1000 resultados para Metodologia de Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso


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This paper have to objective understand the dynamics of the insertion of a portion of the prudentinos young at work and the respective framing assigned to them by the Foundation of Presidente Prudente Mirim / SP. In the course of this research, we evaluate the issue, through a quantitative survey and qualitative survey of the entity as well as demographic information query the database of public agencies that, shielded by the literature of the subject of the work, explain some features of reality these young people, for example, the conditions they face in search of his achievement as a worker in the learning situation


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O difloxacino - DIFX - é um antimicrobiano de amplo espectro de ação pertence à 3ª geração das quinolonas, e foi especialmente desenvolvido para o uso veterinário aprovado em vários países. Seu uso é indicado para infecções cutâneas, superficiais ou profundas, infecções genitourinárias, respiratórias e digestivas, causadas por diversos patógenos como Staphylococus sp, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas spp., Esnterobacter spp., Mycoplasma spp., Salmonella, Klebsiella, Streptococus spp. e outras cepas suscetíveis. Na literatura foi possível encontrar alguns estudos envolvendo difloxacino em matéria prima e matrizes biológicas, entretanto para a forma farmacêutica comprimidos revestidos nada foi encontrado. Neste trabalho foram desenvolvidas metodologias analíticas para determinação e quantificação de difloxacino comprimidos revestidos por espectrofotometria na região UV e Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE). No método de espectrofotometria na região UV a curva analítica mostrou-se linear entre 3,0 e 8,0 μg/mL (r = 0,9999), com exatidão e precisão satisfatórias, os coeficientes de variação intradia e interdia foram 1,92 e 1,87 respectivamente. Os limites de detecção (LOD) e quantificação (LOQ) apresentaram valores de 0,32 e 0,11 μg/mL, respectivamente. A porcentagem de difloxacino encontrada nas amostras foi de 105,05 %. Para o método por CLAE, a curva analítica mostrou-se linear no intervalo de 1,0 e 6,0 μg/mL (r=0,9997), a exatidão da metodologia proposta foi calculada pelo método de adição de padrão apresentando uma média de 100,06%. Os valores de precisão foram satisfatórios, com coeficientes de variação intradia e interdia de 1,35 e 1,64 %, respectivamente. O limite de detecção apresentou valor de 0,07 μg/mL e quantificação de 0,24 μg/mL. O doseamento da amostra de Dicural® comprimidos revestidos foi encontrado 94,70% de difloxacino


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This dissertation has as main theme the discuss about how the use of mathematical models for process optimization. The current scenario of strong competition to conquer the consumer market necessitates the development of improvements to better performance of the process as a whole, is to reduce costs, increase efficiency or effectiveness. Thus, the use of methodologies to assist in this process is becoming increasingly viable. Methodologies developed in the past are being studied and improved. An example is the Desirability, the object of the present study, which was developed in the 80's and has been improved over time. To understand and study this methodology was applied to the desirability function in three instances, where it was used Design of Experiments (DOE), taken from scientific papers, using the Solver tool (Excel ®) and desirability (Minitab ®). Thus, in addition to studying the methodology, it was possible to compare the performance of tools used for optimization in different situations. From the results of this study, it was possible to validate the superiority of one of the models studied compared fairly


