943 resultados para Organic Inorganic Hybrid Coatings
The goal of this thesis was to increase the functionality of pristine DNA scaffolds by functionalizing them with fluorescent dyes and hydrophobic moieties. Two important steps were necessary to realize this aim successfully. First, nucleic acids needed to be synthesized making use of multidisciplinary toolbox for the generation and manipulation of polynucleic acids. The most important techniques were the solid phase synthesis involving the incorporation of standard and modified phosphoramidite building blocks as well as molecular biology procedures like the polymerase chain reaction, the bacterial amplification of plasmids and the enzymatic digestion of circular vectors. Second, and evenly important, was the characterization of the novel bioorganic hybrid structures by a multitude of techniques, especially optical measurements. For studying DNA-dye conjugates methods like UV/Vis and photoluminescence spectroscopy as well as time resolved luminescence spectroscopy were utilized. While these measurements characterized the bulk behavior of an ensemble of DNA-dye hybrids it was necessary for a complete understanding of the systems to look at single structures. This was done by single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. For complete analysis the optical experiments were complemented by direct visualization techniques, i.e. high resolution transmission electron microscopy and scanning force microscopy.
Synthetic Routes toward Functional Block Copolymers and Bioconjugates via RAFT PolymerizationrnSynthesewege für funktionelle Blockcopolymere und Biohybride über RAFT PolymerisationrnDissertation von Dipl.-Chem. Kerstin T. WissrnIm Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden effiziente Methoden für die Funktionalisierung beider Polymerkettenenden für Polymer- und Bioanbindung von Polymeren entwickelt, die mittels „Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer“ (RAFT) Polymerisation hergestellt wurden. Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein Dithioester-basiertes Kettentransferagens (CTA) mit einer Aktivestereinheit in der R-Gruppe (Pentafluorphenyl-4-phenylthiocarbonylthio-4-cyanovaleriansäureester, kurz PFP-CTA) synthetisiert und seine Anwendung als universelles Werkzeug für die Funktionalisierung der -Endgruppe demonstriert. Zum Einen wurde gezeigt, wie dieser PFP-CTA als Vorläufer für die Synthese anderer funktioneller CTAs durch einfache Aminolyse des Aktivesters genutzt werden kann und somit den synthetischen Aufwand, der üblicherweise mit der Entwicklung neuer CTAs verbunden ist, reduzieren kann. Zum Anderen konnte der PFP-CTA für die Synthese verschiedener Poly(methacrylate) mit enger Molekulargewichtsverteilung und wohl definierter reaktiver -Endgruppe verwendet werden. Dieses Kettenende konnte dann erfolgreich mit verschiedenen primären Aminen wie Propargylamin, 1-Azido-3-aminopropan und Ethylendiamin oder direkt mit den Amin-Endgruppen verschiedener Peptide umgesetzt werden.rnAus der Reaktion des PFP-CTAs mit Propargylamin wurde ein Alkin-CTA erhalten, der sich als effizientes Werkzeug für die RAFT Polymerisation verschiedener Methacrylate erwiesen hat. Der Einbau der Alkin-Funktion am -Kettenende wurde mittels 1H und 13C NMR Spektroskopie sowie MALDI TOF Massenspektroskopie bestätigt. Als Modelreaktion wurde die Kopplung eines solchen alkin-terminierten Poly(di(ethylenglykol)methylethermethacrylates) (PDEGMEMA) mit azid-terminiertem Poly(tert-butylmethacrylat), das mittels Umsetzung einer Aktivester-Endgruppe erhalten wurde, als kupferkatalysierte Azid-Alkin-Cycloaddition (CuAAC) durchgeführt. Die Aufarbeitung des resultierenden Diblockcopolymers durch Fällen ermöglichte die vollständige Abtrennung des Polymerblocks 1, der im Überschuss eingesetzt wurde. Darüber hinaus blieb nur ein sehr kleiner Anteil (< 2 Gew.-%) nicht umgesetzten Polymerblocks 2, was eine erfolgreiche Polymeranbindung und die Effizienz der Endgruppen-Funktionalisierung ausgehend von der Aktivester--Endgruppe belegt.rnDie direkte Reaktion von stimuli-responsiven Polymeren mit Pentafluorphenyl(PFP)ester-Endgruppen, namentlich PDEGMEMA und Poly(oligo(ethylenglykol)methylethermethacrylat), mit kollagen-ähnlichen Peptiden ergab wohl definierte Polymer-Peptid-Diblockcopolymere und Polymer-Peptid-Polymer-Triblockcopolymer unter nahezu quantitativer Umsetzung der Endgruppen. Alle Produkte konnten vollständig von nicht umgesetztem Überschuss des Homopolymers befreit werden. In Analogie zu natürlichem Kollagen und dem nicht funktionalisierten kollagen-ähnlichen Peptid bilden die PDEGMEMA-basierten, entschützten