885 resultados para Methods for Multi-criteria Evaluation
Climate change is already affecting many natural systems and human environments worldwide, like the semiarid Guadiana Basin in Spain. This paper illustrates a systematic analysis of climate change adaptation in the Guadiana irrigation farming region. The study applies a solution-oriented diagnostic framework structured along a series of sequential analytical steps. An initial stage integrates economic and hydrologic modeling to evaluate the effects of climate change on the agriculture and water sectors. Next, adaptation measures are identified and prioritized through a stakeholder-based multi-criteria analysis. Finally, a social network analysis identifies key actors and their relationships in climate change adaptation. The study shows that under a severe climate change scenario, water availability could be substantially decreased and drought occurrence will augment. In consequence, farmers will adapt their crops to a lesser amount of water and income gains will diminish, particularly for smallholder farms. Among the various adaptation measures considered, those related to private farming (new crop varieties and modern irrigation technologies) are ranked highest, whereas public-funded hard measures (reservoirs) are lowest and public soft measures (insurance) are ranked middle. In addition, stakeholders highlighted that the most relevant criteria for selecting adaptation plans are environmental protection, financial feasibility and employment creation. Nonetheless, the social network analysis evidenced the need to strengthen the links among the different stakeholder groups to facilitate the implementation of adaptation processes. In sum, the diagnostic framework applied in this research can be considered a valuable tool for guiding and supporting decision making in climate change adaptation and communicating scientific results.
The Pridneprovsky Chemical Plant was a largest uranium processing enterprises, producing a huge amount of uranium residues. The Zapadnoe tailings site contains the majority of these residues. We propose a theoretical framework based on Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis and fuzzy logic to analyse different remediation alternatives for the Zapadnoe tailings, in which potentially conflicting economic, radiological, social and environmental objectives are simultaneously taken into account. An objective hierarchy is built that includes all the relevant aspects. Fuzzy rather than precise values are proposed for use to evaluate remediation alternatives against the different criteria and to quantify preferences, such as the weights representing the relative importance of criteria identified in the objective hierarchy. Finally, it is proposed that remediation alternatives should be evaluated by means of a fuzzy additive multi-attribute utility function and ranked on the basis of the respective trapezoidal fuzzy number representing their overall utility.
La acuicultura, el cultivo y cra de animales y plantas acuticas, representa en la actualidad una fuente esencial de protena animal y vegetal altamente saludable y nutritiva, proporcionando un sistema de vida y de ingresos en todo el mundo. La acuicultura adems de ser un motor para el desarrollo social y econmico de las reas costeras marinas y fluviales mundiales, supone en muchas regiones subdesarrolladas una garanta de alimento de alta calidad y es clave en la seguridad alimentaria de sus poblaciones. El desarrollo de la acuicultura se ha realizado fundamentalmente en los ltimos 50 aos, y ha sido sobre todo en la dcada de los aos 80, cuando la acuicultura ha experimentado un fuerte crecimiento con tasas anuales que superan el 6%. Con el estancamiento de la produccin pesquera y el incremento de la poblacin mundial, la acuicultura se presenta como la nica fuente posible de suministro de protenas (vegetales y animales) de alta calidad, ricas en aceites omega 3 (EPA y DHA) de origen acutico. En la actualidad la produccin procedente de la acuicultura supera los 95 millones de toneladas anuales, siendo ligeramente superior a los 94 millones de toneladas anuales provenientes de la pesca extractiva. De este total mundial acucola, la produccin asitica representa el 89%, mientras que la europea el 4,2% Aunque el 46% de la produccin mundial acucola se concentra nicamente en solo 10 especies, una de las principales caractersticas de la acuicultura es la gran diversidad de especies cultivadas, ms de 500, realizndose su cra bajo diferentes tecnologas y sistemas productivos. El mbito de esta tesis, es nicamente la acuicultura marina que se desarrolla en las aguas del mar mediterrneo, indistintamente de los sistemas y tecnologa de produccin utilizados. Los principales grupos de cultivo que se realizan en las aguas del Mediterrneo son los moluscos y los peces, siendo muy escasos los cultivos de otros grupos como crustceos y macroalgas. La piscicultura marina mediterrnea est dominada por el cultivo en jaulas flotantes de dos especies, la dorada (Sparus auratus) y la lubina (Dicentrarchus labrax). Estas dos especies y tras 30 aos de experiencia de cultivo, mantienen todava una ineficiencia productiva alta (reducida seleccin gentica, lento crecimiento hasta talla comercial, alto factor de conversn del pienso) y adems ocupan un estrecho