957 resultados para Moreton Bay bug.


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The spatial and seasonal distributions of Callinectes danae Smith, 1869, in Ubatuba Bay, São Paulo, Brazil, were investigated as a part of a broad study on the general biology of portunids along the northern coast of São Paulo State, Brazil. Swimming crabs were collected during one year, from September 1995 to August 1996, along eight transects determined according to local physiographic features. Three replicate trawls were performed monthly at each transect. Depth. salinity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, organic matter content, and texture of the sediment were measured. Callinectes danae individuals were concentrated in shallow water close to the discharge of estuaries where the bottom is composed of fine and very fine sand. The species was more abundant in the warmer months. During the study period, C. danae exhibited continuous reproduction with a peak of reproductive intensity in June. Within this area, some sites are particularly favorable for C. danae establishment due to a combination of factors and prevailing local conditions.


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The species composition of Penaeidea and Caridea shrimp was studied in Ubatuba Bay, São Paulo, Brazil. Samples were taken monthly from September 1995 to August 1996, using two double-rig trawling nets. A total of 21 marine shrimps species were obtained, belonging to eight families. Sergestoids were represented by a single species of Sergestidae, while penaeoids comprised three families, Penaeidae, Sicyoniidae and Solenoceridae. Caridea shrimps belonged to two superfamilies, the Palaemonoidea, represented by Palaemonidae; and Alpheoidea by three families, Alpheidae, Ogyrididae and Hippolytidae. Sicyonia laevigata Stimpson, 1871 and Nematopalaemon schmitti (Holthuis, 1950) represent first records in São Paulo State, Brazil.


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Maieta guianensis Aubl. and M. poeppigii Mart. ex. Triana (Melastomataceae) are among the most common myrmecophytic plants in the Amazonian forest understory. These myrmecophytes are colonized exclusively by the ants Pheidole minutula Mayr or Crematogaster sp. and usually host two other arthropods, the spider Faiditus subflavus Exline and Levi and the recently described stilt bug Jalysus ossesae Henry. In this study, the association between J ossesae and the myrmecophytic plants M. guianensis and M. poeppigii in an upland forest area in central Amazon, Brazil, is described. The presence of the stilt bugs on M. guianensis and M. poeppigii and on plants around these myrmecophytes was recorded in five transects. The number and position of the stilt bugs on the leaf surface (upper or lower) and leaf type (with or without domatia) of these myrmecophytes, as well as their behavioral acts, were recorded. Jalysus ossesae was found only on the myrmecophytic plants M. guianensis and M. poeppigii. The stilt bug occurred at similar frequencies on M. guianensis and M. poeppigii, and the number of leaves significantly influenced the presence and number of stilt bugs on these myrmecophytes. Feeding, agonistic interaction between males, and mating were observed. Our data indicate that J. ossesae uses the myrmecophytes M. guinanensis and M. poeppigii as reproductive and foraging sites.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A biologia de Ucides cordatus na Baía de Vitória (ES) foi avaliada como subsídio ao manejo populacional. As amostragens ocorreram mensalmente durante um ano (outubro/1998 a setembro/1999), com análise biométrica (LC = largura da carapaça; PE = peso total úmido) e de fatores abióticos em quatro transectos, com quatro faixas cada (margem à região supratidal). A densidade foi de 3,7±1,5 caranguejos.m-2, com incremento em direção à região supratidal, sendo a profundidade das galerias de 1,1±0,3 m. A salinidade da água intersticial diferiu entre as faixas, sendo mais elevada na região supratidal. Houve correlação significativa entre a abundância de exemplares e alguns fatores ambientais, o mesmo ocorrendo quanto as tocas abertas e fechadas. A razão sexual evidenciou um predomínio de fêmeas (1,0M:1,6F), particularmente entre 50 e 75 mm LC. A maior incidência de tocas fechadas ocorreu em agosto e setembro, enquanto as fêmeas ovígeras foram registradas de janeiro a abril. A relação PE/LC mostrou isometria para os machos (PE=0,425.10-3 LC3,0014; R²=0,99) e fêmeas (P=0,439.10-3 LC2,97; R²=0,99). Para o total da população a média de tamanho (LC) e peso (PE) foi de 54,6±11,8 mm e de 77,5±42,4 g, respectivamente. Os dados evidenciam que a população encontra-se sobrexplotada, requerendo manejo adequado para a viabilidade da atividade extrativa na área estudada.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Previous ecological studies on foraminifera and ostracoda from the tropical Sepetiba Bay, located in the southern part of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, have noted the presence in this area of some cool water taxons typical of the Argentine continental platform. These studies have proposed that parcels of these temperate waters with their associated biological indicators are advected northward along the platform, penetrating into some tropical entrances of the southeast coast of Brazil. In the present study, ecological data (foraminifera, ostracoda and microbivalves), are used together with information obtained by satellite tracked drifting buoys and digital thermal imagery obtained from NOAA satellites to indicate the path taken by these high latitude species along the southern Brazilian coast to arrive in the Sepetiba Bay, near the city of Rio de Janeiro. Our general conclusion is that biotic elements native to the colder, less saline marine waters seen to the south of Brazil have been and are being advected northward along the inner part of the continental platform to about 22 degrees S. Water parcels containing this biota may, in a sporadic fashion, enter into the tropical Sepetiba Bay. The passage of meteorological fronts through the region is considered to be an important if not the principal mechanism for the sporadic entry of the cool water into the Southern Coastal Entrance of the State of Rio de Janeiro. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V.s Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The determination of the diet and feeding habits is one of the principal aspects of the study on fish biology, as feeding is a basic process and its study is necessary for the understanding of the populations' dynamic and ecology. The Sciaenidae family has a significant occurrence in the bay's demersal ichthyofauna, constituting an important fishing resource. The goal of this work was to analyze how the partitioning of available food resources takes place among the ten sciaenid species which live in the Flamengo Bay. One single survey, consisting of three trawls, was carried out with a fishing boat equipped with two otter-trawl. Diet analysis showed that all species are exclusively carnivore, using several items as food, but crustaceans are the main food ingested. The use of the ''Proportional Overlap Index'' showed possible overlapping between six couples of species but in the majority of cases, morphologic differences between these species, such as the mouth position, probably determine different foraging strategies.


