996 resultados para Mittel- und Osteuropa
When drafting a new model of a towed technical system for fisheries (trawl, towed TV gear or similar), and also when measuring an existing and already tested system it is not easy to foresee of practical behaviour, which depends of various parameters. The measuring programme for recording all data needs a lot of time and money, and also has some limitations. Therefore we developed for such systems mathematical-physical models, which allow a complex calculation. Their real value, however, results only from practical verification. During the cruise no. 222 of “Walther Herwig III” in November 2000 comparative investigations for 2concrete systems were carried out. This was done in cooperation with the University in Rostock, where such models are being developed and computerized. One of the systems mesasured was a pelagic herring trawl and the other one the towed TV gear for underwater observations of the Institute for Fishery Technology and Fish Quality. The correspondence between model calculation and measurements was very high for both systems.
New regulations of the German “Fisch-Hygiene-Verordnung” lay down that all fish except pelagic species have to be gutted immediately after catch or killing, especially fresh water fish from aquaculture. Only gutted fish should be sold to the consumer. At the present time, however, it is not unusual to sell ungutted fish like tropical or mediterranean species from foreign countries, even the EC area. In this investigation the influence of gutting on the fish quality during storage on ice was tested in tench (Tinca tinca) as a model. Quality changes were controlled by sensory, chemical, physical and microbiological assessment. It was shown that for tench there were no differences between gutted and ungutted fish during 12 days of storage on ice.
During the autumn session of the ICES Advisory Committee for Fisheries Management (ACFM) the stock of the Northern and Southern Shelfs, North Sea and Skagerrak have been analysed and assessed, as well as the mackerel and horse mackerel, sardine, anchovy, Pandalus and Eel. As in previous years ICES recommends a reduction in fishing mortality for a number of stocks. Moreover, ICES recommends for many stocks to establish recovery and management plans, to safeguard a continuous development of the stocks towards safe biological limits.
Since the beginning of the nineties the situation of the Baltic cod stock is deteriorating constantly. The fishery administration (International Baltic Sea Fisheries Commission) tries to counter this by issuing new technical measures. Existing measures (raise of mesh opening from 105 to 120 mm, “Danish” and “Swedish” escape windows) and newly introduced technical measures (BACOMA codend and raise of the mesh opening in conventional codends to 130 mm) show a number of deficiencies putting their efficiency in doubt. Available well tested alternatives to the newly introduced measures without their negative side effects (codends made of netting turned by 90°, and other designs) are presently left out of regard. Models of socioeconomic effects are likewise ignored.
The herring of the Baltic Sea shows a complicated population structure. Comparable to herring in other areas it can also be discriminated as spring and autumn spawning herring. Autumn spawning herring has been nearly vanished since the late 1960’s. Baltic Sea spring spawning herring show a broad variety as far as morphometric and other biological characteristics are concerned. It seems not very likely that all those differences are genetically based. The spawning sites of populations are, however, often clearly separated and such groups of herring are in most cases characterized by distinct differences in individual growth. Therefore for assessment purposes it is necessary to distinguish between as small as possible units in order to not endanger smaller populations to become extinct by overexploitation. On the other hand migrations and mixing of herring of different origin especially during the summer feeding period result in extreme difficulties of the discrimination of small units. For this reason only three herring assess ment units have been identified for the central and the northern Baltic Sea: herring in Sub-divisions 25–32+32, herring in Sub-division 30 and herring in Sub-division31. The spring spawning herring of the western Baltic Sea has been combined with spring spawning herring in Division IIIa. Only the herring stock in Sub-division 30 shows a positive development in the past. The largest assessment unit in Sub-divisions 25–29+32 decreased continuously during the whole period 1974–1998. The western Baltic Spring spawning herring stock decreased from 1990 to 1996. There is an ongoing debate on scientific level whether the combination of small populations into large assessment units like the one in S-D’s 25–29&32 might include the danger of the extinction of small compartments of the unit. On the other hand the practice by the International Baltic Sea Fishery Commission of managing the Baltic Sea herring fisheries by dividing a yearly Total Allowable Catch for the whole area among fishery zones without taking care of any biological structure and any individual stock development is totally against the idea of sustainability of fisheries.
