930 resultados para Orange juice concentrated and frozen
Generally it has not been recognized that salamanders of two distinctive color morphs currently are assigned to Tylototriton verrucosus Anderson. One form is uniformly dark brown dorsally, with bright orange coloration confined to the ventral edge of the tail; the other has a dark brown to black dorsal ground color with orange dorsolateral warts, an orange vertebral crest, and orange lateral and medial crests on the head. In addition, the limbs and ventrolateral surfaces of the second form have a variable pattern of orange coloration. The brown form occurs in northeastern India, Nepal, northern Burma, Bhutan, northern Thailand, the type locality in extreme western Yunnan, and perhaps in northern Vietnam. The orange-patterned form occurs only in western Yunnan Province, People's Republic of China. The two forms appear to be allopatric but occur close together in the area of the type locality near the Burma border in western Yunnan. There is no evidence of color intergradation in specimens from this region. Analyses of morphometric and meristic characters, however, suggest the possibility of limited genetic exchange between adjacent populations of brown and orange-patterned forms in western Yunnan. The genetic and taxonomic relationships between the two forms is not fully resolved. However, these two highly distinctive forms obviously have evolved along independent trajectories and merit taxonomic recognition. We therefore propose to restrict the concept of Tylototriton verrucosus to the brown form and designate a neotype for that purpose, and we describe a new species to receive the orange-patterned form.
在全国范围划分水蚀、风蚀和冻融侵蚀三大侵蚀类型区基础上 ,提出进一步划分水蚀风蚀交错区的必要性及重要意义。黄土高原的强烈侵蚀中心出现在水蚀风蚀交错区 ,该区为黄河粗泥沙的主要来源区 ,生态环境脆弱 ,自然灾害频繁。该区又为世界级大型煤田蕴藏地 ,将建成我国 2 1世纪的能源重化工基地。强化水蚀风蚀交错区综合治理 ,对治黄及西部地区开发具有重大意义。
虾青素因其具有极强的抗氧化性及优越的着色作用,被广泛应用于营养保健和水产养殖中,备受国内外研究者的关注。红球藻是目前虾青素的生物来源中较有优势的一条途径。 我们选取雨生红球藻作为研究材料,收集其生长过程中四个不同的阶段,分别为绿色游动细胞阶段,绿色不动细胞阶段,绿褐色不动细胞阶段(开始积累虾青素),以及红色不动孢子阶段。本研究中提取了核酮糖-1,5-二磷酸羧化/加氧酶(Rubisco)的粗提液,并测定了酶活。其编码基因rbcL的mRNA表达量也被测定。另外,光合速率与呼吸速率的比值(P/R)通过测定与计算得出,各个阶段藻细胞中虾青素的含量由分析得出。本研究还应用了叶绿素荧光测定方法,确定了光系统II潜在最大活性(Fv / Fm),光系统II实际活性(ΦPSII),电子传递速率(ETR)和非光化学淬灭参数(NPQ)。 结果表明,绿色游动细胞的生长状态最佳,其P/R、Fv / Fm、ΦPSII均为最大,NPQ为最小。这说明在此状态的细胞中,光系统II的活性最强;但是其Rubisco活性与rbcL表达量均为最小。相比之下,在绿褐色不动细胞中,P/R和NPQ的值较低,Fv / Fm、ΦPSII和ETR值都最小,但Rubisco活性与rbcL表达量均为最高。 结合工业生产虾青素的方法,我们认为,Rubisco或许参与了虾青素的合成,而非Calvin循环为色素合成提供前体和能量。因此,在生产过程中适当加入碳源,比如CO2,可以有效增大虾青素的产量。
Log-polar image architectures, motivated by the structure of the human visual field, have long been investigated in computer vision for use in estimating motion parameters from an optical flow vector field. Practical problems with this approach have been: (i) dependence on assumed alignment of the visual and motion axes; (ii) sensitivity to occlusion form moving and stationary objects in the central visual field, where much of the numerical sensitivity is concentrated; and (iii) inaccuracy of the log-polar architecture (which is an approximation to the central 20°) for wide-field biological vision. In the present paper, we show that an algorithm based on generalization of the log-polar architecture; termed the log-dipolar sensor, provides a large improvement in performance relative to the usual log-polar sampling. Specifically, our algorithm: (i) is tolerant of large misalignmnet of the optical and motion axes; (ii) is insensitive to significant occlusion by objects of unknown motion; and (iii) represents a more correct analogy to the wide-field structure of human vision. Using the Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition to estimate the optical flow vector field on a log-dipolar sensor, we demonstrate these advantages, using synthetic optical flow maps as well as natural image sequences.