nicho de mercado, ya que prcticamente toda la comercializacin de la dorada y lubina se realiza en fresco y sin elaborar ni transformar, a una talla media de 500 g. Para dar respuesta desde la acuicultura mediterrnea al alto consumo y a la creciente demanda que en la Unin Europea existe de los productos acucolas, y en especial los productos elaborados y transformados, es necesario de manera urgente, un aumento de la produccin de las especies ya cultivadas (dorada y lubina) mediante la mejora de su eficiencia productiva, al mismo tiempo que se debe iniciar la produccin industrial de nuevas especies pisccolas, mediante la diversificacin de los cultivos. Para llevar a cabo esta diversificacin, se hace necesario el establecimiento de una metodologa clara, que asegure una seleccin de especies apropiadas y rentables para la industria acucola mediterrnea, cuyo cultivo sostenible debiera cumplir con los desafos que el sector tiene. Nuevas especies que complementen y cubran las demandas actuales y futuras del mercado Europeo e Internacional de productos acucolas. Nuevas especies con parmetros productivos eficientes, que garanticen unos costes productivos competitivos. Nuevas especies que puedan ser cultivadas utilizando como base la tecnologa de produccin ya existente en el sector. El objetivo de esta tesis es la definicin y desarrollo de una metodologa sencilla para la seleccin de nuevas especies pisccolas marinas para su cultivo eficiente y sostenible Y bajo la aplicacin de esta metodologa, la seleccin de un grupo de especies pisccolas para su cultivo rentable a corto y medio plazo (6-8 aos) en el Mediterrneo. Para ello se ha definido y aplicado una metodologa con la que se han evaluado diez especies candidatas, previamente escogidas de una serie de listas previas originadas en los distintos estudios y trabajos de diversificacin realizados con anterioridad por otros equipos de investigacin. Estas especies candidatas han sido: Seriola dumerili. (Seriola) , Argyrosomus regius (Corvina), Polyprion americanus (Cherna), Ephinephelus marginatus (Mero), Dentex dentex (Dentn), Pagrus pagrus (Pargo), Solea senegalensis (Lenguado del Senegal), Thunnus thynnus (Atn rojo), Mugil cephalus (Lisa), Coryphaena hippurus (Lampuga). El conjunto de estas especies ocupa un amplio y variado espectro dentro de las distintas reas de mercado, productiva, tecnolgica, y medioambiental . Y en todas ellas existe una experiencia mnima en sus diferentes fases de cultivo. En el desarrollo de la metodologa de seleccin, en esta tesis se han definido diversos parmetros de evaluacin, considerados como los ms significativos y sencillos de aplicar. Los parmetros se han agrupado en tres bloques, el comercial, el productivo y el medioambiental. El Bloque de Mercado, comprende aquellos criterios que estn relacionados con la comercializacin de la especie. Calidad de la carne del pescado. Competencia con otras especies en el mercado. Potencial de Transformado. Precio de venta del pescado. El bloque Medioambiental incluye criterios del grado de idoneidad de la especie en la regin y del grado de impacto ambiental de su cultivo. Rango de temperaturas del agua ptimo para el cultivo. Potencial impacto ambiental de su cultivo. Eslabn trfico de la especie.. El bloque Productivo, engloba los criterios y parmetros relacionados con el nivel de conocimiento y control que sobre su cultivo existen ( larvario, engorde, tecnologa) Grado de control de la fase larvaria. Disponibilidad de alevines en el sector Crecimiento. Factor de conversin Aprovechamiento de la capacidad productiva instalada, Coste de inversin. Previa a la evaluacin se han descrito las principales caractersticas de las especies candidatas en funcin del estado y experiencia actual sus cultivos. En la aplicacin de estos criterios se han establecido matrices de evaluacin y a cada criterio se le ha asignado un valor diferente en funcin de sus caractersticas y propiedades selectivas. Los resultados obtenidos mediante la aplicacin de la metodologa de evaluacin propuesta, han sealado la seriola y la corvina como especies ms recomendadas para su puesta en cultivo en el Mediterrneo a corto y medio plazo. Las otras dos especies seleccionadas han sido la lisa y la lampuga. Como conclusin final podemos sealar que el cultivo de nuevas especies es fundamentalmente para el desarrollo sostenible de la acuicultura mediterrnea. Esta diversificacin debe basarse en la aplicacin de una metodologa sencilla y prctica, que garantice una seleccin de especies cuyo cultivo sea rentable y abarquen nuevos segmentos de mercado. ABSTRACT Aquaculture, the cultivation and breeding of aquatic animals and plants, currently represents an essential source of highly nutritious and healthy protein that provides a way of life and income all over the world. Apart from being a social and economic driver in coastal and marine areas, it also entails a guaranteed high quality nourishment in many undeveloped areas being key to the alimentary safety of their population. Aquaculture has developed mainly in the last 50 years and experienced a high growth especially during the Eighties when the annual rates were above 6%. With fishing production stagnating and the global population increasing, aquaculture emerges as the only possible animal and vegetable protein source of aquatic origin, high in quality and