933 resultados para Non Parametric Methodology
In this thesis, we investigate some aspects of the interplay between economic regulation and the risk of the regulated firm. In the first chapter, the main goal is to understand the implications a mainstream regulatory model (Laffont and Tirole, 1993) have on the systematic risk of the firm. We generalize the model in order to incorporate aggregate risk, and find that the optimal regulatory contract must be severely constrained in order to reproduce real-world systematic risk levels. We also consider the optimal profit-sharing mechanism, with an endogenous sharing rate, to explore the relationship between contract power and beta. We find results compatible with the available evidence that high-powered regimes impose more risk to the firm. In the second chapter, a joint work with Daniel Lima from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), we start from the observation that regulated firms are subject to some regulatory practices that potentially affect the symmetry of the distribution of their future profits. If these practices are anticipated by investors in the stock market, the pattern of asymmetry in the empirical distribution of stock returns may differ among regulated and non-regulated companies. We review some recently proposed asymmetry measures that are robust to the empirical regularities of return data and use them to investigate whether there are meaningful differences in the distribution of asymmetry between these two groups of companies. In the third and last chapter, three different approaches to the capital asset pricing model of Kraus and Litzenberger (1976) are tested with recent Brazilian data and estimated using the generalized method of moments (GMM) as a unifying procedure. We find that ex-post stock returns generally exhibit statistically significant coskewness with the market portfolio, and hence are sensitive to squared market returns. However, while the theoretical ground for the preference for skewness is well established and fairly intuitive, we did not find supporting evidence that investors require a premium for supporting this risk factor in Brazil.
Este estudo pretendeu mostrar que o desempenho do Supervisor Escolar está aquem do desejado por profissiE. nais que atuam na area. e que. em torno de tal desempenh~ há expectativas e percepções significantemente diferencia das entre aqueles profissionais. Para tal efeito estabeleceu-se um referencial teó rico. fundamentado em pesquisa d6~umental. que apreciou o problema da Supervisão Escolar em sua evolução histórica. destacando elementos para caracterizar as funções do Supe~ visar Escolar. Promoveu-se um estudo de caso apoiado ba sicamente em dados primários. para verificar como se dese~ volve a atuação do Supervisor Escolar em um município br~ sileiro (no caso. o Município de Curitiba) e de que modo tal atuação é percebida por ele próprio e por outros pr~ f i s s i o n a i s (C o o r d e n a d o r e s d e A r e a e p r o f e s s o r e s) . Ve ri fi cp ~ -se. ainda. o que esses profissionais esperam da atuação do Supervisor Escolar (frente às atividades arroladas no instrumento de coleta de dados). Utilizaram-se como instrumentos de coleta de da dos escalas do tipo Likert. acrescentando-se questionário sobre dados pessoais. Submeteram-se os dados a dois tes tes não paramétricas (da Mediana e dos Sinais) e a um tes te paramétrica (t'). por razoes que se especificam no de correr deste trabalho. Representaram-se também. grafic~ mente. os resultados obtidos. Com base na fundamentação teórica e na pesquisa de campo. que estudam expectativas e percepções em torno do desempenho das funções do Supervisor Escolar. concluiu -se Rela necessidade da definição de uma política para o tratamento da matéria e formularam-se algumas recomendações.
Este estudo compara previsões de volatilidade de sete ações negociadas na Bovespa usando 02 diferentes modelos de volatilidade realizada e 03 de volatilidade condicional. A intenção é encontrar evidências empíricas quanto à diferença de resultados que são alcançados quando se usa modelos de volatilidade realizada e de volatilidade condicional para prever a volatilidade de ações no Brasil. O período analisado vai de 01 de Novembro de 2007 a 30 de Março de 2011. A amostra inclui dados intradiários de 5 minutos. Os estimadores de volatilidade realizada que serão considerados neste estudo são o Bi-Power Variation (BPVar), desenvolvido por Barndorff-Nielsen e Shephard (2004b), e o Realized Outlyingness Weighted Variation (ROWVar), proposto por Boudt, Croux e Laurent (2008a). Ambos são estimadores não paramétricos, e são robustos a jumps. As previsões de volatilidade realizada foram feitas através de modelos autoregressivos estimados para cada ação sobre as séries de volatilidade estimadas. Os modelos de variância condicional considerados aqui serão o GARCH(1,1), o GJR (1,1), que tem assimetrias em sua construção, e o FIGARCH-CHUNG (1,d,1), que tem memória longa. A amostra foi divida em duas; uma para o período de estimação de 01 de Novembro de 2007 a 30 de Dezembro de 2010 (779 dias de negociação) e uma para o período de validação de 03 de Janeiro de 2011 a 31 de Março de 2011 (61 dias de negociação). As previsões fora da amostra foram feitas para 1 dia a frente, e os modelos foram reestimados a cada passo, incluindo uma variável a mais na amostra depois de cada previsão. As previsões serão comparadas através do teste Diebold-Mariano e através de regressões da variância ex-post contra uma constante e a previsão. Além disto, o estudo também apresentará algumas estatísticas descritivas sobre as séries de volatilidade estimadas e sobre os erros de previsão.
