750 resultados para Nutrition Surveys


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BACKGROUND: Height of individuals has long been considered as a significant index of nutrition and health of a population; still, there is little information regarding the trends of height and weight among developing or transitional countries. We assessed the secular trends in height and weight in children of the Seychelles, a rapidly developing island state in the Indian Ocean (African region). METHODS: Height and weight were measured in all students of all schools in four selected school grades (kindergarten, 4th, 7th and 10th grades) for the periods 1998-9 (6391 children) and 2005-6 (8582 children). Data for 1956-7 was extracted from a previously published report. RESULTS: At age 15.5 years, boys/girls were on average 10/13 cm taller and 15/9 kg heavier in 2005-6 than in 1956-7. Height increased in boys/girls by 1.62/0.93 cm/decade between 1956-7 and 1998-9 and by 1.14/1.82 cm/decade between 1998-9 and 2005-6. For weight, the linear increase in boys/girls was 1.38/1.10 kg/decade between 1956-7 and 1998-9 and 2.21/2.50 kg/decade between 1998-9 and 2005-6. Overall, the relative increase in weight between 1956-7 and 2005-6 was 5-fold higher than the relative increase in height. CONCLUSION: Height and weight increased markedly over time in children aged <16 years in the Seychelles, consistent with large changes in socio-economic and nutritional indicators in the considered 50-year interval. The markedly steeper increase in weight than height over time is consistent with an epidemic of overweight and obesity.


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Interviewer performance with respect to convincing sample members to participate in surveys is an important dimension of survey quality. However, unlike in CAPI surveys where each sample case 'belongs' to one interviewer, there are hardly any good measures of interview performance for centralised CATI surveys, where even single contacts are assigned to interviewers at random. If more than one interviewer works one sample case, it is not clear how to attribute success or failure to the interviewers involved. In this article, we propose two correlated methods to measure interviewer contact performance in centralised CATI surveys. Their modelling must take complex multilevel clustering effects, which need not be hierarchical, into account. Results are consistent with findings from CAPI data modelling, and we find that when comparing effects with a direct ('naive') measure of interviewer contact results, interviewer random effects are largely underestimated using the naive measure.


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Providing or withholding nutrition in severely disabled elderly persons is a challenging dilemma for families, health professionals, and institutions. Despite limited evidence that nutrition support improves functional status in vulnerable older persons, especially those suffering from dementia, the issue of nutrition support in this population is strongly debated. Nutrition might be considered a basic need that not only sustains life but provides comfort as well by patients and their families. Consequently, the decision to provide or withhold nutrition support during medical care is often complex and involves clinical, legal, and ethical considerations. This article proposes a guide for health professionals to appraise ethical issues related to nutrition support in severely disabled older persons. This guide is based on an 8-step process to identify the components of a situation, analyze conflicting values that result in the ethical dilemma, and eventually reach a consensus for the most relevant plan of care to implement in a specific clinical situation. A vignette is presented to illustrate the use of this guide when analyzing a clinical situation.


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Rapport de synthèseCette recherche s'intéresse à investiguer d'une part si les résidents en Suisse entre 15 et 24 ans suivent les recommandations nutritionnelles actuelles et d'autre part, s'il y a des différences entre ceux en surpoids et ceux en poids normal. Les données sont tirées de l'Enquête Suisse sur la Santé ESS 2007. Pour notre étude, seules les 1813 personnes âgées entre 15 et 24 ans ont été sélectionnées.Dans une première analyse bivariée, l'adhérence aux recommandations alimentaires a été comparée entre hommes et femmes. Les quantités proposées par le questionnaire ESS sont: 1 à 2 portions de fruits, 3 portions de légumes et 3 portions de produits laitiers par jour, ainsi qu'un maximum de 5 portions de viande et au moins une portion de poisson par semaine. Ces quantités sont en accord avec les recommandations de la Société Suisse de Nutrition.L'adhérence aux recommandations alimentaires est plutôt basse quelque soit le genre, en particulier pour les légumes et les produits laitiers. Les femmes ont tendance à manger les quantités recommandées de fruits, légumes et viande, tandis que les hommes ont tendance à manger la quantité recommandée de produits laitiers. Pour le poisson aucune différence n'a été observée entre personnes du sexe opposé.Ensuite, les personnes en surpoids ont été comparées dans une analyse bivariée aux personnes en poids normal, en fonction du sexe. Plusieurs facteurs ont été considérés: participation à une activité physique avec essoufflement pendant au mois 20 minutes et au moins 4 jours par semaine, attitude envers leur poids corporel (satisfaction avec le poids, désir de perdre du poids et régime suivi pour perdre du poids), consommation d'alcool, de cigarettes et présence d'un état dépressif majeur. Finalement, des facteurs potentiellement confondants (âge, nationalité et lieu de domicile) ont été inclus dans une analyse multivariée.Concernant l'adhérence aux recommandations alimentaires, la seule différence significative est une consommation de légumes plus basse chez les femmes en surpoids. Seulement 4.2% des femmes en surpoids mangent 3 portions de légumes ou plus par jour comparé à 18.1% des femmes avec un poids normal. La consommation de produits laitiers est très basse dans tous les groupes, seulement environ 10% des répondants mangent les 3 portions recommandées de produits laitiers.Pour le niveau d'activité physique, aucune différence significative n'a été observée. L'analyse bivariée montre que les femmes en surpoids mangent moins de légumes, sont moins satisfaites de leur corps et ont plus souvent suivi un régime pour perdre du poids. Cependant elles ne souhaitent pas plus souvent perdre du poids en comparaison des femmes en poids normal. Les hommes en surpoids sont moins satisfaits de leur corps, désirent plus souvent perdre du poids, mais n'ont pas plus souvent suivi un régime que les hommes ayant un poids normal.Ces résultats montrent qu'il est difficile de suivre les recommandations alimentaires pour les 15-24 ans. Une recherche plus approfondie est nécessaire afin de déterminer comment ces recommandations pourraient être mieux adaptées à la vie quotidienne des jeunes. La faible consommation de produits laitiers est préoccupante, vu que la période entre l'adolescence et l'âge adulte est un moment crucial pour le développement de la densité osseuse. De nouvelles stratégies doivent être trouvées pour améliorer la consommation de produits laitiers chez les jeunes. Comme le comportement alimentaire et l'attitude envers le poids corporel diffèrent beaucoup selon le sexe, les programmes de prévention de surpoids devraient cibler les jeunes spécifiquement par sexe.


