In the drilling processes and especially deep-hole drilling process, the monitoring system and having control on mechanical parameters (e.g. Force, Torque,Vibration and Acoustic emission) are essential. The main focus of this thesis work is to study the characteristics of deep-hole drilling process, and optimize the monitoring system for controlling the process. The vibration is considered as a major defect area of the deep-hole drilling process which often leads to breakage of the drill, therefore by vibration analysis and optimizing the workpiecefixture, this area is studied by finite element method and the suggestions are explained. By study on a present monitoring system, and searching on the new sensor products, the modifications and recommendations are suggested for optimize the present monitoring system for excellent performance in deep-hole drilling process research and measurements.
Dans le cadre de la planification de l'entraînement d'un athlète, l'affûtage précompétitif consiste à réduire les charges d'entraînement et éliminer le stress des séances précédentes afin d'optimiser les performances futures. Il existe des outils pour analyser les changements physiologiques qui se manifestent dans l'organisme des sportifs pendant cette période et qui sont responsables du gain de performance. L'analyse des indices corporels par bioimpédancemétrie pourrait constituer un outil simple et non invasif pour monitorer les performances et l'entraînement des sportifs d'élites. Méthodologie : Treize nageurs élites ont été analysés sur trois affûtages (T1, N=7 ; T2, N=6 et T3, N=8) qui précèdent trois objectifs nationaux majeurs. Un bioimpédancemètre multifréquence, le Z-Métrix, a été utilisé pour mesurer les indices avant et après l'affûtage. Sur le même principe, les performances des sujets ont été comparées entre la compétition qui suit l'affûtage et une compétition précédente sans affûtage. Pour compléter l'analyse, la charge d'entraînement pendant l'affûtage a été quantifiée puis comparée à la charge qui précède. L'évolution des indices corporels pourra donc être mise en relation avec les différences de performance et la variation de la charge d'entraînement.
Electronic canopy characterization is an important issue in tree crop management. Ultrasonic and optical sensors are the most used for this purpose. The objective of this work was to assess the performance of an ultrasonic sensor under laboratory and field conditions in order to provide reliable estimations of distance measurements to apple tree canopies. To this purpose, a methodology has been designed to analyze sensor performance in relation to foliage ranging and to interferences with adjacent sensors when working simultaneously. Results show that the average error in distance measurement using the ultrasonic sensor in laboratory conditions is ±0.53 cm. However, the increase of variability in field conditions reduces the accuracy of this kind of sensors when estimating distances to canopies. The average error in such situations is ±5.11 cm. When analyzing interferences of adjacent sensors 30 cm apart, the average error is ±17.46 cm. When sensors are separated 60 cm, the average error is ±9.29 cm. The ultrasonic sensor tested has been proven to be suitable to estimate distances to the canopy in field conditions when sensors are 60 cm apart or more and could, therefore, be used in a system to estimate structural canopy parameters in precision horticulture.
One aim of this study is to determine the impact of water velocity on the uptake of indicator polychlorinated biphenyls (iPCBs) by silicone rubber (SR) and low-density polyethylene (LDPE) passive samplers. A second aim is to assess the efficiency of performance reference compounds (PRCs) to correct for the impact of water velocity. SR and LDPE samplers were spiked with 11 or 12 PRCs and exposed for 6 weeks to four different velocities (in the range of 1.6 to 37.7 cm s−1) in river-like flow conditions using a channel system supplied with river water. A relationship between velocity and the uptakewas found for each iPCB and enables to determine expected changes in the uptake due to velocity variations. For both samplers, velocity increases from 2 to 10 cm s−1, 30 cm s−1 (interpolated data) and 100 cm s−1 (extrapolated data) lead to increases of the uptake which do not exceed a factor of 2, 3 and 4.5, respectively. Results also showed that the influence of velocity decreased with increasing the octanol-water coefficient partition (log Kow) of iPCBs when SR is used whereas the opposite effect was observed for LDPE. Time-weighted average (TWA) concentrations of iPCBs in water were calculated from iPCB uptake and PRC release. These calculations were performed using either a single PRC or all the PRCs. The efficiency of PRCs to correct the impact of velocity was assessed by comparing the TWA concentrations obtained at the four tested velocities. For SR, a good agreement was found among the four TWA concentrations with both methods (average RSD b 10%). Also for LDPE, PRCs offered a good correction of the impact of water velocity (average RSD of about 10 to 20%). These results contribute to the process of acceptance of passive sampling in routine regulatory monitoring programs.