omega 3 oils (EPA and DHA). Here and now, aquaculture production is over 95 million tons per year, which is slightly higher than the 94 million tons per year that come from extractive fisheries. From this aquaculture total, Asiatic production represents 89% while Europes is only 4.2%. Even though 46% of the global aquaculture production focuses just on 10 species, one of the main characteristics of aquaculture is the wide diversity of cultivated species over 500 using different technologies and production systems. This PhDs scope is only marine aquaculture in Mediterranean water, regardless of the technology or systems used. The main crop groups in the Mediterranean sea are molluscs and finfish, while crustacean and macroalgae cultivations are very limited. Mediterranean fish culture is dominated by the cultivation in floating cages of two species: Bream (Sparus auratus) and Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). After 30 years of farming, these two species still keep a high productive inefficiency reduced genetic selection, slow growth to marketable size, high feed conversion rate and fill a narrow niche market as practically all bream and bass is sold fresh and whole, unprocessed and untransformed, with an average size of 500 grams. To meet the high consumption and growing demand of aquaculture products, in the European Union (especially those prepared and transformed), Mediterranean aquaculture needs to urgently increase the production of the species already under cultivation (Bass and Bream) by means of improving its productive efficiency and at the same time begin initiating industrial production of new species by diversifying the cultivation. To carry out this diversification it is necessary to establish a clear methodology that ensures the selection of adapted and profitable species for the Mediterranean aquaculture industry. The sustainable farming of these new species needs to meet the challenges this sector faces: New species that complement and meet the current and future needs of the European and International markets for aquaculture products. New species with efficient production parameters that ensure competitive production costs. New species that can be cultivated using already existing production technologies. The aim of this PhD is to define and develop a simple methodology for the selection of new marine fish species for their efficient and sustainable cultivation. And by applying this methodology, to select a group of fish species for its profitable crop in the short and medium term (6-8 years) in the Mediterranean. For this, a methodology has been defined and applied evaluating ten candidate species selected from a series of lists originated from different studies and from diversification works previously conducted by other research teams. These candidate species are: Seriola dumerili. (Greater amberjack), Argyrosomus regius (Meagre), Polyprion americanus (Wreckfish), Ephinephelus marginatus (Dusky grouper), Dentex dentex (Common dentex), Pagrus pagrus (Red porgy), Solea senegalensis (Senegal sole), Thunnus thynnus (Bluefin tuna), Mugil cephalus (Grey mullet), Coryphaena hippurus (Dolphinfish). All these species occupy a broad and varied spectrum within different productive, technological and environmental market areas. There is minimal experience in their different stages of cultivation for all of them. While developing the selection methodology several evaluation parameters have been defined in this PhD, considered the most significant and simple to apply. The parameters are grouped in three blocks: commercial, productivity and environmental. Market block comprises criteria related to the marketing of the species. Quality of the fish meatCompetition with other species in the marketTransformation potentialFish selling price Environment block includes criteria related to the degree of suitability of the species in the region and the degree of environmental impact of their cultivation. Optimal water temperature range for cultivationPotential environmental impact of their cultivationTrophic chain level. Productivity block includes criteria and parameters related to the level of knowledge and control over their cultivation (larval, ongrowing, technology) Degree of control of the larval stageAvailability of alevin in the sector GrowthFeed conversion rate. Exploitation of installed capacityInvestment cost Prior to the evaluation, the main characteristics of the candidate species have been described based on the current status and experience of their cultivations. When applying these criteria evaluation matrices have been established assigning to each criteria a different value depending on their characteristics and selective properties. The results obtained by applying the proposed assessment methodology have identified the Greater Amberjack and Meagre as the most recommended species for farming in the Mediterranean in the short and medium term. The other two selected species were the Grey Mullet and the Dolphinfish. In conclusion, the cultivation of new species is crucial for the sustainable development of Mediterranean aquaculture. This diversification has to be based on the application of a simple and practical methodology that guarantees a selection of species whose cultivation is profitable and covers new market segments.
