994 resultados para Nigella sativa L.
A barra de cereal é um alimento nutritivo de sabor adocicado e agradável, fonte de vitaminas, sais minerais, fibras, proteÃnas e carboidratos complexos. O trabalho objetivou estudar o efeito da concentração de fibra alimentar e de açúcar na calda em barras de cereais elaboradas à base de aveia com alto teor de fibra alimentar. No estudo foram utilizados flocos, farelo e farinha de aveia, do cultivar UPFA 22, selecionado com base no teor de fibras e beta-glucanas. Os ingredientes secos e ligantes foram adquiridos no comércio local e utilizados na proporção de 70 e 30%, respectivamente, em quantidades definidas a partir de testes laboratoriais. O experimento foi realizado em delineamento composto central rotacional aplicável à metodologia de superfÃcie de resposta, sendo avaliado o efeito da concentração de açúcar na calda (70, 75 e 80 °Brix) e do teor de fibra alimentar da formulação (12, 16 e 20%) na composição quÃmica, valor calórico, atividade de água, microbiologia e caracterÃsticas sensoriais das barras de cereais. Os resultados das variáveis respostas foram tratados por análise de regressão múltipla. E foram utilizados no modelo matemático de segunda ordem os termos lineares, quadráticos e de interação, significativos. A aveia pode ser utilizada como ingrediente na elaboração de barras de cereais por apresentar textura, sabor e aparência adequados. O uso de aveia na formulação possibilita produzir barras de cereais com alto teor de fibra alimentar e fonte de beta-glucanas. As barras de cereais apresentam propriedades sensoriais agradáveis, similares à s industrializadas e melhor aceitas quando elaboradas com média concentração de açúcar na calda e altos teores de fibra alimentar. As barras de cereais apresentam baixa atividade de água e atendem à s especificações sanitárias, sendo estáveis durante 60 dias de armazenamento.
O presente trabalho objetivou estudar o emprego de aveia e de gordura nas caracterÃsticas tecnológicas e funcionais de bolos. No estudo foram utilizados os ingredientes flocos e farinha de aveia (Avena sativa L.) do cultivar IAC 7 (30% de flocos grossos tostados e 70% de farinha), previamente selecionados com base na composição quÃmica, farinha de trigo, açúcar, sal, fermento quÃmico, emulsificante, leite em pó, ovo inteiro, sorbitol e aroma de baunilha. O experimento foi realizado em delineamento composto central rotacional aplicável à metodologia de superfÃcie de resposta (MSR), sendo os teores de aveia (flocos, farinha) e gordura estabelecidos como variáveis independentes. Os resultados de densidade da massa, viscosidade da massa, composição quÃmica, energia metabolizável, volume especÃfico, atividade de água, caracterÃsticas internas, porosidade e cor foram tratados por análise de regressão múltipla, obtendo-se modelo matemático de segunda ordem com os termos lineares, quadráticos e de interação significativos. A aveia pode ser utilizada na elaboração de bolos de valor calórico reduzido e como fonte de fibras alimentares atendendo à s caracterÃsticas de alimento funcional. A densidade da massa variou com a quantidade de gordura da formulação, enquanto que a viscosidade, com a concentração de aveia. A porosidade do miolo foi influenciada pelas concentrações de aveia e de gordura utilizadas nas formulações. Com a elevação do teor de aveia e a diminuição de gordura nas formulações ocorreu um aumento da área, diâmetro e perÃmetro médios dos alvéolos.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade de pães de fôrma formulados com diferentes nÃveis de substituição de farinha de trigo (FT) por farelo de arroz torrado (FAT). Utilizou-se um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, um tratamento controle e quatro tratamentos (7,5, 15,0, 22,5 e 30,0% de substituição de FT por FAT) e três repetições. Avaliaram-se a aceitabilidade (aparência, textura e sabor), o volume especÃfico, a composição centesimal e o valor calórico de cada tratamento. Entre os pães formulados com FAT, o tratamento com 7,5% de substituição de FT por FAT obteve o maior volume especÃfico (3,37 cm³.g-1), não diferindo do tratamento controle em relação à s notas sensoriais de aparência (7,23), sabor (7,08) e textura (7,52). Em relação à composição centesimal, o tratamento com 7,5% de substituição obteve, quando comparado ao tratamento controle, um acréscimo de 26,02% de fibras totais, 34,85% de fibras insolúveis, 11,26% de fibras solúveis, 52,70% de lipÃdios, 53,33% de cinzas, 8,21% de umidade e uma redução de 8,36% de carboidratos, 8,85% de proteÃnas e 3,57% no valor calórico. Pães de fôrma formulados com 7,5% de substituição de FT por FAT podem ser uma alternativa viável de inclusão de um produto fonte de fibras e com menor valor calórico no mercado consumidor.
