996 resultados para OCE– (CE–) Regular Spaces


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In this paper, we present some coincidence point theorems in the setting of quasi-metric spaces that can be applied to operators which not necessarily have the mixed monotone property. As a consequence, we particularize our results to the field of metric spaces, partially ordered metric spaces and G-metric spaces, obtaining some very recent results. Finally, we show how to use our main theorems to obtain coupled, tripled, quadrupled and multidimensional coincidence point results.


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The aim of this paper is to present fixed point result of mappings satisfying a generalized rational contractive condition in the setup of multiplicative metric spaces. As an application, we obtain a common fixed point of a pair of weakly compatible mappings. Some common fixed point results of pair of rational contractive types mappings involved in cocyclic representation of a nonempty subset of a multiplicative metric space are also obtained. Some examples are presented to support the results proved herein. Our results generalize and extend various results in the existing literature.


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Muitos dos locais onde as atividades são realizadas nas academias de ginásticas são salas pequenas e fechadas com sistema de climatização artificial, freqüentados por um grande número de alunos realizando seus exercícios e profissionais auxiliando as atividades. Com isso, há uma intensa transpiração desses indivíduos, uma freqüente rotina de limpeza do piso e de equipamentos com pequenos intervalos, possibilitando a alterações da qualidade do ar indoor. O presente trabalho busca mostrar as tendências de variações nos valores das concentrações dos poluentes atmosféricos BTEX em ambiente indoor, especificamente na sala de spinning de uma academia de ginástica do Rio de Janeiro. Para o monitoramento da qualidade do ar foram utilizados cartuchos de carvão ativado SKC, acoplado a uma bomba KNF com vazão de 1l min. Para a extração de cada amostra foi feita a análise cromatográfica com cromatógrafo a gás modelo 6890 acoplado a um espectrômetro de massa modelo 5973 da marca Agilent. Foram analisadas 34 amostras coletadas na salas de spinning durante as aulas com atividades aeróbicas, o que intensificava a respiração dos indivíduos, possibilitando uma maior inalação destes COVs. Em contrapartida, também foram coletadas 5 amostras outdoor, 4 delas pareadas indoor/ outdoor para uma análise comparativa das concentrações destes poluentes. Dentre os compostos orgânicos voláteis analisados, o tolueno é o BTEX mais abundante obtido neste trabalho, representando 81% destes COVs indoor. Todas as amostras medidas em pares indoor/ outdoor tiveram concentrações maiores no interior, exceto para o benzeno no dia 3/12/2010. Simples atividades usualmente realizadas pelo homem, como a inserção de piso emborrachado, manutenção do sistema de climatização artificial, e limpeza podem alterar o ar indoor. As conclusões alcançadas após as medições das concentrações de BTEX foram de que o ar indoor estava mais poluído do que o outdoor. Este monitoramento da qualidade do ar indoor ainda é escasso no Brasil. Alguns esforços tem sido feito em relação a ambientes confinados como a Portaria n˚3523 do Ministério da Saúde, regulamentando o controle dos ambientes climatizados e a Resolução n˚9 da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária, além da Resolução CONAMA n ˚3 estabelecendo padrões de qualidade do ar para alguns compostos químicos, porém muitos compostos químicos ainda não são legislados ou não possuem a devida atenção, não sendo suficientes para contemplar a complexidade do assunto