La estructura econmica mundial, con centros de produccin y consumo descentralizados y el consiguiente aumento en el trfico de mercancas en todo el mundo, crea considerables problemas y desafos para el sector del transporte de mercancas. Esta situacin ha llevado al transporte martimo a convertirse en el modo ms econmico y ms adecuado para el transporte de mercancas a nivel global. De este modo, los puertos martimos se configuran como nodos de importancia capital en la cadena de suministro al servir como enlace entre dos sistemas de transporte, el martimo y el terrestre. El aumento de la actividad en los puertos martimos produce tres efectos indeseables: el aumento de la congestin vial, la falta de espacio abierto en las instalaciones portuarias y un impacto ambiental significativo en los puertos martimos. Los puertos secos nacen para favorecer la utilizacin de cada modo de transporte en los segmentos en que resultan ms competitivos y para mitigar estos problemas moviendo parte de la actividad en el interior. Adems, gracias a la implantacin de puertos secos es posible discretizar cada uno de los eslabones de la cadena de transporte, permitiendo que los modos ms contaminantes y con menor capacidad de transporte tengan itinerarios lo ms cortos posible, o bien, sean utilizados nicamente para el transporte de mercancas de alto valor aadido. As, los puertos secos se presentan como una oportunidad para fortalecer las soluciones intermodales como parte de una cadena integrada de transporte sostenible, potenciando el transporte de mercancas por ferrocarril. Sin embargo, su potencial no es aprovechado al no existir una metodologa de planificacin de la ubicacin de uso sencillo y resultados claros para la toma de decisiones a partir de los criterios ingenieriles definidos por los tcnicos. La decisin de dnde ubicar un puerto seco exige un anlisis exhaustivo de toda la cadena logstica, con el objetivo de transferir el mayor volumen de trfico posible a los modos ms eficientes desde el punto de vista energtico, que son menos perjudiciales para el medio ambiente. Sin embargo, esta decisin tambin debe garantizar la sostenibilidad de la propia localizacin. Esta Tesis Doctoral, pretende sentar las bases tericas para el desarrollo de una herramienta de Herramienta de Ayuda a la Toma de Decisiones que permita establecer la localizacin ms adecuada para la construccin de puertos secos. Este primer paso es el desarrollo de una metodologa de evaluacin de la sostenibilidad y la calidad de las localizaciones de los puertos secos actuales mediante el uso de las siguientes tcnicas: Metodologa DELPHI, Redes Bayesianas, Anlisis Multicriterio y Sistemas de Informacin Geogrfica. Reconociendo que la determinacin de la ubicacin ms adecuada para situar diversos tipos de instalaciones es un importante problema geogrfico, con significativas repercusiones medioambientales, sociales, econmicos, locacionales y de accesibilidad territorial, se considera un conjunto de 40 variables (agrupadas en 17 factores y estos, a su vez, en 4 criterios) que permiten evaluar la sostenibilidad de las localizaciones. El Anlisis Multicriterio se utiliza como forma de establecer una puntuacin a travs de un algoritmo de scoring. Este algoritmo se alimenta a travs de: 1) unas calificaciones para cada variable extradas de informacin geogrfica analizada con ArcGIS (Criteria Assessment Score); 2) los pesos de los factores obtenidos a travs de un cuestionario DELPHI, una tcnica caracterizada por su capacidad para alcanzar consensos en un grupo de expertos de muy diferentes especialidades: logstica, sostenibilidad, impacto ambiental, planificacin de transportes y geografa; y 3) los pesos de las variables, para lo que se emplean las Redes Bayesianas lo que supone una importante aportacin metodolgica al tratarse de una novedosa aplicacin de esta tcnica. Los pesos se obtienen aprovechando la capacidad de clasificacin de las Redes Bayesianas, en concreto de una red diseada con un algoritmo de tipo greedy denominado K2 que permite priorizar cada variable en funcin de las relaciones que se establecen en el conjunto de variables. La principal ventaja del empleo de esta tcnica es la reduccin de la arbitrariedad en la fijacin de los pesos de la cual suelen adolecer las tcnicas de Anlisis Multicriterio. Como caso de estudio, se evala la sostenibilidad de los 10 puertos secos existentes en Espaa. Los resultados del cuestionario DELPHI revelan una mayor importancia a la hora de buscar la localizacin de un Puerto Seco en los aspectos tenidos en cuenta en las teoras clsicas de localizacin industrial, principalmente econmicos y de accesibilidad. Sin embargo, no deben perderse de vista el resto de factores, cuestin que se pone de manifiesto a travs del cuestionario, dado que ninguno de los factores tiene un peso tan pequeo como para ser despreciado. Por el contrario, los resultados de la aplicacin de Redes Bayesianas, muestran una mayor importancia de las variables medioambientales, por lo que la sostenibilidad de las localizaciones exige un gran respeto por el medio natural y el medio urbano en que se encuadra. Por