887 resultados para Operating indicators


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Objective The objective of this study is to assess the performance of cytopathology laboratories providing services to the Brazilian Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS) in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Methods This descriptive study uses data obtained from the Cervical Cancer Information System from January to December 2012. Three quality indicators were analyzed to assess the quality of cervical cytopathology tests: positivity index, percentage of atypical squamous cells (ASCs) in abnormal tests, and percentage of tests compatiblewith high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSILs). Laboratories were classified according to their production scale in tests per year≤5,000; from 5,001 to 10,000; from 10,001 to 15,000; and 15,001. Based on the collection of variables and the classification of laboratories according to production scale, we created and analyzed a database using Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003. Results In the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, 146 laboratories provided services to the SUS in 2012 by performing a total of 1,277,018 cervical cytopathology tests. Half of these laboratories had production scales≤5,000 tests/year and accounted for 13.1% of all tests performed in the entire state; in turn, 13.7% of these laboratories presented production scales of > 15,001 tests/year and accounted for 49.2% of the total of tests performed in the entire state. The positivity indexes of most laboratories providing services to the SUS in 2012, regardless of production scale, were below or well below recommended limits. Of the 20 laboratories that performed more than 15,001 tests per year, only three presented percentages of tests compatible with HSILs above the lower limit recommended by the Brazilian Ministry of Health. Conclusion The majority of laboratories providing services to the SUS in Minas Gerais presented quality indicators outside the range recommended by the Brazilian Ministry of Health.


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The main objective of the study was to find new approaches to the management of work in process in a rapidly changing power distribution network contracting environment in order to improve the efficiency of the management of capital and workload. The study describes the operating environment of a power distribution network contractor based in Eastern Finland and combines various activity indicators to create a general view. The literature review discusses scientific articles on project production, work in process and working capital management, analytical tools for projects as well as Lean criteria. The analysis of two case studies dealing with the characteristics of the power distribution network restructuring, focuses on how production management and management of work in process can potentially be improved in power distribution network contracting environments. The main results are the summary of the key figures of production, the data concerning the significance of different project types for work in process as well as the ways of improving the efficiency of production and business development in the present context.


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Abstract: Blood samples collection is a common method in biological research using domestic animals. However, most blood sampling techniques are complicated and highly invasive and may therefore not be appropriate for wildlife animals in research concerning stress. Thus, a non-invasive method to measure steroid hormones is critically needed. The first goal of this study was to determine how glucocorticoids concentrations are impacted by translocation and reproductive activity in crab-eating-fox (Cerdocyoun thous) in captivity. The physiological relevance of fecal glucocorticoid metabolites was further validated by demonstrating: (1) The translocation of a male to a females enclosure resulted in a 3.5-fold increase compared to baseline concentrations, (2) changes in adrenocortical activity, as reflected in concentrations of fecal cortisol metabolites during reproduction, gestation and lactation in females foxes, indicating that social interactions resulted in large increases of fecal glucocorticoids metabolites during the reproductive season. From these findings we conclude that fecal samples can be used for the non-invasive assessment of adrenocortical status in crab-eating-fox.


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Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin kyselytutkimuksella yritysseurannan nykytilaa Koneyrittäjien liiton jäseninä olevissa metsäkoneyrityksissä ja haastateltiin sekä käytiin keskusteluja metsäkonealan asiantuntijoiden kanssa. Työn tuloksena tehtiin ehdotus metsäkoneyrityksille soveltuvan seurantatyökalun tietosisällöstä ja hahmoteltiin työkalun rakenne. Vain 54 prosentilla yrityksistä oli järjestelmällistä yritystoiminnan seurantaa. Yleisin syy seuraamattomuudelle oli ajan puute. Niissä yrityksissä, joilla oli järjestelmällistä seurantaa, talouden tunnusluvuista aktiivisimmin seurattiin liikevoittoa. Puunkorjuuprosessia kuvaavista tunnusluvuista aktiivisimmin seurattiin puunkorjuun tuottavuutta. Ehdotetussa työkalussa rajauduttiin suorituskyvyn taloudelliseen ja prosessinäkökulmaan. Prosessinäkökulmassa keskityttiin puunkorjuuprosessiin ja tutkittiin, kuinka uuden StanForD2010 –tiedonsiirtostandardin avulla puunkorjuun tunnuslukujen tuottaminen voitaisiin automatisoida. Seurantatyökalun sisällöksi ehdotettiin yhteensä 43 talouden ja puun-korjuuprosessin tunnuslukua. Lisäksi ehdotettiin, että yrityksen suorituskykyä kuvaamaan laskettaisiin yrityskohtaisesti valittavista tunnusluvuista johdettu yksi tunnusluku – kokonaissuorituskykyindeksi. Ehdotettu seurantatyökalu mahdollistaa suorituskyvyn mittaamisen tehostamisen metsäkoneyrityksissä. Työkalusta puuttuvat asiakas- ja henkilöstö- sekä oppimisnäkökulmat, joten jatkossa onkin selvitettävä näiden näkökulmien liittäminen työkaluun.


