932 resultados para P19 embryonal carcinoma cells


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We have investigated the gelatinase profiles and invasiveness of clonal tumour sublines derived from a spontaneously arising mammary tumour in a Balb/cfC3H mouse. The 67NR, 66c14 and 4T1.2 sublines have low, intermediate and high metastatic potential respectively. In Boyden chamber studies, Matrigel invasion was seen to be progressively higher in the more metastatic lines 4T1.2>66c14>67NR, consistent with MMP-2 activation potential, MMP-9 secretion, and migration over either type I or IV collagen, which were low in both 67NR and 66c14 cells compared to 4T1.2 cells. These attributes are consistent with those seen in human breast cancer cell lines which appear to have undergone an epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) as indicated by vimentin expression. We were, however, surprised to find vimentin expression, MT1-MMP expression and stellate Matrigel outgrowth in the non-invasive, non-metastatic 67NR cells, indicating that they had undergone an EMT despite not being invasive. We conclude that the EMT is manifested to differing degrees in these three clonal cell lines, and that the 67NR cells have either undergone a partial EMT or have since lost certain important attributes of the EMT-derived phenotype. This model should prove useful in further characterizing the regulation of MT1-MMP mediated MMP-2 activation and delineating the EMT in breast cancer progression.


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This volume stems from the 1st International Conference on Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transitions (EMT), which was convened by the editors on October 5–8, 2003 in the beautiful setting of Port Douglas, Queensland, Australia. EMT, the name given to the transformation of cells arranged in a coherent layer – epithelial cells – to more individualistic and potential motile cells – mesenchymal cells – was recognized decades ago by Prof. Elisabeth (Betty) Hay (Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass., USA) as a primary mechanism in embryogenesis for remodelling tissues. More recently EMT has been seen as crucial to the spread and invasion of carcinoma, and more recently still, EMT-like changes have been detected in various pathologies marked by fi brosis. Despite the basic and clinical importance of EMT, this extremely rapidly growing fi eld had never previously had a conference devoted to it, and indeed the disciplines of developmental biology, cancer and pathology rarely interact although they have much to share. The chapters assembled for this volume encompass these three major themes of the meeting, development, pathology and cancer, and further highlight the commonality in terms of mechanisms and outcomes among them...


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Many data have emerged in support of the concept that the promotion of a migratory phenotype in epithelial cells is the result of an EMT, which leads to the loss of differentiation and to the acquisition of several mesenchymal features. Such an event is likely to occur during the metastatic conversion enabling the metastatic cell to invade the connective tissue and disseminate. Even though it cannot be excluded that some cancer cells might constitutively express a metastatic phenotype, the EMT implicated in the tumor progression process would rather be transient, induced in certain cells of the primary tumor by different factors, and reversed when the cells settle down in secondary organs (as schematically represented in Figure 1). However, it is clear that the phenotype that would emerge from the EMT occurring during tumor progression would also be modulated by the genetic background of the cells and must be to some extent different than the ones observed in normal physiological processes, and must also vary from one tumor to another.


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Epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) and cancer stem cells (CSC) have been associated with resistance to chemotherapy. Eighty percent of ovarian cancer patients initially respond to platinum-based combination therapy but most return with recurrence and ultimate demise. To better understand such chemoresistance we have assessed the potential role of EMT in tumor cells collected from advanced-stage ovarian cancer patients and the ovarian cancer cell line OVCA 433 in response to cisplatin in vitro. We demonstrate that cisplatin-induced transition from epithelial to mesenchymal morphology in residual cancer cells correlated with reduced E-cadherin, and increased N-cadherin and vimentin expression. The mRNA expression of Snail, Slug, Twist, and MMP-2 were significantly enhanced in response to cisplatin and correlated with increased migration. This coincided with increased cell surface expression of CSC-like markers such as CD44, α2 integrin subunit, CD117, CD133, EpCAM, and the expression of stem cell factors Nanog and Oct-4. EMT and CSC-like changes in response to cisplatin correlated with enhanced activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)1/2. The selective MEK inhibitor U0126 inhibited ERK2 activation and partially suppressed cisplatin-induced EMT and CSC markers. In vivo xenotransplantation of cisplatin-treated OVCA 433 cells in zebrafish embryos demonstrated significantly enhanced migration of cells compared to control untreated cells. U0126 inhibited cisplatin-induced migration of cells in vivo, suggesting that ERK2 signaling is critical to cisplatin-induced EMT and CSC phenotypes, and that targeting ERK2 in the presence of cisplatin may reduce the burden of residual tumor, the ultimate cause of recurrence in ovarian cancer patients.