ltimo, la aplicacin prctica refleja que la localizacin de los puertos secos existentes en Espaa en la actualidad presenta una calidad modesta, que parece responder ms a decisiones polticas que a criterios tcnicos. Por ello, deben emprenderse polticas encaminadas a generar un modelo logstico colaborativo-competitivo en el que se evalen los diferentes factores tenidos en cuenta en esta investigacin. The global economic structure, with its decentralized production and the consequent increase in freight traffic all over the world, creates considerable problems and challenges for the freight transport sector. This situation has led shipping to become the most suitable and cheapest way to transport goods. Thus, ports are configured as nodes with critical importance in the logistics supply chain as a link between two transport systems, sea and land. Increase in activity at seaports is producing three undesirable effects: increasing road congestion, lack of open space in port installations and a significant environmental impact on seaports. These adverse effects can be mitigated by moving part of the activity inland. Implementation of dry ports is a possible solution and would also provide an opportunity to strengthen intermodal solutions as part of an integrated and more sustainable transport chain, acting as a link between road and railway networks. In this sense, implementation of dry ports allows the separation of the links of the transport chain, thus facilitating the shortest possible routes for the lowest capacity and most polluting means of transport. Thus, the decision of where to locate a dry port demands a thorough analysis of the whole logistics supply chain, with the objective of transferring the largest volume of goods possible from road to more energy efficient means of transport, like rail or short-sea shipping, that are less harmful to the environment. However, the decision of where to locate a dry port must also ensure the sustainability of the site. Thus, the main goal of this dissertation is to research the variables influencing the sustainability of dry port location and how this sustainability can be evaluated. With this objective, in this research we present a methodology for assessing the sustainability of locations by the use of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) and Bayesian Networks (BNs). MCDA is used as a way to establish a scoring, whilst BNs were chosen to eliminate arbitrariness in setting the weightings using a technique that allows us to prioritize each variable according to the relationships established in the set of variables. In order to determine the relationships between all the variables involved in the decision, giving us the importance of each factor and variable, we built a K2 BN algorithm. To obtain the scores of each variable, we used a complete cartography analysed by ArcGIS. Recognising that setting the most appropriate location to place a dry port is a geographical multidisciplinary problem, with significant economic, social and environmental implications, we consider 41 variables (grouped into 17 factors) which respond to this need. As a case of study, the sustainability of all of the 10 existing dry ports in Spain has been evaluated. In this set of logistics platforms, we found that the most important variables for achieving sustainability are those related to environmental protection, so the sustainability of the locations requires a great respect for the natural environment and the urban environment in which they are framed.
Cover crop selection should be oriented to the achievement of specific agrosystem benefits. The covercrop, catch crop, green manure and fodder uses were identified as possible targets for selection. Theobjective was to apply multi-criteria decision analysis to evaluate different species (Hordeum vulgareL., Secale cereale L., Triticosecale Whim, Sinapis alba L., Vicia sativa L.) and cultivars according to theirsuitability to be used as cover crops in each of the uses. A field trial with 20 cultivars of the five specieswas conducted in Central Spain during two seasons (October?April). Measurements of ground cover, cropbiomass, N uptake, N derived from the atmosphere, C/N, dietary fiber content and residue quality werecollected. Aggregation of these variables through utility functions allowed ranking species and cultivarsfor each usage. Grasses were the most suitable for the cover crop, catch crop and fodder uses, while thevetches were the best as green manures. The mustard attained high ranks as cover and catch crop the firstseason, but the second decayed due to low performance in cold winters. Mustard and vetches obtainedworse rankings than grasses as fodder. Hispanic was the most suitable barley cultivar as cover and catchcrop, and Albacete as fodder. The triticale Titania attained the highest rank as cover and catch crop andfodder. Vetches Aitana and BGE014897 showed good aptitudes as green manures and catch crops. Thisanalysis allowed comparison among species and cultivars and might provide relevant information forcover crops selection and management.
