnham, United Kingdom) DEE agents 100-300 µm was monitored at 10, 20, and 30 minutes loading time by high-pressure liquid chromatography. A T-apparatus was used to monitor the release of idarubicin from the two types of DEE agents over 12 hours. Clinical and 24-hour pharmacokinetics data were recorded after transarterial chemoembolization with idarubicin-loaded ONCOZENE DEE agents in four patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma. RESULTS: Idarubicin loading in ONCOZENE DEE agents was > 99% at 10 minutes. Time to reach 75% of the release plateau level was 37 minutes ± 6 for DC Bead DEE agents and 170 minutes ± 19 for ONCOZENE DEE agents both loaded with idarubicin 10 mg/mL. After transarterial chemoembolization with idarubicin-loaded ONCOZENE DEE agents, three partial responses and one complete response were observed with only two asymptomatic grade 3 biologic adverse events. Median time to maximum concentration for idarubicin in patients was 10 minutes, and mean maximum concentration was 4.9 µg/L ± 1.7. Mean area under the concentration-time curve from 0-24 hours was equal to 29.5 µg.h/L ± 20.5. CONCLUSIONS: ONCOZENE DEE agents show promising results with very fast loading ability, a favorable in vivo pharmacokinetics profile with a sustained release of idarubicin during the first 24 hours, and encouraging safety and responses. Histopathologic and clinical studies are needed to evaluate idarubicin release around the DEE agents in tumor tissue and to confirm safety and efficacy.
Background: Bone health is a concern when treating early stage breast cancer patients with adjuvant aromatase inhibitors. Early detection of patients (pts) at risk of osteoporosis and fractures may be helpful for starting preventive therapies and selecting the most appropriate endocrine therapy schedule. We present statistical models describing the evolution of lumbar and hip bone mineral density (BMD) in pts treated with tamoxifen (T), letrozole (L) and sequences of T and L. Methods: Available dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry exams (DXA) of pts treated in trial BIG 1-98 were retrospectively collected from Swiss centers. Treatment arms: A) T for 5 years, B) L for 5 years, C) 2 years of T followed by 3 years of L and, D) 2 years of L followed by 3 years of T. Pts without DXA were used as a control for detecting selection biases. Patients randomized to arm A were subsequently allowed an unplanned switch from T to L. Allowing for variations between DXA machines and centres, two repeated measures models, using a covariance structure that allow for different times between DXA, were used to estimate changes in hip and lumbar BMD (g/cm2) from trial randomization. Prospectively defined covariates, considered as fixed effects in the multivariable models in an intention to treat analysis, at the time of trial randomization were: age, height, weight, hysterectomy, race, known osteoporosis, tobacco use, prior bone fracture, prior hormone replacement therapy (HRT), bisphosphonate use and previous neo-/adjuvant chemotherapy (ChT). Similarly, the T-scores for lumbar and hip BMD measurements were modeled using a per-protocol approach (allowing for treatment switch in arm A), specifically studying the effect of each therapy upon T-score percentage. Results: A total of 247 out of 546 pts had between 1 and 5 DXA; a total of 576 DXA were collected. Number of DXA measurements per arm were; arm A 133, B 137, C 141 and D 135. The median follow-up time was 5.8 years. Significant factors positively correlated with lumbar and hip BMD in the multivariate analysis were weight, previous HRT use, neo-/adjuvant ChT, hysterectomy and height. Significant negatively correlated factors in the models were osteoporosis, treatment arm (B/C/D vs. A), time since endocrine therapy start, age and smoking (current vs. never).Modeling the T-score percentage, differences from T to L were -4.199% (p = 0.036) and -4.907% (p = 0.025) for the hip and lumbar measurements respectively, before any treatment switch occurred. Conclusions: Our statistical models describe the lumbar and hip BMD evolution for pts treated with L and/or T. The results of both localisations confirm that, contrary to expectation, the sequential schedules do not seem less detrimental for the BMD than L monotherapy. The estimated difference in BMD T-score percent is at least 4% from T to L.
Significant progress has been made with regard to the quantitative integration of geophysical and hydrological data at the local scale. However, extending the corresponding approaches to the regional scale represents a major, and as-of-yet largely unresolved, challenge. To address this problem, we have developed an upscaling procedure based on a Bayesian sequential simulation approach. This method is then applied to the stochastic integration of low-resolution, regional-scale electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) data in combination with high-resolution, local-scale downhole measurements of the hydraulic and electrical conductivities. Finally, the overall viability of this upscaling approach is tested and verified by performing and comparing flow and transport simulation through the original and the upscaled hydraulic conductivity fields. Our results indicate that the proposed procedure does indeed allow for obtaining remarkably faithful estimates of the regional-scale hydraulic conductivity structure and correspondingly reliable predictions of the transport characteristics over relatively long distances.