The application of biological effect monitoring for the detection of environmental chemical exposure in domestic animals is still in its infancy. This study investigated blood sample preparations in vitro for their use in biological effect monitoring. When peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), isolated following the collection of multiple blood samples from sheep in the field, were cryopreserved and subsequently cultured for 24 hours a reduction in cell viability (<80%) was attributed to delays in the processing following collection. Alternative blood sample preparations using rat and sheep blood demonstrated that 3 to 5 hour incubations can be undertaken without significant alterations in the viability of the lymphocytes; however, a substantial reduction in viability was observed after 24 hours in frozen blood. Detectable levels of early and late apoptosis as well as increased levels of ROS were detectable in frozen sheep blood samples. The addition of ascorbic acid partly reversed this effect and reduced the loss in cell viability. The response of the rat and sheep blood sample preparations to genotoxic compounds ex vivo showed that EMS caused comparable dose-dependent genotoxic effects in all sample preparations (fresh and frozen) as detected by the Comet assay. In contrast, the effects of CdCl2 were dependent on the duration of exposure as well as the sample preparation. The analysis of leukocyte subsets in frozen sheep blood showed no alterations in the percentages of T and B lymphocytes but led to a major decrease in the percentage of granulocytes compared to those in the fresh samples. The percentages of IFN-γ and IL-4 but not IL-6 positive cells were comparable between fresh and frozen sheep blood after 4 hour stimulation with phorbol 12-myrisate 13-acetate and ionomycin (PMA+I). These results show that frozen blood gives comparable responses to fresh blood samples in the toxicological and immune assays used.
Measurement of antigen-specific T cell responses is an adjunctive parameter to evaluate protection induced by a previous Bordetella pertussis infection or vaccination. The assessment of T cell responses is technically complex and usually performed on fresh peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). The objective of this study was to identify simplified methods to assess pertussis specific T cell responses and verify if these assays could be performed using frozen/thawed (frozen) PBMC. Three read-outs to measure proliferation were compared: the fluorescent dye 5,6-carboxylfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester (CFSE) dilution test, the number of blast cells defined by physical parameters, and the incorporation of (3)H-thymidine. The results of pertussis-specific assays performed on fresh PBMC were compared to the results on frozen PBMC from the same donor. High concordance was obtained when the results of CFSE and blast read-outs were compared, an encouraging result since blast analysis allows the identification of proliferating cells and does not require any use of radioactive tracer as well as any staining. The results obtained using fresh and frozen PBMC from the same donor in the different T cell assays, including IFNγ and TNFα cytokine production, did not show significant differences, suggesting that a careful cryopreservation process of PBMC would not significantly influence T cell response evaluation. Adopting blast analysis and frozen PBMC, the possibility to test T cell responses is simplified and might be applied in population studies, providing for new instruments to better define correlates of protection still elusive in pertussis.
Ecosystem-based approaches (EBAs) to managing anthropogenic pressures on ecosystems, adapting to changes in ecosystem states (indicators of ecosystem health), and mitigating the impacts of state changes on ecosystem services are needed for sustainable development. EBAs are informed by integrated ecosystem assessments (IEAs) that must be compiled and updated frequently for EBAs to be effective. Frequently updated IEAs depend on the sustained provision of data and information on pressures, state changes, and impacts of state changes on services. Nowhere is this truer than in the coastal zone, where people and ecosystem services are concentrated and where anthropogenic pressures converge. This study identifies the essential indicator variables required for the sustained provision of frequently updated IEAs, and offers an approach to establishing a global network of coastal observations within the framework of the Global Ocean Observing System. The need for and challenges of capacity-building are highlighted, and examples are given of current programmes that could contribute to the implementation of a coastal ocean observing system of systems on a global scale. This illustrates the need for new approaches to ocean governance that can achieve coordinated integration of existing programmes and technologies as a first step towards this goal.
Heat stress represents one of the major environmental factors that adversely affect the reproductive performance of cattle. In this paper the behavioral adjustments, physical mechanisms and physiological responses to heat loss are described; bos indicus adaptive advantages with respect to bos Taurus, pathophysiology of heat stress and heat stress effects in animal reproduction, both the male and the female.
The sectarian geography of Northern Ireland, whereby the majority of the population live in areas predominated by one religion or the other, is typically assumed to straightforwardly reflect the territorial identities of local residents. This conflation of place and identity neglects the role of place in actively shaping and changing the behaviours occurring within them. The present paper uses new developments in the area of social psychology to examine three case studies of place identity in Northern Ireland and explore the possibilities for change. A large scale survey of the display of flags and emblems across Northern Ireland demonstrates the extent of visible ter-ritorialisation, but also the relationship between understandings of space and the acceptability of these displays. Secondly, analysis of interviews with the Orange Or-der and nationalist residents concerning the Drumcree dispute illustrates how differ-ent constructions of space are used to claim and counterclaim rights to display iden-tity. Finally analysis of media and interview accounts of the St Patrick’s Day event in Belfast illustrate how new understandings of shared space can negate territorial identities and facilitate coexistence in the same place and facilitate good relations.
