997 resultados para Metallic part
Investigation into Improved Pavement Curing Materials and Techniques: Part 2 - Phase III, March 2003
Appropriate curing is important for concrete to obtain the designed properties. This research was conducted to evaluate the curing effects of different curing materials and methods on pavement properties. At present the sprayed curing compound is a common used method for pavement and other concrete structure construction. Three curing compounds were selected for testing. Two different application rates were employed for the white-pigmented liquid curing compounds. The concrete properties of temperature, moisture content, conductivity, and permeability were examined at several test locations. It was found, in this project, that the concrete properties varied with the depth. Of the tests conducted (maturity, sorptivity, permeability, and conductivity), conductivity appears to be the best method to evaluate the curing effects in the field and bears potential for field application. The results indicated that currently approved curing materials in Iowa, when spread uniformly in a single or double application, provide adequate curing protection and meet the goals of the Iowa Department of Transportation. Experimental curing methods can be compared to this method through the use of conductivity testing to determine their application in the field.
Concrete curing is closely related to cement hydration, microstructure development, and concrete performance. Application of a liquid membrane-forming curing compound is among the most widely used curing methods for concrete pavements and bridge decks. Curing compounds are economical, easy to apply, and maintenance free. However, limited research has been done to investigate the effectiveness of different curing compounds and their application technologies. No reliable standard testing method is available to evaluate the effectiveness of curing, especially of the field concrete curing. The present research investigates the effects of curing compound materials and application technologies on concrete properties, especially on the properties of surface concrete. This report presents a literature review of curing technology, with an emphasis on curing compounds, and the experimental results from the first part of this research—lab investigation. In the lab investigation, three curing compounds were selected and applied to mortar specimens at three different times after casting. Two application methods, single- and double-layer applications, were employed. Moisture content, conductivity, sorptivity, and degree of hydration were measured at different depths of the specimens. Flexural and compressive strength of the specimens were also tested. Statistical analysis was conducted to examine the relationships between these material properties. The research results indicate that application of a curing compound significantly increased moisture content and degree of cement hydration and reduced sorptivity of the near-surface-area concrete. For given concrete materials and mix proportions, optimal application time of curing compounds depended primarily upon the weather condition. If a sufficient amount of a high-efficiency-index curing compound was uniformly applied, no double-layer application was necessary. Among all test methods applied, the sorptivity test is the most sensitive one to provide good indication for the subtle changes in microstructure of the near-surface-area concrete caused by different curing materials and application methods. Sorptivity measurement has a close relation with moisture content and degree of hydration. The research results have established a baseline for and provided insight into the further development of testing procedures for evaluation of curing compounds in field. Recommendations are provided for further field study.
Cardiac rehabilitation is associated with a reduced risk of recurrence and mortality after an acute coronary syndrome. Cardiac rehabilitation is a multidisciplinary approach which starts during the acute hospital phase, then followed by a four to six weeks home-based or stationary program, in order to maintain long-term lifestyle changes. Despite the important health benefits of cardiac rehabilitation and its cost-effectiveness, only half of the patients in Europe will achieve a cardiovascular prevention program after an acute coronary syndrome. In the French part of Switzerland, one explanation for this low adherence might be the lack of both stationary and home-based program facilities.
Échelle(s) : [1:3 400 000 ca] Échelle de Lieues d'une heure, ou de 20 au Degré 80 = [10,4 cm] (d'après échelles graphiques).
Échelle(s) : [1:3 400 000 ca] Échelle de Lieues d'une heure, ou de 20 au Degré 80 = [10,4 cm] (d'après échelles graphiques).
Échelle(s) : [1:2 581 000 environ] A Scale of English Miles 100 [= 7,2 cm]
Aquest article examina un aspecte de la informació gramatical que inclouen els diccionaris. En concret, analitza el tractament lexicogràfic que els noms que poden formar part d'un determinant complex han rebut en diversos diccionaris. Són noms que, segons els contextos funcionen com a nucli d'un sintagma nominal o com a nucli d'un sintagma determinant. Els resultats d'aquest estudi demostren que la informació gramatical en aquest tipus de noms en la majoria de diccionaris és molt pobre i fins i tot nul·la. Com a alternativa, el treball proposa un primer disseny d'entrada lexicogràfica prototípica per aquest tipus de noms que al costat de la informació semàntica té en compte la informació gramatical i la informació pragmàtica.
Collection : Bulletin - Smithsonian institution. Bureau of American ethnology ; 40
Aquest treball presenta una proposta d’investigació mitjançant la qual es pretendràanalitzar com percep l’aprenent la incidència de l’ús de les eines comunicatives de l’entornvirtual en la motivació envers l’aprenentatge d’una llengua estrangera. L’objectiu delprojecte d’investigació serà indagar com l’alumnat es relaciona amb l’ús d’eines decomunicació de l’entorn virtual com a recurs en l’aprenentatge de l’anglès i com percep elgrau en que aquestes estimulen el seu interès en adquirir la llengua.Aquesta indagació es durà a terme mitjançant una investigació bàsicament qualitativa. Elsresultats seran extrets a partir de dos grups de subjectes, que expressaran la seva pròpiapercepció del caràcter motivador de les eines de comunicació de l’entorn virtual. A partirde l’anàlisi i comparació dels resultats, s’inferirà quins estímuls resulten incitadors per al’estudiant, i si aquests estan relacionats amb les eines comunicatives de l’entorn virtual; o,al contrari, si en són independents.
Heart transplantation (HTx) started in 1987 at two university hospitals (CHUV, HUG) in the western part of Switzerland, with 223 HTx performed at the CHUV until December 2010. Between 1987 and 2003, 106 HTx were realized at the HUG resulting in a total of 329 HTx in the western part of Switzerland. After the relocation of organ transplantation activity in the western part of Switzerland in 2003, the surgical part and the early postoperative care of HTx remained limited to the CHUV. However, every other HTx activity are pursued at the two university hospitals (CHUV, HUG). This article summarizes the actual protocols for selection and pre-transplant follow-up of HTx candidates in the western part of Switzerland, permitting a uniform structure of pretransplant follow-up in the western part of Switzerland.
Postmortem chemistry is becoming increasingly essential in the forensic pathology routine and considerable progress has been made over the past years. Biochemical analyses of vitreous humor, cerebrospinal fluid, blood and urine may provide significant information in determining the cause of death or in elucidating forensic cases. Postmortem chemistry may essentially contribute in the determination of the cause of death when the pathophysiological changes involved in the death process cannot be detected by morphological methods (e.g. diabetes mellitus, alcoholic ketoacidosis and electrolytic disorders). It can also provide significant information and useful support in other forensic situations, including anaphylaxis, hypothermia, sepsis and hormonal disturbances. In this article, we present a review of the literature that covers this vast topic and we report the results of our observations. We have focused our attention on glucose metabolism, renal function and electrolytic disorders.