Introduction: Trastuzumab (T) is a cornerstone in the treatment of patients with HER2-overexpressing advanced breast cancer and development of resistance to T is a major therapeutic problem. HER-2 is part of a highly interactive signaling network that may impair efficacy of endocrine therapy. A sequential treatment design was chosen in this trial to ensure complete resistance to single agent therapy before receiving both a non-steroidal aromatase inhibitor (AI) and T. Any kind of clinical activity with combined treatment of AI and T after progression of single agent treatments could indicate restoration of sensitivity as a consequence of cross-talking and networking between both pathways. Methods: Key eligibility criteria included postmenopausal patients (pts.) with advanced, measurable, HER-2 positive (assessed by FISH, ratio (≥2)), HR positive disease and progression on prior treatment with a non-steroidal AI, e.g. letrozole or anastrozole, either in an adjuvant or advanced setting. Pts. received standard dose T monotherapy either weekly or three-weekly in step 1 and upon disease progression, continued T in combination with letrozole in step 2. The primary endpoint was clinical benefit response (CBR: CR, PR or SD for at least 24 weeks (+/- 1 week) according to RECIST) in step 2. Results: Thirteen pts. were enrolled in five centers in Switzerland. In step 1, six pts. (46%) achieved CBR. Median time to progression (TTP) was 161 days (Range: 50 - 627). Based on data collected until the end of May 2010, CBR was observed in seven out of the eleven evaluable pts. (64%) in step 2, including one pt. with partial response. Four of the seven pts. within step 2 that achieved CBR also had CBR in step 1. Seven out of eleven pts. have documented tumor progression during step 2 treatment. Median TTP for all eleven pts. was 184 days (range 61 - 471). Mean time on study treatment (TTP in step 1 plus TTP in step 2) for pts. reaching step 2 was 380 days (range 174 - 864). Adverse events were generally mild. Conclusion: Results of this proof-of-principle trial suggest that complete resistance to both AI and T can be overcome in a proportion of pts. by combined treatment of AI and T, as all pts. served as their own control. Our results appear promising for a new treatment strategy which offers a chemotherapy-free and well-tolerated option for at least a subset of the pts. with HR positive, HER-2 positive breast cancer. Further trials will need to corroborate this finding.
Reseña del seminario organizado desde los Estudios de Derecho y Ciencia Política de la UOC por el Dr. Marc Tarrés. La actividad se realizó bajo el auspicio de la Escuela de Administración Pública de Cataluña y tuvo lugar en el Salón de Grados de la Universidad de Barcelona (UB), los días 19 y 20 de noviembre del 2008. El seminario contó con la presencia de reconocidos especialistas procedentes de los ámbitos académico y judicial, quienes expusieron ante una nutrida concurrencia el papel de los poderes públicos ante situaciones de riesgo. Los ponentes fueron el Dr. José Esteve Pardo, catedrático de Derecho Administrativo de la UB, el Dr. Juan Antonio Carrillo Donaire, profesor titular de Derecho administrativo de la Universidad de Sevilla, el Dr. Gabriel Doménech, profesor de Derecho administrativo del CEU - San Pablo de Valencia, el Ilmo. Sr. Manuel Táboas Bentanachs, magistrado de la Sala Contenciosa Administrativa del TSJ de Cataluña, y el Dr. Francesc Rodríguez Pontón, profesor titular de Derecho administrativo de la UB. En el transcurso de dos jornadas se abordaron especialmente los casos relacionados con la seguridad de los alimentos, la biotecnología y la protección medioambiental. En todos esos sectores se analizó la operatividad del principio de precaución, la responsabilidad de las administraciones públicas, el papel del procedimiento administrativo y la autorregulación.
Treatment of cancer with oral drugs: a position statement by the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology
Cancer treatment involves the participation of multiple medical specialties and, as our knowledge of the disease increases, this fact becomes even more apparent. The degree of multidisciplinarity is determined by several factors, which include the severity and type of disease, the increasing diversity in the available pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies, and the range of specialists involved in cancer therapy, such as medical oncologists, radiotherapists, gynecologists, gastroenterologists, urologists, surgeons, and pneumologists, among others. Across Europe, the situation of cancer care can be variable due to the diversity of health systems, differences in drug reimbursement, and the degree of establishment of Medical Oncology as a medical specialty in the European Union states.