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The report describes those factors of the future that are related to the growth and needs of Russia, China, and India and that may provide significant internationalisation potential for Uusimaa companies. The report examines the emerging trends and market-entry challenges for each country separately. Additionally, it evaluates the training needs of Uusimaa companies in terms of the current offerings available for education on topics related to Russia, China, and India. The report was created via the Delphi method: experts were interviewed, and both Trendwiki material and the latest literature were used to create a summary of experts’ views, statements, and reasons behind recent developments. This summary of views was sent back to the experts with the objective of reaching consensus synthesising the differing views or, at least, of providing argumentation for the various alternative lines of development. In addition to a number of outside experts and business leaders, all heads of Finpro’s Finland Trade Centers participated in the initial interviews. The summary was commented upon by all Finpro consultants and analysts for Russia, China, and India, with each focusing on his or her own area of expertise. The literature used consisted of reports, listed for each country, and an extensive selection of the most recent newspaper articles. The report was created in January-April 2010. On 22 April 2010 its results were reviewed at the final report presentation in cooperation with the Uusimaa ELY Centre.


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This thesis investigates the influence of cultural distance on entrepreneurs’ negotiation behaviour. For this purpose, Turku was chosen as the unit of analysis due to the exponential demographic change experienced during the last two decades that has derived in a more diversified local environment. The research aim set for this study was to identify to what extent entrepreneurs face cultural distance, how cultural distance influences the entrepreneur’s negotiation behaviour and how can it be addressed in order to turn dissimilarities into opportunities. This study presented the relation and apparent dichotomy of cultural distance and global culture, including the component of diversity. The impact of cultural distance in the entrepreneurial mindset and its consequent effect in negotiation behaviour was presented too. Addressing questions about the way individuals perceive, behave and interact allowed the use of interviews for this qualitative research study. In the empirical part of this study it was found that negotiation behaviour differed in terms of how congenial entrepreneurs felt when managing cultural distance, encompassing their performance. It was also acknowledged that after time and effort, some of the personal traits were enhanced while others reduced, allowing for more flexibility and adaptation. Furthermore, depending on the level of trust and shared interests, entrepreneurs determined their attitudinal approach, being adaptive or reactive subject to situational aspects. Additionally, it was found that the acquisition of cultural savvy not necessarily conveyed to more creativity. This experiential learning capability led to the proposition of new ways of behaviour. Likewise, it was proposed that growing cultural intelligence bridge distances, reducing mistrusts and misunderstandings. The capability of building more collaborative relationships allows entrepreneurs to see cultural distance as a cultural perspective instead of as a threat. Therefore it was recommended to focus on proximity rather than distance to better identify and exploit untapped opportunities and better perform when negotiating in whichever cultural conditions.


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Selvitys suomalaisten yritysten kohtaamista logistisista ongelmista Kiinan markkinoilla toimiessa. Tutkielma tuo esiin Kiinan logistiikkaan liittyvät erityispiirteet ja heijastaa niitä haastattelujen avulla suomalaisiin yrityksiin, jotka operoivat Kiinassa.


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The objective of the current research is to investigate brand value generation. The study is conducted in the context of high-technology companies. The research aims at finding the impact of long-term brand development strategies, including advertising investments, R&D investments, R&D intensity, new products developed and design. The empirical part of the study incorporated collection of primary and secondary data on 36 companies operating in high-technology sector and being rated as top companies with the most valuable brands by Interbrand consultancy. The data contained information for six consequent years from 2008 to 2013. Obtained data was analyzed using the methods of fixed effect and random effect model (panel data analysis). The analysis showed positive effect of advertising and R&D investments on brand value of high-technology companies in the long run. The impact of remaining three strategies was not approved and further investigation is required.