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YAlO3 single crystal doped with Ce3+ at concentration 1% was grown by the temperature gradient technique. The as-grown crystal was pink. After H-2 annealing or air annealing at 1400degreesC for 20 h, the crystal was turned into colorless. We concluded there were two kinds of color centers in the as-grown crystal. One is F+ center attributed to absorption band peaking at about 530 nm, the other is O- center attributed to absorption band peaking at about 390 nm. This color centers model can be applied in explaining the experiment phenomena including the color changes, the absorption spectra changes, and the light yield changes of Ce:YAP crystals before and after annealing. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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Photoluminescence spectrum of Ce:YAG single crystal was studied employing vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) synchrotron radiation. Intrinsic absorption edge at about 52,000 cm(-1) was observed in the absorption spectrum. From the VUV excitation spectrum, the energy of the highest d-component of 53,191 cm(-1) (188 nm) for the Ce3+ ions in YAG was obtained at 300 K. The disappearance of the third 5d level at 37,735 cm(-1) (265 nm) in absorption and excitation spectra in our samples may be due to the impurity Fe3+ ions absorption. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Five absorption hands, at 227, 300 340, 370 and 457nm, were observed in the optical absorption spectrum of Ce:Y3Al5O12 (Ce:YAG) crystals grown by the temperature gradient technique (TGT). The absorption bands at 227, 340, and 457 nm were identified Lis belonging to the Ce3+ -ion in the YAG crystal. A near UV optical emission band at 398nm was observed. with an excitation spectrum containing two bands, at 235 and 370nm. No fluorescence was detected under 300 nm excitation. The pair of absorption bands at 235 and 370 nm and the absorption band at 300 nm were attributed to the F- and F+-type color centers, respectively. The color centers model was also applied to explain the spectral changes in the Ce:YAG (TGT) crystal, including the reduction in the Ce 31 -ion absorption intensity, after annealing in an oxidizing atmosphere (air). (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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3rd International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences (IC-MSQUARE) Madrid, AUG 28-31, 2014 / editado por Vagenas, EC; Vlachos, DS; Bastos, C; Hofer, T; Kominis, Y; Kosmas, O; LeLay, G; DePadova, P; Rode, B; Suraud, E; Varga, K


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This paper investigates some properties of cyclic fuzzy maps in metric spaces. The convergence of distances as well as that of sequences being generated as iterates defined by a class of contractive cyclic fuzzy mapping to fuzzy best proximity points of (non-necessarily intersecting adjacent subsets) of the cyclic disposal is studied. An extension is given for the case when the images of the points of a class of contractive cyclic fuzzy mappings restricted to a particular subset of the cyclic disposal are allowed to lie either in the same subset or in its next adjacent one.


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Color centers and impurity defects of Ce:YAG crystals grown in reduction atmosphere by temperature gradient techniques have been investigated by means of gamma irradiation and thermal treatments. Four absorption bands associated with color centers or impurity defects at 235, 255, 294 and 370 nm were observed in as-grown crystals. Changes in optical intensity of the 235 and 370 nm bands after gamma irradiation indicate that they are associated with F+-type color center. Charge state change processes of Fe3+ impurity and Ce3+ ions take place in the irradiation process. The variations of Ce3+ ions concentration clearly indicate that Ce4+ ions exist in Ce:YAG crystals and gamma irradiations could increase the concentration of Ce3+ ions. Annealing treatments and the changes in optical density suggest that a heterovalent impurity ion associated with the 294 nm band seems to be present in the crystals. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Spectroscopic properties of Ce-doped yttrium orthoaluminate (Ce:YAlO3 or Ce:YAP) crystals grown by temperature gradient technique (TGT) were investigated, and the effects of the growth conditions on the properties were analyzed.. Methods of optical absorption (OA), photoluminescence (PL), photoluminescence decay (PLD), X-ray excited luminescence (XL) and cathodeluminescence (CL) were used in these investigations. The results showed that the absorption band peak at 202, 394 and 532 nm originated from F and F+ color center induced by the weak reducing growth atmosphere, green emission band near 500 ran derived from Ce3+ -Ce3+ pairs and band at 650 similar to 850 run from some unintentional impurity in crystals.


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Gamma-rays radiation effects on Ce:YAG crystals grown by Czochralski (Cz) and temperature gradient techniques (TGT) have been studied by means of optical absorption and luminescence spectra. Valence of Ce3+ ion changes during the gamma-ray irradiation process and this result indicates Ce4+ ion may exist in both Cz-Ce:YAG and TGT-Ce:YAG crystals. Thermally stimulated luminescence measurements reveal intense thermoluminescence peaks in gamma-irradiated Ce:YAG crystals and trap parameters were calculated by general-order kinetics expression. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.