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As estruturas da derme como os folículos pilosos e os ductos das glândulas sudoríparas e de óleo, proporcionam uma via de passagem por onde os micro-organismos atingem os tecidos mais profundos da pele. A transpiração fornece umidade e alguns nutrientes para o crescimento microbiano (TORTORA, 2012). Dentre os vários gêneros de bactérias que constituem a microbiota residente das axilas, encontram-se o Staphylococcus e o Micrococcus, responsáveis pelo odor do ácido isovalérico, o odor caracterísitico das axilas. Estão presentes também bactérias do gênero Corynebacterium, responsáveis pelo odor axilar pungente dos esteróides androgênicos (JACKMAN & NOBLE, 1983). O método mais eficaz de inibir a produção de exoenzimas bacterianas responsáveis pelo mau odor axiliar são as composições desodorantes. O método consiste em produzir um veículo cosmético (emulsão, suspensão em gás, composição hidroalcoólica, entre outros) e adicionar um ativo desodorante dissolvido ou em suspensão, que tem como propriedade a inibição da produção das exoenzimas bacterianas que levam à produção dos cheiros desagradáveis. (EIGEN & FROEBE, 1997). Neste trabalho testamos a suscetibilidade de três espécies de bactérias semelhantes às que compõem a microbiota permanente das axilas (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538, Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 12228 e Corynebacterium xerosis ATCC 373), frente a três formulações cosméticas hidroalcoólicas de desodorantes em spray contendo ativos desodorantes. Utilizamos também a linhagem Escherichia coli ATCC 8739, pois esta enterobactéria pode estar presente nas axilas principalmente pelo contato destas com as mãos (BORICK & SARRA, 1960). A metodologia utilizada para os testes foi baseada na norma M7-A7 (CLSI, 2006), que trata dos testes de sensibilidade a agentes antimicrobianos por diluição para bactérias de crescimento aeróbico. A fórmula desodorante que teve melhor desempenho sobre...


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Levando em conta o contexto histórico, artístico e filosófico da Alemanha no início do século XX, bem como as iniciativas que buscavam uma nova concepção no ensino de Artes, os objetivos deste trabalho referem-se à realização de um estudo das concepções pedagógicas e metodológicas que permearam a escola de artes Bauhaus desde sua fundação, em 1919, até sua dissolução, em 1933, partindo das concepções pedagógicas daqueles que estiveram, de alguma forma, relacionados à história da instituição. A escola Bauhaus teve sua origem na República de Weimar, Alemanha, em um contexto de descontentamento com o ensino vigente das artes que não mais cumpria sua função na formação dos artistas. Propunha, dessa forma, uma volta às técnicas artesanais, realizando uma síntese entre o ensino das artes aplicadas e das artes livres. Assim, vemos que a Bauhaus, no âmbito do ensino de Artes, pode ser considerada como uma das mais relevantes iniciativas, procurando contemplar, em seu ensino e metodologia, tanto a arte autônoma quanto as artes aplicadas, promovendo uma união entre a técnica e o potencial criativo inerente ao ser humano. Diante se sua trajetória e concepções pedagógicas, vindas daqueles que sobre ela exerceram influência, é possível perceber a marca deixada pela existência da Bauhaus no cenário artístico, social e educacional no período que precedeu a Segunda Guerra Mundial, preservando-se ainda nos dias atuais


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Learning the written language has been the subject of research and study of various sciences in recent decades, in the same way that inclusion in regular education of students with disabilities such as autism, also has been the subject of discussions in the academic and even political. However, it can be observed that these two topics are disjointed, despite the importance of ownership of the system of writing by students with autism, because that would be a way to facilitate social interaction, which is the principal difficulty of this students. This research intend to describe the inclusion process of a student with autism into a common room of the initial years, in a public school, observing which are the strategies used by the teacher in the literacy process, as well as analyze the collaborative process developed by the researcher. The methodology was a qualitative and collaborative research, the kind of case study. The participants were a teacher and her students, from the cycle I of Primary School of a public school, among which, one is diagnosed with autism. The instruments used to the data’s analysis were interviews, with the teacher and the mother of the student with autism; the written productions of the student during the research; camp diary; and the observations made during the research. To the interventions, were used alternative practices, including material production (a mobile alphabet and a album of photos), that make more easy the process of literacy, The results showed the great difficulty in performing the interventions in a collaborative process, considering that in the observations, it was found that the practices of this teacher were traditional, and also there was no planning, on her part, content to be deal with the students. Otherwise, related to the development of the autism student’s written language, it could be seen like a breakthrough, have in...