Com o objetivo de precificar derivativos de taxas de juros no mercado brasileiro, este trabalho foca na implementação do modelo de Heath, Jarrow e Morton (1992) em sua forma discreta e multifatorial através de uma abordagem numérica, e, que possibilita uma grande flexibilidade na estimativa da taxa forward sob uma estrutura de volatilidade baseada em fatores ortogonais, facilitando assim a simulação de sua evolução por Monte Carlo, como conseqüência da independência destes fatores. A estrutura de volatilidade foi construída de maneira a ser totalmente não paramétrica baseada em vértices sintéticos que foram obtidos por interpolação dos dados históricos de cotações do DI Futuro negociado na BM&FBOVESPA, sendo o período analisado entre 02/01/2003 a 28/12/2012. Para possibilitar esta abordagem foi introduzida uma modificação no modelo HJM desenvolvida por Brace e Musiela (1994).
This paper presents semiparametric estimators for treatment effects parameters when selection to treatment is based on observable characteristics. The parameters of interest in this paper are those that capture summarized distributional effects of the treatment. In particular, the focus is on the impact of the treatment calculated by differences in inequality measures of the potential outcomes of receiving and not receiving the treatment. These differences are called here inequality treatment effects. The estimation procedure involves a first non-parametric step in which the probability of receiving treatment given covariates, the propensity-score, is estimated. Using the reweighting method to estimate parameters of the marginal distribution of potential outcomes, in the second step weighted sample versions of inequality measures are.computed. Calculations of semiparametric effciency bounds for inequality treatment effects parameters are presented. Root-N consistency, asymptotic normality, and the achievement of the semiparametric efficiency bound are shown for the semiparametric estimators proposed. A Monte Carlo exercise is performed to investigate the behavior in finite samples of the estimator derived in the paper.
Large and sustained differences in economic performance across regions of developing countries have long provided motivation for fiscal incentives designed to encourage firm entry in lagging areas. Empirical evidence in support of these policies has, however, been weak at best. This paper undertakes a direct evaluation of the most prominent fiscal incentive policy in Brazil, the Fundos Constitucionais de Financiamento (Constitutional Funds). In doing so, we exploit valuable features of the Brazilian Ministry of Labor's RAIS data set to address two important elements of firm location decisions that have the potential to bias an assessment of the Funds: (i) firm “family structure” (in particular, proximity to headquarters for vertically integrated firms), and (ii) unobserved spatial heterogeneity (with the potential to confound the effects of the Funds). We find that the pull of firm headquarters is very strong relative to the Constitutional Funds for vertically integrated firms, but that, with non-parametric controls for time invariant spatial heterogeneity, the Funds provide statistically and economically significant incentives for firms in many of the targeted industries.
This paper proposes a new novel to calculate tail risks incorporating risk-neutral information without dependence on options data. Proceeding via a non parametric approach we derive a stochastic discount factor that correctly price a chosen panel of stocks returns. With the assumption that states probabilities are homogeneous we back out the risk neutral distribution and calculate five primitive tail risk measures, all extracted from this risk neutral probability. The final measure is than set as the first principal component of the preliminary measures. Using six Fama-French size and book to market portfolios to calculate our tail risk, we find that it has significant predictive power when forecasting market returns one month ahead, aggregate U.S. consumption and GDP one quarter ahead and also macroeconomic activity indexes. Conditional Fama-Macbeth two-pass cross-sectional regressions reveal that our factor present a positive risk premium when controlling for traditional factors.