One of the most common decapode in the North Atlantic is the “Northern” or “Pink shrimp” Pandalus borealis (Kröyeri). Due to decreasing fish stocks and catches the shrimp fishery was intensified during most recent years. In the North-East Atlantic, a profitable fishery on this species has been carried out by Norway and USSR/ Russia off Norway, in the Barents Sea and off Spitsbergen for about 30 years. For the first time, Germany started a shrimp fishery with FMV “Hannover” in this area in spring/summer 1999. This article gives information on the biology of Pandalus borealis. A brief description of the problems in stock analyses, stock assessment, and the TACs (Total Allowable Catches) for the entire North Atlantic are given.
Quantitative proofs for the occurrence of juvenile cods in the Bornholm Sea, which had been spawned in Kiel Bay or Mecklenburg Bay, were the staring point to develop a method, which makes quantitative estimates possible. From these analyses it could be estimated that 20 to 50 % of the cods in the area of the eastern Baltic stock had been spawned in the western Baltic Sea. This expansion in eastern direction was determined partly by passive transport of pelagic cod stages. The main factor was an active migration of cod in the first year of their life. These analyses suggest the necessity to reassess the actual model of the relations between the Baltic cod stocks.
The sprat of the Baltic Sea is not as short-lived as inother Seas probably because fish predator species arerestricted mainly on cod and salmon. Sea bird popula-tions are much smaller and marine mammals are rare inthe Baltic Sea. The sprat stock biomass is fluctuatingstrongly. The fluctuation is mainly influenced by thestock recruitment and is also dependent on the strengthof the cod stock. After a strong decrease during the1980ies sprat catches increased again from 1992 onwardsand reached a peak with over half a million tonnes in 1997. At about the same time the character of the BalticSea sprat fishery changed from catches mainly for hu-man consumption to catches mainly for industrial pur-poses initiated by the fishery of Sweden. The recentrecord high catches of sprat have been possible only dueto the low level of the cod stock of the main Baltic SeaBasins over some years. A sprat fishery on such a highcatch level might cause conflicts with a recovering codstock in future.
Age reading by use of otoliths is one of the basic but also most essential elements in practical fish population dynamics. Unfortunately, many factors can influence the readings of a single reader. Erronous readings, however, have a consequential effect on the evaluation and prediction of the development of the fish stock under consideration. In order to master this problem and to reduce out the effect of those factors, it seems neccessary to standardize the whole process of age reading between collaborating readers. From a statistical point of view calibration techniques can be used to identify those factors and to correct the readings with respect to them. The current article presents an overview over the basic idea behind this, over how to balance out the existing deviations and how to correct the age readings.
The sensitiveness of different demersal and pelagic fish species of 70 hauls in the North and Baltic Sea in water depths of 60 to 250 m and 15 to 80 m, respectively, amount of catch of 100 to 3500 kg and trawling times of 0,5 to 6 h on board of the FRV “Walther Herwig III” was investigated. Some demersal fish species , e.g. saithe (Pollachius virens), were even still sensitive, when caught at a water depth of 250 m at a trawling time of 1,5 h. Generally the number of sensitive fishes was reduced with increasing water depth, amount of catch, trawling time and following storage of the catch on board. Among demersal fishes the species without swimbladder and flat fishes were clearly more resistent to mechanical stress. On the contrary, pelagic fish species were generally less robust. After trawling times of 2 h no sensitive animals were observed. In some fisheries there are mixed catches of demersal and pelagic fish species with different sensitiveness. In commercial fisheries, there is therefore – under animal welfare aspects – for the time being, no prospect for an improvement of the catching and slaughtering procedure on board