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Various categories of food packaging indicators namely; VTT, Ageless Eye, Mocon, Åbo Akademi and Impak were selected and incorporated into food trays manufactured at LUT packaging laboratory. Each of these food packaging indicators was used to investigate (visually and qualitatively) the transmission of oxygen through the seal, and tray material, as well as to detect microbial activity within the content of the package. Applications of different methods of gas flushing, content variation and introduction of two distinct levels of oxygen scavengers were employed as treatments to evaluate the packaging performance of the food packaging indicators. Ease of handling of each food packaging indicator was also taken into considerations. Findings showed that for packages, which contained chicken product, the amount of oxygen in the package, measured immediately after the sealing operation on the first day gradually decreased to zero percent by the third day of the storage period. The oxygen level remained at this point throughout the duration of storage for the chicken packages. Besides, level of oxygen in the packages without product continued to increase with the storage time, at moderate rate of 0.1% for 100%N2 and 0.3% for 30%CO2/70%N2 empty packages. More carbon dioxide gas was recorded for packages flushed with 30%CO2/70%N2. Results also revealed that visual analysis of one of the color indicators for example Ageless Eye, conformed to the data derived from the luminescence food-packaging indicator. This shows that packaging operation of the packaging line was considerably stable, and efficient with negligible exception. However, it was found that most of the food packaging indicators investigated in this research study exhibited considerable packaging challenges, such as, reaction with the content of the package (Impak); over sensitivity (Åbo Akademi and Impak); ease of handling problem (Åbo Akademi); and ease of activation problem (VTT indicators). In this study, the strengths and limitations of different indicators were analyzed. This study demonstrates the applicability of various indicators in MAP using chicken package application.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli luoda kohdeyritykseen toimintamalli, jonka avulla saadaan osallistettua työntekijät, tiiminvetäjät ja työnjohto tuotannon jatkuvaan parantamiseen sekä parannettua tuotannon takaisinkytkentää tiimitasolla. Tutkimus rajattiin pilottitiimiin sekä tiimissä olevien työpisteiden kautta reititettyihin tuotteisiin. Ennen tutkimuksen aloitusta yrityksellä oli jo olemassa sähköinen aloitejärjestelmä, mutta sen käyttö oli organisaation uudelleen järjestelyjen myötä vähentynyt. Tutkimuksen teoriaosassa tutustuttiin jatkuvan parantamisen kulttuuriin ja työkaluihin. Lisäksi tutustuttiin laadunhallinnan sisältöön, käsitteistöön ja laadunvalvontatyökaluihin sekä tuotannon mittareihin. Teorian pohjalta tutkimuksessa luotiin jatkuvan parantamisen toimintamalli, joka tunnistaa ja eliminoi prosessissa olevaa hukkaa osallistamalla pilottitiimin työntekijöitä hukkakorttien avulla. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa luotiin toimintamalli tuotannon kehitysideoiden raportointiin ja käsittelyyn. Tuotannon takaisinkytkentää kehitettiin luomalla pilottitiimiin tuloskortti sekä perustamalla yritykseen päiväkatsauskäytäntö. Tutkimuksessa suoritettiin myös toimihenkilötason kehitysprojekteja käyttäen apuna teoriassa esiteltyjä malleja ja työkaluja. Tuloksena saatiin toimintamalli, joka tuottaa työntekijämäärään suhteutettuna enemmän kehitysideoita sekä käsittelee ne tehokkaammin kuin sähköinen aloitejärjestelmä. Hukkakorteilla toteutetun hukan raportoinnin kautta tunnistettiin ja raportoitiin seitsemän viikon tarkasteluajanjakson aikana yhteensä 23,6 tuntia hukka-aikaa. Tiimin tuloskortin avulla tiimin työntekijät pystyivät viikkotasolla seuraamaan oman tiiminsä suorituskykyä tavoitearvoihin verrattuna. Tämä näkyi muun muassa tiimin suoritustason nousuna. Kehitysprojektien avulla saatiin parannettua pilottitiimin toiminnan ja tuotteiden laatua. Päiväkatsauskäytännön avulla saatiin osallistettua tiiminvetäjät ongelmaratkaisuun sekä tuotannon suorituskyvyn varmistamiseen.


