737 resultados para Motivation and Satisfaction
In an increasingly competitive and globalized world, companies need effective training methodologies and tools for their employees. However, selecting the most suitable ones is not an easy task. It depends on the requirements of the target group (namely time restrictions), on the specificities of the contents, etc. This is typically the case for training in Lean, the waste elimination manufacturing philosophy. This paper presents and compares two different approaches to lean training methodologies and tools: a simulation game based on a single realistic manufacturing platform, involving production and assembly operations that allows learning by playing; and a digital game that helps understand lean tools. This paper shows that both tools have advantages in terms of trainee motivation and knowledge acquisition. Furthermore, they can be used in a complementary way, reinforcing the acquired knowledge.
Teaching robotics to students at the beginning of their studies has become a huge challenge. Simulation environments can be an effective solution to that challenge where students can interact with simulated robots and have the first contact with robotic constraints. From our previous experience with simulation environments it was possible to observe that students with lower background knowledge in robotics where able to deal with a limited number of constraints, implement a simulated robotic platform and study several sensors. The question is: after this first phase what should be the best approach? Should the student start developing their own hardware? Hardware development is a very important part of an engineer's education but it can also be a difficult phase that could lead to discouragement and loss of motivation in some students. Considering the previous constraints and first year engineering students’ high abandonment rate it is important to develop teaching strategies to deal with this problem in a feasible way. The solution that we propose is the integration of a low-cost standard robotic platform WowWee Rovio as an intermediate solution between the simulation phase and the stage where the students can develop their own robots. This approach will allow the students to keep working in robotic areas such as: cooperative behaviour, perception, navigation and data fusion. The propose approach proved to be a motivation step not only for the students but also for the teachers. Students and teachers were able to reach an agreement between the level of demand imposed by the teachers and satisfaction/motivation of the students.
Ao longo dos tempos que a economia tem sofrido mudanças a nível global, e é possível verificar que as empresas estão constantemente a adaptar-se a essa mudança. Fruto dessa adaptação, os recursos humanos, que são uma das partes fundamentais de uma empresa pois representam a sua mão-de-obra, têm tido um papel junto da mesma significativamente alterado ao longo do tempo. De facto, não só o papel dos recursos humanos tem sido diferente ao longo do tempo, a própria gestão de recursos humanos evoluiu significativamente, a par da própria evolução das várias estruturas organizacionais. Tudo isto se relaciona com a necessidade de encontrar métodos de diferenciação, de adquirir vantagem competitiva, ou de conseguir obter mais valor num mercado cada vez mais competitivo a todos os níveis. Assim, embora hoje em dia se assuma de um modo geral que os recursos humanos são realmente uma fonte de valor, capazes de fazer com que a sua empresa se diferencie, e capazes de criar vantagem competitiva, a verdade é que para que tal seja possível é necessário uma gestão dos mesmos que o possibilite. A gestão de recursos humanos traduz-se sobretudo nas suas práticas, tais como o recrutamento ou a formação, e para que essas práticas tenham o melhor efeito possível é necessário que as mesmas sejam avaliadas de forma imparcial, ou seja, independente. É neste contexto que surge a Auditoria de Recursos Humanos, que se pode resumir a uma avaliação aos recursos humanos e à sua gestão dos pontos de vista legal, funcional, e estratégico. Com o objectivo de verificar se, no contexto português, as empresas pensam nos seus recursos humanos como um recurso que acrescenta valor se gerido adequadamente, e se apostam neste tipo de auditoria como forma de avaliar o paradigma dos seus recursos humanos, foi elaborado um questionário e enviado a empresas distinguidas com os estatutos PME Líder 2014 e PME Excelência 2014 pelo IAPMEI. As conclusões do estudo indicaram que embora as empresas acreditem que os recursos humanos acrescentam valor, apostando na sua motivação, formação, avaliação de desempenho e satisfação, as mesmas não fazem questão em obter a certificação dos seus sistemas de gestão de recursos humanos e não utilizam a auditoria de recursos humanos como uma ferramenta de gestão.
