1000 resultados para Objectos digitais
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Docência para a Educação Básica - FC
Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC
This article aims to discuss the role of digital technology in the process of collecting and analyzing data in qualitative research. We present two qualitative studies, with different objectives and contexts, that illustrate how data can be collected using different media and how they may shape the researcher's analysis and the results. Based on a theoretical perspective in which knowledge is seen as being produced by a collective of humans-with-media, as opposed to an individual or collective of humans, we believe that the technology used to produce knowledge and to analyze the data conditions the findings. Thus, technologies play a key role in doing research and the scientific knowledge generated from it.
Youth have always organized various movements for social transformation. Utopian or radical of these activities have enabled significant changes in political and social structures in various sectors and on different continents. The text is intended to check what causes the connections between youth and technological society, observing the connections between them. Using literature review, we try to recognize the culture, media and technologies around which these groups are related, they express and consider their representative in the development of communicative identity.
Given the widespread use of computers, the visual pattern recognition task has been automated in order to address the huge amount of available digital images. Many applications use image processing techniques as well as feature extraction and visual pattern recognition algorithms in order to identify people, to make the disease diagnosis process easier, to classify objects, etc. based on digital images. Among the features that can be extracted and analyzed from images is the shape of objects or regions. In some cases, shape is the unique feature that can be extracted with a relatively high accuracy from the image. In this work we present some of most important shape analysis methods and compare their performance when applied on three well-known shape image databases. Finally, we propose the development of a new shape descriptor based on the Hough Transform.
Cinco anos após o início das transmissões da TV Digital no Brasil, faltando próximo há três anos para o desligamento da transmissão analógica, observou-se o empenho das emissoras e da indústria de equipamentos para televisão, no que tange a substituição da atual tecnologia de produção, registro, edição e exibição de sons e imagens, inclusive em alta definição, da implantação dos equipamentos para transmissão, retransmissão e, principalmente, o impacto para o telespectador, que deverá se preparar para a recepção digital ou com substituição de seus televisores ou aquisição de set-top-box, em prazos já determinados pelo Ministério das Comunicações, sob o risco de não mais receber as transmissões de sinal da TV aberta brasileira a partir de 29 de junho de 2016. Este texto reflete sobre problemas no processo de implantação da transmissão digital brasileira que poderão comprometer a cobertura do território nacional com o sinal digital, limitar a capacidade de recepção em alta definição nas localidades mais afastadas dos grandes centros e, em consequência, implicar no atraso em se produzir conteúdo com os recursos disponibilizados pela nova tecnologia.
In the present paper, the authors carry out an exploratory analysis of the market of confidential online betrayals by examining the perceptions of the issue of those Ashely Madison Site users participating in the research. The ethnographic method and a multidisciplinary approach were employed in order to understand how love and market, technology and intimacy come together, and how traditional values related to family, conjugality and masculinity articulate in the world of online betrayals. Interactions between men aged between 38 and 70 were favored in the analyses.
Com a evolução dos sensores de captura de impressões digitais e a crescente demanda por sistemas mais seguros, torna-se possível e necessário o uso de um conjunto adicional de características, tais como as cristas e os poros. Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o desempenho de dois dos principais métodos de extração automática de poros, bem como o desempenho das características estendidas em situações onde apenas fragmentos das impressões digitais estão disponíveis. Resultados experimentais realizados sobre a base de dados pública PolyU HRF mostram a superioridade do método de extração de poros baseado em filtros adaptativos, em relação ao baseado em filtros isotrópicos. O reconhecimento de frag-mentos de impressões digitais utilizando características estendidas mostrou-se promissor, principalmente quando a informação das comparações de cristas é utilizada na comparação dos poros.
The paper aims to present a theoretical and applied analysis of the relationship of the young members of Generation Internet with forms of reception of content defined in the current scenario of convergence of media and languages. The paper aims at highlighting the direct relationship of these young people with the radio, and present data that can serve as reference for the current research on reception and media culture. Para ello, los datos de una investigación empírica sobre los hábitos, las formas y los niveles de consumo con los modelos de interferencias directas y procesos de gestión se presentan hasta hoy.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
From the second half of the twentieth century, with the proposal of working active listening, exploring sounds, the experience, the search for new forms of contemporary music notation, improvisation and experimental music composition, arise music educators Paynter Schafer and Koellreutter, known by the active method of second generation who contributed greatly to the development of creative processes in the classroom. Also arises, in the same period, the encounter between art and technology, expanding opportunities through digital media, open, participatory and interactive works such as Video art, Web art, Nanoarte and Locative Art, augmented, not only against the art with the public, through connections mediated by digital interfaces, providing new learning situations attractive for the development of creativity and artistic production as challenges in contemporary.