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O presente trabalho busca apresentar os conceitos principais referentes à Teoria do Desenho de Mecanismos e sua aplicação à Teoria dos Conflitos Internacionais, e como sua utilização pode solucionar alguns problemas referentes à metodologia mais utilizada na análise dos conflitos, baseada na Teoria dos Jogos tradicional. Através de uma análise game-free, estabelecem condições gerais para a resolução de conflitos entre países, sem a necessidade de estabelecer formas de jogo específicas. Desse modo, determinam-se resultados para qualquer equilíbrio de qualquer forma de jogo que envolva países em disputa. O trabalho segue apresentando a relação causal entre incerteza e incentivos para revelar de maneira desonesta informações privadas como causas fundamentais de guerra. Analisam-se separadamente as condições que levam à guerra em dois tipos de incerteza, constantemente discutidas na literatura de conflitos internacionais: incerteza em relação ao custo de guerra e em relação à força relativa. Os resultados são apresentados com a devida formulação matemática


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O presente trabalho estuda questões relativas à área da Educação Infantil, no que tange à sua metodologia, em específico, ao método da Roda de Conversa e sua importância na sala de aula. Objetiva-se com este estudo, levantar o aporte teórico dessa estratégia metodológica, considerada por diversos autores e especialistas da educação, como uma ferramenta importante para os educadores, porque contribui no relacionamento e na interação entre professor e aluno e entre alunos e seus colegas, pois com o método da Roda de Conversa, o aluno passa a ter voz, é estimulado a se comunicar, melhor contextualizando seu aprendizado. O processo de ensino aprendizagem centrado nos métodos tradicionais de ensino, em geral, não valorizam o diálogo, ou seja, o professor é o único detentor do “status” do saber. Diversos autores que tratam do assunto foram abordados nessa pesquisa bibliográfica, com o intuito de oferecer subsídios para reflexões sobre a metodologia em pauta, considerando que ela pode se constituir em um importante instrumento para que o professor levante os conhecimentos prévios dos alunos, permitindo a eles, a expressão de suas idéias, o desenvolvimento da imaginação e da curiosidade, superando a relação controladora que normalmente está presente nos processos educacionais tradicionais, além de fomentar conceitos de democracia, respeito, valores, regras, cidadania e facilitar a análise de aspectos importantes do desenvolvimento, como a fala, a postura e a dicção. Parte-se do pressuposto, de que a Roda de Conversa pode auxiliar o aluno a tornar-se mais crítico, participativo e equilibrado na sua relação social


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O presente trabalho objetiva realizar uma leitura analítica dos aspectos extemporâneos implicados na criação da denominada tragédia carioca “Os sete gatinhos” escrita em 1958, pelo dramaturgo Nelson Rodrigues, com destaque para seu valor estético enquanto obra artística na abordagem de temas morais levantados pelo autor ao revelar, na expressão e no convívio entre os entes de uma família de baixa classe média, um modo de vida transcendental cunhado sobre valores historicamente cristãos. Sem desconsiderar os aspectos sociológicos implicados no contexto da peça, utilizaremos a genealogia nietzschiana como metodologia, considerando-a eficaz para a detecção dos pontos de fuga que a peça sugere ao desvelar através do fim trágico da família em questão sua relevância, além de artística, também educativa


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The constructivist methodology of literacy has been adopted in many schools, however, there are many criticism regarding the way teacher are devising the way how to teach children. To reflect on this aspect this research were carried out theoretical studies about the subject, as well as observations and reflections about the current process of literacy in Brazilian schools. Thus, in this research, the constructivist methodology of literacy was analyzed from its bases, in order to observe if the teachers are actually accomplishing their practice according to this “theory”, as well as the difficulties encountered by students on this methodology. Also was analyzed the methodology syllabic literacy, to be able to make a mapping of the positive aspects and the limitations presented by this method, in this way being able to reflect about adequacy of the analyzed methods of a better learning process of written language by children. This research aims to show that more important than the stark choice between a literacy method and the another is the commitment of the literacy teacher with the students who want to alphabetize, noting that the teacher should used, sometimes several methods to get the largest number of literate children in the classroom, emphasizing the work with good texts, so that children feel the taste and enjoyment of reading in their daily lives