The purpose of this work project is to analyze the phenomenon of self-initiated expatriation (SIE) through its link to the Protean Career and Career Capital theories, focusing in particular on Italian and Portuguese students attending a Master in the business area. The main research questions are to understand the reasons driving the intention to expatriate, after the conclusion of the academic path, using three main categories (Adventure Motivation, Work Characteristic Motivation and instrumental Motivation) and the intention to repatriate. A sample of Italian and Portuguese students was obtained. Italians show a higher intention to expatriate relative to Portuguese; nevertheless, no other significant differences were found among the two populations, because of the similar cultural background and economic situation. Additionally, several heterogeneities were observed considering other clusters defined by Gender, Teaching Language of the Master and Past International Experiences, across the two nationalities. Furthermore, possible future researches and practical implications were discussed.
RESUMO - Estudos anteriores nos Cuidados de Saúde Primários (CSP) apontam para um incremento da Deteção Precoce (DP) e Intervenções Breves (IB) em pacientes com Problemas Ligados ao Álcool (PLA) após formação apropriada dos profissionais de saúde (com melhoria das suas atitudes). Este estudo quasi experimental, exploratório, é pioneiro no âmbito da Saúde Ocupacional (SO) para a implementação de Rastreio/DP e IB nos PLA. O objetivo principal foi avaliar se uma formação sobre Rastreio/DP e IB pode melhorar as atitudes dos profissionais de SO ao lidar com os PLA em Meio Laboral (PLAML). Foi aplicado um questionário em duas partes: Q1/pré-formação (variáveis sociodemográficas, profissionais, competências em alcoologia, experiência pessoal com álcool/familiares com PLA, dificuldades em lidar com trabalhadores com PLA, AUDIT-C e SAAPPQ) e Q2/pós-formação (avaliação da formação e das atitudes SAAPPQ - Adequação, Legitimidade, Motivação, Autoestima e Satisfação). Os resultados na amostra (N=39) revelaram um aumento sobretudo na Adequação e Satisfação. No entanto, naqueles com níveis baixos das atitudes pré-formação constou-se melhoria das atitudes à excepção da Autoestima e foram encontradas algumas associações com as características do perfil inicial dos participantes. Sugerem-se estudos posteriores para identificação de pacotes formativos mais efetivos e propostas para um Plano integrador de RIB para PLAML
Optimal challenge occurs when an individual perceives the challenge of the task to be equaled or matched by his or her own skill level (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990). The purpose of this study was to test the impact of the OPTIMAL model on physical education students' motivation and perceptions of optimal challenge across four games categories (i. e. target, batting/fielding, net/wall, invasion). Enjoyment, competence, student goal orientation and activity level were examined in relation to the OPTIMAL model. A total of 22 (17 M; 5 F) students and their parents provided informed consent to take part in the study and were taught four OPTIMAL lessons and four non-OPTIMAL lessons ranging across the four different games categories by their own teacher. All students completed the Task and Ego in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ; Duda & Whitehead, 1998), the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI; McAuley, Duncan, & Tanmien, 1987) and the Children's Perception of Optimal Challenge Instrument (CPOCI; Mandigo, 2001). Sixteen students (two each lesson) were observed by using the System for Observing Fitness Instruction Time tool (SOFTT; McKenzie, 2002). As well, they participated in a structured interview which took place after each lesson was completed. Quantitative results concluded that no overall significant difference was found in motivational outcomes when comparing OPTIMAL and non-OPTIMAL lessons. However, when the lessons were broken down into games categories, significant differences emerged. Levels of perceived competence were found to be higher in non-OPTIMAL batting/fielding lessons compared to OPTIMAL lessons, whereas levels of enjoyment and perceived competence were found to be higher in OPTIMAL invasion lessons in comparison to non-OPTIMAL invasion lessons. Qualitative results revealed significance in feehngs of skill/challenge balance, enjoyment and competence in the OPTIMAL lessons. Moreover, a significance of practically twice the active movement time percentage was found in OPTIMAL lessons in comparison to non-OPTIMAL lessons.