Our efforts are directed towards the understanding of the coscheduling mechanism in a NOW system when a parallel job is executed jointly with local workloads, balancing parallel performance against the local interactive response. Explicit and implicit coscheduling techniques in a PVM-Linux NOW (or cluster) have been implemented. Furthermore, dynamic coscheduling remains an open question when parallel jobs are executed in a non-dedicated Cluster. A basis model for dynamic coscheduling in Cluster systems is presented in this paper. Also, one dynamic coscheduling algorithm for this model is proposed. The applicability of this algorithm has been proved and its performance analyzed by simulation. Finally, a new tool (named Monito) for monitoring the different queues of messages in such an environments is presented. The main aim of implementing this facility is to provide a mean of capturing the bottlenecks and overheads of the communication system in a PVM-Linux cluster.
We evaluated the performance of an optical camera based prospective motion correction (PMC) system in improving the quality of 3D echo-planar imaging functional MRI data. An optical camera and external marker were used to dynamically track the head movement of subjects during fMRI scanning. PMC was performed by using the motion information to dynamically update the sequence's RF excitation and gradient waveforms such that the field-of-view was realigned to match the subject's head movement. Task-free fMRI experiments on five healthy volunteers followed a 2×2×3 factorial design with the following factors: PMC on or off; 3.0mm or 1.5mm isotropic resolution; and no, slow, or fast head movements. Visual and motor fMRI experiments were additionally performed on one of the volunteers at 1.5mm resolution comparing PMC on vs PMC off for no and slow head movements. Metrics were developed to quantify the amount of motion as it occurred relative to k-space data acquisition. The motion quantification metric collapsed the very rich camera tracking data into one scalar value for each image volume that was strongly predictive of motion-induced artifacts. The PMC system did not introduce extraneous artifacts for the no motion conditions and improved the time series temporal signal-to-noise by 30% to 40% for all combinations of low/high resolution and slow/fast head movement relative to the standard acquisition with no prospective correction. The numbers of activated voxels (p<0.001, uncorrected) in both task-based experiments were comparable for the no motion cases and increased by 78% and 330%, respectively, for PMC on versus PMC off in the slow motion cases. The PMC system is a robust solution to decrease the motion sensitivity of multi-shot 3D EPI sequences and thereby overcome one of the main roadblocks to their widespread use in fMRI studies.
Light confinement strategies in thin-film silicon solar cells play a crucial role in the performance of the devices. In this work, the possible use of Ag-coated stamped polymers as reflectors to be used in n-i-p solar cells is studied. Different random roughnesses (nanometer and micrometer size) have been transferred on poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) by hot embossing. Morphological and optical analyses of masters, stamped polymers and reflectors have been carried out evidencing a positive surface transference on the polymer and the viability of a further application in solar cells.
We consider the numerical treatment of the optical flow problem by evaluating the performance of the trust region method versus the line search method. To the best of our knowledge, the trust region method is studied here for the first time for variational optical flow computation. Four different optical flow models are used to test the performance of the proposed algorithm combining linear and nonlinear data terms with quadratic and TV regularization. We show that trust region often performs better than line search; especially in the presence of non-linearity and non-convexity in the model.
Imaging systems have developed latest years and developing is still continuing following years. Manufacturers of imaging systems give promises for the quality of the performance of imaging systems to advertise their products. Promises for the quality of the performance are often so good that they will not be tested in normal usage. The main target in this research is to evaluate the quality of the performance of two imaging systems: Scanner and CCD color camera. Optical measurement procedures were planned to evaluate the quality of imaging performances. Other target in this research is to evaluate calibration programs for the camera and the scanner. Measuring targets had to choose to evaluate the quality of imaging performances. Manufacturers have given definitions for targets. The third task in this research is to evaluate and consider how good measuring targets are.