A esteatose heptica, que se caracteriza pelo acmulo excessivo de gordura nas clulas do fgado, um problema que vem preocupando a comunidade mdico-cientfica, pois sua incidncia vem aumentando a nvel global, com expectativa de se tornar a doena crnica heptica de maior predominncia em vrias partes do mundo. Apesar de ser considerada uma doena benigna, a esteatose pode evoluir para doenas mais graves como cirrose, fibrose avanada, esteato hepatite (com ou sem fibrose) ou carcinoma. Entretanto, potencialmente reversvel, mesmo em quadros mais graves, o que refora a urgncia de se desenvolver mtodos confiveis para deteco e avaliao, inclusive ao longo de tratamento. Os mtodos atuais para diagnstico e quantificao da gordura heptica ainda so falhos: com a ultrassonografia no se capaz de realizar quantificao; a tomografia computadorizada faz uso de radiao ionizante; a puno (bipsia), considerada o padro ouro, precisa, mas invasiva e pontual. A Ressonncia Magntica (RM), tanto com espectroscopia (MRS) como com imagem (MRI), so alternativas completamente no invasivas, capazes de fornecer o diagnstico e quantificao da gordura infiltrada no fgado. Entretanto, os trabalhos encontrados na literatura utilizam sequncias de pulsos desenvolvidas especialmente para esse fim, com mtodos de ps-processamento extremamente rebuscados, o que no compatvel com o estado atual dos equipamentos encontrados em ambientes clnicos nem mesmo ao nvel de experincia e conhecimento das equipes tcnicas que atuam em clnicas de radiodiagnstico. Assim, o objetivo central do presente trabalho foi avaliar o potencial da RM como candidato a mtodo de diagnstico e de quantificao de gordura em ambientes clnicos, utilizando, para isso, sequncias de pulsos convencionais, disponveis em qualquer sistema comercial de RM, com protocolos de aquisio e processamento compatveis com queles realizados em exames clnicos, tanto no que se refere simplicidade como ao tempo total de aquisio. Foram avaliadas diferentes abordagens de MRS e MRI utilizando a bipsia heptica como padro de referncia. Foram avaliados pacientes portadores de diabetes tipo II, que apresentam alta prevalncia de esteatose heptica no alcolica, alm de grande variabilidade nos percentuais de gordura. Foram realizadas medidas de correlao, acurcia, sensibilidade e especificidade de cada uma das abordagens utilizadas. Todos os mtodos avaliados apresentaram alto grau de correlao positiva (> 87%) com os dados obtidos de maneira invasiva, o que revela que os valores obtidos utilizando RM esto de acordo com aquilo observado pela bipsia heptica. Muito embora os mtodos de processamento utilizados no sejam to complexos quanto seriam necessrios caso uma quantificao absoluta fosse desejada, nossas anlises mostraram alta acurcia, especificidade e sensibilidade da RM na avaliao da esteatose. Em concluso, a RM se apresenta, de fato, como uma excelente candidata para avaliar, de forma no invasiva, a frao de gordura heptica, mesmo quando se considera as limitaes impostas por um ambiente clnico convencional. Isso sugere que essas novas metodologias podem comear a migrar para ambientes clnicos sem depender das sequncias complexas e dos processamentos exticos que esto descritos na literatura mais atual.
