932 resultados para Monthly Per Capita Expenditure
A aquest estudi s'ha analitzat si és viable l'autosuficiència energètica en base a un estudi pilot al nucli rural d'Alinyà aprofitant els recursos naturals de la zona. S'ha realitzat un estudi del consum energètic de la població i s'ha comparat amb el potencial de producció energètica dels recursos renovables locals incloent energia provinent de la biomassa i aprofitada en calderes individuals per a cada habitatge, energia solar en teulades i energia hidroelèctrica a partir de centrals minihidràuliques restaurades ja existents. També s’ha realitzat un anàlisi per detectar possibles factors d’ineficiència energètica i a partir d’aquí, proposar una sèrie de mesures per corregir aquesta. S'han comptabilitzat les emissions de CO2 derivades del consum energètic i les proporcions que representa cada tipus de font energètica sobre el total del nucli. També s'ha establert una comparativa del consum mitjà per habitant i any entre la població i Catalunya; el consum a Alinyà és d'1,46 Tep's, mentre que el de Catalunya és d'1,7 Tep's, el nostre estudi no contempla la mobilitat, si se li resta aquest vector a la mitjana de Catalunya veiem que és de 0,9 Tep's, per tant, hi observem un major consum energètic. El 76% del consum d'Alinyà prové dels combustibles fòssils, concretament del gasoil, el nucli té una forta dependència respecte a aquesta energia, que a més a més representa el 86% (56T CO2 eq.) de les emissions totals de CO2. Per finalitzar, s'ha demostrat que és possible assolir l'autosuficiència energètica mitjançant l'implantació d'una combinació d'estratègies, viables en tots els aspectes; tant tècnics com socioeconòmics. Abastint el poble d'energia a un menor cost econòmic i amb un estil de vida més respectuós amb el medi ambient.
The article presents and discusses estimates of social and economic indicators for Italy’s regions in benchmark years roughly from Unification to the present day: life expectancy, education, GDP per capita at purchasing power parity, and the new Human Development Index (HDI). A broad interpretative hypothesis, based on the distinction between passive and active modernization, is proposed to account for the evolution of regional imbalances over the long-run. In the lack of active modernization, Southern Italy converged thanks to passive modernization, i.e., State intervention: however, this was more effective in life expectancy, less successful in education, expensive and as a whole ineffective in GDP. As a consequence, convergence in the HDI occurred from the late XIX century to the 1970s, but came to a sudden halt in the last decades of the XX century.
AIMS: This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of life-time abstainers, former drinkers and current drinkers, adult per-capita consumption of alcohol and pattern of drinking scores, by country and Global Burden of Disease region for 2005, and to forecast these indicators for 2010. DESIGN: Statistical modelling based on survey data and routine statistics. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: A total of 241 countries and territories. MEASUREMENTS: Per-capita consumption data were obtained with the help of the World Health Organization's Global Information System on Alcohol and Health. Drinking status data were obtained from Gender, Alcohol and Culture: An International Study, the STEPwise approach to Surveillance study, the World Health Survey/Multi-Country Study and other surveys. Consumption and drinking status data were triangulated to estimate alcohol consumption across multiple categories. FINDINGS: In 2005 adult per-capita annual consumption of alcohol was 6.1 litres, with 1.7 litres stemming from unrecorded consumption; 17.1 litres of alcohol were consumed per drinker, 45.8% of all adults were life-time abstainers, 13.6% were former drinkers and 40.6% were current drinkers. Life-time abstention was most prevalent in North Africa/Middle East and South Asia. Eastern Europe and Southern sub-Saharan Africa had the most detrimental pattern of drinking scores, while drinkers in Europe (Eastern and Central) and sub-Saharan Africa (Southern and West) consumed the most alcohol. CONCLUSIONS: Just over 40% of the world's adult population consumes alcohol and the average consumption per drinker is 17.1 litres per year. However, the prevalence of abstention, level of alcohol consumption and patterns of drinking vary widely across regions of the world.
Alterações do estado nutricional contribuem para o aumento da morbi-mortalidade em idosos. O instrumento The Nutrition Screening Initiative (NSI) foi desenvolvido para identificar riscos nutricionais nesse grupo populacional. Este estudo tem por objetivos descrever o perfil sociodemográfico e avaliar o risco nutricional de idosos atendidos por equipes da Estratégia Saúde da Família. O estudo é transversal, com amostra de 503 idosos residentes em Dourados (MS). Instrumentos: NSI e questionário estruturado para as variáveis sociodemográficas de saúde. Verificou-se o predomínio de idosos do sexo feminino, entre 60 a 69 anos, viúvos, analfabetos, de renda per capita de até um salário mínimo, com hipertensão e auto-avaliação regular de saúde. O NSI permitiu identificar 33,2% de idosos com alto risco nutricional, o que se mostrou significativamente associado ao baixo nível de escolaridade, à baixa renda per capita e às doenças crônicas. Como método de rastreio, o NSI mostrou-se útil para identificar os determinantes sociais e de saúde que contribuem para o risco nutricional.