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Background: Postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) occurs frequently after cardiac surgery. Some data suggest that inflammation plays a key role in the development of POCD. N-3 fatty acids have been shown to have a beneficial effect on inflammation. We hypothesised that perioperative n-3 enriched nutrition therapy would reduce the incidence of POCD in this group of patients. Methods: Randomized, double blind placebo controlled trial in patients aged 65 or older undergoing elective cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. 2x 250 mL placebo (Ensure Plus™, Abbott Nutrition) or n-3 enriched nutrition therapy (ProSure™ Abbott Nutrition) were administered for ten days starting 5 days prior to surgery. Cognition was assessed preoperatively and 7 days after surgery with the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease - Neuropsychological Assessment Battery (CERAD-NAB) [1]. Results: 16 patients were included. Mean age was 72 } 5.3 for placebo and 75 } 4.8 for ProSure™ respectively. CRP and IL-6 did not differ significantly between groups preoperatively and on postoperative days 1, 3, and 7. Preoperative CERAD total scores were 86 } 10 and 81 } 9 (p = n.s.) for Placebo and ProSure™, respectively. Postoperative scores were 88 } 12, and 77 } 19 (p = n.s.) The change in score was not different between the two groups (Placebo: +3 } 5; ProSure: -5 } 11). Conclusion: In this very small sample no effect of preoperatively started n-3 enriched nutritional supplements on inflammation or cognitive functions were detected. However, there is a large likelihood of a type II error and more patients need to be included to assess possible beneficial effects of this intervention in elderly patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery. 1 Chandler MJ, et al. Neurology. 2005;65:102-6.


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The recognition that nutrients have the ability to interact and modulate molecular mechanisms underlying an organism's physiological functions has prompted a revolution in the field of nutrition. Performing population-scaled epidemiological studies in the absence of genetic knowledge may result in erroneous scientific conclusions and misinformed nutritional recommendations. To circumvent such issues and more comprehensively probe the relationship between genes and diet, the field of nutrition has begun to capitalize on both the technologies and supporting analytical software brought forth in the post-genomic era. The creation of nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics, two fields with distinct approaches to elucidate the interaction between diet and genes but with a common ultimate goal to optimize health through the personalization of diet, provide powerful approaches to unravel the complex relationship between nutritional molecules, genetic polymorphisms, and the biological system as a whole. Reluctance to embrace these new fields exists primarily due to the fear that producing overwhelming quantities of biological data within the confines of a single study will submerge the original query; however, the current review aims to position nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics as the emerging faces of nutrition that, when considered with more classical approaches, will provide the necessary stepping stones to achieve the ambitious goal of optimizing an individual's health via nutritional intervention.


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An alpha-spectrometry, using automated borate fusion and sequential extraction and exchange chromatography, was used to determine the uranium and thorium based on environmental radioactivity of 20 soil samples. The same set of the samples was analysed using gamma-spectrometry with an HPGe detector. The two data sets were checked for coherence using Z-score and chi2 statistical tests. We show that gamma-spectrometry is a valid alternative to time-consuming alpha-spectrometry for the determination of natural uranium and thorium activity in soil (activity range: 12.5-58.2 Bq/kg). The measured activities were compared with the theoretical activities to ensure secular equilibrium in the 238U and 232Th series. For 226Ra, a special study was made on deconvolution of the 186 keV multiplet with the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. Finally, the combined use of Z-score and chi2-tests was found to be a powerful tool for comparing the results obtained with two different methods.