Life cycle general equilibrium models with heterogeneous agents have a very hard time reproducing the American wealth distribution. A common assumption made in this literature is that all young adults enter the economy with no initial assets. In this article, we relax this assumption – not supported by the data - and evaluate the ability of an otherwise standard life cycle model to account for the U.S. wealth inequality. The new feature of the model is that agents enter the economy with assets drawn from an initial distribution of assets, which is estimated using a non-parametric method applied to data from the Survey of Consumer Finances. We found that heterogeneity with respect to initial wealth is key for this class of models to replicate the data. According to our results, American inequality can be explained almost entirely by the fact that some individuals are lucky enough to be born into wealth, while others are born with few or no assets.
O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar se os fundos de investimento Multimercado no Brasil geram alphas significativamente positivos, ou seja, se os gestores possuem habilidade e contribuem positivamente para o retorno de seus fundos. Para calcular o alpha dos fundos, foi utilizado um modelo com sete fatores, baseado, principalmente, em Edwards e Caglayan (2001), com a inclusão do fator de iliquidez de uma ação. O período analisado vai de 2003 a 2013. Encontramos que, em média, os fundos multimercado geram alpha negativo. Porém, apesar de o percentual dos que geram interceptos positivos ser baixo, a magnitude dos mesmos é expressiva. Os resultados diferem bastante por classificação Anbima e por base de dados utilizada. Verifica-se também se a performance desses fundos é persistente através de um modelo não-paramétrico baseado em tabelas de contingência. Não encontramos evidências de persistência, nem quando separamos os fundos por classificação.
In an environment of constant change, technological developments, market competition and more informed consumers, the search for a lasting relationship through the conquest of loyalty has become the objective of companies. However, several authors suggest that this loyalty can be affected by negative comments available on the internet. Therefore, this dissertation has as objective to examine if the complaints are available on the internet impact the loyalty to a brand of mobile phone. The research used as the basis the Expanded NCSB model suggest by Johnson et al. (2001), studying five prominent drives of loyalty: image/brand reputation, affective commitment, calculative commitment, perceived value and trust, beyond the satisfaction construct as moderator variable. The research method adopted was the experimental design which included 285 undergraduate students, with the trial which included 285 undergraduate students, with the field study of the mobile industry, specifically, the brands of cell phones. The research approach was quantitative and methods were descriptive statistics, factor analysis, cluster analysis, linear regression and non-parametric test of Wilcoxon for data analysis. Of the 16 hypothesis stemmed from the research model proposed, 12 were confirmed. The results showed that the complaint available on the internet, here represented by the available on the site Reclame Aqui, may impact consumer perceptions about brand loyalty, as well as its antecedents, being that these complaints can affect all the consumers, regardless of historical satisfaction with the brand. It also noted the positive relationship between the independent variables trust, image/brand reputation, perceived value, affective commitment and calculative commitment and the dependent variable - loyalty, even when considering the data obtained after exposure to the complaint. However, no unanimous conclusion that the relationship between these variables was strongest in the group with satisfactory experience. At the first moment of the research, the trust was the most important variable for the formation of loyalty. However, after exposure to treatment, the image/brand reputation, was more relevant. Contributions of the study, limitations and recommendations for future researches are approached in the present investigation
The application of ergonomics in product design is essential to its accessibility and usability. The development of manual devices should be based on ergonomic principles. Effort perception analysis is an essential approach to understand the physical and subjective aspects of the interface. The objective of the present study was to analyze the effort perception during a simulated task with different door handles by Portuguese subjects of both genders and different ages. This transversal study agreed with ethical aspects. 180 subjects of both genders pertaining to three age groups have participated. Five door handles with different shapes were evaluated. A subjective numeric rating scale of 5 levels was used to evaluate the effort. For statistical analysis it was applied the Friedman non-parametric test. The results have showed no significant differences of effort perception in door handles "A" and "B"; "A" and "D"; and "D" and "C". Door handle "E" presented the lowest values of all. In general, there's an inverse relationship between the results of biomechanical studies and the effort perception of the same task activity. This shows that door handles design influence directly these two variables and can interfere in the accessibility and usability of these kinds of products.