Rice flour was processed by extrusion cooking in the presence of variable contents of water and sucrose. The process was carried out in a twin-screw extruder under the conditions given by a centre rotational experimental design of second order. The effects of the independent variables, water content (27.9 to 42.1%), and sucrose content (0.1 to 19.9%) on the physicochemical properties of the extrudates were investigated. The water absorption index (WAI), water solubility index (WSI), volumetric expansion index (VEI), and bulk density (BD) were determined as dependent variables. BD was determined for samples before and after frying. An increase in water contents resulted in higher WAI and VEI, and lower WSI and BD for extrudates before and after frying. Higher sucrose levels led to increased values of WAI and VEI and to reduced values of WSI and BD. Both independent variables had significant influence on the physicochemical properties of rice flour extrudates. However, the sucrose content was the most significant. The interaction between these two independent variables and their quadratic effect were also important for the responses studied.
A contaminação de hortaliças por micro-oganismos patogênicos é uma realidade. Os adubos orgânicos têm sido responsabilizados por algumas contaminações de hortaliças observadas no Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produtividade e a contaminação de alface por Salmonella sp. e coliformes a 45 °C, cultivada sob adubação orgânica. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso, com seis tratamentos, em cinco repetições. Os tratamentos foram: T1 - Testemunha (sem adubação); T2 - Adubação quÃmica; T3 - Esterco de galinha; T4 - Esterco bovino; T5 - Húmus de minhoca; e T6 - Composto orgânico. As variáveis analisadas foram matéria fresca, matéria seca, macro e micronutrientes e contaminação microbiológica. Foi observada maior obtenção de matéria fresca nas parcelas adubadas com esterco de galinha (543 g), que diferiu estatisticamente da produção observada nos demais tratamentos. Não foi observada diferença estatÃstica significativa entre tratamentos para matéria seca, com exceção da parcela com composto orgânico que apresentou o menor valor (3,7%). Não foi observada contaminação do solo e nem dos adubos orgânicos por esses micro-organismos. Porém, foi observada contaminação da água de irrigação e da alface por coliformes fecais. Existem fortes indÃcios de que a água de irrigação tenha sido o principal veÃculo de contaminação.
Rice cooking quality is usually evaluated by texture and stickiness characteristics using many different methods. Gelatinization temperature, amylose content, viscosity (Brookfield viscometer and Rapid Visco Analyzer), and sensory analysis were performed to characterize culinary quality of rice grains produced under two cropping systems and submitted to different technologies. All samples from the upland cropping system and two from the irrigated cropping system presented intermediate amylose content. Regarding stickiness, BRS Primavera, BRS Sertaneja, and BRS Tropical showed loose cooked grains. Irrigated cultivars presented less viscosity and were softer than upland cultivars. Upland grain samples had similar profile on the viscoamylografic curve, but the highest viscosity peaks were observed for BRS Alvorada, IRGA 417, and SCS BRS Piracema among the irrigated cropping system samples. In general, distinct grain characteristics were observed between upland and irrigated samples by cluster analysis. The majority of the upland cultivars showed soft and loose grains with adequate cooking quality confirmed by sensory tests. Most of the irrigated cultivars, however, presented soft and sticky grains. Different methodologies allowed to improve the construction of the culinary profile of the varieties studied.
