894 resultados para Municípios de pequeno porte


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Many variables are indirectly involved in the transformation of raw material into a metallurgical industry, such as machine hours, hours of hand labor directly and / or indirect, setup time, etc. This research focuses on the complexity of formulating the cost of metallurgical products, based on a case study, in which one has incurred a large loss on the sale of a product called Punch. The main objective of this work is to define the variables of the cost of members and other metallurgical products, so simplified general, checking what were the failures costing the case studied, in order to help others. The method of formulating cost was determined as recommended by SEBRAE guidance for small businesses. The results showed a loss R$ 13.201,00 in the batch of 15 units of punch. Possible improvements have been identified for reducing the production cost


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As espécies estudadas neste projeto, Dendropsophus nanus e Dendropsophus sanborni, são pererecas de pequeno porte, morfologicamente semelhantes e ocupam nichos similares. O presente trabalho foi realizado na Floresta Estadual Edmundo Navarro de Andrade, município de Rio Claro, estado de São Paulo e teve como objetivo obter informações acerca da biologia reprodutiva de ambas as espécies. Os principais resultados obtidos foram referentes à: (1) Relações de tamanho-fecundidade em fêmeas de D. nanus, sendo que foi significativa a correlação entre número de ovos e comprimento rostro-cloacal de fêmeas, o que não ocorreu para correlações entre tamanho dos ovos e CRC de fêmeas e entre tamanho e número de ovos, (2) Seleção do tamanho dos machos em D. nanus, com as fêmeas aparentemente acasalando com machos proporcionalmente mais leves e (3) Comportamento de desova de D. sanborni semelhante ao relatado para D. werneri, havendo dois tipos de interação parecidos: um envolvendo movimentos da cabeça e o outro das patas traseiras do macho, ambos descritos pela primeira vez para D. sanborni neste estudo.


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The Project presents as main subject the relationship between entrepreneurship and the Public Relations professional. In the entrepreneurship, business plan is stood up, a document able to assist the entrepreneur to plan the activities related to implementation or creation of a new business. Assuming the business plan is an essential instrument of the entrepreneurial process, this study aims to describe the important use of the business plan for the creation or maintenance of a company and verify the Public Relations acting possibilities in the construction of this plan. For this, the project presents a study on a business plan for a small company with family structure, located in Sao Paulo countryside, in operation for over 30 years. Through the process of the business plan elaboration, it can be seen that the Public Relations professional has important skills that can be assist in the preparation of this plan, such as Marketing tools and communication knowledge and ability to establish a mission, the vision and the company values. Besides, this professional presents entrepreneurial characteristics that can help him in his activities, actions and planning


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There are obvious changes that occur within the cities, experienced in synthesis for the degradation of the environment and especially the worsening quality of life. Even small cities, began to exhibit characteristics typical of an atmospheric climate. Thus, it becomes natural to analyze the characteristics of these spaces, unlike the medium and large cities, provide a detailed analysis of the peculiarities of intra-urban space in order to highlight what factors enhance or soften the formations of a typical urban climate distinct patterns of land use. The aim of this research from a geoenvironmental mapping of attributes (uses and land cover, vegetation and tree characteristics of buildings) while representing the dynamic City entertainment. Thus, we seek to inter-relate these indicators to analysis climate urban-rural and intra-urban applied to the city of Alfredo Marcondes / SP, a small town in order to identify a potential compromise climate conditions point to generate a specific climate. From this detailed analysis, we intend to give suggestions with the government to improve the comfort of that environment. For the data collection was organized a specific methodology for its collection, organization and representation and for the record of climatic data (temperature, wind speed and direction and cloud cover) were used mini-shelters weather with temperature sensors in fixed locations, and a temperature sensor attached on the side of a vehicle, 1.5 meters in height from the floor for 42 points perpassando selected in different intra-urban spaces... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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This project is comprised by an interactive mobile robotics’ environment, focused in human-robot interaction. The system was developed to work in a smartphone, with Android operating system, embedded in a small size mobile robot. Information provided by the smartphone’s camera and microp hone, as well as by proximity sensors embedded in the robot, is used as inputs of a control architecture, implemented in software. It is a behavior-based and receptive to human commands control architecture, to assist the robot’s navigation. The robot is controlled by its own behaviors or by commands em it ted by humans


