998 resultados para Nutritional Ecology


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The biochemical and nutrient compositions of red and white meat of tuna are reported. Based on the data the biochemical role and nutritional quality of red and white meat are discussed. The results show that red meat is adapted for slow and continuous activity and white meat for quick but occasional activity. In spite of comparatively low lysine content the red meat is adjudged more nutritious than white meat.


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A study of supplementary feeding was conducted on children with a protein food (edible fish powder in the form of 'chutney') for 35 days and the effect assessed periodically. The most noticeable effect was gain in weight and mid arm circumference in children. 35% children showed a weight gain of 1 kg, 27% 0.5 kg, 21% 1.5 kg and 2.5% 2.5 kg. 48% children registered an increase in their mid-arm circumference by 0.5 cm, 16% 1 cm and 2.5% 1.5 cm. 10% children did not gain weight. However, these children had intercurrent infections like measles, whooping cough and asthma.


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Data on the biochemical constituents and food values of five commercially important edible bivalves of Kerala, Lamellidens corrianus, Corbicuta striatella, Mytilus edulis, Vellorita cohinensis and Ostrea cucullata have been presented. Physiological significance of the variations has been discussed. Present study reveals the bivalves meat compares favourably with the common food fishes with regard to their caloric value and hence would be an excellent and economic source of nutrition for our people.


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Qualitative and quantitative studies on the bacterial flora of two beaches viz., Colva and Siridaon at high tide, mid-tide and low tide levels during the pre-monsoon period were made. Estimations of important nutrients, like inorganic phosphates and nitrates and organic carbon have been made and correlation with the bacterial counts is being attempted. Definite correlation between bacterial population and organic carbon is seen however, no correlation is observed between bacterial counts and other physicochemical parameters.


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Data on the biochemical composition and food value of the edible portions of two gastropods, Pila virens and Achatina fulica and two cephalopods, Sepiella inermis and Loigo indica have been presented. These molluscs possess nutritive meat very rich in protein and minerals, which compare favourably with popular food fishes in caloric value. The significance of the variations met with in the biochemical constituents of the different species has been discussed.


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The paper reviews the work reported on the changes in the nutritive value of fish protein concentrates (FPC) during, storage, with special emphasis on the effects of the interactions between oxidised residual lipids and proteins of the FPC. Theories on the oxidised lipid-protein interactions are reviewed and the nutritional significance of these reactions is discussed.


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Various methods for processing and utilization of lantern fish (Benthosema pterotum) are reported. Nutritional evaluation of fish meal and fish hydrolysate from lantern fish has been carried out. Growth rate and PER of lantern fish meal are similar and better than that of the reference protein, casein. Lantern fish meal can therefore be extensively used for the formulation of poultry, fish and other animal feeds as a good protein supplement with beneficial effects.


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The fish fauna of the Ashtamudi, the second largest estuarine system in Kerala (8°53'-9°02' N Lat. and 76°31'-76°41' E Long.) is listed. 97 species belonging to 39 families have been recorded, ofwhich69 are commercially important contributing to the fisheries of the Ashtamudi Estuary. Mullets, cichlids and the glassy perchlets are the most abundant groups and contribute appreciably to the landings. Results revealed that the estuarine system supports a good capture fishery which is seasonal. Majority of the fish fauna in the estuary are marine elements recruited from the adjoining Arabian Sea. An inventory of the craft and gear employed is presented and the sources of pollution in the estuarine system are described, aquacultural prospects of this area are discussed.