Este trabalho trata-se de estudo analítico, transversal, com abordagem quantitativa, que verificou a presença de depressão e a adesão ao tratamento com quimioterápicos em pacientes oncológicos atendidos na Farmácia Central de Quimioterapia de um hospital universitário. A amostra constou de 102 pacientes e a coleta dos dados foi realizada no período de outubro de 2010 a maio de 2011. Utilizou-se a entrevista estruturada, norteada por roteiro contendo dados sociodemográficos, clínicos e terapêuticos; o Teste de Morisky e o Inventário de Depressão de Beck. Os resultados revelaram que 10,8% e 1,9% dos participantes apresentaram depressão moderada e grave, respectivamente. Houve associação estatisticamente significativa entre a presença de depressão e as variáveis renda per capita, número de cirurgias e tempo de doença. Identificou-se falta de adesão ao tratamento em 48% dos participantes. Tais resultados indicam a necessidade de treinamento da equipe de saúde para detectar transtornos depressivos e falta de adesão ao tratamento com quimioterápicos entre pacientes oncológicos.
This paper discusses the role of deterministic components in the DGP and in the auxiliary regression model which underlies the implementation of the Fractional Dickey-Fuller (FDF) test for I(1) against I(d) processes with d ∈ [0, 1). This is an important test in many economic applications because I(d) processess with d & 1 are mean-reverting although, when 0.5 ≤ d & 1,, like I(1) processes, they are nonstationary. We show how simple is the implementation of the FDF in these situations, and argue that it has better properties than LM tests. A simple testing strategy entailing only asymptotically normally distributed tests is also proposed. Finally, an empirical application is provided where the FDF test allowing for deterministic components is used to test for long-memory in the per capita GDP of several OECD countries, an issue that has important consequences to discriminate between growth theories, and on which there is some controversy.
Does additional government spending improve the electoral chances of incumbent political parties? This paper provides the first quasi-experimental evidence on this question. Our research design exploits discontinuities in federal funding to local governments in Brazil around several population cutoffs over the period 1982-1985. We find that extra fiscal transfers resulted in a 20% increase in local government spending per capita, and an increase of about 10 percentage points in the re-election probability of local incumbent parties. We also find positive effects of the government spending on education outcomes and earnings, which we interpret as indirect evidence of public service improvements. Together, our results provide evidence that electoral rewards encourage incumbents to spend part of additional revenues on public services valued by voters, a finding in line with agency models of electoral accountability.
Whether providing additional resources to local communities leads to improved public services and better outcomes more generally, given existing management capacity and incentive and accountability structures, is an unresolved yet important question for public policy. This paper uses a regression-discontinuity design to evaluate the effect of unrestricted fiscal transfers on local spending (including on education), schooling and learning in Brazil. Results show that transfers increase local public spending almost one for one with no evidence of crowding out own revenue or other revenue sources. Extra per capita transfers of 1000 Reais lead to about 0.42 additional years of elementary schooling and student literacy rates increase by about 5.6 percentage points on average. Part of this effect arises through higher teacher-student ratios in municipal elementary school systems. Results also suggest that additional resources have stronger effects in more rural and less developed parts of Brazil.
r/K theory classically predicts that offspring size should increase under density-dependent selection. However, this is questionable, being based on implicit rather than explicit assumption (the logistic model does not include offsring size as a parameter). From recent models of optimal offspring size (Sibly & Calow, 1983; Taylor & Williams, 1984) it can be shown that density should select for larger offspring if density-dependence in the per capita rate of increase is mainly due to a reduction of the juvenile growth rate or survivorship. In contrast, density should select for smaller offspring if such density-dependence is mainly due to a reduction of adult fecundity or survivorship. Therfore, the outcome of selection cannot be predicted without precise knowledge of the density-dependence of age-specific reproduction and mortality rates. To test the above models, genetically identical individuals of Simocephalus vetulus (Müller) were reared in a density gradient; density-dependence in the per capita rate of increase was shown to be mainly due to a reduction of the juvenile growth rate, thereby selecting for larger offspring; offspring size at birth appeared to be phenotypically plastic and to increase with density. Models were therefore qualitatively supported. However, a discrepancy occurred in quantitative predictions; offspring were produced larger than predicted. Field and laboratory studies are suggested to address this.