There were three purposes to this study. The first purpose was to determine how learning can be influenced by various factors i~ the rock climbing experience. The second purpose was to examine what people can learn from the rock climbing experience. The third purpose was to investigate whether that learning can transfer from the rock climbing experience to the subjects' real life in the workplace. Ninety employees from a financial corporation in the Niagara Region volunteered for this study. All subjects were surveyed throughout a one-day treatment. Ten were purposefully selected one month later for interviews. Ten themes emerged from the subjects in terms of what was learned. Inspiration, motivation, and determination, preparation, goals and limitations, perceptions and expectations, confidence and risk taking, trust and support, teamwork, feedback and encouragement, learning from failure, and finally, skills and flow. All participants were able to transfer what was learned back to the workplace. The results of this study suggested that subjects' learning was influenced by their ability to: take risks in a safe environment, fail without penalty, support each other, plan without time constraints, and enjoy the company of fellow workers that they wouldn't normally associate with. Future directions for research should include different types of treatments such as white water rafting, sky diving, tall ship sailing, or caving.
The present study examined individual differences in Absorption and fantasy, as well as in Achiievement and achievement striving as possible moderators of the perceptual closure effect found by Snodgrass and Feenan (1990). The study also examined whether different instructions (experiential versus instrumental) interact with the personality variables to moderate the relationship between priming and subsequent performance on a picture completion task. 1 28 participants completed two sessions, one to fill out the MPQ and NEO personality inventories and the other to complete the experimental task. The experimental task consisted of a priming phase and a test phase, with pictures presented on a computer screen for both phases. Participants were shown 30 pictures in the priming phase, and then shovm the 30 primed pictures along with 30 new pictures for the test phase. Participants were randomly assigned to receive one of the two different instruction sets for the task. Two measures of performance were calculated, most fragmented measure and threshold. Results of the present study confirm that a five-second exposure time is long enough to produce the perceptual closure effect. The analysis of the two-way interaction effects indicated a significant quadratic interaction of Absorption with priming level on threshold performance. The results were in the opposite direction of predictions. Possible explanations for the Absorption results include lack of optimal conditions, lack of intrinsic motivation and measurement problems. Primary analyses also revealed two significant between-subject effects of fantasy and achievement striving on performance collapsed across priming levels. These results suggest that fantasy has a beneficial effect on performance at test for pictures primed at all levels, whereas achievement striving seems to have an adverse effect on performance at test for pictures primed at all levels. Results of the secondary analyses with a revised threshold performance measure indicated a significant quadratic interaction of Absorption, condition and priming level. In the experiential condition, test performance, based on Absorption scores for pictures primed at level 4, showed a positive slope and performance for pictures primed at levels 1 and 7 based on Absorption showed a negative slope. The reverse effect was found in the instrumental condition. The results suggest that Absorption, in combination with experiential involvement, may affect implicit memory. A second significant result of the secondary analyses was a linear three-way interaction of Achievement, condition and priming level on performance. Results suggest that as Achievement scores increased, test performance improved for less fragmented primed pictures in the instrumental condition and test performance improved for more highly fragmented primes in the experiential condition. Results from the secondary analyses suggest that the revised threshold measure may be more sensitive to individual differences. Results of the exploratory analyses with Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness and agentic positive emotionality (PEM-A) measures indicated no significant effects of any of these personality variables. Results suggest that facets of the scales may be more useful with regard to perceptual research, and that future research should examine narrowly focused personality traits as opposed to broader constructs.
Background: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between physical activity and healthy eating behaviour with the participant's motives and goals for each health behaviour. Methods: Participants (N 121; 93.2% female) enrolled in commercial weightloss programs at the time of data collection, completed self-reported instruments using a web-based interface that were in accordance with Deci and Ryan's (2002) Self-Determination Theory (SDT). Results: Multiple linear regression models revealed that motivation and goals collectively accounted for between 0.21 to 0.29 percent and 0.03 to 0.16 percent of the variance in physical and healthy eating behaviours in this sample. In general, goals regarding either behaviour did not appear to have strong predictive relationships with each health behaviour beyond the contributions of motives. Discussion: Overall, findings from this study suggest that motives seem to mattermore than goals for both physical activity and healthy eating behaviour in clientele of commercial weight-loss programs. Therefore commercial weight-loss program implementers may want to consider placing more attention on motives I than goals for their clientele when designing weight-loss and weight-maintenance initiatives.