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Um dos problemas enfrentados pelas cidades brasileiras, e que atinge inclusive as de pequeno porte, refere-se à questão hospitalar. A falta de adequação de espaços e equipamentos tem causado grandes problemas à qualidade de vida da população. A melhoria das condições hospitalares nas cidades tem como consequência o aumento na qualidade de vida urbana; e esta, por sua vez está relacionada à adoção de medidas específicas a adequação hospitalar ás normas técnicas vigentes. O objetivo desse trabalho é realizar uma proposta projetual de requalificação espacial do Hospital Municipal de Ribeirão Branco (SP), incorporando uma visão sobre todos os aspectos necessários para o desenvolvimento correto de um programa hospitalar. Este trabalho de conclusão de curso visa dar condições confortáveis e autônomas de acesso a todos os usuários dessa unidade de saúde, além de melhor suas condições funcionais, em termos de programa hospitalar. Além disso, a proposta buscará inserir o Hospital num contexto tecnológico mais recente, para atualizar e potencializar a eficiência dos tratamentos


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Atlantic Forest and Cerrado are between the biological richest areas in the world, for that are considered top conservation priorities. Those ecosystems are found at Botucatu region, where it´s extremely fragmented by routes, agricultural areas and urban centres. This fragmentation causes restrictions on animals populations, in particular to medium and large mammals, that needs larger areas to live and also are often hunted. Even isolated and suffering anthropic influences the fragments are fundamental for local biodiversity conservation. We realized a mammal survey on two forest fragments of Atlantic forest transition to Cerrado of Rubião Júnior – Botucatu – SP – Brazil: Santo Antônio Church and Parque das Cascatas forests. The Santo Antônio church munt is considered a turistic point and its forest receive many visitants, Parque das Cascatas forest is inside of a residential condominium. Both areas are classify as semidecidual stational forest and are disconected by Domingos Sartori route, that connect Botucatu centre to Rubião Júnior district. Around both fragments can be found residences, plantations and pastures. The utilized method included: recognition of tracks on the forests, interviews with next residents and sand plots mounting. The interviews indicated 29 mammals species, and 19 was validated for animal traces, overruns or visualization. Other 3 species found were not mentioned on interviews. Totally, was found 22 small and medium mammals presence evidences on both forest fragments. Parque das Cascatas forest showed more diversity (19) then Santo Antônio Church forest (11), and species like Eira barbara, Procyon cancrivorus, Mazama americana, Shiggurus villosus, Dasypus novemcinctus, Didelphis albiventris, Lutreolina crassicaudata and Lepus europaeus looked for other areas once that was verifyed overruns of individuals... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Steam generation plants have several industrial applications, being important for the national and global energetic matrix. Operational knowledge of steam plants is extremely important to forming a Mechanical Engineer. The facilities from Faculty of Engineering of Guaratingueta have a no operated steam pilot plant, named Thermal Machine Lab. Nowadays, the Energy Department from the faculty cannot explore this lab for its classes, even being essential to consolidate the theoretical concepts with tests simulating industrial applications. The goal of this project was to restore the operational condition of equipment of steam laboratory by fixing the equipment, and creating operational scripts for them. In a close future this lab could be used for classes, research and other applications


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The gastrointestinal tract is the main route of nutrients absorption and drugs delivery. Is important to know the parameters related to the tract, like gastric emptying and gastrointestinal transit, in order to better understand the behavior of different kind of meals or drugs passing through the GIT. Many techniques are used to study these parameters, such as manometry, scintigraphy, phenol red, activated charcoal and carbon-13 reading. However, these methods use radiation, are invasive and require animal sacrifice. As an alternative proposal, the Alternate Current Biosusceptometry (ACB), a magnetic technique, has proved to be effective for these studies with small animals, in a noninvasive way, low cost, radiation free and avoiding the animal death. Associating the ACB to magnetic micro or nanoparticles used as tracers, it is possible to observe the meal behavior inside of the GIT. Focusing meanly on liquid meals digestion, this paper had the objective to evaluate the efficiency of the ACB technique in gastric emptying and gastrointestinal transit evaluation of liquid meals in rats. To perform the experiments, magnetic nanoparticles (ferrite, MgFe2O4) were used on a 1,5 ml solution introduced by gavage on similar weight and age rats. The sensor made by 2 pairs of coils, capable of generating and detecting magnetic fields, creates a field on the interest place and when this field is in contact with the marked meal, it changes, resulting on a variation of the measured voltage. The voltage variation is analyzed and is obtained a particle concentration on the interest region. The results showed that is possible to apply the ACB technique on the GIT evaluation of liquid particles digestion, gastric emptying and meal cecum arrival time curves were obtained and from that, is possible to observe a pattern of gastrointestinal transit. Both mean process time values were acquired, proving the technique capability of ...