Este trabalho trata da logstica envolvida em operaes de resposta a desastres, com foco na entrega final de suprimentos destinados a ajudar vtimas. Seu propsito investigar os objetivos pertinentes ao planejamento do transporte da carga e encontrar uma metodologia para definir estratgia que sirva tomada de deciso em campo. Para tanto, primeiramente identifica-se os objetivos adotados em modelos de Pesquisa Operacional para a tarefa em questo, atravs da anlise de contedo das publicaes pertinentes. Ento, a abordagem do Pensamento Focado em Valores utilizada para estruturar o problema. Finalmente, o mtodo Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique Exploiting Ranks (SMARTER) empregado na construo de um modelo de Anlise da Deciso Multicritrio (ADM), com consulta a um profissional experiente da rea humanitria e aproveitando a anlise da literatura previamente realizada. Neste processo, so elaboradas e avaliadas seis alternativas para a tomada de deciso condizentes com os valores da comunidade humanitria. Os resultados obtidos mostram que existe incompatibilidade entre os critrios de desempenho identificados nas publicaes existentes e os objetivos perseguidos pelo Tomador da Deciso (TD) real. De acordo com o modelo construdo, o atendimento de prioridades e a manuteno da sustentabilidade da operao so os objetivos que devem ser levados em conta para planejar a entrega de carga em ps-desastre, sendo que o custo e a equidade da distribuio no devem ser considerados. Conclui-se que o mtodo adotado til definio destes critrios e tambm ao desenvolvimento de estratgias que resultem em distribuies de ajuda melhores, aos olhos do prprio TD. Desta forma, ressalta-se que este trabalho contribui rea da Logstica Humanitria com a investigao dos objetivos, assim como ao campo da ADM pela formalizao dos processos de elaborao de alternativas, alm da adio de mais uma aplicao possvel ao repertrio do mtodo SMARTER.
The effects of climate change and the growing demand for water for domestic, industrial, agricultural and recreational activities have been led the use of treated wastewater (reclaimed water) for such applications. The artificial recharge of aquifers with treated wastewater can be an alternative way for restoring underground water volumes that can be used for satisfying some activities, particularly in water shortage areas or where their quality is not suitable for use. After a two-year monitoring period in the Vila Fernando WWTP (Guarda, Portugal), the characteristics of the treated effluent suggest that it could be used for infiltration for aquifer recharge. A multi-criteria analysis based on GIS was developed for site location of infiltration sites. The procedure has involved the combination of six thematic maps and environmental, technical and economic criteria, over an area of 6687.1 ha. About 6.4 ha were selected for suitable sites for infiltration and one of these sites (Quinta de Gonalo Martins, Guarda) was selected for collecting soil samples. The characterization of the soil indicates that is favorable to the infiltration of treated wastewater for artificial recharge of aquifers.
This paper introduces a compact form for the maximum value of the non-Archimedean in Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) models applied for the technology selection, without the need to solve a linear programming (LP). Using this method the computational performance the common weight multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) DEA model proposed by Karsak and Ahiska (International Journal of Production Research, 2005, 43(8), 1537-1554) is improved. This improvement is significant when computational issues and complexity analysis are a concern.
Many local authorities (LAs) are currently working to reduce both greenhouse gas emissions and the amount of municipal solid waste (MSW) sent to landfill. The recovery of energy from waste (EfW) can assist in meeting both of these objectives. The choice of an EfW policy combines spatial and non-spatial decisions which may be handled using Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). This paper addresses the impact of transporting MSW to EfW facilities, analysed as part of a larger decision support system designed to make an overall policy assessment of centralised (large-scale) and distributed (local-scale) approaches. Custom-written ArcMap extensions are used to compare centralised versus distributed approaches, using shortest-path routing based on expected road speed. Results are intersected with 1-kilometre grids and census geographies for meaningful maps of cumulative impact. Case studies are described for two counties in the United Kingdom (UK); Cornwall and Warwickshire. For both case study areas, centralised scenarios generate more traffic, fuel costs and emitted carbon per tonne of MSW processed.
This research project has developed a novel decision support system using Geographical Information Systems and Multi Criteria Decision Analysis and used it to develop and evaluate energy-from-waste policy options. The system was validated by applying it to the UK administrative areas of Cornwall and Warwickshire. Different strategies have been defined by the size and number of the facilities, as well as the technology chosen. Using sensitivity on the results from the decision support system, it was found that key decision criteria included those affected by cost, energy efficiency, transport impacts and air/dioxin emissions. The conclusions of this work are that distributed small-scale energy-from-waste facilities score most highly overall and that scale is more important than technology design in determining overall policy impact. This project makes its primary contribution to energy-from-waste planning by its development of a Decision Support System that can be used to assist waste disposal authorities to identify preferred energy-from-waste options that have been tailored specifically to the socio-geographic characteristics of their jurisdictional areas. The project also highlights the potential of energy-from-waste policies that are seldom given enough attention to in the UK, namely those of a smaller-scale and distributed nature that often have technology designed specifically to cater for this market.