Relatório apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
Affiliation: Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal & CANVAC
Les marchés traditionnels et maintenant les supermarchés approvisionnent les demandes sans cesse en augmentation pour la viande de volaille au Vietnam. Peu d’études ont examiné la présence des E. coli pathogènes extra-intestinaux (ExPEC), une cause commune d’infection urinaire chez les humains, de même que la résistance aux antimicrobiens, la multi-résistance des Escherichia coli dans la viande de volaille au Vietnam. Le but de cette étude était d’évaluer la salubrité de la viande de volaille au Vietnam et de comparer les patrons de résistance aux antimicrobiens entre le Canada et le Vietnam. Des carcasses fraîches et congelées des marchés traditionnels et des supermarchés ont été échantillonnées au Vietnam. Les E. coli obtenus par rinçage des carcasses ont été caractérisé pour les gènes de virulence ExPEC (iucD, cnf, papC, tsh, Kps, afa, sfa) et pour la résistance aux antimicrobiens, phénotypiquement (Sensititre Aris®) et génotypiquement par PCR. Une multi-résistance et une fréquence élevée de résistance aux antimicrobiens d’importance pour les humains ont été détectées dans les isolats ExPEC. Les E. coli producteurs de β-lactamases à spectre élargi et de type AmpC et les gènes de résistance CTX-M et CMY correspondant ont été détectés. Des isolats multi-résistants BLSE putatif ont été identifiés appartenant au phylogroupe F. Les stratégies sur les antimicrobiens employés sur la ferme au Canada et au Vietnam pourraient influencer les profils de résistance des E. coli provenant des carcasses de poulets. En conclusion, la présence des ExPEC, la fréquence élevée de la résistance aux antimicrobiens et la détection des beta-lactamases soulignent la présence de danger pour la santé humaine de la viande de volaille crue ou insuffisamment cuite au Vietnam.
This thesis has discussed the development of a new metal ion doped panchromatic photopolymer for various holographic applications. High-quality panchromatic holographic recording material with high diffraction efficiency, high photosensitivity and high spatial resolution is one of the key factors for the successful recording of true colour holograms. The capability of the developed material for multicolour holography can be investigated.In the present work, multiplexing studies were carried out using He-Ne laser (632.8 nm). Multiplexing can be done using low wavelength lasers like Ar+ ion (488 nm) and frequency doubled Nd: YAG (532 nm) lasers, so as to increase the storage capacity. The photopolymer film studied had a thickness of only 130 Cm. Films with high thickness (~500 Cm) is highly essential for competitive holographic memories . Hence films with high thickness can be fabricated and efforts can be made to record more holograms or gratings in the material.In the present study, attempts were made to record data page in silver doped MBPVA/AA photopolymer film. Image of a checkerboard pattern was recorded in the film, which could be reconstructed with good image fidelity. Efforts can be made to determine the bit error rate (BER) which provides a quantitative measure of the image quality of the reconstructed image . Multiple holographic data pages can also be recorded in the material making use of different multiplexing techniques.Holographic optical elements (HOEs) are widely used in optical sensors, optical information processing, fibre optics, optical scanners and solar concentrators . The suitability of the developed film for recording holographic optical elements like lenses, beam splitters and filters can be studied.The suitability of a reflection hologram recorded in acrylamide based photopolymer for visual indication of environmental humidity is reported . Studies can be done to optimize the film composition for recording of reflection holograms.An improvement in the spatial resolution of PVA/acrylamide based photopolymer by using a low molecular-weight poly (vinyl alcohol) binder was recently reported . Effect of the molecular weight of the binder matrix on the holographic properties of the developed photopolymer system can be investigated.Incorporation of nanoparticles into photopolymer system is reported to enhance the resolution and improve the dimensional stability of the system . Hence efforts can be made to incorporate silver nanoparticles into the photopolymer and its influence on the holographic properties can be studied.This thesis was a small venture towards the realization of a big goal, a competent holographic recording material with excellent properties for practical holographic applications. As a result of the present research, we could successfully develop an efficient panchromatic photopolymer system and could demonstrate its suitability for recording transmission holograms and holographic data page. The developed photopolymer system is expected to have significant applications in the fields of true-color display holography, wavelength multiplexing holographic storage, and holographic optical elements. Highly concentrated and determined effort has yet to be put forth for this expectation to become a reality.
The quality of minced fish, as mentioned earlier depends largely on the type and quality of the raw material used, as well as on the processing methods employed. Moreover, fish mincing involves cutting up of tissues thereby increasing surface area to a great extent and releasing of enzymes and nutrients from the tissues. Due to these factors fish mince is relatively more prone to chemical. autolytic and microbial spoilage. Hence study of minced fish with these factors in focus is very important. Equally important is the availability, price and preference of the raw material vis-a-vis the end products and the storage period it passes through. In the present study. changes in the bacterial flora. both quantitative and qualitative of the dressed fish, viz. Nemipterus japonicas and mince from the same fish during freezing and frozen storage have been investigated in detail. The effect of a preservative. viz. . EZDTA on the bacteriological and shelf life characteristics of the minced fish has also been investigated. Attempts have also been made to develop various types of products from mince and to study their storage life.
El presente documento ofrece una guía logística y análisis financiero para las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PyMES) de Colombia que deseen exportar pulpa de limón al mercado Europeo. Para el desarrollo de este trabajo se ha tomado el caso de la micro empresa COMERFRUTAS de Colombia S.A.S. (productora de pulpa de limón) y se ha realizado un estudio de competitividad de puertos, agentes de carga tanto terrestre como marítimos para dar las bases necesarias de exportación a las PyMES colombianas en un marco legal establecido.