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In vitro invasion and in vivo metastasis assays were performed with a panel of MCF-7 cells transfected with isogenic constructs of mutated ras(H) genes. Both increased levels of ras(H) expression and ras(H) oncogene activation increased activity of derivative cell lines in in vitro invasion assays. In vivo formation of spontaneous metastases was assessed after intradermal inoculation of MCF-7 cells in the vicinity of the mammary fat pads of ovariectomized nude mice. No metastases were seen in the absence of estradiol treatment of the mice. With estradiol supplementation of the mice both the ras(H)-transfected and control transfected cell lines gave a higher incidence of metastases than parental MCF-7 cells. Prolonged treatment of mice with exogenous estradiol (60 days vs. 21 days) resulted in more frequent metastases to liver and lung at the end of the 90-day observation period. In contrast to activated ras(H)-gene enhancement of metastatic capacity of rodent fibroblast and epithelial cell lines, there was no correlation of ras(H) expression with in vivo metastatic capacity of a human mammary carcinoma cell line.


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MMP-2 (gelatinase A) has been associated with the invasive potential of many cancer cells both in vitro and in vivo. It is now becoming clear that the activation of this enzyme might be a key step in tumor invasion. This activation process has been shown to be a membrane-associated pathway inducible by various agents such as collagen type I, concanavalin A or TGF-β, but its physiological regulation is still largely unresolved. MT-MMP was recently discovered and described as a potential gelatinase-A activator. In the present study, we investigated the expression of MT-MMP (membrane-type metalloproteinase) in cervical cancer cells both in vitro and in vivo. Comparing several in vitro-transformed cervical cell lines, previously shown to display different invasive potentials, our results showed that the ability of cells to overexpress MT-MMP mRNA following ConA induction correlated with their ability to activate gelatinase A and with a highly invasive behavior. Moreover, using immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization, we found a higher level of MT-MMP expression in invasive cervical carcinoma and lymphnode metastases compared to its expression in non-invasive CIN III lesions. Our in vivo observations also clearly demonstrated a cooperation between stromal and tumor cells for the production of MT-MMP. Taken together, our results clearly correlated high level MT-MMP expression with invasiveness, and thus suggested that MT-MMP might play a crucial role in cervical tumor invasion.


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Laminin has been shown to promote the malignant phenotype and the level of the 32/67 Kd laminin receptor has been found to correlate with Dukes' staging of colon cancer. A biopsy of a Dukes' stage B2 human colon carcinoma formed a tumor in a nude mouse after coinjection with Matrigel. The parental tumor and the murine tumor appeared identical at the histological level. A cell line LCC-C1 was established from the murine tumor. The cell line appeared moderately differentiated although it did not produce mucin in vitro; however, the xenograft in vivo did produce low levels of mucin. Laminin adherent and non-adherent cell lines were selected. The parental and the laminin-selected cell subclones adhered equally well to plastic and to fibronectin and showed similar growth rates on plastic. When injected subcutaneously into nude mice, the laminin-adherent cells formed relatively undifferentiated tumors that were twice as large as the parental cell tumors whereas the laminin non adherent cells formed very small, but highly differentiated tumors. These data demonstrate that subpopulations of tumor cells which differ in their tumorigenic properties can be selected based on their adhesion to laminin and thus provide models for studying the mechanisms of tumor growth.


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The human galectin-3 is a galactoside-binding protein of 31 kDa which functions as a receptor for glycoproteins containing poly N-acetyllactosamine side chains and as a substrate for matrix metalloproteinases-2 and -9. We studied its expression by flow cytofluorimetry, Western, Northern and Southern analyses, in five cultured human breast carcinoma cell lines previously characterized as non-tumorigenic, poorly metastatic or metastatic in nude mice. The expression of galectin-3 correlated with the reported tumorigenicity of the cells. The introduction of recombinant galectin-3 into the null expressing non-tumorigenic BT-549 cells resulted in the acquisition of anchorage-independent growth properties in alland tumorigenicity in 3/4 sense transfected cell crones. The data indicate a relationship between galectin-3 expression and malignancy of human breast carcinoma cell lines.