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This paper reports the results of a preliminary study on the biochemical composition and nutritional charactersitics of fish solubles from oil sardines (Sardinella longiceps) and white tailed pink perch (Nemipterus japonicus). The nutritional quality of sardine solubles has been evaluated by feeding trials using albino rats also. The studies have shown that compared to a control group of rats whose diet had casein as the sole source of protein, a group of rats in whose diet dried sardine solubles replaced half of the casein, had a noticeably higher growth rate. This higher growth rate was not prominent in the early stages of growth (4-7 weeks). But, during later stages (7-10 weeks), solubles incorporated diet supported a distinctly higher growth rate. This effect was more pronounced in female rats (17% over the control group) compared to the male rats (4% over the control group). Fish solubles are found to be poor sources of essential amino acids. Thus, the observed increase in growth rate is higher than the rate expected from the amino acid make up. This probably supports the view expressed by workers elsewhere that fish solubles contain some unidentified growth factors.


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The proximate composition, amino acid composition and the PER values of Rohu (Labeo rohita), Mrigal (Cirrhina mrigala) and Calbasu (Labeo calbasu) are reported. The proximate composition of all the three fishes was similar. However the amino acid composition varied considerably. Protein quality index of the three fish proteins calculated from the amino acid composition are also reported. The nutritional quality of the 3 types of proteins to meet the growth requirements of infants, children and adult human beings is discussed. The possibility of substantial improvement in nutritional quality of the three fish proteins to suit the requirements of infants and children by marginal supplementation with valine/valine-rich food for rohu and valine and isoleucine/food rich in valine and isoleucine for mrigal and calbasu is also discussed. The results indicate that of the three fishes rohu is the best in protein quality followed by mrigal and calbasu. All of them have a better amino acid make up than casein to meet the amino acid requirement of adults.


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Fourteen species of penaeid shrimps with commercial value in Batan Bay and Tigbauan-Guimbal waters were identified as follows: Penaeus monodon, P.semisulcatus, P.japonicus, Metapenaeus ensis, M.burkenroadi, M.endeavouri, Metapenaeopsis palmensis, M.stridulans, Trachypenaeus fulvus, and Parapenaeus longipes. Among the 14 penaeids, P.semisulcatus, M.ensis and M.palmensis were found to be the dominant species within each genus. There are seven existing fishing gears for shrimping in the Batan Bay and Tigbauan-Guimbal waters: fish corrals, lift net, filter net, gill net, skimming net, baby trawler and commercial trawler. In general, female penaeids are larger than males. The largest P.monodon female measured was 81 mm in carapace length with 23 g in body weight. The largest male measuring 59 mm in carapace length with 119 g of body weight was caught in Batan Bay. Judging from spermatozoa occurrence on both sexes of P.monodon, the biological minimum size for male is 37 mm in carapace length and 49 mm for female. A total of 133 Penaeus postlarvae obtained from the offshore were identified by comparison with those reared in the laboratory. The postlarvae of P.japonicus-latisulcatus complex were quite dominant (60 . 2%), followed by P.semisulcatus (18 . 0%), and P.merguiensis-indicus complex (17 . 3%). The number of P.monodon postlarvae was relatively small (4 . 5%). The modal carapace length of P.monodon postlarvae from the offshore was 1 . 3 mm with three or four dorsal and no ventral spines on the rostrum, while P.monodon fry from the shoreline had 2 . 3 mm with five or six dorsal and one or two ventral spines.


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Evaluation of the nutritional quality of texturised fish meat from threadfin bream (Nemipterus japonicus) is reported. Proximate composition and amino acid analysis showed that its protein content is very high with all the essential amino acids present in higher levels than those prescribed for man in the 1973 FAO/WHO amino acid scoring pattern. Lysine amounted to 11.0 g per 16 g N of which 75 percent is biologically available. Studies on PER and NPU also corroborate the excellent nutritional quality of the texturised meat.


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Protein powders were prepared from processing waste of prawns either by mechanically squeezing the shell and freeze drying the resultant aqueous extract or by treating the shell with 0.5% sodium hydroxide, filtering it and freeze drying the filtrate. Comparative studies on the proximate composition, amino acid profile, consumer acceptability and nutritional quality of the protein powders showed that the product prepared by freeze drying of the press liquor obtained by passing the waste through a hand operated expeller is better in all aspects studied than the product prepared by mild alkali extraction.