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This work aims to analyse the composition, abundance and distribution of the Penaeidea species which occur in the Ubatuba Bay (23 degrees 26'S and 45 degrees 02'W). The samples were monthly collected from October/1992 to September/1993. Each collect was composed of two parallel radials: the first (radial ''A'') was carried out in the mid region of the bay and the second one (radial ''B'') in the bay mouth. The trawls took one hour in a boat equipped with one otter-trawl (10 mm of mesh). The registered environmental factors were depth, bottom water temperature, granulometric composition and organic content of the sediment. After the trawls, the shrimp were separated from other marine organisms and counted. Eight species of shrimp were obtained: Xiphopenaeus kroyeri; Artemesia longinaris; Penaeus (L.) schmitti; P. (F.) brasiliensis; Trachypenaeus; constrictus; Sicyonia typica; S. dorsalis and Pleoticus muelleri. The most abundant species were X. kroyeri, A. longinaris, P. muelleri and T. constrictus. It was verified a very strong seasonality among the species. The X. kroyeri species occurred in both radials along the months but its abundance decreased from a November to March. Such fact is attributed to the temperature which reached a minimum value of 20 degrees C during this period. The species A. longinaris and P. muelleri were more frequent in the radial B which was caracterized by 14 +/- 1.3 m of depth, low organic content in the sediment (2.97%) and granulometric composition of medium sand. The distribution and abundance of these shrimps in the bay, beyond the hydrological features can be related to biotic factors as food availability, migration, inter and intra specific relations (competition, predation, etc.).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of the present study was to analyse esterase patterns in three triatomine species of Rhodnius genus. Four loci, Est 1, Est 2, Est 3 and Est 4, were found. The corresponding enzymes were characterized as carboxylesterases (E.C. or cholinesterases (E.C. based on inhibitory experiments, using eserine sulphate, malathion, mercury chloride, p-chloromercuribenzoate (pCMB) and iodoacetamide. Low genetic variability was observed: Est 1, Est 2 and Est 3 were monomorphic in Rhodnius domesticus, Rhodnius robustus and Rhodnius neivai, whereas locus Est 4 was polymorphic in the first two species. The UPGMA analysis based on esterase genotypic frequencies indicated greater similarity between R. domesticus and R. robustus when compared with R. neivai. The present study expands our knowledge about genetic variability among triatomines and accords with the hypothesis that R. domesticus is a species derived from R. robustus.


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NARANJO N, MONTERO DAV, SAENZ APONTE A. 2011. First record of infection by entomopathogenic nematodes of the grass bug Collaria scenica Stal (Hemiptera: Miridae). ENTOMOTROPICA 26(3): 117-125. The study was aimed to test the pathogenicity of Steinernema sp. and Heterorhabditis sp. in Collaria scenica. The effect of different concentrations of infective juveniles (IJ) were tested on nymphs and adults of C. scenica. For this purpose, the bugs were inoculated with 5 000 JI of each nematode species in a factorial design (3x2), and seven concentrations were tested in a JI factorial design (7x2x2). The bugs showed 100% mortality and symptoms of pathogenicity. Infection was found with both species of nematodes and penetration was assumed to be through the spiracles and anus. A higher capacity of pathogenicity was observed with Steinernema sp. Based on the results Heterorhabditis sp. and Steinernema sp. could constitute an efficient tool to control populations of C. scenica in pastures.


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The present work was conducted to determine the distribution of Loxopagurus loxochelis collected monthly, over a period of one year, in Ubatuba Bay (from September/95 to August/96). A total of 179 specimens were collected (138 males, 30 females and 11 ovigerous females). The greatest depth, predominance of very fine sand and highest mean value of organic matter contents of sediment, in combination with the low temperatures registered in winter (July and August), determined the presence of L. loxochelis in the subarea located at the Ubatuba Bay mouth, exposed to the open sea with high water current energy, important because this position insures that spawned larvae will enter into the oceanic circulation.