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The current problematic of the construction and demolition (C&D) waste faced for the Brazilian cities, is one of the main degradation factors of the environment, over all about the promise of the urban ambient quality. This scenery must mainly to the unsustainable management adopted by the great majority of the Brazilian cities. Therefore, this work aims at to offer subsidies for medium cities, having as study object the city of Rio Claro-SP, (Brazil), in the elaboration of plans and integrated programs of sustainable management of the construction and demolition waste, in accordance with CONAMA Resolution nº 307/2002, that’s set up a sustainable management system of C&D waste. In this direction, the diagnosis of the management was elaborated for the city of Rio Claro, (generation, collects, transport and disposal) and the public administration of the construction and demolition waste, as well as of the study of the related aspects with C&D waste recycling plant. Later, was suggested a plan of improvements for the public manager of C&D waste: areas of temporary disposal to facility the appropriating destination, appropriated areas of final disposal, incentives to the recycling of C&D waste, new legislations, education and orientation programs and adequacy the agents of C&D waste management (generating, transporting, addressee and public manager), directing for an environmental, economic and social sustainability.


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The new modes of production imposed by capitalism and its relentless pursuit of development triggered several impacts on the natural environment and thereby the quality of life of society. These impacts become more visible when we look the urban place. For the identification and proposal of solutions is necessary to carry out an environmental diagnosis to have knowledge of the real situation of a given area. The Presidente Bernardes city is located in West of the São Paulo State, and even being a small city has many problems resulting of the unplanned urban growth. Thus, the present work intends to conduct an environmental diagnosis of the city Presidente Bernardes-SP, through the analysis of water supply systems, sewage treatment, collection and disposal of solid waste and green areas in the urban area and if required, indicate plausible alternatives to solve any problems


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In order to assure the maintenance of foods integrity and quality, for avoiding chemical, physical or biological contamination, it is essential to follow the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). Among the techniques used for evaluating GMP there is the observational analysis carried out by means of a check-list form application. The present study evaluated the suitability of GMP in a dairy industry producer of Minas fresh and ricotta cheeses, located in São José do Rio Preto, SP, by applying a check-list form. A significant improvement in conformity was evidenced, increasing from 43% to 78%. Neither the blocks related to the handlers nor the existing documentation in the company showed any improvements, as poor conditions unchanged. All of the other evaluated blocks showed significant improvement after applying the GMPrelated corrective measures. Based on these findings, the observance of corrective measures by the dairy industry on dairy products, physical environment, GMP, and handlers training was crucial for assuring the improvements and to increase the product quality and consumers safety.


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Neste trabalho, propomos um modelo integrado de dimensionamento de lotes e programação da produção monomáquina para uma fábrica de refrigerantes de pequeno porte. As decisões de dimensionamento foram baseadas em um modelo encontrado na literatura e as decisões de sequenciamento foram modeladas utilizando restrições do problema do caixeiro viajante assimétrico. Para a validação do modelo proposto foram feitos testes computacionais com exemplares gerados aleatoriamente, e também exemplares baseados em dados reais obtidos da literatura. Os exemplares foram resolvidos pelo método Branch-and-Cut incluído no pacote computacional CPLEX 10.0. Os resultados mostram que o modelo proposto representa o planejamento da produção em fábricas de bebidas monomáquinas e que, em algumas situações, produz resultados melhores que o modelo da literatura.


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The deficiency in the product inventory management is common in small businesses, affecting several areas, especially the purchasing department that has difficulty in performing their tasks, acquiring the supplier's products at the time and in the most appropriate amount. Especially in the retail sector, the loss of quality of services is visible, because the availability of the product when there is demand is essential for the occurrence of sales and customer satisfaction. In this study, looking to improve inventory management in a retail company of cleaning products and personal hygiene, apply the classification method ABC (or Pareto Rule) to segment the available products. Thus are adopted buying criteria of new products based on the concepts of economic order quantity, safety stock and resupply point. The results show the feasibility of this procedure adopted because it was possible to propose an improved inventory management in a simple and effective way, contributing to company's competitive advantage


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)