969 resultados para Oxygen at low temperatures


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Adsorption of glycine on Ptf111g under UHV conditions and in different aqueous environments was studied by XPS (UHV and ambient pressure) and NEXAFS. Under UHV conditions, glycine adsorbs in its neutral molecular state up to about 0.15 ML. Further deposition leads to the formation of an additional zwitterionic species, which is in direct contact with the substrate surface, followed by the growth of multilayers, which also consist of zwitterions. The neutral surface species is most stable and decomposes at 360 K through a multi-step process which includes the formation of methylamine and carbon monoxide. When glycine and water are co-adsorbed in UHV at low temperatures (< 170 K) inter-layer diffusion is inhibited and the surface composition depends on the adsorption sequence. Water adsorbed on top of a glycine layer does not lead to significant changes in its chemical state. When glycine is adsorbed on top of a pre-adsorbed chemisorbed water layer or thick ice layer, however, it is found in its zwitterionic state, even at low coverage. No difference is seen in the chemical state of glycine when the layers are exposed to ambient water vapor pressure up to 0.2 Torr at temperatures above 300 K. Also the decomposition temperature stays the same, 360 K, irrespective of the water vapor pressure. Only the reaction path of the decomposition products is affected by ambient water vapor.


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Two new Mn(III) complexes of formulas [MnL1(N-3)(OMe)](2) (1) and [MnL2(N-3)(2)](n) (2) have been synthesized by using two tridentate NNO-donor Schiff base ligands HL1{(2-[(3-methylaminoethylimino)-methyl]-phenol)} and HL2 {(2-[1-(2-dimethylaminoethylimino)methyl]-phenol)}, respectively. Substitution of the H atom on the secondary amine group of the N-methyldiamine fragment of the Schiff base by a methyl group leads to a drastic structural change from a methoxido-bridged dimer (1) to a single mu(1,3)-azido-bridged 1D helical polymer (2). Both complexes were characterized by single-crystal X-ray structural analyses and variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements. The magnetic properties of compound I show the presence of weak ferromagnetic exchange interactions mediated by double methoiddo bridges (J = 0.95 cm(-1)). Compound 2 shows the existence of a weak antiferromangetic coupling along the chain (J = -8.5 cm(-1)) through the single mu(1,3)-N-3 bridge with a spin canting that leads to a long-range antiferromagnetic order at T-c approximate to 9.3 K and a canting leading to a weak ferromagnetic long-range order at T-c approximate to 8.5 K. It also exibits metamagnetic behavior at low temperatures with a critical field of ca.1.2 T due to the weak antiferromagnetic interchain interactions that appear in the canted ordered phase.


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Southern Hemisphere (SH) polar mesospheric clouds (PMCs), also known as noctilucent clouds, have been observed to be more variable and, in general, dimmer than their Northern Hemisphere (NH) counterparts. The precise cause of these hemispheric differences is not well understood. This paper focuses on one aspect of the hemispheric differences: the timing of the PMC season onset. Observations from the Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere satellite indicate that in recent years the date on which the PMC season begins varies much more in the SH than in the NH. Using the Canadian Middle Atmosphere Model, we show that the generation of sufficiently low temperatures necessary for cloud formation in the SH summer polar mesosphere is perturbed by year‐to‐year variations in the timing of the late‐spring breakdown of the SH stratospheric polar vortex. These stratospheric variations, which persist until the end of December, influence the propagation of gravity waves up to the mesosphere. This adds a stratospheric control to the temperatures in the polar mesopause region during early summer, which causes the onset of PMCs to vary from one year to another. This effect is much stronger in the SH than in the NH because the breakdown of the polar vortex occurs much later in the SH, closer in time to the PMC season.


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Coupled chemistry‐climate model simulations covering the recent past and continuing throughout the 21st century have been completed with a range of different models. Common forcings are used for the halogen amounts and greenhouse gas concentrations, as expected under the Montreal Protocol (with amendments) and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change A1b Scenario. The simulations of the Antarctic ozone hole are compared using commonly used diagnostics: the minimum ozone, the maximum area of ozone below 220 DU, and the ozone mass deficit below 220 DU. Despite the fact that the processes responsible for ozone depletion are reasonably well understood, a wide range of results is obtained. Comparisons with observations indicate that one of the reasons for the model underprediction in ozone hole area is the tendency for models to underpredict, by up to 35%, the area of low temperatures responsible for polar stratospheric cloud formation. Models also typically have species gradients that are too weak at the edge of the polar vortex, suggesting that there is too much mixing of air across the vortex edge. Other models show a high bias in total column ozone which restricts the size of the ozone hole (defined by a 220 DU threshold). The results of those models which agree best with observations are examined in more detail. For several models the ozone hole does not disappear this century but a small ozone hole of up to three million square kilometers continues to occur in most springs even after 2070.