This thesis includes analysis of disordered spin ensembles corresponding to Exact Cover, a multi-access channel problem, and composite models combining sparse and dense interactions. The satisfiability problem in Exact Cover is addressed using a statistical analysis of a simple branch and bound algorithm. The algorithm can be formulated in the large system limit as a branching process, for which critical properties can be analysed. Far from the critical point a set of differential equations may be used to model the process, and these are solved by numerical integration and exact bounding methods. The multi-access channel problem is formulated as an equilibrium statistical physics problem for the case of bit transmission on a channel with power control and synchronisation. A sparse code division multiple access method is considered and the optimal detection properties are examined in typical case by use of the replica method, and compared to detection performance achieved by interactive decoding methods. These codes are found to have phenomena closely resembling the well-understood dense codes. The composite model is introduced as an abstraction of canonical sparse and dense disordered spin models. The model includes couplings due to both dense and sparse topologies simultaneously. The new type of codes are shown to outperform sparse and dense codes in some regimes both in optimal performance, and in performance achieved by iterative detection methods in finite systems.
This thesis examined solar thermal collectors for use in alternative hybrid solar-biomass power plant applications in Gujarat, India. Following a preliminary review, the cost-effective selection and design of the solar thermal field were identified as critical factors underlying the success of hybrid plants. Consequently, the existing solar thermal technologies were reviewed and ranked for use in India by means of a multi-criteria decision-making method, the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Informed by the outcome of the AHP, the thesis went on to pursue the Linear Fresnel Reflector (LFR), the design of which was optimised with the help of ray-tracing. To further enhance collector performance, LFR concepts incorporating novel mirror spacing and drive mechanisms were evaluated. Subsequently, a new variant, termed the Elevation Linear Fresnel Reflector (ELFR) was designed, constructed and tested at Aston University, UK, therefore allowing theoretical models for the performance of a solar thermal field to be verified. Based on the resulting characteristics of the LFR, and data gathered for the other hybrid system components, models of hybrid LFR- and ELFR-biomass power plants were developed and analysed in TRNSYS. The techno-economic and environmental consequences of varying the size of the solar field in relation to the total plant capacity were modelled for a series of case studies to evaluate different applications: tri-generation (electricity, ice and heat), electricity-only generation, and process heat. The case studies also encompassed varying site locations, capacities, operational conditions and financial situations. In the case of a hybrid tri-generation plant in Gujarat, it was recommended to use an LFR solar thermal field of 14,000 m2 aperture with a 3 tonne biomass boiler, generating 815 MWh per annum of electricity for nearby villages and 12,450 tonnes of ice per annum for local fisheries and food industries. However, at the expense of a 0.3 /kWh increase in levelised energy costs, the ELFR increased saving of biomass (100 t/a) and land (9 ha/a). For solar thermal applications in areas with high land cost, the ELFR reduced levelised energy costs. It was determined that off-grid hybrid plants for tri-generation were the most feasible application in India. Whereas biomass-only plants were found to be more economically viable, it was concluded that hybrid systems will soon become cost competitive and can considerably improve current energy security and biomass supply chain issues in India.
Successful supply chain management requires the management of a complex, multi-stakeholder, multi-criteria system. Stakeholder inclusion in the supply chain design and decision making processes is an area of growing interest for companies looking to design sustainable supply chains or produce sustainable products. This paper demonstrates the use of the integrated quality function deployment and analytic hierarchy process (QFD-AHP) method for the inclusion of a wide group of stakeholder requirements into the supplier selection process. The method provides a weighted ranked list of evaluating criteria which can be used to assess potential suppliers in the UK renewable bioenergy industry. The bioenergy industry is suitable as there are many stakeholders placing various requirements upon potential biomass suppliers. The paper uses a mixture of literature review and semi-structured industry interviews to answer three research questions: which stakeholder groups are important when selecting biomass suppliers for the UK? What requirements are made by these stakeholders on the supply of biomass fuels and feedstocks? Which evaluating criteria are most important? 2013 Elsevier B.V.
The papers is dedicated to the questions of modeling and basing super-resolution measuring- calculating systems in the context of the conception device + PC = new possibilities. By the authors of the article the new mathematical method of solution of the multi-criteria optimization problems was developed. The method is based on physic-mathematical formalism of reduction of fuzzy disfigured measurements. It is shown, that determinative part is played by mathematical properties of physical models of the object, which is measured, surroundings, measuring components of measuring-calculating systems and theirs cooperation as well as the developed mathematical method of processing and interpretation of measurements problem solution.