A national information program, focusing on the main recognized risk factors (primary prevention) and on the potential benefits of early detection (secondary prevention) of cutaneous malignant melanoma, was launched in Switzerland in May 1988. The first campaign, based on a pilot study conducted in 1986 in the canton of Basel, was followed by a recall campaign in July 1989. This report describes the organization of this program and presents an assessment of its initial impact. The number of newly diagnosed cases increased more than twofold (+ 116%) in the two months following the launch of the first campaign (May to June 1988). This trend was accompanied by a statistically significant shift of case distribution towards younger ages (< 60 years; p = 0.003), and a non-significant shift was observed towards less advanced lesions (thickness < or = 1.5 mm). The incidence decreased quickly, though in the twelve month period between the two campaigns it remained 21% higher than before the inception of the program. No appreciable effects were detected from the recall campaign and no difference was seen among regions or between sexes.
The development of a protective immune response to microorganisms involves complex interactions between the host and the pathogen. The murine model of infection with Leishmania major (L. major) allows the study of the factors leading to the development of a protective immune response. Following infection with the protozoan parasite L. major, most strains of mice heal their lesions, while a few fail to control infection, both processes linked to the development of specific T helper subsets. The early events occurring during the first days following parasite inoculation are thought to be critical in the development of the Leishmania-specific immune response. Neutrophils are the first cells arriving massively to the site of infection, and recent evidence points to their role as organizers of the immune response, yet their specific role in this process remains elusive. Through interactions with cells present at the parasite inoculation site, and possibly within the draining lymph nodes, neutrophils could have an impact not only on the recruitment of inflammatory cells but also on the activation of local as well as newly migrated cells that will be crucial in shaping the Leishmania-specific immune response.
PURPOSE: To investigate the mechanism(s) of resistance to the RAF-inhibitor vemurafenib, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of the genetic alterations occurring in metastatic lesions from a patient with a BRAF(V600E)-mutant cutaneous melanoma who, after a first response, underwent subsequent rechallenge with this drug. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: We obtained blood and tissue samples from a patient diagnosed with a BRAF(V600E)-mutant cutaneous melanoma that was treated with vemurafenib and achieved a near-complete response. At progression, he received additional lines of chemo/immunotherapy and was successfully rechallenged with vemurafenib. Exome and RNA sequencing were conducted on a pretreatment tumor and two subcutaneous resistant metastases, one that was present at baseline and previously responded to vemurafenib (PV1) and one that occurred de novo after reintroduction of the drug (PV2). A culture established from PV1 was also analyzed. RESULTS: We identified two NRAS-activating somatic mutations, Q61R and Q61K, affecting two main subpopulations in the metastasis PV1 and a BRAF alternative splicing, involving exons 4-10, in the metastasis PV2. These alterations, known to confer resistance to RAF inhibitors, were tumor-specific, mutually exclusive, and were not detected in pretreatment tumor samples. In addition, the oncogenic PIK3CA(H1047R) mutation was detected in a subpopulation of PV1, but this mutation did not seem to play a major role in vemurafenib resistance in this metastasis. CONCLUSIONS: This work describes the coexistence within the same patient of different molecular mechanisms of resistance to vemurafenib affecting different metastatic sites. These findings have direct implications for the clinical management of BRAF-mutant melanoma. Clin Cancer Res; 19(20); 5749-57. ©2013 AACR.
BRAF inhibitory therapy is the mainstream treatment for BRAF mutant advanced melanoma. However vemurafenib, a type I mutant BRAF V600 inhibitor, induces an array of proliferative skin disorders from keratosis pilaris-like and keratoacanthoma-like lesions to locally aggressive cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cuSCC). Dual BRAF/MEK inhibition is known to lower the incidence of such manifestations, but it is not known whether it can counteract established lesions. Here we show, for the first time, a dramatic response and a restitution ad integro upon dual inhibition of a widespread proliferative affection induced by BRAF monotherapy. A 75-year-old woman was diagnosed with a BRAF V600E mutated metastatic melanoma. Following dacarbazine (DTIC) and ipilimumab, the patient was started on 960 mg twice daily vemurafenib (Zelboraf), which resulted in complete response, but the patient also developed grade IV skin toxicity. Despite dose-reduction to 720 mg twice daily the side effects persisted. We hypothesized that a switch to double inhibition of the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway with dabrafenib and trametinib could lead to improvement of the skin lesions, while preserving tumor control. The patient was closely followed for changes in skin lesions. We witnessed a rapid regression followed by complete disappearance of all side effects of vemurafenib except for grade I fatigue. The biopsied skin lesions show regression of established keratoacanthoma-like lesions with signs of apoptosis. Switching from the current standard of care vemurafenib therapy to the double BRAF/MEK inhibition in BRAF mutant melanoma patients results in rapid disappearance of established proliferative skin disorders.
Cutaneous melanoma is the most deadly cutaneous neoplasm. In order to guide treatment decisions and follow-up of melanoma patients, guidelines for the management of melanoma in Switzerland were inaugurated in 2001 and revised in 2006 and 2016. Recent data on surgical and medical treatments from randomised trials necessitated modification of the treatment and follow-up recommendations.