Hybridcopolymere Trimere mit kollagen-ähnlichen Triple-Helices in kalter wässriger Lösung, was mittels Zirkular-Dichroismus-Spektroskopie (CD) nachgewiesen werden konnte. Temperaturabhängige CD-Spektroskopie, Trübungsmessungen und dynamische Lichtstreuung deuteten darauf hin, dass sie bei höheren Temperaturen doppelt stimuli-responsive Überstrukturen bilden, die mindestens zwei konformative Übergänge beim Aufheizen durchlaufen. Einer dieser Übergänge wird durch den hydrophoben Kollaps des Polymerblocks induziert, der andere durch Entfalten der kollagen-ähnlichen Triple-Helices.rnAls Ausweitung dieser synthetischen Strategie wurde homotelecheles PDEGMEMA mit zwei PFP-Esterendgruppen dargestellt, wozu der PFP-CTA für die Funktionalisierung der -Endgruppe und die radikalische Substitution des Dithioesters durch Behandlung mit einem Überschuss eines funktionellen AIBN-Derivates für die Funktionalisierung der -Endgruppe ausgenutzt wurde. Die Umsetzung der beiden reaktiven Kettenenden mit dem N-Terminus eines Peptidblocks ergab ein Peptid-Polymer-Peptid Triblockcopolymer.rnSchließlich konnten die anorganisch-organischen Hybridmaterialien PMSSQ-Poly(2,2-diethoxyethylacrylat) (PMSSQ-PDEEA) und PMSSQ-Poly(1,3-dioxolan-2-ylmethylacrylat) (PMSSQ-PDMA) für die Herstellung robuster, peptid-reaktiver Oberflächen durch Spin Coaten und thermisch induziertes Vernetzen angewendet werden. Nach saurem Entschützen der Acetalgruppen in diesen Filmen konnten die resultierenden Aldehydgruppen durch einfaches Eintauchen in eine Lösung mit einer Auswahl von Aminen und Hydroxylaminen umgesetzt werden, wodurch die Oberflächenhydrophilie modifiziert werden konnte. Darüber hinaus konnten auf Basis der unterschiedlichen Stabilität der zwei hier verglichenen Acetalgruppen Entschützungsprotokolle für die exklusive Entschützung der Diethylacetale in PMSSQ-PDEEA und deren Umsetzung ohne Entschützung der zyklischen Ethylenacetale in PMSSQ-PDMA entwickelt werden, die die Herstellung multifunktioneller Oberflächenbeschichtungen z.B. für die Proteinimmobilisierung ermöglichen.
The nutrient uptake response of ectomycorrhizal fungi (ECM) to different nutrient substrates is a driving force in ecosystem nutrient cycling. We hypothesized that taxa from low nitrogen (N) soils would be more likely to use organic N compared to taxa from high N soils, and that taxa from high N would be more likely to use organic phosphorus (P) sources when compared to the ECM dominant in low N soils. This study focuses on the growth response of ECM species collected over a N gradient to different forms of N and P nutrient substrates and whether ECM growth in a particular nutrient source can be related to how the ECM fungi have responded to elevated N in the field. This study found a mixed ECM response to organic and inorganic N and P treatments. High affinity N taxa expected to respond positively to inorganic N produced the phosphatase enzyme to take up organic phosphorus, but not all low affinity N taxa expected to negatively respond to organic P produced the protease enzyme to take up organic N. Interspecific variability was displayed by some high and low affinity N taxa responded and ECM intraspecific variability in response to N and P treatments was also noted. Future analysis of may show more evident ECM response patterns to inorganic and organic forms of N and P.
The biomimetic coating technique can be used to deposit layers of calcium phosphate (CaP) on medical devices to improve their osteoconductivity and osseointegration.The inorganic layer generated is akin to mineralized bone matrix and can be degraded as such. The biomimetic coating technique involves the nucleation and growth of bone-like crystals on a pretreated substrate by immersing it in a supersaturated solution of CaP under physiological conditions of temperature (37°C) and pH (7.4). The method, originally developed by Kokubo and his co-workers in 1990, has since undergone improvement and refinement by several groups of investigators. Biomimetic coatings are valuable in that they can serve as a vehicle for the slow, sustained release of osteogenic agents at the site of implantation. This attribute is rendered possible by the near-physiological conditions under which these coatings are prepared, which permits the incorporation of bioactive agents into the inorganic crystal latticework rather than their superficial adsorption on preformed layers. In addition, the biomimetic coating technique can be applied to implants of an organic as well as of a metallic nature and to those with irregular surface geometries, which is not possible using conventional methodologies.