The detection of testosterone abuse in sports is routinely achieved through the 'steroidal module' of the Athlete Biological Passport by GC-MS(/MS) quantification of selected endogenous anabolic androgenic steroids (EAAS) from athletes' urines. To overcome some limitations of the "urinary steroid profile" such as the presence of confounding factors (ethnicity, enzyme polymorphism, bacterial contamination, and ethanol), ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) measurements of blood concentrations of testosterone, its major metabolites, and precursors could represent an interesting and complementary strategy. In this work, two UHPLC-MS/MS methods were developed for the quantification of testosterone and related compounds in human serum, including major progestogens, corticoids, and estrogens. The validated methods were then used for the analyses of serum samples collected from 19 healthy male volunteers after oral and transdermal testosterone administration. Results from unsupervised multiway analysis allowed variations of target analytes to be assessed simultaneously over a 96-h time period. Except for alteration of concentration values due to the circadian rhythm, which concerns mainly corticosteroids, DHEA, and progesterone, significant variations linked to the oral and transdermal testosterone administration were observed for testosterone, DHT, and androstenedione. As a second step of analysis, the longitudinal monitoring of these biomarkers using intra-individual thresholds showed, in comparison to urine, significant improvements in the detection of testosterone administration, especially for volunteers with del/del genotype for phase II UGT2B17 enzyme, not sensitive to the main urinary marker, T/E ratio. A substantial extension of the detection window after transdermal testosterone administration was also observed in serum matrix. The longitudinal follow-up proposed in this study represents a first example of 'blood steroid profile' in doping control analysis, which can be proposed in the future as a complement to the 'urinary module' for improving steroid abuse detection capabilities.
Nombreux sont les groupes de recherche qui se sont intéressés, ces dernières années, à la manière de monitorer l'entraînement des sportifs de haut niveau afin d'optimaliser le rendement de ce dernier tout en préservant la santé des athlètes. Un des problèmes cardinaux d'un entraînement sportif mal conduit est le syndrome du surentraînement. La définition du syndrome susmentionné proposée par Kreider et al. est celle qui est actuellement acceptée par le « European College of Sport Science » ainsi que par le « American College of Sports Medicine», à savoir : « An accumulation of training and/or non-training stress resulting in long-term decrement in performance capacity with or without related physiological and psychological signs and symptoms of maladaptation in which restoration of performance capacity may take several weeks or months. » « Une accumulation de stress lié, ou non, à l'entraînement, résultant en une diminution à long terme de la capacité de performance. Cette dernière est associée ou non avec des signes et des symptômes physiologiques et psychologiques d'inadaptation de l'athlète à l'entraînement. La restauration de ladite capacité de performance peut prendre plusieurs semaines ou mois. » Les recommandations actuelles, concernant le monitoring de l'entraînement et la détection précoce du syndrome du surentrainement, préconisent, entre autre, un suivi psychologique à l'aide de questionnaires (tel que le Profile of Mood State (POMS)), un suivi de la charge d'entraînement perçue par l'athlète (p.ex. avec la session rating of perceived exertion (RPE) method selon C. Foster), un suivi des performances des athlètes et des charges d'entraînement effectuées ainsi qu'un suivi des problèmes de santé (blessures et maladies). Le suivi de paramètres sanguins et hormonaux n'est pas recommandé d'une part pour des questions de coût et de faisabilité, d'autre part car la littérature scientifique n'a, jusqu'ici, pas été en mesure de dégager des évidences à ce sujet. A ce jour, peu d'études ont suivi ces paramètres de manière rigoureuse, sur une longue période et chez un nombre d'athlète important. Ceci est précisément le but de notre étude.