Leishmaniaparasites cause a broad range of disease, with cutaneous afflictions being, by far, the most prevalent. Variations in disease severity and symptomatic spectrum are mostly associated to parasite species. One risk factor for the severity and emergence of leishmaniasis is immunosuppression, usually arising by coinfection of the patient with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Interestingly, several species ofLeishmaniahave been shown to bear an endogenous cytoplasmic dsRNA virus (LRV) of theTotiviridaefamily, and recently we correlated the presence of LRV1 withinLeishmaniaparasites to an exacerbation murine leishmaniasis and with an elevated frequency of drug treatment failures in humans. This raises the possibility of further exacerbation of leishmaniasis in the presence of both viruses, and here we report a case of cutaneous leishmaniasis caused byLeishmania braziliensisbearing LRV1 with aggressive pathogenesis in an HIV patient. LRV1 was isolated and partially sequenced from skin and nasal lesions. Genetic identity of both sequences reinforced the assumption that nasal parasites originate from primary skin lesions. Surprisingly, combined antiretroviral therapy did not impact the devolution ofLeishmaniainfection. TheLeishmaniainfection was successfully treated through administration of liposomal amphotericin B.
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the use of sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) and whole body positron emission tomography (PET), with emphasis on surgical treatment and prognosis, in the detection of clinically occult metastases in patients with clinically localized cutaneous melanoma. Patients and methods: The study population consisted of 1255 patients with clinical stage I–II cutaneous melanoma, operated at Turku University Hospital between 1983 and 2007. 334 patients underwent SLNB and they were compared to 921 retrospective patients. A subgroup of 30 symptom-free patients with high risk melanoma underwent prospectively whole body PET 6–24 months postoperatively. Results: Overall, the disease-specific survival rate was 84.4 % at five years. Sex, Breslow thickness, age and nodal status were independent prognostic factors for survival. SLNB revealed occult nodal metastases in 17 % of the patients. There was no significant difference in disease-specific overall survival between SLNB patients and controls, but the nodal disease-free time was significantly longer suggesting better local control after SLNB and subsequent completion lymph node dissection. The followup time was different between the study cohorts and initial surgery was performed during different time periods. SLNB detected micrometastases in seven of 155 patients (4.5 %) with thin T1 primary melanoma and in four of 25 patients (16 %) with head and neck melanoma. In six of 30 asymptomatic patients with high risk melanoma (20 %), whole body PET detected occult distant metastases. Conclusion: Both SLNB and whole body PET were reliable methods to detect clinically occult metastases in patients with cutaneous melanoma. This upstaging altered the treatment in each case.
Leishmaniasis comprises a group of diseases caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania and has two basic clinical forms, visceral Leishmaniasis and cutaneous Leishmaniasis. The clinical features of Leishmaniasis depend on the species of Leishmania, the interaction between host and parasite and the immune response. This work focuses on cutaneous leishmaniosis because although it is not a deadly disease it results in significant scars and facial disfigurements, thus being clinically important. Furthermore, the first-line treatment consists of intravenous or intramuscular administration of intralesional pentavalent antimonials, which are highly toxic, making hospitalization of patients compulsory during treatment, with the associated financial costs. Herein, we review studies on drugs and treatments with fewer side effects and easier routes of administration such as topical administration. Recent research shows that the topical route of administration holds promise for the future treatment of cutaneous leishmaniosis.
Leishmaniasis comprises a group of diseases caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania and has two basic clinical forms, visceral Leishmaniasis and cutaneous Leishmaniasis. The clinical features of Leishmaniasis depend on the species of Leishmania, the interaction between host and parasite and the immune response. This work focuses on cutaneous leishmaniosis because although it is not a deadly disease it results in significant scars and facial disfigurements, thus being clinically important. Furthermore, the first-line treatment consists of intravenous or intramuscular administration of intralesional pentavalent antimonials, which are highly toxic, making hospitalization of patients compulsory during treatment, with the associated financial costs. Herein, we review studies on drugs and treatments with fewer side effects and easier routes of administration such as topical administration. Recent research shows that the topical route of administration holds promise for the future treatment of cutaneous leishmaniosis.
Matrix metalloproteinase-13 (MMP-13) is a potent proteolytic enzyme, whose expression has been previously associated with fetal bone development and postnatal bone remodeling and with adult gingival wound healing. MMP-13 is also known to be involved in the growth and invasion of various cancers including squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the skin. The aim of this study was to further elucidate the function and regulation of MMP-13 in wound repair and cancer. In this study, it was shown that fetal skin fibroblasts express MMP-13 in response to transforming growth factor-β in a p38 MAP kinase dependent manner. In addition, MMP-13 was found to be expressed in vivo by wound fibroblasts in human fetal skin grafted on SCID mice. Adenovirally delivered expression of MMP-13 enhanced collagen matrix contraction by fibroblasts in vitro in association with altered cytoskeletal structure, enhanced proliferation and survival. These results indicate that MMP-13 is involved in cell-mediated collagen matrix remodeling and suggest a role for MMP-13 in superior matrix remodeling and scarless healing of fetal skin wounds. Using an MMP-13 deficient mouse strain, it was shown that MMP-13 is essential for the normal development of experimental granulation tissue in mice. MMP-13 was implicated in the regulation of myofibroblast function and angiogenesis and the expression of genes involved in cellular proliferation and movement, immune response, angiogenesis and proteolysis. Finally, epidermal mitogen, keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) was shown to suppress the malignant properties of skin SCC cells by downregulating the expression of several target genes with potential cancer promoting properties, including MMP-13, and by reducing SCC cell invasion. These results provide evidence that MMP-13 potently regulates cell viability, myofibroblast function and angiogenesis associated with wound healing and cancer. In addition, fibroblasts expressing MMP-13 show high collagen reorganization capacity. Moreover, the results suggest that KGF mediates the anti-cancer effects on skin SCC