Organic matter amendments are applied to contaminated soil to provide a better habitat for re-vegetation and remediation, and olive mill waste compost (OMWC) has been described as a promising material for this aim. We report here the results of an incubation experiment carried out in flooded conditions to study its influence in As and metal solubility in a trace elements contaminated soil. NPK fertilisation and especially organic amendment application resulted in increased As, Se and Cu concentrations in pore water. Independent of the amendment, dimethylarsenic acid (DMA) was the most abundant As species in solution. The application of OMWC increased pore water dissolved organic-carbon (DOC) concentrations, which may explain the observed mobilisation of As, Cu and Se; phosphate added in NPK could also be in part responsible of the mobilisation caused in As. Therefore, the application of soil amendments in mine soils may be particularly problematic in flooded systems.
Abstract We demonstrate the use of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIRS) to make quantitative measures of total organic carbon (TOC), total inorganic carbon (TIC) and biogenic silica (BSi) concentrations in sediment. FTIRS is a fast and costeffective technique and only small sediment samples are needed (0.01 g). Statistically significant models were developed using sediment samples from northern Sweden and were applied to sediment records from Sweden, northeast Siberia and Macedonia. The correlation between FTIRS-inferred values and amounts of biogeochemical constituents assessed conventionally varied between r = 0.84–0.99 for TOC, r = 0.85– 0.99 for TIC, and r = 0.68–0.94 for BSi. Because FTIR spectra contain information on a large number of both inorganic and organic components, there is great potential for FTIRS to become an important tool in paleolimnology.
Ocean drilling has revealed the existence of vast microbial populations in the deep subseafloor, but to date little is known about their metabolic activities. To better understand the biogeochemical processes in the deep biosphere, we investigate the stable carbon isotope chemistry of acetate and other carbon-bearing metabolites in sediment pore-waters. Acetate is a key metabolite in the cycling of carbon in anoxic sediments. Its stable carbon isotopic composition provides information on the metabolic processes dominating acetate turnover in situ. This study reports our findings for a methane-rich site at the northern Cascadia Margin (NE Pacific) where Expedition 311 of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) sampled the upper 190 m of sediment. At Site U1329, d13C values of acetate span a wide range from -46.0 per mill to -11.0 per mill vs. VPDB and change systematically with sediment depth. In contrast, d13C values of both the bulk dissolved organic carbon (DOC) (-21.6 ± 1.3 per mill vs. VPDB) and the low-molecular-weight compound lactate (-20.9 ± 1.8 per mill vs. VPDB) show little variability. These species are interpreted to represent the carbon isotopic composition of fermentation products. Relative to DOC, acetate is up to 23.1 per mill depleted and up to 9.1 per mill enriched in 13C. Broadly, 13C-depletions of acetate relative to DOC indicate flux of carbon from acetogenesis into the acetate pool while 13C-enrichments of pore-water acetate relative to DOC suggest consumption of acetate by acetoclastic methanogenesis. Isotopic relationships between acetate and lactate or DOC provide new information on the carbon flow and the presence and activity of specific functional microbial communities in distinct biogeochemical horizons of the sediment. In particular, they suggest that acetogenic CO2-reduction can coexist with methanogenic CO2-reduction, a notion contrary to the hypothesis that hydrogen levels are controlled by the thermodynamically most favorable electron-accepting process. Further, the isotopic relationship suggests a relative increase in acetate flow to acetoclastic methanogenesis with depth although its contribution to total methanogenesis is probably small. Our study demonstrates how the stable carbon isotope biogeochemistry of acetate can be used to identify pathways of microbial carbon turnover in subsurface environments. Our observations also raise new questions regarding the factors controlling acetate turnover in marine sediments.
The isotopic characteristics of CH4 (d13C values range from -101.3 per mil to -61.1 per mil PDB, and dD values range from -256 per mil to -136 per mil SMOW) collected during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 164 indicate that the CH4 was produced by microbial CO2 reduction and that there is not a significant contribution of thermogenic CH4 to the sampled sediment gas from the Blake Ridge. The isotopic values of CO2 (d13C range -20.6 per mil to +1.24 per mil PDB) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC; d13C range -37.7 per mil to +10.8 per mil PDB) have parallel profiles with depth, but with an offset of 12.5 per mil. Distinct downhole variations in the carbon isotopic composition of CH4 and CO2 cannot be explained by closed-system fractionation where the CO2 is solely derived from the locally available sedimentary organic matter (d13C -2.0 per mil ± 1.4 per mil PDB) and the CH4 is derived from CO2 reduction. The observed isotopic profiles reflect the combined effects of upwards gas migration and decreased microbial activity with depth.