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We present ozone loss estimated from airborne measurements taken during January–February and March in the Arctic winter 2002/2003. The first half of the winter was characterized by unusually cold temperatures and the second half by a major stratospheric sudden warming around 15–18 January 2003. The potential vorticity maps show a vortex split in the lower stratosphere during the major warming (MW) in late January and during the minor warming in mid-February due to wave 1 amplification. However, the warming can be termed as a vortex displacement event as there was no vortex split during the MW period at 10 hPa. Very low temperatures, large areas of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs), and high chlorine activation triggered significant ozone loss in the early winter, as the vortex moved to the midlatitude regions. The ozone depletion derived from the ASUR measurements sampled inside the vortex, in conjunction with the Mimosa-Chim model tracer, shows a maximum of 1.3 ± 0.2 ppmv at 450–500 K by late March. The partial column loss derived from the ASUR ozone profiles reaches up to 61 ± 4 DU in 400–550 K in the same period. The evolution of ozone and ozone loss assessed from the ASUR measurements is in very good agreement with POAM observations. The reduction in ozone estimated from the POAM measurements shows a similar maximum of 1.3 ± 0.2 ppmv at 400–500 K or 63 ± 4 DU in 400–550 K in late March. Our study reveals that the Arctic winter 2002/2003 was unique as it had three minor warmings and a MW, yet showed large loss in ozone. No such feature was observed in any other Arctic winter in the 1989–2010 period. In addition, an unusually large ozone loss in December, around 0.5 ± 0.2 ppmv at 450–500 K or 12 ± 1 DU in 400–550 K, was estimated for the first time in the Arctic. A careful and detailed diagnosis with all available published results for this winter exhibits an average ozone loss of 1.5 ± 0.3 ppmv at 450–500 K or 65 ± 5 DU in 400–550 K by the end of March, which exactly matches the ozone depletion derived from the ASUR, POAM and model data. The early ozone loss together with considerable loss afterwards put the warm Arctic winter 2002/2003 amongst the moderately cold winters in terms of the significance of the ozone loss.


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The incorporation of cobalt in mixed metal carbonates is a possible route to the immobilization of this toxic element in the environment. However, the thermodynamics of (Ca,Co)CO3 solid solutions are still unclear due to conflicting data from experiment and from the observation of natural ocurrences. We report here the results of a computer simulation study of the mixing of calcite (CaCO3) and spherocobaltite (CoCO3), using density functional theory calculations. Our simulations suggest that previously proposed thermodynamic models, based only on the range of observed compositions, significantly overestimate the solubility between the two solids and therefore underestimate the extension of the miscibility gap under ambient conditions. The enthalpy of mixing of the disordered solid solution is strongly positive and moderately asymmetric: calcium incorporation in spherocobaltite is more endothermic than cobalt incorporation in calcite. Ordering of the impurities in (0001) layers is energetically favourable with respect to the disordered solid solution at low temperatures and intermediate compositions, but the ordered phase is still unstable to demixing. We calculate the solvus and spinodal lines in the phase diagram using a sub-regular solution model, and conclude that many Ca1-xCoxCO3 mineral solid solutions (with observed compositions of up to x=0.027, and above x=0.93) are metastable with respect to phase separation. We also calculate solid/aqueous distribution coefficients to evaluate the effect of the strong non-ideality of mixing on the equilibrium with aqueous solution, showing that the thermodynamically-driven incorporation of cobalt in calcite (and of calcium in spherocobaltite) is always very low, regardless of the Co/Ca ratio of the aqueous environment.