This dissertation addressed several questions relevant to vocational interests and personality characteristics, examining (a) the roles of personality, vocational interests, and sexual fantasies in defining a general factor of Masculinity/Femininity (M/F) (Study 1), (b) the validity of a new measure of vocational interests (Study 2), and (c) the individual difference characteristics that discriminate between students in various academic majors, and that predict academic outcomes (Study 3). In Study 1, vocational interests, personality, and sexual fantasies were examined to find whether these variables would yield a general Masculinity/Femininity (M/F) factor, and whether that factor would still emerge when controlling for participant sex. The results of Study 1 revealed that a general factor of M/F did emerge. When sex was removed, the loadings of vocational interests decreased from high to very low, suggesting that the link of vocational interests with other indicators of M/F is mainly due to sex differences in these variables. The purpose of Study 2 was to validate the Oregon Vocational Interest Scales (ORVIS), a new public domain vocational interests questionnaire designed to measure eight vocational interest scales. ORVIS scores obtained in a college and community sample were compared with those of two personality measures and two cognitive ability tests. Results from this study showed that the ORVIS scales were reliable and showed good construct validity. The purpose of Study 3, using the ORVIS along with the HEXACO-PI and tests of cognitive ability, was to examine the individual difference characteristics of students in different academic majors, and to use the congruence between a student's academic major and vocational interests as a predictor of academic outcomes, such as GPA, academic major change, and satisfaction with major. The results of Study 3 revealed that students in different academic majors show theoretically meaningful differences in personality, abilities, and interests. Conscientiousness and math ability were found to be the best predictors of academic outcomes. However, congruence between major and interests did not add significant predictive validity to any of these outcomes beyond personality and ability. Together, these three studies show the role of vocational interests in defming MlF and in predicting various academic outcomes.
This is a study of education students’ conceptions of and experiences with academic stress and help-seeking. The study explored teacher education and Master of Education students’ academic stress by examining causes of academic stress and how these stressors affect students’ academic and university experiences. Stress-related help-seeking was also a focus of this study, and was explored using inquiries regarding where participants sought stress-related support. Additionally, exploring students’ use of the Internet for stress-related information or support was a goal of this study. These research goals were pursued using a qualitative methodology that applied grounded theory design. Consequently, data were used to develop a theory that would contribute to existing literature. Specifically, participant descriptions related to causes of and responses to academic stress aligned with Maslow’s (1954) theory of human motivation and Alderfer’s (1969) E. R. G. theory, and led to theoretical contributions that took a hierarchy of student needs and motivation into consideration.
Dans le contexte pastoral évangélique, il est très difficile de s’expliquer qu’un croyant puisse aimer et servir Dieu avec passion pour constater, quelques années plus tard, que la motivation qui le pousse vers Dieu a été étouffée. Bien qu’ils utilisent des termes différents, les entraineurs sportifs posent essentiellement la même question : comment inciter les personnes sous leur charge à fournir un rendement correspondant à leur potentiel. Si la motivation est le moteur du comportement, pour bien des personnes, les émotions en constituent le volant. Il semble que par nature l’humain oriente son comportement vers les émotions agréables et s’éloigne des émotions désagréables. C’est aussi vrai pour le sportif que pour le croyant. Cette étude propose une réflexion interdisciplinaire entre la théologie et la psychologie au sujet du plaisir, de la motivation et de l’action humaine, à la fois dans le sport moderne et dans la spiritualité, qui permette d’aborder notre problématique sous un nouvel éclairage. Les premiers chapitres ont pour objectifs d’identifier la rencontre entre le sport et la spiritualité (chapitre 1), de situer la problématique dans son contexte anthropologique à partir de la compréhension psychologique contemporaine de l’émotion (chapitre 2) et de la motivation (chapitre 3). Les chapitres qui suivent examinent la motivation humaine chez les sportifs à partir de la psychologie du sport (chapitre 4), avant de consulter deux théologiens protestants Jürgen Moltmann du courant libéral et John Piper, évangélique conservateur (chapitre 5) pour introduire la discussion théologique. Bien que la psychologie contemporaine ait été une discipline longtemps figée dans un paradigme darwinien ou humaniste, décriant l’empiètement de la théologie sur sa compréhension de l’humain, le chapitre 6 présente des exemples où une discussion théologique de l’humain, dépourvue de toute validité empirique, peut apporter une vision complémentaire à la psychologie contemporaine et contribuer au bien-être du sportif comme à celui du croyant. Ainsi, la contribution de la psychologie, qui est acceptable à une interprétation évangélique, peut apporter un éclaircissement sur les raisons possibles d’un changement de motivation chez le croyant dans son amour et son service envers Dieu. Le dernier chapitre se veut le prolongement de cette étude dans d’autres domaines, comme les études bibliques et le counseling auprès des croyants et des sportifs et dans le cadre de l’aumônerie militaire.
La toxicomanie a des répercussions importantes tant pour les individus qui en souffrent que pour la société en général (MSSS, 2007). L’efficacité des traitements offerts aux toxicomanes est toutefois affaiblie par la difficulté à maintenir et à engager en traitement cette clientèle (Meier et al., 2006). Dans ce contexte, et puisque la qualité de l’alliance thérapeutique est associée aux résultats et à la persévérance en traitement (Martin et al., 2000; Meier et al., 2005a), l’alliance qui se développe entre le client et le thérapeute en cours de thérapie peut être vue comme une piste de solution prometteuse pour améliorer l’efficacité des traitements de la toxicomanie. La présente étude se propose d’identifier les facteurs associés à l’alliance thérapeutique développée par une clientèle toxicomane en traitement (n = 269). L’étude s’intéresse également à l’influence de doubles problématiques (toxico-justice, toxico-santé mentale) sur les relations existantes entre l’alliance et ces facteurs (effets modérateurs). Les liens entre l’alliance thérapeutique et différentes variables (santé mentale, consommation, satisfaction envers les services, motivation, soutien social, pressions légales) ont été examinés à l’aide d’analyses de régression hiérarchique. Les résultats indiquent que le profil de consommation évalué avant l’entrée en traitement covarie avec l’alliance thérapeutique. Les troubles cognitifs et la satisfaction envers les services sont les deux principales variables évaluées lors de la thérapie de groupe qui sont associées à l’alliance. Des effets modérateurs de la présence de problématiques associées à la toxicomanie (justice, santé mentale) sur la relation entre certaines variables indépendantes et l’alliance ont finalement été observés.
La présente recherche de type qualitatif veut décrire, analyser et comprendre la pratique de différenciation pédagogique chez des enseignants québécois du premier cycle du secondaire. Cette pratique s’insère au cœur des programmes de formation dont la principale visée est la réussite pour tous. Cependant, elle est constituée d’un flou théorique qui la rend parfois difficile à définir et à mettre en application, particulièrement chez les enseignants du secondaire. Ce travail dresse donc le portrait de trois enseignantes du premier cycle du secondaire qui choisissent tout de même de la comprendre et de la mettre en œuvre. À ce titre, l’étude des pratiques sous l’angle du travail tel que décrit par Tardif et Lessard (1999) permet de cerner la nature complexe et composite de leur travail et de tenir compte des facteurs personnels, internes et externes qui régissent leur travail d’adaptation des programmes, appelé travail curriculaire. Ainsi, une grille d’analyse inédite, construite au regard de ces facteurs et à partir des concepts inhérents à la différenciation pédagogique, permet d’étudier trois cas de manière complète et approfondie. De manière générale, l’analyse des facteurs personnels, internes et externes à la pratique de différenciation pédagogique des enseignantes donnent des informations pertinentes sur leurs façons de différencier, sur leur motivation à différencier et sur l’influence de leur milieu de travail dans l’exercice de cette pratique. Ces résultats permettent non seulement de mieux comprendre cette pratique effectuée par des enseignants du secondaire, mais permet aussi l’élaboration des principaux facteurs pouvant faciliter sa mise en œuvre ou au contraire la limiter. Au final, les propos recueillis chez les enseignantes interrogées signalent qu’au-delà de la réussite éducative, d’autres éléments entrent en jeu dans l’exercice de cette pratique. En fait, malgré plusieurs contraintes liées aux ressources matérielles, organisationnelles et humaines, la pratique de différenciation pédagogique génère entre autres une grande source de motivation scolaire pour les élèves et contribue à augmenter la satisfaction professionnelle de ces enseignantes dans leur travail au quotidien.