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The aim of this study is to investigate the importance of playfulness and interpersonal relationships at school. The methodology of the study was divided into three phases: the first phase was a survey and analysis of studies in the field of childhood playfulness and interpersonal relationships, from a reference from a multidisciplinary reference, supported in the areas of Educational Psychology and history and sociology of childhood and the second was the realization of an empirical study in a classroom of 1st year of elementary school, in which we use as instruments the use of participant observation, semistructured interviews with six selected students and collected school records and the third phase focused on analysis of data from a qualitative perspective with dialogues between literature in the area and data analysis. Among the main directions of study have the following problematizations: school world not adapted in order to enroll in elementary school, lack of playfulness, interpersonal relations in this context. By analyzing this information and the main results we have the advancement of education in the new environment where playfulness, as the jokes were not taken during the year by the teacher, but remained present in the actions of children, highlighting also the symbolism and sets of rules. Interpersonal relationships were present at all times, between being a friend, share and discuss, through the interactions. Therefore, we consider that there are still challenges to deal with this new child who enters school as it relates to your mood, the play, study or friendship


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In a globalized world, organizations face an increasingly dynamic, innovative and competitive environment, so that this condition requires continuous adaptation to market developments. Intense competition requires organizations to further improve their performance, making productive efficiency a key factor for survival. A methodology that has added value to the product through a reconfiguration of the production method is the implementation of a management philosophy called Lean Six Sigma. The main objective of this work is, in the light of the Lean Six Sigma philosophy, intervene in a critical-collaborative way to develop procedures for analyzing the profitability of products in a company specializing in steel processing. To achieve this goal, were applied the method of action-research to intervene in a group of professionals for the study of the profitability of products in a auto parts industry. The interaction of practical and theoretical knowledge provided by the action-research allowed the business program was enhanced. The procedures proposed in this study were able to identify the current profitability of the product, the main causes of inefficiency and productive for solutions to reduce production inefficiencies, when the productive systems planned and actual production system were compared. The results indicate that current profitability of -3%, while the parameter provided during budget was 10%. Thus, it is concluded that the low profitability of the products may compromise the company's financial results and affect their competitiveness in the market. To address this problem, the Lean Six Sigma presents itself as a versatile and high applicability philosophy, providing relevant results for characterization and troubleshooting. It was also observed that the evidence presented in this paper can be adapted to other companies in the metal auto parts segment to identify and recover the profitability of products


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The electrical substations have the goal to transmit, distribute and change the characteristics of electrical energy transmission networks of dealers to the end user with a high rate of reliability and continuously. For this it’s necessary to accomplish a gathering of datas from the local dealers where will be installed the substation to make a good electric project. This work has the objective to gather all the contents relatives to electric project of substation that are scattered in the literature, in order to organize and develop a basic guide that presents a methodology to dimension electrical equipments that belong to an industrial substation at 15 kV. In addition to elaborate a basic guide, this work aids to specify electrical equipments installed in the substation, bringing information and comparisons to know and determinate the kind of equipments that will be used, in a correct and coherent way with the national and international rules. Ultimately, after determined, got and specified all the equipments that belongs to an industrial substation, the work mention in global manner how to calculate the dimension of substation physical arrangement, determining all the least and required dimensions of each cubicle


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Due to an intense process of population growth and urban density in Americana (SP), mainly due to the development of the local textile industry after 1970, there was, concomitant to the occupation of the margin of rivers and streams, soil sealing that increased the level of superficial runoff, triggering frequent floods. Based on the analysis of these processes we investigate the conditions of one densely urbanized area of the county, the Córrego do Parque, in three time series, 1977, 1996 and 2008. Taking as the starting the characterization and spatial distribution of landscape physiography, we prepared thematic letters and synthetic maps digital scale 1:10,000 from photointerpretation of aeroframes. The thematic maps were produced by scanning with subsequent edition using the software Auto-Cad Map. Checking the data and of geographic coordinates with GPS (Global Positioning System). Regarding land use classes, we used the description of the Soil Conservation Service (1975) which allowed us to get the Curve Number parameter, which will be used in hydrologic modeling for verification of flooding (Tucci, 1989). For the process of hydrologic modeling, we used models based on Methodology Object Oriented Modeling Applied to Water Resource Systems, Viegas Filho (1999), using the computer program called IPHS1, which uses models of the Soil Conservation Service (SCS , 2004), for conversion of rainfall-runoff and the spread of excessive rain. The results indicate that increased waterproofing generated by the change in use and occupation over the past decades promoted the increased surface runoff and drainage system overload, increasing the intensity of floods