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Background The utility of GATA3 as a marker for metastatic breast carcinoma in serous effusion specimens was investigated. Methods Cell block sections from 74 serous effusion specimens (32 ascitic, 2 pericardial and 40 pleural fluids) were stained with an anti-GATA3 murine monoclonal antibody. The specimens included 62 confirmed metastatic carcinomas from breast (30), female genital tract (13), gastrointestinal tract (7), lung adenocarcinoma (9), pancreas (1), kidney (1) and bladder (1). The breast carcinoma cases included 15 ductal carcinomas, 8 lobular carcinomas and in 7 the histology sub-type was not available. Twelve cases containing florid reactive mesothelial cells were also stained. The breast carcinoma cases were also stained for mammaglobin and GCDFP-15 to compare sensitivity with GATA3. Results Positive nuclear staining for GATA3 was present in 90% (27/30) of metastatic breast carcinoma specimens. All non-breast metastatic carcinomas tested were negative with the exception of the single case of metastatic urothelial carcinoma. No staining was observed in any of the benign reactive cases or in benign mesothelial cells present in the malignant cell block preparations. Two cases showed weak positivity of benign lymphoid cells. Staining results were unambiguous as all positive cases showed intense nuclear staining in >50% of tumor cells. Mammaglobin (57%; 17/30) and GCDFP-15 (33%; 10/30) were less sensitive markers of breast carcinoma. If used in a panel, mammaglobin and GCFP-15 staining would have identified only one additional case to those stained with GATA3. Conclusions GATA3 may be a useful addition to immunostaining panels for serous effusion specimens when metastatic breast carcinoma is a consideration.


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Bone sialoprotein (BSP) and osteopontin (OPN) are secreted glycoproteins with a conserved Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) integrin-binding motif and are expressed predominantly in bone. The RGD tripeptide is commonly present in extracellular attachment proteins and has been shown to mediate the attachment of osteosarcoma cells and osteoclasts. To determine the origin and incidence of BSP and OPN mRNA expression in primary tumor, a cohort of archival, primary invasive breast carcinoma specimens was analyzed. BSP transcripts were detected in 65% and OPN transcripts in 77% of breast cancers examined. In general, BSP and OPN transcripts were detected in both invasive and in situ carcinoma components. The transcripts were not detected in surrounding stromal cells or in peritumoral macrophages. Despite its abundance in carcinomas, BSP expression was not detected in a panel of 11 human breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7, T47D, SK-Br-3, MDA-MB-453, MDA-MB- 231, MDA-MB-436, BT549, MCF-7(AOR), Hs578T, MDA-MB-435, and LCC15-MB) and OPN expression was detected only in two of these (MDA-MB-435 and LCC15-MB). To examine the possibility that expression of these genes was down-regulated in cell culture, several cell lines were grown as nude mouse xenografts in vivo; however, these tumors also failed to express BSP. OPN expression was identified in all cell lines grown as nude mouse xenografts. Our data suggest that in human primary breast tumors, the origin of BSP and OPN mRNA is predominantly the breast cancer cells and that expression of these transcripts is influenced by the tumor environment.


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Chemotherapy resistance associated with recurrent disease is the major cause of poor survival of ovarian cancer patients. We have recently demonstrated activation of the JAK2/STAT3 pathway and the enhancement of a cancer stem cell (CSC)-like phenotype in ovarian cancer cells treated in vitro with chemotherapeutic agents. To elucidate further these mechanisms in vivo,we used a two-tiered paclitaxel treatment approach in nude mice inoculated with ovarian cancer cells. In the first approach, we demonstrate that a single intraperitoneal administration of paclitaxel in mice 7 days after subcutaneous transplantation of the HEY ovarian cancer cell line resulted in a significant increase in the expression of CA125, Oct4, and CD117 in mice xenografts compared to control mice xenografts which did not receive paclitaxel. In the second approach, mice were administered once weekly with paclitaxel and/or a daily dose of the JAK2-specific inhibitor, CYT387, over 4weeks. Mice receiving paclitaxel only demonstrated a significant decrease in tumor volume compared to control mice. At the molecular level, mouse tumors remaining after paclitaxel administration showed a significant increase in the expression of Oct4 and CD117 coinciding with a significant activation of the JAK2/STAT3 pathway compared to control tumors. The addition of CYT387 with paclitaxel resulted in the suppression of JAK2/STAT3 activation and abrogation of Oct4 and CD117 expression in mouse xenografts. This coincided with significantly smaller tumors in mice administered CYT387 in addition to paclitaxel, compared to the control group and the group of mice receiving paclitaxel only. These data suggest that the systemic administration of paclitaxel enhances Oct4- and CD117-associated CSC-like marker expression in surviving cancer cells in vivo, which can be suppressed by the addition of the JAK2-specific inhibitor CYT387, leading to a significantly smaller tumor burden. These novel findings have the potential for the development of CSC-targeted therapy to improve the treatment outcomes of ovarian cancer patients.


