338 resultados para Nodular duodenitis


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Dehram group includes Faraghan, Dalan and Kangan formations. Kangan formation ages lower terias. That is one of the important reservoir rocks of southern Iran and Persian Gulf. In this research Kangan formation is studied in two A and B wells. Based on 75 studies on thin section, four carbonate litho acies association A, B, C, D with 12 subfacies are identified. A lithofacies association includes 4 subfacies: A1, A2, A3 and A4. B lithofacies association consists of 3 subfacies: B1, B2 and B3. C lithofacies association consists of 3 subfacies: C1, C2, C3 and D lithofacies association includes 2 subfacies: D1 and D2. On the base of studies lithofacies association of Kangan formations are formed in 3 environments of: Tidal Flat, Lagoon and Barrier Shore Complex in a Carbonated Platform Ramp type. Diagenetic processes have effected this formation. The most important Diagenetic processes are: Cementation, Anhydritization, Micrization, Neomorphism, Bioturbation, Dissolution, Compaction, Dolomitization and Porosity. Sequence staratigraphy studies were performed base on the vertical and horizontal relationship of lithofacies association and well logging in gamma ray and sonic type that causes the identification of two sedimentary sequences: First sedimentary sequence includes: Transgressive System Tract (TST) and High Stand System Tract (HST). The lower boundary of this sequence is in Sequence Boundary 1 (SB1) which shows unconformities of Dalan and Kangan that are Permian-terias unconformities. The upper boundary is in Sequence Boundary 2 (SB2) type that is identified by carbonate facies associated by anhydrite nodular. Second sedimentary sequence includes: TST and HST. Lower and upper boundaries of these sequences are both in SB2 type. The lower and upper boundary is made of carbonate facies with anhydrite nodular.


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Uterine sarcomas are a rare heterogeneous group of tumors of mesenchymal origin, accounting for approximately 8% of uterine malignancies. They comprise leiomyosarcoma, endometrial stromal sarcoma, undifferentiated endometrial sarcoma, and adenosarcoma. Compared with the more common endometrial carcinomas, uterine sarcomas behave more aggressively and are associated with a poorer prognosis. Due to their distinct clinical and biological behavior, the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics introduced a new staging system for uterine sarcomas in 2009, categorizing uterine carcinosarcoma as a variant of endometrial carcinoma, rather than a pure sarcoma. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has a developing role in the assessment of these malignancies. Features such as tumor localization, irregular or nodular margins, necrosis, rapid growth, intense contrast enhancement, and restriction at diffusion-weighted imaging can suggest the diagnosis and help differentiate from more common leiomyomas and endometrial carcinoma. MRI is therefore extremely useful in preoperative detection and staging and, consequently, in determination of appropriate management. This pictorial review aims to discuss the clinical features of uterine sarcomas, as well as their most common appearances and distinct characteristics in MRI.


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Xq28 duplications encompassing MECP2 have been described in male patients with a severe neurodevelopmental disorder associated with hypotonia and spasticity, severe learning disability, stereotyped movements, and recurrent pulmonary infections. We report on standardized brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data of 30 affected patients carrying an Xq28 duplication involving MECP2 of various sizes (228 kb to 11.7 Mb). The aim of this study was to seek recurrent malformations and attempt to determine whether variations in imaging features could be explained by differences in the size of the duplications. We showed that 93% of patients had brain MRI abnormalities such as corpus callosum abnormalities (n = 20), reduced volume of the white matter (WM) (n = 12), ventricular dilatation (n = 9), abnormal increased hyperintensities on T2-weighted images involving posterior periventricular WM (n = 6), and vermis hypoplasia (n = 5). The occipitofrontal circumference varied considerably between >+2SD in five patients and <-2SD in four patients. Among the nine patients with dilatation of the lateral ventricles, six had a duplication involving L1CAM. The only patient harboring bilateral posterior subependymal nodular heterotopia also carried an FLNA gene duplication. We could not demonstrate a correlation between periventricular WM hyperintensities/delayed myelination and duplication of the IKBKG gene. We thus conclude that patients with an Xq28 duplication involving MECP2 share some similar but non-specific brain abnormalities. These imaging features, therefore, could not constitute a diagnostic clue. The genotype-phenotype correlation failed to demonstrate a relationship between the presence of nodular heterotopia, ventricular dilatation, WM abnormalities, and the presence of FLNA, L1CAM, or IKBKG, respectively, in the duplicated segment.


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"Os nódulos vocais, associados etiologicamente a um comportamento disfuncional de mau uso e abuso vocal, são os principais responsáveis pela disfonia crônica em crianças de ambos os gêneros. A disfonia infantil pode influenciar a sedimentação das relações sociais da criança disfônica e conduzir a processos de estigmatização e constrangimento por parte de seus pares. O presente instrumento de Educação para a Saúde tem como principal objetivo consciencializar a criança disfônica para o uso correto da sua voz, diminuindo o impacto biopsicossocial inerente à patologia vocal. Este instrumento, destinado essencialmente a crianças de ambos os sexos entre os sete e os nove anos de idade, e simultaneamente aos seus pais e professores/educadores de infância, consiste num livro de literatura infantil que aborda a problemática da voz e da patologia nodular infantil, tendo sido concretizado em dois formatos: impresso em formato A5 e em formato digital, com narração áudio incluída. O instrumento elaborado, ideal para a população-alvo pré-definida, consiste num excelente veículo de consciencialização da importância da voz e da promoção de hábitos vocais salutogênicos, podendo ser usado em diversos contextos de vida da criança (terapêutico, familiar e escolar)."