Understand the origin, maintenance and the mechanisms that operate in the current biodiversity is the major goal of ecology. Species ecology can be influenced by different factors at different scales. There are three approaches about the ecological differences between species: the first brings that differences result from current processes on niche characteristics (e.g. diet, time, space); the second that species differences are explained by random patterns of speciation, extinction and dispersion, the third that historical events explain the formation and composition of species in communities. This study aims to evaluate the influence of phylogenetic relationships in determining ecological characteristics in amphibians (globally) and test with that, if ecological differences between species of frogs are the result of ancient pre-existing differences or as result of current interactions. Another objective of this study is to verify if ecological, historical or current characteristics determine the size of species geographical distribution. The diet data for analysis of trophic ecology were collected from published literature. We performed a non-parametric MANOVA to test the existence of phylogenetic effects in diet shifts on frogs history. Thus, it is expected to know the main factors that allow the coexistence of anuran species. We performed a phylogenetic regression to analyze if niche breadth, body size and evolutionary age variables determine the size of the geographical distribution of amphibians in the Amazon. In the present study, new contributions to knowledge of major ecological patterns of anurans are discussed under a phylogenetic perspective
This work has as an objective analyze the efficiency of producers costs of the irrigation Project Baixo-Açu , and identify the determining factors of this efficiency. To achieve these targets it was estimated, in a first stage, a frontier of costs by the method, non parametric of Data Envelopment Analysis-DEA, and measured the stakes of efficiency producers. On the second stage, it was utilized the Tobit regression pattern, estimating an inefficiency function of costs, and were indentified the associated factors of resources waste. Among the results found it was noticed the existence of a high waste of resources, that represent more than 54% of effective cost. Among the factors with the highest wastes are: energy, herbicides, defensives and chemical fertilizers. In a general way, the producers presented low efficiency level and, only, two, of seventy-five researched, achieved the frontier of costs minimization. These results reveal, in a certain way, that the producers in irrigated fruit growing in the project Baixo-Açu don t seek to minimize the production costs. It was still noticed, that the reduction of resources waste, and this way the inefficiency of costs, is associated with the agriculturalist education, his experience in agriculture, his access to the technical assistance and credit
The analysis of some aspects of development in Brazil in the past three decades reveals an improvement on a range of indicators isolated in the south east the richest region and north east the poorest region. From a database of twenty variables, the main purpose the study was to verify if there are indications of convergence or divergence in five dimensions of development between the two regions from 1990 to 2010. Aiming to identify the states more similar and different, and to verify changes in the composition of low development groups and high development in the adressed period, was used the analysis of groupings (Cluster Analysis). Additionally, to test equality of distance between states all the time, was used the non-parametric Test of Wilcoxon. This makes it possible to verify IF the distance between the states of two regions has been increasing or has been falling, showing signs of divergence or convergence. The results of Cluster s analysis suggest that there are indications of convergence inside the cluster of north east, but the distance between two regions has not changed. The results of test of Wilcoxon suggests that there have been no changes statistically significant in the distance between the states, in the two regions the standards of development became more homogenous, but the two regions will be far apart
The main aim of this research has been to analyze the identity patterns of the teacher s staff of fundamental education public schools in the Metropolitan Area of Natal-RN. It sets out from the hypothesis that being a teacher within this context grows out of the regularities of a specific habitus, which, according to Bourdieu, develops into mental schemes of thought and action within a specific social group. This habitus forms the basis on which is built the social representation of being a teacher prevailing in the group, as well as the symbolic differences that typify its identity variations. Three data sources have been fundamental in building up this thesis: (a) formative essays of students graduating from a Higher Teacher s Formation Course, as well as observing some of the public defense of these essays during field work; (b) a questionnaire aimed at classifying economically, socially, and culturally a sample of public teachers of the Natal-RN county; and (c) submitting a sub-sample of this group to the process of Multiple Classification Procedures (MCP). The analysis of data was done according to the multidimensional, non-parametric statistical procedures of both the Category Content Analysis and Enunciation Analysis methods. The results of the analysis took into account an ample set of variables, its associations and implications, the cultural and social profile of the population under scrutiny, their life styles, as well as the strategies they developed in the process of becoming a teacher, and the social representation of being a teacher . We came to the conclusion that the social identity of the teachers corps, or as we prefer to say it being a teacher , is a result of a set of regularities produced by the habitus that gives social shape and meaning to the existence of the group proper. We note the existence of identity variations caused by the variables (a) educational level; and (b) mode of action in fundamental education (if these are the first or last grades where the subjects operate). However, these variations will not break the power of the regularities that give shape, meaning, and social visibility to the group. The social representation of being a teacher points to the tensions, ambiguities, and trends inherent to common sense, as well as to a strong tendency to reassign a new meaning to being a teacher. Our thesis, therefore, is that the identity configuration of the teachers corps under scrutiny is characterized by an integrative synthesis, by-product of a habitus that is superimposed, and at the same time co-exists with different identity variations