The objective of this work was to develop an extruded breakfast product containing broken rice and split old beans and to verify the influence of the extrusion process on their physicochemical, technological, and sensory characteristic. The final product had a protein content of 9.9 g.100 g-1, and therefore it can be considered a good source of proteins for children and teenagers. The dietary fiber content of the final edible product was 3.71 g.100 g-1. Therefore, the breakfast meal may be considered as a source of dietary fiber according to Brazilian law . As for the technological properties, the extruded product presented an expansion index of 8.89 and apparent density of 0.25 g.cm-3. With regard to the sensory analysis, the acceptance average was ranked between 6.8 and 7.7, corresponding to the categories "liked slightly" and "liked very much". With regard to purchase intention, 79% of the panelists said they would certainly or possibly purchase the product. Broken rice and split old beans are interesting alternatives for the elaboration of extruded breakfast products presenting good nutritional, technological, and sensory qualities.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the viability of using microwave-roasted rice bran as an ingredient in high-fiber cereal bars to obtain a product with good acceptability. The influence of the rice flakes, corn flakes, and roasted rice bran levels on the physical and chemical characteristics of the cereal bars was studied. The overall acceptability of three selected formulations was also evaluated. An increase in the roasted rice bran level in the formulation reduced the force of rupture and water activity, resulted in intermediate density, and caused darkening of the bars. The contents of lipid and total dietary fiber were higher in the formulation with the highest rice bran content, which was therefore classified as functional food. The formulation containing 0.34; 0.32; and 0.34 roasted rice bran, rice flakes, and corn flakes, respectively, seemed to be the best outcome. Cereal bars with roasted rice bran levels between 10 and 20% were accepted by consumers.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the physical, chemical, and sensory changes in bran from three rice cultivars according to microwave roasting time. This study analyzed three rice cultivars, BRS Sertaneja (S), BRS Primavera (P), and IRGA 417 (I) determining the color parameters (L*, a*, and b *) at 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18 minutes of roasting time. After applying the difference from control test, the rice brans with different characteristics aroma and flavor were selected: S and P roasted for 9 and 15 minutes and IRGA 417 roasted for 9, 12, and 15 minutes. These samples were characterized by Free-Choice Profile descriptive sensory analysis, and their chemical composition was also determined. The longer the roasting process, the higher the roasted flavor intensity and aroma. The IRG 417 cultivar roasted for 12 minutes showed a sweeter flavor and aroma. After roasting, the brans remained rich in protein and lipid and presented higher fiber content and lower reducing sugar and phytic acid content. Microwave roasting for 12 minutes can be a viable option for improving the sensory functional and nutritional characteristics of the rice bran considering its use in food products.
Oats have received attention because of their nutritional characteristics, especially their high-quality content of β-glucan. The drying process reduces water content; therefore they can be preserved for long periods. However, high-temperature drying process may affect the physical, chemical, and functional properties of the grains. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different drying temperatures on β-glucan quality in oat grains. Grains of oats (Avena sativa, L.), cultivar Albasul, harvested at harvest moisture content of 23% were submitted to stationary drying at air temperatures of 25, 50, 75, and 100 ºC until they reached 13% moisture content. The β-glucan content was determined in samples of oat grains and extraction was performed using water as solvent at 90 ºC. The β-glucan extract was evaluated for water holding capacity, water retention capacity, capacity of displacement, and gelation properties. Stationary of oat grains at air temperatures above 25 ºC decreased the water holding capacity, whereas the content of β-glucan and the water retention capacity of β-glucan extract was affected at temperatures above 50 ºC. Physical changes such as increased gelation capacity of the β-glucan extract occurred following drying at air temperature over 75 ºC.
The objective of this study was to determine the best lettuce cultivar (American 'Graciosa', 'Vanda', 'Marcela' and 'LavÃnia') harvesting method. Therefore, quality and shelf-life were evaluated using sensory analyses. Lettuce heads was harvested with the root on by the producer, so that they were cut in different ways in the laboratory. The samples were stored in a cold chamber at 10 °C and 80% ± 2% of relative humidity for nine days, and the sensorial analyses were performed according to Qualitative Descriptive Analysis method on days 1, 3, 6, and 9 of storage by twelve trained testers. The results were evaluated by variance analysis, principal component analysis, and the Tukey test with a reliability of 95%. The results indicate that there was a reduction in the quality of lettuce between the 1st and the 5th day of storage and that after the sixth day of storage the lettuce samples were considered unfit for consumption, except for the 'LavÃnia' lettuce cultivar with root and cut treatment 2. On the ninth day of storage all samples were considered inappropriate for consumption.