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Background This study reviewed the clinical presentation, cytologic findings and the immunophenotype of 69 Merkel Cell Carcinoma (MCC) cases sampled by FNA. Methods Demographic and clinical data, the cytology findings and results of ancillary testing were reviewed. Results Median patient age was 78 years (37 – 104) with a 1:1.8 female to male ratio. The most common FNA sites sampled included lymph nodes in the neck, the axillary region, the inguinal region and the parotid gland. Most patients had a history of MCC (68%) &/or non-MCC malignancy (70%). The common cytologic pattern was a cellular smear with malignant cells arranged in a dispersed pattern with variable numbers of disorganised groups of cells. Cytoplasm was scant or absent and nuclei showed mild to moderate anisokaryosis, stippled chromatin, inconspicuous nucleoli and nuclear molding. Numerous apoptotic bodies were often present. Cell block samples (28 cases) were usually positive for cytokeratins in a perinuclear dot pattern, including 88% of cases with CK20 positivity. CD56 was the most sensitive (95%) neuroendocrine marker on cell blocks and was also positive with flow cytometry in 9 cases tested. Conclusions MCC is most commonly seen in FNA specimens from the head and neck of elderly patients, often with a history of previous skin lesions. Occasional cases present in younger patients and some may be mistaken for other round blue cell tumors, such as lymphoma. CD 56 may be a useful marker in cell block preparations and in flow cytometric analysis of MCC.


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Developing follicles and follicular cysts in the ovary are lined by granulosa cells. Approximately the size of histiocytes, non-neoplastic granulosa cells have scant granular to foamy cytoplasm and mildly atypical hyperchromatic nuclei, which may be mitotically active. 1 Displaced granulosa cells, derived from normal follicles and introduced into ovarian vascular channels, ovarian stroma and the fallopian tube, have been reported to cause diagnostic difficulty in histol- ogy, as they may mimic small cell carcinoma or other metastatic carcinomas. 2–4 The cells are thought to be displaced artefactually due to surgical trauma or during sectioning in the laboratory or during ovulation...


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Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is the sixth most common cancer with 650,000 new cases p/a worldwide. HNSCC causes high morbidity with a 5-year survival rate of less than 60%, which has not improved due to the lack of early detection (Bozec et al. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2013;270: 2745–9). Metastatic disease remains one of the leading causes of death in HNSCC patients. This review article provides a comprehensive overview of literature over the past 5 years on the detection of circulating tumour cells (CTCs) in HNSCC; CTC biology and future perspectives. CTCs are a hallmark of invasive cancer cells and key to metastasis. CTCs can be used as surrogate markers of overall survival and progression-free survival. CTCs are currently used as prognostic factors for breast, prostate and colorectal cancers using the CellSearch® system. CTCs have been detected in HNSCC, however, these numbers depend on the technique applied, time of blood collection and the clinical stage of the patient. The impact of CTCs in HNSCC is not well understood, and thus, not in routine clinical practice. Validated detection technologies that are able to capture CTCs undergoing epithelial–mesenchymal transition are needed. This will aid in the capture of heterogeneous CTCs, which can be compiled as new targets for the current food and drug administration-cleared CellSearch® system. Recent studies on CTCs in HNSCC with the CellSearch® have shown variable data. Therefore, there is an immediate need for large clinical trials encompassing a suite of biomarkers capturing CTCs in HNSCC, before CTCs can be used as prognostic markers in HNSCC patient management.


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Background Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is known to play a major role in angiogenesis. A soluble form of Flt-1, a VEGF receptor, is potentially useful as an antagonist of VEGF, and accumulating evidence suggests the applicability of sFlt-1 in tumor suppression. In the present study, we have developed and tested strategies targeted specifically to VEGF for the treatment of ascites formation.Methods As an initial strategy, we produced recombinant sFLT-1 in the baculovirus expression system and used it as a trap to sequester VEGF in the murine ascites carcinoma model. The effect of the treatment on the weight of the animal, cell number, ascites volume and proliferating endothelial cells was studied. The second strategy involved, producing Ehrlich ascites tumor (EAT) cells stably transfected with vectors carrying cDNA encoding truncated form of Flt-1 and using these cells to inhibit ascites tumors in a nude mouse model. Results The sFLT-1 produced by the baculovirus system showed potent antiangiogenic activity as assessed by rat cornea and tube formation assay. sFLT-1 treatment resulted in reduced peritoneal angiogenesis with a concomitant decrease in tumor cell number, volume of ascites, amount of free VEGF and the number of invasive tumor cells as assayed by CD31 staining. EAT cells stably transfected with truncated form of Flt-1 also effectively reduced the tumor burden in nude mice transplanted with these cells, and demonstrated a reduction in ascites formation and peritoneal angiogenesis. Conclusions The inhibition of peritoneal angiogenesis and tumor growth by sequestering VEGF with either sFlt-1 gene expression by recombinant EAT cells or by direct sFLT-1 protein therapy is shown to comprise a potential therapy. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.