994 resultados para Muller, Manoel Jansen, 1862-1922.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Foram analisados a relação peso-comprimento e o fator de condição de Oligosarcus hepsetus no Rio Grande do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar - Núcleo Santa Virgínia, São Paulo. A relação peso-comprimento foi estimada para imaturos, fêmeas e machos, através da expressão P = aCb. Os parâmetros a e b foram estimados após transformação logarítmica dos dados de peso e comprimento e subsequente ajuste de uma linha reta aos pontos pelo método dos mínimos quadrados. Para fêmeas e machos foram obtidas as equações da relação peso-comprimento por período do ano (outono, inverno, primavera e verão), utilizando o peso total e o peso sem as gônadas. O fator de condição dos imaturos foi mais alto do que para machos e fêmeas, possivelmente, devido ao gasto energético com o desenvolvimento dos ovócitos e em menor grau dos espermatozóides. Esta espécie apresentou maiores valores de fator de condição no outono devido ao acúmulo de gordura e nas demais estações estes valores diminuíram devido ao longo período reprodutivo. As condições ambientais da Mata Atlântica parecem ser primordiais para o desenvolvimento das estratégias reprodutivas apresentadas por Oligosarcus hepsetus.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Muller cells provide nutrition for neural cells. We studied the structure and ultrastructure of Muller cells in the retina of thirty 3-month old Wistar rats; divided equally into 3 groups: normal rats, alloxan diabetic rats and treated alloxan diabetic rats. 1 and 12 months after induction of diabetes. We observed that the Muller cell nuclei under light microscope examination had hexagonal shape and higher density than the other nuclei. Differences between groups could be observed only by electron microscopy. In the diabetic rats, Muller cells presented dispersion of nuclear chromatin and electrondense nuclear granulations, with the presence of increased glycogen, dense bodies and lysosomes in the cytoplasm. The alterations were more frequent in the perivascular region and at 12 months. The treated diabetic rats exhibited some alterations we observed in diabetic rats. but these alterations were less intense. We conclude that, despite the treatment, the diabetic retinopathy continues to evolve.


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This work aimed to evaluate the gastrointestinal helminthfauna composition of six-banded armadillos from the Brazilian semi-arid region. Gastrointestinal contents of six road-killed adult animals from Patos County, Paraiba State, were analyzed. Six species of nematodes, comprising five genera and four families, were recovered from the analyzed animals. New morphological data on Trichohelix tuberculata is given, along with a new taxonomical proposal for Hadrostrongylus ransomi (Travassos, 1935) n. comb. This is the first record for parasitic helminths in this host from the Brazilian semi-arid.


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We contemplated concerning the borders in the social relationships, verifying that way the speech poetic internalizes the moral conventions and it fastens identities when proposing the alterity as a one other radically different. We studied the woman's representation in the poetry of Manoel de Barros, in the grandmother's figures, of the mother, of the women of the people and of the prostitutes. We verified the way as the women are figured and the function that they carry out in the universe of poetic's Barros.


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Pareiorhina rudolphi was sampled in streams of the Ribeirao Grande system, eastern Serra da Mantiqueira (22[degree]47[minute]08[second]S, 45[degree]28[minute]17[second] W). Samplings were carried out using an electrofishing device, during the months of July/2001, October/2001, February/2002 and April/2002. Sex-ratio diverged significantly from the expected 1: 1 ratio([chi]2 = 6.53; p < 0.05), standing at 1.6:1 (female: male). The spawning period for Pareiorhina rudolphi lasts from spring to summer, with, the highest observed, in October and February by the gonadosomantic index and the relative condition factor coincided with the spawning period. The length at sexual maturity of P. rudolphi is about 4.45 cm for both sexes. The absolute fecundity was low, and ranged from 4 to 11 oocytes. The periphyton was used as a direct food source by the species, which remain attached to the substrate with their large circular lips, and use their conspicuous Slightly Yellowish teeth to graze the periphyton. The growth parameters, natural mortality rate and survival rate for P, rudolphi were respectively: K = 0.35 year-1, L[infinity] = 7.2 cm, tmax = 8.6 years, M = 1.1 year-1, S = 33%. The characteristics presented by P. rudolphi occur in the environment function of a population adjustment, and not of species abundance.


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Herein I present a new geographical record of Ischnocnema verrucosa Reinhardt and Luetken, 1862 fro northeastern Brazil and briefly discuss the new record with a previous record of similar characteristics.


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Reproduction and feeding aspects of Neoplecostomus microps (Loricariidae, Neoplecostominae) in the Ribeirao Grande system, eastern Serra da Mantiqueira (São Paulo State). The Ribeirao Grande system is located in the slope of the Serra da Mantiqueira and is surrounded by Atlantic forest. Eight sites were surveyed in the Ribeirao Grande system, during the winter (July 2001), spring (October 2001), summer (February 2002) and fall (April 2002). Samples were made with an electrofishing device. Gonad maturation, levels of stomach fullness and fat content were analyzed and their distributions reported in an annual cycle. Neoplecostomus microps has a spawning in the spring through to summer. The size at sexual maturity is about 5.9 cm total length for males and 6.9 cm for females. The high values in October and February by the gonadosomatic index and the relative condition factor coincided with the spawning period. In the diet of N. microps were found Diptera larvae (Simulium, Chironomus), Plecoptera nymphs and Coleoptera aquatic Larvae (Psephenus). The increased feeding from summer to fall provided fat accumulation. During subsequent seasons, fish may utilize visceral fat reserves for maintenance and reproduction. The reproductive pattern and feeding are interpreted as being an adaptation with respect to temporal and spatial variation and food availability.


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A scorpion control program was proposed for the town of Aparecida (SP), an endemic region of Tityus serrulatus. Clusters of scorpions in urban and rural areas, environmental degradation of the town's outskirts and new scorpion procreation and dispersal habitats were studied. In addition, infrastructure problems such as the disposal and collection of residential and municipal refuse, sanitation (sewage and storm sewer), condition of vacant lots and constructions in the urban area were evaluated. After an epidemiological study, educational measures such as the distribution of pamphlets, cleaning group work, visits to residences and cooperation from High School teachers and students were also suggested. Chemical control was indicated in high-risk sites, especially those of near-school buildings. Furthermore, the use of natural predators was also mentioned within the present sanitation regulations for urban areas. The authors assert that these procedures must be integrated and continued uninterruptedly for several years. They also suggest a collaborative work with those responsible for the dengue eradication program, as well as the institution of the scorpion study week, which would greatly contribute to the education of the population, to preventive programs and to scorpion control.


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The aim of this paper was to analyze the length-weight relationship and the condition factor of two species of cichlids (Cichla cf. ocellaris and Cichla monoculus) (Perciformes, Cichlidae) that were inducted in Volta Grande Reservoir, Rio Grande. There was no difference in the length-weight relationship between the sexes for Cichla cf. ocellaris and Cichla monoculus. The allometric condition factor showed a fall in the spring and another smaller one in the winter. It happens when these fishes change their feeding activity. In the spring all the reproductive behavior are developed and, in the winter, there is a shortage of prey. The variation of the relative condition factor followed the variation of the allometric condition factor due to the low contribution of the gonads weight and the small amount of accumulated fat in the total weight. The length distribution, length-weight relationship and condition factor of these fishes vary in accordance with the time of introduction into the reservoir, the characteristics of the ecosystem as well as the interactions among the species at these sites.