The spring session of ACFM gave advice for a number of stocks in the North Atlantic, North Sea and Baltic. The present assessment of the situation is given here for stocks of higher importance for the German fishery. These are: Blue Whiting: the stock is still relatively high, this, however, will not last very long, due to too intense fishing. Cod in Kattegat: stock is outside safe biological limits. No immediate recovery in sight. Cod in 22–24 (Baltic): stock is inside save biological limits. F, however, is above the recommendation of the IBSFC. Greenland Halibut: state of the stock not quite clear. The present fishing intensity seems to be sustainable. Herring (Atlanto- scandian, Norwegian spring spawner): stock is within safe biological limits, weak recruitment of the recent years will lead to a reduction of biomass. Herring: for Baltic spring spawner in 22–24 and IIIa still no increasing tendency detectable. North Sea Herring: further increasing tendency, with 900 000 t over B lim, good recruitment. Herring in VIa: stable. Redfish: generally decreasing tendency observed, a reduction of the fishery is recommended. Signs of recovery, however, visible for some units
A subject of a change of authorised limits in 1994 for the discharge of liquid radioactive waste by the reprocessing plant Sellafield (UK) was an increase of these limits for certain radionuclides (3H, 14C, 60Co, 99Tc and 129I). It is investigated now how the radioactivity in marine biota from the North Sea and subsequently the public radiation exposure by ingestion has developed in the years since 1994. This is based on a compartment model for the Northeast Atlantic. Discharges of the reprocessing plants Dounreay (UK) and La Hague (F) are included in the assessment. It is deduced that about 60 % of 137Cs in the North Sea originate presently in the remobilisation of old Sellafield discharges from the Irish Sea sediment. A comparison with measured biota data shows that the model is conservative in the most cases. The public radiation exposure from ingestion of fish, crustaceans and molluscs from the central North Sea as the sum over 12 considered radionuclides has decreased from 1992 to 1998 from 0,13 to 0,08 μSv·y–1. For the southward and northward joined regions it was a little bit smaller with a similar decreasing trend.
Fatty acid composition of fish changes according to season, the catching area, the size, the sexuality, the physiological condition and the quantity of fat. The fatty acid composition was evaluated according to size and the catching season of anchovies Engraulis encrasicolus (L. 1758). It was observed that polyunsaturated fatty acids increasmed to highest level and saturated fatty acids decreased to lowest level in March. On the other hand, in April, it was observed that the saturated fatty acids increased to its highest level, monounsaturated fatty acids decreased to its lowest level.
Die 24. Sitzung des Komitees für Fische und Fischerzeugnisse wurde vom 5. bis 9. Juni 2000 erstmalig in Ålesund, Norwegen, durchgeführt. Die Tagung wurde von 140 Delegierten und Beobachtern aus 43 Mitgliedsstaaten und 3 internationalen Organisationen (EU, A.C.P. Generalsekretariat und Internationale Vereinigung der Fischinspektoren, IAFI) sowie FAO- und WHO-Personal (4) besucht. Die größten Delegationen stellten Frankreich (6), Kanada (6), Thailand (7), USA (10), Marokko (13) und Norwegen als Gastgeber (16). Die deutsche Delegation wurde von Dr. Achim Viereck (BML) geleitet. Weitere Mitglieder waren Dr. Jörg Oehlenschläger (BFAFi, Sprecher), Dr. Reinhard Schubring (BFAFi), Dr. Günter Klein (BgVV) und Dr. Matthias Keller (Bundesverband der deutschen Fischindustrie und des Fischgroßhandels). Die Sitzung, die von Peter Gullestad, dem norwegischen Generaldirektor für Fischerei, eröffnet wurde, leitete Dr. Bjorn Rothe Knudtsen, Regionaldirektor des norwegischen Direktorats für Fischerei und Aquakultur, Trondheim.
Since 1976 the Institute of Sea Fisheries of the Federal Research Center for Fisheries, Hamburg, has been conducting long-term monitoring research on Antarctic krill in order to manage the stocks according to the precautionary approach. The krill stocks of the South Atlantic fluctuate seasonally as well as inter-annually in biomass and recruitment success. Following high densities in the late 1970s, the stocks are recently declining. Shortly after the onset of a commercial fishery the catches reached a maximum of around 500 000 t annually, but stabilized around 100 000 t during recent years. Actual survey results indicate mean krill densities in the South Atlantic of 21.4 g/m2, corresponding to 44 Mio. t. The potential yield and maximum catch rate was set at 4.0 Mio. t per year subdivided for the various CCAMLR Subareas. CCAMLR is expected to introduce further conservation measures to control the fishery in the convention area in the near future, however, there is still room for developing a krill fishery in the Antarctic.