860 resultados para Nutrition of athletes
Among the edaphic factors, those related to acidity are the ones that affect productivity, especially in tropical regions. For culture the Annonaceae, no research results that indicate the proper base saturation, nor the determination of doses, times, application methods and sources of nutrients for orchards Annonaceae in training and production in order to promote sustainability and higher yields. Given the importance and potential of commercial exploitation of Annonaceae in Brazil and, considering the limited available scientific information on liming, fertilization and nutrition of fruit plants of this family, some research has to be carried out urgently due to the effects of nutrients on productivity, fruit quality, post-harvest, tolerance to pests and diseases, etc.
INTRODUÇÃO:O exercício prévio tem importantes implicações na preparação de atletas antes de competições.OBJETIVO:Analisar o efeito de um exercício prévio realizado no domínio pesado no pico de torque (PTORQUE) medido após exercício severo.MÉTODOS:Participaram deste estudo 14 homens ativos (idade: 26 ± 4 anos, VO2max: 44 ± 6 mLO2.min-1.kg-1) que realizaram sete testes em dias diferentes: a) teste progressivo de rampa para determinação do VO2max e da potência pico; b) quatro testes de carga constante para determinação da potência crítica, capacidade de trabalho anaeróbio e potência correspondente ao tempo de exaustão de 3 min (PTLim3min) e; c) dois testes de carga constante de 2 min na PTLim3min seguidos por um sprint all out de 10 s, a fim de medir o PTORQUE. Este último protocolo foi realizado com (EP) e sem (CON) a realização de um exercício prévio pesado.RESULTADOS:O PTORQUE foi significantemente maior após o EP (101 ± 30 Nm) em relação à condição CON (95 ± 23 Nm). O tempo da resposta médio (TRM) do VO2 foi significantemente menor após o EP (24 ± 7 s) em relação à condição CON (32 ± 10 s). A amplitude primária do VO2 aumentou significantemente após o EP (2598 ± 421 mLO2.min-1) em relação à condição CON (2184 ± 246 mLO2.min-1). O déficit de O2 foi significantemente menor após o exercício prévio (980 ± 432 mLO2) em relação à condição CON (1273 ± 398 mLO2). Houve correlação significante entre a variação do déficit de O2 com a do PTORQUE (r = 0,53) e da variação do TRM com a do PTORQUE (r = 0,53).CONCLUSÃO:Pode-se concluir que o PTORQUE é maior após exercício aeróbio de curta duração precedido do EP. Deste modo, esta estratégia pode ser interessante como preparação para algumas competições esportivas.
Physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) is a perennial oilseed species that has aroused economic interest for biodiesel production. Among other factors, it is essential to determine the nutritional demands of this species to facilitate raising it as a crop. This study aimed to evaluate the early growth and mineral nutrition of physic nut, as well as soil fertility, as affected by phosphorus fertilization. The study was carried out in a plastic greenhouse in a completely randomized block experimental design with four replicates. The plants were grown in plastic pots filled with 50 dm³ of Latossolo Vermelho (Rhodic Hapludox). Application rates of 0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mg dm-3 of P were tested, plus a control. Evaluations of plant height and root collar diameter were performed monthly. The experiment was ended 150 days after transplant of the seedlings, at which time leaf area, dry weight, leaf contents and total accumulation of macro- (N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S) and micronutrients (B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn) were performed, and soil chemical properties were analyzed. We concluded that absence of P fertilization alone is as limiting to early growth of physic nut as simultaneous absence of soil amendment and fertilization. The rate of 57 mg dm-3 of P may be recommended for initial growth of physic nut. The total accumulation of nutrients in physic nut seedlings exhibited the following order: K>N>Mg>Ca>P>S>Fe>Mn>B>Zn>Cu. Phosphorus fertilization resulted in increased soil cation exchange capacity (CEC).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Aquicultura - FCAV
Gastrointestinal (GI) problems are a common concern of athletes during intense exercise. Ultimately, these symptoms can impair performance and possibly prevent athletes from winning or even finishing a race. The main causes of GI problems during exercise are mechanical, ischemic and nutritional factors. Among the nutritional factors, a high intake of carbohydrate and hyperosmolar solutions increases GI problems. A number of nutritional manipulations have been proposed to minimize gastrointestinal symptoms, including the use of multiple transportable carbohydrates. This type of CHO intake increases the oxidation rates and can prevent the accumulation of carbohydrate in the intestine. Glucose (6%) or glucose plus fructose (8%-10%) beverages are recommended in order to increase CHO intake while avoiding the gastric emptying delay. Training the gut with high intake of CHO may increase absorption capacity and probably prevent GI distress. CHO mouth rinse may be a good strategy to enhance performance without using GI tract in exercises lasting less than an hour. Future strategies should be investigated comparing different CHO types, doses, and concentration in exercises with the same characteristics.
Currently in the sports world, one of the prerequisites imposed by the organizers of sports sieves (selection of athletes) is the height, it becomes increasingly essential to play in clubs and teams worldwide. We noticed that teams base categories also suffer greatly from this height limitation. The objective of this research is to investigate the opinion of coaches, former coaches, players and former players and basketball players and volleyball on that possibility, or what to think about creating sub 1.80 m championships in men's tournaments. . This is a study of the qualitative and descriptive conducted with athletes and coaches volleyball and basketball courts, 6 volleyball players, six basketball players, volleyball players and a coach second technical basketball. We had the result of this work three main parameters: If athletes and coaches are in favor or not the creation of leagues, if there is any form of prejudice with the low in basketball and volleyball and opinions about the players lower in basketball and volleyball. Small players adhered to the idea of creating the league, high players were divided in high response and the coaches agreed saying that it grows with the Sports. Next step is the implementation, planning for these championships to assess the real possibilities of success of this initiative.
Examine the phenomenon of bullying behavior that makes people teased, laughter, sarcasm, irony, among other types of attacks. This is not only physically, but with moral violence, emotional or psychological. When there is an effective intervention against bullying, all individuals in the group start to suffer with this situation, which can lead to psychological disorders, hampering the progress of relations as well as team sports, over a period of training and competition. This article analyzed a sample of athletes in order to find behaviors that characterize the extent of bullying and can see the consequences of it, as early drop out. Through the results it was concluded that the actions that characterize bullying are present in very high performance football and may even lead to drop out the sport. We also evaluate the environments frequented by teams can become enhancers of this phenomenon, they are times when athletes have a living space and one that may become amenable to the events, plus the fact that many athletes have already thought about leaving the sport because to bullying
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A large amount of external factors that can foster the emergence of free radicals in organisms has created a imminent need for understanding and technologies that enables the search of antioxidant componds and extraction of antioxidants from natural sources. These compounds have great potential for kidnapping free radicals which are highly harmful to organisms, being the principal responsible for the decrease in the shelf life of foods, and aging. These free radicals are also related to diseases such as AIDS, arthritis, diabetes, heart disease and others. Fruits and vegetables are true mines of compounds with antioxidant potential, its vitamins and phenolic compounds present an essential role in the nutrition of living beings acting as a defense against degradation of lipids and proteins, which indicates the importance of a diet rich in these nutrients, given that part of the antioxidant defenses of the body comes from the diet. This revision study aims to put in evidence the indispensable role of antioxidants in the survival of organisms.
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA