984 resultados para Moseley, James Richard, 1948-
This paper investigates the relationship between monetary policy and the changes experienced by the US economy using a small scale New-Keynesian model. The model is estimated with Bayesian techniques and the stability of policy parameter estimates and of the transmission of policy shocks examined. The model fits well the data and produces forecasts comparable or superior to those of alternative specifications. The parameters of the policy rule, the variance and the transmission of policy shocks have been remarkably stable. The parameters of the Phillips curve and of the Euler equations are varying.
Este Relatório sobre a Saúde no Mundo foi produzido sob a direcção geral de Carissa Etienne, Assistente do Director-Geral, Sistemas e Serviços de Saúde e Anarfi Asamoa-Baah, Director Geral Adjunto. Os redactores principais froam David B Evans, Riku Elovainio e Gary Humphreys; com contribuições de Daniel Chisholm, Joseph Kutzin, Sarah Russell, Priyanka Saksena e Ke Xu. Contribuições sob a forma de caixas de texto e análises foram fornecidos por: Ole Doetinchem, Adelio Fernandes Antunes, Justine Hsu, Chandika K. Indikadahena, Jeremy Lauer, Nathalie van de Maele, Belgacem Sabri, Hossein Salehi, Xenia Scheil-Adlung (ILO) and Karin Stenberg. Sugestões e comentários foram recebidos dos Directores Regionais, Assistentes do Director-Geral e respectivas equipas. Análises, dados e revisões da organização do texto, vários rascunhos ou secções específicas foram fornecidos por (em adição às pessoas jáacima mencionadas): Dele Abegunde, Michael Adelhardt, Hector Arreola, Guitelle Baghdadi-Sabeti, Dina Balabanova, Dorjsuren Bayarsaikhan, Peter Berman, Melanie Bertram, Michael Borowitz, Reinhard Busse, Alexandra Cameron, Guy Carrin, Andrew Cassels, Eleonora Cavagnero, John Connell, David de Ferranti, Don de Savigny, Varatharajan Durairaj, Tamás Evetovits, Josep Figueras, Emma Fitzpatrick, Julio Frenk, Daniela Fuhr, Ramiro Guerrero, Patricia Hernandez Pena, Hans V Hogerzeil, Kathleen Holloway, Melitta Jakab, Elke Jakubowski, Christopher James, Mira Johri, Matthew Jowett, Joses Kirigia, Felicia Knaul, Richard Laing, Nora Markova, Awad Mataria, Inke Mathauer, Don Matheson, Anne Mills, Eduardo Missoni, Laurent Musango, Helena Nygren-Krug, Ariel Pablos-Mendez, Anne-Marie Perucic, Claudia Pescetto, Jean Perrot, Alexander Preker, Magdalena Rathe, Dag Rekve, Ritu Sadana, Rocio Saenz, Thomas Shakespeare, Ian Smith, Peter C Smith, Alaka Singh, Ruben Suarez Berenguela, Tessa Tan-Torres Edejer, Richard Scheffler, Viroj Tangcharoensathien, Fabrizio Tediosi, Sarah Thomson, Ewout van Ginneken, Cornelis van Mosseveld e Julia Watson. A redacção do Relatório foi informada por muitos indivíduos de várias instituições que forneceram documentos de suporte; estes documentos de suporte podem ser encontrados em: http://www.who.int/healthsystems/topics/financing/healthreport/whr_background/en Michael Reid editou as cópias do Relatório, Gaël Kernen produziu as figuras e Evelyn Omukubi forneceu o valioso apoio secretarial e administrativo. O desenho e paginação foi feito por Sophie Guetaneh Aguettant e Cristina Ortiz. Ilustração por Edel Tripp (http://edeltripp.daportfolio.com). A tradução foi realizada por Jorge Cabral e Aurélio Floriano e revista por Aurélio Floriano e Paulo Ferrinho, do Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, da Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Lisboa, Portugal. A publicação foi produzida com o apoio da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP), sob autorização do Director Geral da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). As informações contidas neste Relatório não podem, de forma alguma, ser tomadas como a expressão das posições da CPLP
Collection : Bibliothèque de l'École des hautes-études ; 23
Recent research has examined the factors controlling the geometrical configuration of bifurcations, determined the range of stability conditions for a number of bifurcation types and assessed the impact of perturbations on bifurcation evolution. However, the flow division process and the parameters that influence flow and sediment partitioning are still poorly characterized. To identify and isolate these parameters, three-dimensional velocities were measured at 11 cross-sections in a fixed-walled experimental bifurcation. Water surface gradients were controlled, and systematically varied, using a weir in each distributary. As may be expected, the steepest distributary conveyed the most discharge ( was dominant) while the mildest distributary conveyed the least discharge ( was subordinate). A zone of water surface super-elevation was co-located with the bifurcation in symmetric cases or displaced into the subordinate branch in asymmetric cases. Downstream of a relatively acute-angled bifurcation, primary velocity cores were near to the water surface and against the inner banks, with near-bed zones of lower primary velocity at the outer banks. Downstream of an obtuse-angled bifurcation, velocity cores were initially at the outer banks, with near-bed zones of lower velocities at the inner banks, but patterns soon reverted to match the acute-angled case. A single secondary flow cell was generated in each distributary, with water flowing inwards at the water surface and outwards at the bed. Circulation was relatively enhanced within the subordinate branch, which may help explain why subordinate distributaries remain open, may play a role in determining the size of commonly-observed topographic features, and may thus exert some control on the stability of asymmetric bifurcations. Further, because larger values of circulation result from larger gradient disadvantages, the length of confluence-diffluence units in braided rivers or between diffluences within delta distributary networks may vary depending upon flow structures inherited from upstream and whether, and how, they are fed by dominant or subordinate distributaries. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Kirje 9.4.1973