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Nine of the compounds [M(L2−)(p-cymene)] (M = Ru, Os, L2− = 4,6-di-tert-butyl-N-aryl-o-amidophenolate) were prepared and structurally characterized (Ru complexes) as coordinatively unsaturated, formally 16 valence electron species. On L2−-ligand based oxidation to EPR-active iminosemiquinone radical complexes, the compounds seek to bind a donor atom (if available) from the N-aryl substituent, as structurally certified for thioether and selenoether functions, or from the donor solvent. Simulated cyclic voltammograms and spectroelectrochemistry at ambient and low temperatures in combination with DFT results confirm a square scheme behavior (ECEC mechanism) involving the Ln ligand as the main electron transfer site and the metal with fractional (δ) oxidation as the center for redox-activated coordination. Attempts to crystallize [Ru(Cym)(QSMe)](PF6) produced single crystals of [RuIII(QSMe •−)2](PF6) after apparent dissociation of the arene ligand.


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A new series of non-stoichiometric sulfides Ga1−xGexV4S8−δ (0≤x≤1; δ≤0.23) has been synthesized at high temperatures by heating stoichiometric mixtures of the elements in sealed quartz tubes. The samples have been characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, SQUID magnetometry and electrical transport-property measurements. Structural analysis reveals that a solid solution is formed throughout this composition range, whilst thermogravimetric data reveal sulfur deficiency of up to 2.9% in the quaternary phases. Magnetic measurements suggest that the ferromagnetic behavior of the end-member phase GaV4S8 is retained at x≤0.7; samples in this composition range showing a marked increase in magnetization at low temperatures. By contrast Ga0.25Ge0.75V4S8−δ appears to undergo antiferromagnetic ordering at ca. 15 K. All materials with x≠1 are n-type semiconductors whose resistivity falls by almost six orders of magnitude with decreasing Ga content, whilst the end-member phase GeV4S8−δ is a p-type semiconductor. The results demonstrate that the physical properties are determined principally by the degree of electron filling of narrow-band states arising from intracluster V–V interactions.


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Acid phosphatase production by 12 Hebeloma strains was usually derepressed when inorganic phosphorus in the growth medium was limited, but appeared to be constitutive in some strains. At low temperatures (≤ 12°) arctic strains produced more extracellular and wall-bound acid phosphatase, yet grew more slowly than the temperate strains. We suggest that low growth rates in arctic strains may be a physiological response to cold whereby resources are diverted into carbohydrate accumulation for cryoprotection. At near freezing temperatures, increased extracellular phosphatase production may compensate for a loss of enzyme activity at low temperature and serve to hydrolyse organic phosphorus in frozen soil over winter.


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Echinometra lucunter, (Pinda) is a sea urchin encountered in the Brazilian coast and exposed to high and low temperatures related to low and high tides. Despite their great distribution and importance, few studies have been done on the biological function of their coelomocytes. Thus, Echinometra lucunter perivisceral coelomocytes were characterized under optical and transmission electron microscopy. Phagocytic amoebocytes in the perivisceral coelom were labelled by injecting ferritin, and ferritin labelled phagocytic amoebocytes were found in the peristomial connective tissue after injecting India ink into the tissue, indicating the amoebocytes ability to respond to an inflammatory stimulus. Results showed that the phagocytic amoebocytes were the main inflammatory cells found in the innate immune response of E lucunter. While other works have recorded these phenomena in sea urchins found in moderate and constant temperature, this study reports on these same phenomena in a tropical sea urchin under great variation of temperature, thus providing new data to inflammatory studies in invertebrate pathology. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The cold shock response in bacteria involves the expression of low-molecular weight cold shock proteins (CSPs) containing a nucleic acid-binding cold shock domain (CSD), which are known to destabilize secondary structures on mRNAs, facilitating translation at low temperatures. Caulobacter crescentus cspA and cspB are induced upon cold shock, while cspC and cspD are induced during stationary phase. In this work, we determined a new coding sequence for the cspC gene, revealing that it encodes a protein containing two CSDs. The phenotypes of C. crescentus csp mutants were analyzed, and we found that cspC is important for cells to maintain viability during extended periods in stationary phase. Also, cspC and cspCD strains presented altered morphology, with frequent non-viable filamentous cells, and cspCD also showed a pronounced cell death at late stationary phase. In contrast, the cspAB mutant presented increased viability in this phase, which is accompanied by an altered expression of both cspC and cspD, but the triple cspABD mutant loses this characteristic. Taken together, our results suggest that there is a hierarchy of importance among the csp genes regarding stationary phase viability, which is probably achieved by a fine tune balance of the levels of these proteins.