A agricultura cabo-verdiana é caracterizada pela baixa e irregular produtividade e não consegue produzir mais do que 20% das necessidades alimentares do país, sendo que a insegurança alimentar e a pobreza estão intimamente ligadas à fraqueza da base produtiva. A horticultura é considerada como um dos sectores mais rentáveis, com um papel importante na segurança alimentar e no orçamento das famílias. A presente dissertação tem como objectivo principal o estudo da importância da horticultura no rendimento e segurança alimentar das famílias, através da venda e consumo de produtos hortícolas. Foi realizado um estudo de caso às familias com e sem produção hortícola na ilha do Fogo em Cabo Verde e verificou-se que os agregados com regadio têm um rendimento anual bastante superior aos rendimentos auferidos pelos agregados sem regadio e a horticultura teve um contributo notável na formação desse rendimento. A nível da alimentação verificou-se que os agregados com regadio tem um consumo calórico superior aos agregados sem regadio. Verificou-se igualmente que os agregados com regadio tem uma alimentação mais diversificada, quer pela frequência de consumo diária de produtos hortícolas e frutas quer pelo consumo per capita dos mesmos.
How did Europe overtake China? We construct a simple Malthusian model with two sectors, and use it to explain how European per capita incomes and urbanization rates could surge ahead of Chinese ones. That living standards could exceed subsistence levels at all in a Malthusian setting should be surprising. Rising fertility and falling mortality ought to have reversed any gains. We show that productivity growth in Europe can only explain a small fraction of rising living standards. Population dynamics - changes of the birth and death schedules - were far more important drivers of the longrun Malthusian equilibrium. The Black Death raised wages substantially, creating important knock-on effects. Because of Engel's Law, demand for urban products increased, raising urban wages and attracting migrants from rural areas. European cities were unhealthy, especially compared to Far Eastern ones. Urbanization pushed up aggregate death rates. This effect was reinforced by more frequent wars (fed by city wealth) and disease spread by trade. Thus, higher wages themselves reduced population pressure. Without technological change, our model can account for the sharp rise in European urbanization as well as permanently higher per capita incomes. We complement our calibration exercise with a detailed analysis of intra-European growth in the early modern period. Using a panel of European states in the period 1300-1700, we show that war frequency can explain a good share of the divergent fortunes within Europe.
Com uma superfície de 4.033 Km2, Cabo Verde é um arquipélago de origem vulcânica, formado por dez ilhas e oito ilhéus. Localiza-se no Oceano Atlântico a cerca de 455 km do cabo com o mesmo nome no Senegal. Geograficamente, o arquipélago está dividido nos grupos de Barlavento e Sotavento e administrativamente em 17 concelhos (municípios). A população residente é de 434.625 habitantes, maioritariamente jovem e as mulheres representam cerca de 51,6%. A taxa de crescimento da população, dependente dos fluxos migratórios, situou-se, no decénio 1990-2000, em cerca de 2,4%. A esperança média de vida é de 71 anos, sendo 67 anos para homens e 75 para as mulheres. A Constituição da República, de 1990, abriu caminho a um sistema multipartidário, tendo o país conhecido profundas mudanças em termos de democratização, liberalização da economia, descentralização e envolvimento da sociedade civil. A economia cabo-verdiana é essencialmente de serviços, com o sector terciário a ocupar 64% na composição do PIB, enquanto o sector primário só detém 13%, apesar de empregar 47% da mão-de-obra nacional. Em 2000 o PIB per capita foi estimado em 1.354 USD.
Cape Verde is an emerging nation with a truly transformational development agenda. Since achieving independence in 1975, it has evolved into a stable democracy, making considerable progress in terms of growth of gross domestic product (GDP) and income per capita, as well as on human development indicators. At the end of 2007, the country graduated from the UN’s Least-Developed Country (LDC) Group, and in 2008 it acceded to the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Cross-sectional study that used the Social Network Index and the genogram to assess the social network of 110 family caregivers of dependent patients attended by a Home Care Service in São Paulo, Brazil. Data were analyzed using the test U of Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis and Spearman correlation. Results were considered statistically significant when p<0,05. Few caregivers participated in activities outside the home and the average number of people they had a bond was 4,4 relatives and 3,6 friends. Caregivers who reported pain and those who had a partner had higher average number of relatives who to trust. The average number of friends was higher in the group that reported use of medication for depression. Total and per capita incomes correlated with the social network. It was found that family members are the primary caregiver’s social network.
The tendency for public welfare spending to be increasingly aimed at the elderly has been pointed out for the US and other developed countries. While population ageing is a common trend, it is not obvious why the shift in spending exceeds the trend in ageing, or why per capita spending on the elderly increases.We show that this is the case in Spain, identify the losers from this development, discuss the policies that underlie this trend, and propose adjustments based on Musgrave s fixed proportions rule as an inter-generationally fair distribution.