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To efficiently examine the association of glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody (GADA) positivity with the onset and progression of diabetes in middle-aged adults, we performed a case-cohort study representing the ~9-year experience of 10,275 Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study participants, initially aged 45-64 years. Antibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65) were measured by radioimmunoassay in 580 incident diabetes cases and 544 non-cases. The overall weighted prevalence of GADA positivity (³1 U/mL) was 7.3%. Baseline risk factors, with the exception of smoking and interleukin-6 (P £ 0.02), were generally similar between GADA-positive and -negative individuals. GADA positivity did not predict incident diabetes in multiply adjusted (HR = 1.04; 95%CI = 0.55, 1.96) proportional hazard analyses. However, a small non-significant adjusted risk (HR = 1.29; 95%CI = 0.58, 2.88) was seen for those in the highest tertile (³2.38 U/mL) of positivity. GADA-positive and GADA-negative non-diabetic individuals had similar risk profiles for diabetes, with central obesity and elevated inflammation markers, aside from glucose, being the main predictors. Among diabetes cases at study's end, progression to insulin treatment increased monotonically as a function of baseline GADA level. Overall, being GADA positive increased risk of progression to insulin use almost 10 times (HR = 9.9; 95%CI = 3.4, 28.5). In conclusion, in initially non-diabetic middle-aged adults, GADA positivity did not increase diabetes risk, and the overall baseline profile of risk factors was similar for positive and negative individuals. Among middle-aged adults, with the possible exception of those with the highest GADA levels, autoimmune pathophysiology reflected by GADA may become clinically relevant only after diabetes onset.


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Subjects with chronic liver disease are susceptible to hypovitaminosis A due to several factors. Therefore, identifying patients with vitamin deficiency and a requirement for vitamin supplementation is important. Most studies assessing vitamin A in the context of hepatic disorders are conducted using cirrhotic patients. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 43 non-cirrhotic patients with chronic hepatitis C to evaluate markers of vitamin A status represented by serum retinol, liver retinol, and serum retinol-binding protein levels. We also performed the relative dose-response test, which provides an indirect estimate of hepatic vitamin A reserves. These vitamin A indicators were assessed according to the stage of liver fibrosis using the METAVIR score and the body mass index. The sample study was predominantly composed of male subjects (63%) with mild liver fibrosis (F1). The relative dose-response test was <20% in all subjects, indicating vitamin A sufficiency. Overweight or obese patients had higher serum retinol levels than those with a normal body mass index (2.6 and 1.9 µmol/L, respectively; P<0.01). Subjects with moderate liver fibrosis (F2) showed lower levels of serum retinol (1.9 vs 2.5 µmol/L, P=0.01) and retinol-binding protein levels compared with those with mild fibrosis (F1) (46.3 vs 67.7 µg/mL, P<0.01). These results suggested an effect of being overweight on serum retinol levels. Furthermore, more advanced stages of liver fibrosis were related to a decrease in serum vitamin A levels.


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In the globalising business environment ever fewer market areas remain unknown. Mongolia is yet only considered as an isolated strip between two power states. The purpose of this study is to put Mongolia on the map of academic business research. This is done by describing the transforming network of a foreign company operating in Mongolia. The objective of the study is approached through a case study, which presents the transformation of a Finnish company operating in Mongolia. This study aims at providing understanding on how the foreign case company observes the transformations of its network. The transformation within the case company is reflected to the transformations that occur in the Mongolian business environment. This study was conducted through a qualitative, intrinsic case study approach. The empirical data was gathered by using the method of network pictures. The network pictures were completed with the assistance of themed interviews. In order to be able to analyse the transformation within a network, three different time periods were observed: the past period around 2000, the present around 2014, and the estimated future around 2020. The data was collected from four executives positioned either in Finland, Russia or Mongolia. The respondents have a long experience within the case company, they hold managerial position, and therefore were able to offer valuable data for this study. The analytical framework used to analyse the collected data was built on the industrial network model, the ARA (actors-resources-activities)-model. The study shows that the changing business environment of Mongolia was utilised by the case company. In order to better meet the transforming customer wishes, the case company transformed from being a retailer to being a manufacturer. The case company was able to become a pioneer in the market. Thus, the case company has undergone similar kind of rapid transformation as the economy of Mongolia in entirety. This study shows that the general nature of the ARA-model makes it usable for new research contexts. The initial ARA-model offers a way to identify the dimensions of a network and a mean to understand these dimensions. The ARA-model can be applied to different contexts and to all time dimensions, past, present and future. The managerial recommendations offered in this study are directed towards the managers that plan to start operations in Mongolia. While this study is the first of its kind, it offers a good starting point for the future research on the change of Mongolian business networks. Valuable information could, for example, be obtained from a comparative study between the case company of this study and a multinational mining company operating in Mongolia.