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The use of liposomes to encapsulate materials has received widespread attention for drug delivery, transfection, diagnostic reagent, and as immunoadjuvants. Phospholipid polymers form a new class of biomaterials with many potential applications in medicine and research. Of interest are polymeric phospholipids containing a diacetylene moiety along their acyl chain since these kinds of lipids can be polymerized by Ultra-Violet (UV) irradiation to form chains of covalently linked lipids in the bilayer. In particular the diacetylenic phosphatidylcholine 1,2-bis(10,12-tricosadiynoyl)- sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DC8,9PC) can form intermolecular cross-linking through the diacetylenic group to produce a conjugated polymer within the hydrocarbon region of the bilayer. As knowledge of liposome structures is certainly fundamental for system design improvement for new and better applications, this work focuses on the structural properties of polymerized DC8,9PC:1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phusphocholine (DMPC) liposomes. Liposomes containing mixtures of DC8,9PC and DMPC, at different molar ratios, and exposed to different polymerization cycles, were studied through the analysis of the electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra of a spin label incorporated into the bilayer, and the calorimetric data obtained from differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) studies. Upon irradiation, if all lipids had been polymerized, no gel-fluid transition would be expected. However, even samples that went through 20 cycles of UV irradiation presented a DSC band, showing that around 80% of the DC8,9PC molecules were not polymerized. Both DSC and ESR indicated that the two different lipids scarcely mix at low temperatures, however few molecules of DMPC are present in DC8,9PC rich domains and vice versa. UV irradiation was found to affect the gel fluid transition of both DMPC and DC8,9PC rich regions, indicating the presence of polymeric units of DC8,9PC in both areas, A model explaining lipids rearrangement is proposed for this partially polymerized system.


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We have studied by numerical simulations the relaxation of the stochastic seven-state Potts model after a quench from a high temperature down to a temperature below the first-order transition. For quench temperatures just below the transition temperature the phase ordering occurs by simple coarsening under the action of surface tension. For sufficient low temperatures however the straightening of the interface between domains drives the system toward a metastable disordered state, identified as a glassy state. Escaping from this state occurs, if the quench temperature is nonzero, by a thermal activated dynamics that eventually drives the system toward the equilibrium state. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report on experimental studies of the Kondo physics and the development of non-Fermi-liquid scaling in UCu(4+x)Al(8-x) family. We studied 7 different compounds with compositions between x = 0 and 2. We measured electrical transport (down to 65 mK) and thermoelectric power (down to 1.8 K) as a function of temperature, hydrostatic pressure, and/or magnetic field. Compounds with Cu content below x = 1.25 exhibit long-range antiferromagnetic order at low temperatures. Magnetic order is suppressed with increasing Cu content and our data indicate a possible quantum critical point at x(cr) approximate to 1.15. For compounds with higher Cu content, non-Fermi-liquid behavior is observed. Non-Fermi-liquid scaling is inferred from electrical resistivity results for the x = 1.25 and 1.5 compounds. For compounds with even higher Cu content, a sharp kink occurs in the resistivity data at low temperatures, and this may be indicative of another quantum critical point that occurs at higher Cu compositions. For the magnetically ordered compounds, hydrostatic pressure is found to increase the Neel temperature, which can be understood in terms of the Kondo physics. For the non-magnetic compounds, application of a magnetic field promotes a tendency toward Fermi-liquid behavior. Thermoelectric power was analyzed using a two-band Lorentzian model, and the results indicate one fairly narrow band (10 meV and below) and a second broad band (around hundred meV). The results imply that there are two relevant energy scales that need to be considered for the physics in this family of compounds. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study the thermopower, thermal conductance, electric conductance and the thermoelectric figure of merit for a gate-defined T-shaped single quantum dot (QD). The QD is solved in the limit of strong Coulombian repulsion U -> infinity, inside the dot, and the quantum wire is modeled on a tight-binding linear chain. We employ the X-boson approach for the Anderson impurity model to describe the localized level within the quantum dot. Our results are in qualitative agreement with recent experimental reports and other theoretical researches for the case of a quantum dot embedded into a conduction channel, employing analogies between the two systems. The results for the thermopower sign as a function of the gate voltage (associated with the quantum dot energy) are in agreement with a recent experimental result obtained for a suspended quantum dot. The thermoelectric figure of merit times temperature results indicates that, at low temperatures and in the crossover between the intermediate valence and Kondo regimes, the system might have practical applicability in the development of thermoelectric devices. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.