High-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) has been associated with qualitative and research analysis and QQQ-MS with quantitative and routine analysis. This view is now challenged and for this reason, we have evaluated the quantitative LC-MS performance of a new high-resolution mass spectrometer (HRMS), a Q-orbitrap-MS, and compared the results obtained with a recent triple-quadrupole MS (QQQ-MS). High-resolution full-scan (HR-FS) and MS/MS acquisitions have been tested with real plasma extracts or pure standards. Limits of detection, dynamic range, mass accuracy and false positive or false negative detections have been determined or investigated with protease inhibitors, tyrosine kinase inhibitors, steroids and metanephrines. Our quantitative results show that today's available HRMS are reliable and sensitive quantitative instruments and comparable to QQQ-MS quantitative performance. Taking into account their versatility, user-friendliness and robustness, we believe that HRMS should be seen more and more as key instruments in quantitative LC-MS analyses. In this scenario, most targeted LC-HRMS analyses should be performed by HR-FS recording virtually "all" ions. In addition to absolute quantifications, HR-FS will allow the relative quantifications of hundreds of metabolites in plasma revealing individual's metabolome and exposome. This phenotyping of known metabolites should promote HRMS in clinical environment. A few other LC-HRMS analyses should be performed in single-ion-monitoring or MS/MS mode when increased sensitivity and/or detection selectivity will be necessary.
A novel cantilever pressure sensor was developed in the Department of Physics at the University of Turku in order to solve the sensitivity problems which are encountered when condenser microphones are used in photoacoustic spectroscopy. The cantilever pressure sensor, combined with a laser interferometer for the measurement of the cantilever movements, proved to be highly sensitive. The original aim of this work was to integrate the sensor in a photoacoustic gas detector working in a differential measurement scheme. The integration was made successfully into three prototypes. In addition, the cantilever was also integrated in the photoacoustic FTIR measurement schemes of gas-, liquid-, and solid-phase samples. A theoretical model for the signal generation in each measurement scheme was created and the optimal celldesign discussed. The sensitivity and selectivity of the differential method were evaluated when a blackbody radiator and a mechanical chopper were used with CO2, CH4, CO, and C2H4 gases. The detection limits were in the sub-ppm level for all four gases with only a 1.3 second integration time and the cross interference was well below one percent for all gas combinations other than those between hydrocarbons. Sensitivity with other infrared sources was compared using ethylene as an example gas. In the comparison of sensitivity with different infrared sources the electrically modulated blackbody radiator gave a 35 times higher and the CO2-laser a 100 times lower detection limit than the blackbody radiator with a mechanical chopper. As a conclusion, the differential system is well suited to rapid single gas measurements. Gas-phase photoacoustic FTIR spectroscopy gives the best performance, when several components have to be analyzed simultaneously from multicomponent samples. Multicomponent measurements were demonstrated with a sample that contained different concentrations of CO2, H2O, CO, and four different hydrocarbons. It required an approximately 10 times longer measurement time to achieve the same detection limit for a single gas as with the differential system. The properties of the photoacoustic FTIR spectroscopy were also compared to conventional transmission FTIR spectroscopy by simulations. Solid- and liquid-phase photoacoustic FTIR spectroscopy has several advantages compared to other techniques and therefore it also has a great variety of applications. A comparison of the signal-to-noise ratio between photoacoustic cells with a cantilever microphone and a condenser microphone was done with standard carbon black, polyethene, and sunflower oil samples. The cell with the cantilever microphone proved to have a 5-10 times higher signal-to-noise ratio than the reference detector, depending on the sample. Cantilever enhanced photoacoustics will be an effective tool for gas detection and analysis of solid- and liquid-phase samples. The preliminary prototypes gave good results in all three measurement schemes that were studied. According to simulations, there are possibilities for further enhancement of the sensitivity, as well as other properties, of each system.
Recent developments in optical communications have allowed simpler optical devices to improve network resource utilization. As such, we propose adding a lambda-monitoring device to a wavelength-routing switch (WRS) allowing better performance when traffic is routed and groomed. This device may allow a WRS to aggregate traffic over optical routes without incurring in optical-electrical-optical conversion for the existing traffic. In other words, optical routes can be taken partially to route demands creating a sort of "lighttours". In this paper, we compare the number of OEO conversions needed to route a complete given traffic matrix using either lighttours or lightpaths