Cette recherche porte sur l’amélioration de la motivation à l’apprentissage des mathématiques à l’Université Abdou Moumouni. Elle se situe dans une dynamique globale de mise au point d’actions pédagogiques pour remédier au problème préoccupant de la motivation à l’apprentissage des sciences. Plus spécifiquement, il s’agit de prospecter si les environnements virtuels d’apprentissage peuvent contribuer à l’amélioration de la transmission des savoirs dans un contexte universitaire au Niger. Ainsi, notre recherche vise à mieux comprendre l’impact de l’intégration des TIC sur la motivation chez des étudiants à apprendre les mathématiques au Niger. Les trois objectifs spécifiques de notre recherche sont : explorer les impacts sur le sentiment de compétence chez des étudiants à l’apprentissage des mathématiques dans un contexte d’intégration pédagogique des TIC; mieux comprendre le changement des types de motivations autodéterminées à l’apprentissage des mathématiques chez des étudiants exposés à une intégration pédagogique des TIC; comprendre les perceptions de l’usage d’un environnement virtuel à l’apprentissage des mathématiques chez des étudiants et l’évolution de leurs motivations autodéterminées. Se fondant sur une méthodologie de type mixte, cette recherche quasi-expérimentale a consisté en la collecte de données quantitatives au moyen de 2 questionnaires sur la motivation (sentiment de compétence et sentiment d’autodétermination) en pré-test et en post-test. Pour les données qualitatives, nous avons eu recours à des entrevues dirigées auprès de 9 participants. Au total 61 étudiants inscrits en science de la vie et de la terre, dont 51 hommes, ont participé à la recherche. La thèse respecte le mode de présentation par articles. Chacun des trois articles est en lien avec un des trois objectifs de la recherche, dans l’ordre cité plus haut. Les principaux résultats indiquent un impact positif sur la motivation à travers un recul du sentiment négatif de compétence chez les étudiants ayant bénéficié de l’apport des TIC comparativement aux étudiants ordinaires. En ce qui concerne le sentiment d’autodétermination, chez les étudiants ayant bénéficié de l’apport pédagogique des TIC, il est mis en évidence une stagnation ou une légère baisse des motivations peu ou pas autodéterminées et une légère hausse ou une stagnation des motivations autodéterminées chez les étudiants ayant bénéficié de l’apport des TIC. Finalement, la recherche a permis de mettre en relief l'existence de corrélations positives entre l’augmentation des motivations autodéterminées et la perception d’une qualité positive de l’expérience d'innovation pédagogique que représente l’environnement virtuel d’apprentissage des mathématiques. En définitive, cette recherche fait ressortir l’importance de l'intégration pédagogique des TIC pour améliorer les pratiques pédagogiques actuelles, et satisfaire deux besoins psychologiques fondamentaux, notamment le sentiment de compétence et le sentiment d’autodétermination, deux composantes essentielles de la motivation selon la théorie de l’autodétermination de Deci et Ryan. Les résultats obtenus dégagent des perspectives intéressantes en vue de renforcer les recours aux environnements virtuels d'apprentissage au profit de la motivation à l'apprentissage des mathématiques. Les forces et les limites de la recherche sont discutées et un ensemble de recommandations sont émises à l’intention des acteurs académiques, notamment les perspectives assez prometteuses de l’intégration pédagogique des TIC au service de l'apprentissage des sciences en Afrique, et au Niger en particulier.