The main problem related to rice bran use is that it goes rancid right after its production. The objective of the present study was to apply a mathematical model to evaluate the kinetics of the lipase activity and hydrolytic rancidity of the raw rice bran (RRB), extruded rice bran (ERB), and parboiled rice bran (PRB) stored in low density polyethylene bags at room temperature for 180 days. Extrusion and parboiling were efficient in preventing free fatty acid formationin ERB and PRB.Extrusion reduced the velocity constant of lipase activity as compared to that of RRB while parboiling increased it, and both decreased the lipase activity after equilibrium from 150 days. The extrusion and parboiling treatments increased the velocity constants for the liberation of free fatty acids although the equilibrium was reached with reduced production of free fatty acids in relation to the production of raw rice bran after 150 days ofstorage. Extrusion proved the best treatment under the storage temperature conditions of rice bran from cultivar BRS Primavera.
This study aimed to define the process conditions to obtain snacks from the by-products of rice and soybean with physical characteristics suitable for marketing. Therefore, the effects of moisture and extrusion temperature on the expansion and color of the products obtained experimentally obtained were evaluated, and the proximate composition of the by-products and that of the snack with greater desirability were determined. Response surface methodology and rotational central composite design were used, and desirability test based on the regression models adjusted was applied. The most desirable snack, with the highest expansion index (3.39), specific volume (13.5 mL.g-1), and the chromaticity coordinate a* (2.79), was obtained under 12 g.100 g-1 moisture and 85ºC of temperature in the third zone of the extruder. The snack produced under these conditions attained content of protein and lipid content 41 and 64% higher than that of the traditional corn snack. It can be concluded that producing extruded snack made form a mixture of broken grains, rice bran, and soybean okara (81:9:10) is technologically feasible, enabling the development of a new product with good nutritional value that can improve the diet of children, the main consumers of this type of food.
Due to changing cropping practices in perennial grass seed crops in western Oregon, USA, alternative rotation systems are being considered to reduce weed infestations. Information is generally lacking regarding the effects of alternative agronomic operations and herbicide inputs on soil weed seed bank composition during this transition. Six crop rotation systems were imposed in 1992 on a field that had historically produced monoculture perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) seeds. Each system plot was 20 x 30 m, arranged in a randomized complete block design, replicated four times. Twenty to thirty soil cores were sampled in June 1997 from each plot. The weed species composition of the cores was determined by successive greenhouse grow-out assays. In addition to seed density, heterogeneity indices for species evenness, richness, and diversity were determined. The most abundant species were Juncus bufonius L. and Poa annua L. Changes in seed bank composition were due to the different herbicides used for the rotation crop components. Compared to the other rotation systems, no-tillage, spring-planted wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and oat (Avena sativa L.) reduced overall weed seed density and richness, but did not affect weed species evenness or diversity. When meadowfoam (Limnanthes alba Hartweg ex Benth.) succeeded wheat in rotation, weed species richness was unaffected, but evenness and diversity were reduced, compared to the other rotation systems. For meadowfoam in sequence after white clover (Trifolium repens L.), crop establishment method (no-tillage and conventional tillage) had no effect on weed seed species density, evenness, or diversity.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a técnica do bioteste , em análise de rotina, para a detecção de sementes de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) geneticamente modificado, resistente ao herbicida glufosinato de amônio. Foram conduzidos dois ensaios baseados no teste de germinação. No Ensaio 1 foi empregado substrato umedecido com herbicida e no Ensaio 2, embebição da semente em solução contendo o herbicida. Foram utilizadas sementes de arroz da cultivar BR-IRGA 410 e da linhagem geneticamente modificada ABR 15, que contém o gene bar. No Ensaio 1 utilizou-se concentrações de zero a 0,2% do princÃpio ativo glufosinato de amônio e na embebição da semente (Ensaio 2), de zero a 2,0%. Foram medidos os comprimentos das plântulas normais aos sete e quatorze dias. Conclui-se que a técnica do bioteste utilizando o substrato umedecido com herbicida e a embebição das sementes em solução aquosa do herbicida no teste de germinação são eficientes na identificação de sementes de arroz resistente ao herbicida glufosinato de amônio.