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Pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia (PASH) is a rare benign disease, characterized by abnormal proliferation of fibroglandular stroma. It was first described in 1986. The authors present a case of a twelve year-old girl with a history of kidney transplantation due to nephrotic syndrome with rapidly progressive and painful breast asymmetry with approximately six months duration. No lymphadenopathy or other signs or symptoms were associated. Ultrasound didn’t reveal specific findings. Breast magnetic resonance (MR) showed a massive heterogeneous nodular mass with regular contours and contrast enhancement. Given the degree of breast asymmetry as well as the patient’s symptoms, surgical excision of the tumor was preferred over core biopsy. Histopathological and immunohistochemical examination showed pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia. The authors describe the clinical presentation, imaging and histological features as well as therapeutic approach in these patients


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U–Pb geochronological study of zircons from nodular granites and Qtz-diorites comprising part of Variscan high- grade metamorphic complexes in Gredos massif (Spanish Central System batholith) points out the significant presence of Cambro-Ordovician protoliths among the Variscan migmatitic rocks that host the Late Carboniferous intrusive granitoids. Indeed, the studied zone was affected by two contrasted tectono-magmatic episodes, Car- boniferous (Variscan) and Cambro-Ordovician. Three main characteristics denote a close relation between the Cambro-Ordovician protholiths of the Prado de las Pozas high-grade metamorphic complex, strongly reworked during the Variscan Orogeny, and other Cambro-Ordovician igneous domains in the Central Iberian Zone of the Iberian Massif: (1) geochemical features show the ferrosilicic signature of nodular granites. They plot very close to the average analysis of themetavolcanic rocks of the Ollo de Sapo formation (Iberia). Qtz-diorites present typical calc-alkaline signatures and are geochemically similar to intermediate cordilleran granitoids. (2) Both Qtz-diorite and nodular granite samples yield a significant population of Cambro-Ordovician ages, ranging between 483 and 473 Ma and between 487 and 457 Ma, respectively. Besides, (3) the abundance of zircon inher- itance observed on nodular granites matches the significant component of inheritance reported on Cambro- Ordovician metagranites and metavolcanic rocks of central and NW Iberia. The spatial and temporal coincidence of both peraluminous and intermediate granitoids, and specifically in nodular granites and Qtz-diorite enclaves of the Prado de las Pozas high-grade complex, is conducive to a common petrogenetic context for the formation of both magmatic types. Tectonic and geochemical characteristics describe the activity of a Cambro-Ordovician arc-back-arc tectonic set- ting associated with the subduction of the Iapetus–Tornquist Ocean and the birth of the Rheic Ocean. The exten- sional setting is favorable for the generation, emplacement, and fast rise of subduction-related cold diapirs, supported by the presence of typical calc-alkaline cordilleran granitoids contemporary with ferrosilicic volcanism.


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A família das leguminosas muitas vezes é considerada predominantemente herbácea porque as espécies mais conhecidas como feijão, soja e forrageiras são anuais. Na verdade, entretanto, a grande maioria (97% das Caesalpinioideae, 95% das Mimosoideae e 38% das Papilionoideae) desta família são espécies arbóreas. Ao contrário das espécies herbáceas mais conhecidas que todas, formam nódulos e fixam N2 pois muitas das espécies arbóreas não são capazes de nodular. Apenas uma pequena parte destas espécies (18%) tem sido examinada a respeito. Estudos recentes das espécies florestais brasileiras mais importantes adicionaram 63 espécies noduladas e 16 não-noduladas às listas disponíveis na literatura. Espécies noduladas deveriam receber preferência nos estudos de reflorestamento, e a capacidade de nodular e fixar N2 precisa ser considerada no preparo das sementeiras. Mudas bem noduladas obtidas de sementeiras inoculadas e sem N, na fórmula de adubação, estabelecem-se melhor e crescem muito mais rápido no campo. Para algumas das espécies mais importantes (Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia, Prosopis juliflora e Leucaena leucocaephala), já existem inoculantes disponíveis, e para as outras espécies estão em fase de teste. Leguminosas arbóreas bem estabelecidas podem fixar até 600 kg de N/ha por ano.


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Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) are the most common di tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, arising from the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs) or their precursors. The vast majority of GISTs (75–85% of GIST) harbor KIT or PDGFRA mutations. A small percentage of GIST (about 10‐15%) do not harbor any of these driver mutations and have historically been called wild-type (WT). Among them, from 20% to 40% show loss of function of the succinate dehydrogenase complex (SDH), also defined as SDH‐deficient GIST. SDH-deficient GISTs display distinctive clinical and pathological features, and can be sporadic or associated with Carney triad or Carney-Stratakis syndrome. These tumors arise most frequently in the stomach with predilection to distal stomach and antrum, have a multi-nodular growth, display a histological epithelioid phenotype, and present frequent lympho-vascular invasion. Occurrence of lymph node metastases and indolent course are representative features of SDH-deficient GISTs. This subset of GIST is known for the immunohistochemical loss of succinate dehydrogenase subunit B (SDHB), which signals the loss of function of the entire SDH-complex. The overall aim of my PhD project consists of the comprehensive characterization of SDH deficient GIST. Throughout the project, clinical, molecular and cellular characterizations were performed using next-generation sequencing technologies (NGS), that has the potential to allow the identification of molecular patterns useful for the diagnosis and development of novel treatments. Moreover, while there are many different cell lines and preclinical models of KIT/PDGFRA mutant GIST, no reliable cell model of SDH-deficient GIST has currently been developed, which could be used for studies on tumor evolution and in vitro assessments of drug response. Therefore, another aim of this project was to develop a pre-clinical model of SDH deficient GIST using the novel technology of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC).