930 resultados para Metal Oxides as Heterogeneous Catalysts


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The electron energy-loss near-edge structure (ELNES) at the oxygen K-edge has been investigated in a range of yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) materials. The electronic structure of the three polymorphs of pure ZrO2 and of the doped YSZ structure close to the 33 mol %Y2O3 composition have been calculated using a full-potential linear muffin-tin orbital method (NFP-LMTO) as well as a pseudopotential based technique. Calculations of the ELNES dipole transition matrix elements in the framework of the NFP-LMTO scheme and inclusion of core hole screening within Slater's transition state theory enable the ELNES to be computed. Good agreement between the experimental and calculated ELNES is obtained for pure monoclinic ZrO2. The agreement is less good with the ideal tetragonal and cubic structures. This is because the inclusion of defects is essential in the calculation of the YSZ ELNES. If the model used contains ordered defects such as vacancies and metal Y planes, agreement between the calculated and experimental O K-edges is significantly improved. The calculations show how the five different O environments of Zr,Y,O, are connected with the features observed in the experimental spectra and demonstrate clearly the power of using ELNES to probe the stabilization mechanism in doped metal oxides.


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The paper presents a new method to extract the chemical transformation rate from reaction–diffusion data with no assumption on the kinetic model (“kinetic model-free procedure”). It is a new non-steady-state kinetic characterization procedure for heterogeneous catalysts. The mathematical foundation of the Y-procedure is a Laplace-domain analysis of the two inert zones in a TZTR followed by transposition to the Fourier domain. When combined with time discretization and filtering the Y-procedure leads to an efficient practical method for reconstructing the concentration and reaction rate in the active zone. Using the Y-procedure the concentration and reaction rate of a non-steady state catalytic process can be determined without any pre-assumption regarding the type of kinetic dependence. The Y-procedure is the basis for advanced software for non-steady state kinetic data interpretation. The Y-procedure can be used to relate changes in the catalytic reaction rate and kinetic parameters to changes in the surface composition (storage) of a catalyst.


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Electrochemical capacitors, also known as supercapacitors, are becoming increasingly important components in energy storage, although their widespread use has not been attained due to a high cost/ performance ratio. Fundamental research is contributing to lowered costs through the engineering of new materials. Currently the most viable materials used in electrochemical capacitors are biomassderived and polymer-derived activated carbons, although other carbon materials are useful research tools. Metal oxides could result in a step change for electrochemical capacitor technology and is an exciting area of research. The selection of an appropriate electrolyte and electrode structure is fundamental in determining device performance. Although there are still many uncertainties in understanding the underlying mechanisms involved in electrochemical capacitors, genuine progress continues to be made. It is argued that a large, collaborative international research programme is necessary to fully develop the potential of electrochemical capacitors.


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Correlation analyses were conducted on nickel (Ni), vanadium (V) and zinc (Zn) oral bioaccessible fractions (BAFs) and selected geochemistry parameters to identify specific controls exerted over trace element bioaccessibility. BAFs were determined by previous research using the unified BARGE method. Total trace element concentrations and soil geochemical parameters were analysed as part of the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland Tellus Project. Correlation analysis included Ni, V and Zn BAFs against their total concentrations, pH, estimated soil organic carbon (SOC) and a further eight element oxides. BAF data were divided into three separate generic bedrock classifications of basalt, lithic arenite and mudstone prior to analysis, resulting in an increase in average correlation coefficients between BAFs and geochemical parameters. Sulphur trioxide and SOC, spatially correlated with upland peat soils, exhibited significant positive correlations with all BAFs in gastric and gastro-intestinal digestion phases, with such effects being strongest in the lithic arenite bedrock group. Significant negative relationships with bioaccessible Ni, V and Zn and their associated total concentrations were observed for the basalt group. Major element oxides were associated with reduced oral trace element bioaccessibility, with Al2O3 resulting in the highest number of significant negative correlations followed by Fe2O3. spatial mapping showed that metal oxides were present at reduced levels in peat soils. The findings illustrate how specific geology and soil geochemistry exert controls over trace element bioaccessibility, with soil chemical factors having a stronger influence on BAF results than relative geogenic abundance. In general, higher Ni, V and Zn bioaccessibility is expected in peat soil types.


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Methods to control the dispersion of gold in supported heterogeneous catalysts are very valuable due to the strong nanoparticle size dependence on their activity and selectivity towards many reactions. Additionally, the ability to disperse large, inactive gold nanoparticles to smaller nanoparticles provides an opportunity to reactivate, stabilise and increase the lifetime of gold catalysts making them more practical for industrial applications. Previously it has been demonstrated that the use of gas phase iodomethane (J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2009, 131, 6973; Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 2011, 50, 8912) was able to re-disperse gold from >20 nm particles to dimers and trimers. In the current work, we show that this technique can be applied using less hazardous halohydrocarbons treatments, both in the gas phase and the liquid phase. The ability of these individual halohydrocarbons to re-disperse gold as well as the extent to which leaching occurs is assessed.


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The combination of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) with chromium-substituted hydrotalcite (Cr-HT) supports makes very efficient heterogeneous catalysts (Au/Cr-HT) for aerobic alcohol oxidation under soluble-base-free conditions. The Au-support synergy increases with increasing Cr content of the support and decreasing AuNP size. In situ UV-Raman, X-ray absorption and photoelectron spectroscopic studies firmly establish that the strong Au-Cr synergy is related to a Cr ↔ Cr redox cycle at the Au/Cr-HT interface, where O activation takes place accompanied by electron transfer from Cr-HT to Au. The interfacial Cr species can be reduced by surface Au-H hydride and negative-charged Au species to close the catalytic cycle. A study of kinetic isotope effect indicates that alcohol O-H cleavage is facilitated by the presence of Cr, making a-C-H bond cleavage step more rate-controlling. Accordingly, a dual synergistic effect of Au/Cr-HT catalysts on the activation of O2 and alcohol reactants is proposed.


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Structures and catalytic activities of Au thin films supported at anatase TiO(2)(101)) and a Au substrate are studied by using density functional theory calculations. The results show that O(2) can hardly adsorb at flat and stepped Au thin films, even supported by fully reduced TiO(2)(101) that can highly disperse Au atoms and offer strong electronic promotion. Interestingly, in both oxide-supported and pure Au. systems, wire-structured Au can adsorb both CO and O(2) rather strongly, and kinetic analysis suggests its high catalytic activity for low-temperature CO oxidation. The d-band center of Au at the catalytic site is determined to account for the unusual activity of the wire-structured film. A generalized structural model based on the wire-structured film is proposed for active Au, and possible support effects are discussed: Selected oxide surfaces can disperse Au atoms and stabilize the formation of a filmlike structure; they may also serve as a template for the preferential arrangement of Au atoms in a wire structure under low Au coverage.


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Atendendo à produção de epóxidos em larga escala e à sua importância como intermediários versáteis, muita atenção tem sido dada à epoxidação de olefinas. Destaca-se a implementação do processo industrial de epoxidação de propileno em fase líquida com tBHP, usando complexos de molibdénio como catalisadores homogéneos (Halcon-ARCO). Neste trabalho foram investigados novos complexos à base de molibdénio como catalisadores (ou precursores) para epoxidação de olefinas em fase líquida. Foi objecto de estudo a identificação das espécies activas e a estabilidade dos catalisadores através da sua separação no final das reacções catalíticas, caracterização e reutilização. Escolheu-se como reacção modelo a epoxidação do ciscicloocteno com tBHP (em decano, tBHPdec), a 55 ºC. Estendeu-se o estudo dos desempenhos catalíticos a diferentes substratos, oxidantes, solventes e métodos de aquecimento. A maior actividade catalítica foi observada para os complexos [MoO2Cl2L2] (L=ligando dialquilamida), mais estáveis e fáceis de manusear que [MoO2Cl2] e complexos análogos com L {THF, MeCN} (Cap. 2). A partir destes complexos podem-se formar in situ espécies activas intermediárias do tipo [(MoO2ClL2)2(μ-O)]. O complexo [MoO2(Lzol)], Lzol= ligando oxazolina quiral (Cap. 3), é um catalisador estável e versátil, activo para a epoxidação de diversas olefinas (selectividades elevadas para epóxidos, mas enantioselectividades baixas), desidrogenação oxidativa de álcoois e sulfoxidação de sulfuretos. O catalisador foi também reciclado eficientemente, usando um líquido iónico (LI). O complexo iónico [MoO2Cl{HC(3,5-Me2pz)3}]BF4 (Cap.4) converteu-se nos complexos activos [{MoO2(HC(3,5-Me2pz)3)}2(μ-O)](BF4)2, [Mo2O3(O2)2(μ-O){HC(3,5-Me2pz)3}] e [MoO3{HC(3,5-Me2pz)3}]; quando dissolvido num LI, o catalisador foi reciclado com sucesso. A presença de água e o meio oxidante influenciaram a formação destas espécies. Os complexos [CpMo(CO)3Me] (Cap.5) e [CpMo(CO)2(η3- C3H5)] (Cap.6) originaram espécies activas similares (baseado nos testes catalíticos e nos espectros FT-IR ATR dos sólidos recuperados). Para [Cp'Mo(CO)2(η3-C3H5)], a influência do Cp' na actividade catalítica sugeriu a formação de espécies activas com este ligando. A partir dos complexos [Mo(CO)4L] formaram-se in situ catalisadores estáveis, que podem ser heterogéneos: para L=2-[3(5)-pirazolil]piridina formou-se [Mo4O12L4]; para L=[3- (2-piridil)-1-pirazolil]acetato de etilo formou-se [Mo8O24L4] (Cap.7). O uso de microondas (MO) como método de aquecimento em vez de um banho de óleo (BO) resultou no aumento da velocidade da reacção catalítica, devido ao aquecimento mais rápido da mistura reaccional (Caps. 5 e 7). A utilização da solução aquosa de tBHP em vez de tBHPdec era preferível, porque excluía o decano do sistema reaccional e mantinham-se elevados os rendimentos em epóxido (Caps. 2 e 6); optimizou-se o desempenho catalítico removendo a água das misturas reaccionais (Caps. 4 e 7). O melhor resultado para a epoxidação de limoneno foi observado para [CpMoCO3Me]: 88% de rendimento em epóxido (2 h, 55 ºC, método de aquecimento MO).


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This thesis presents the results of perturbed angular correlation (PAC) experiments , an experimental technique which measures the hyperfine interaction at probes (radioactive ions implanted in the materials to study), from which one infers local information on an atomic scale. Furthermore, abinitio calculations using density functional theory electronic obtain results that directly complement the experiments, and are also used for theoretical research. These methods were applied in two families of materials. The manganites, with the possible existence of magnetic, charge, orbital and ferroelectric orders, are of fundamental and technological interest. The experimental results are obtained in the alkaline-earth manganites (Ca, Ba, Sr), with special interest due to the structural variety of possible polymorphs. With probes of Cd and In the stability of the probe and its location in a wide temperature range is established and a comparison with calculations allows the physical interpretation of the results. Calculations of hyperfine properties in rare-earth manganites are also presented. The second type of materials in which hyperfine properties were studied are the Manganese pnictides: MnAs, MnSb, and MnBi, compounds in which magnetism is fundamental. The experimental results obtained mainly consider the MnAs compound, whose magneto-structural transition is of great interest. The transition is analyzed in detail with the local resolution characteristic of the technique, obtaining information of the character of the transition also with complementary, more conventional techniques. The last work in this thesis uses only the first principles calculations, continuing the theme of the hyperfine interactions, but this time with respect to ferroelectrics. Several transition metal oxides with perovskite or distorted structures are considered. The electric field gradient which exists due to the quadrupole interaction in nuclei is related to the spontaneous electric polarization, the main quantity measured in ferroelectrics. This study provides a fundamental theoretical basis for previous empirical studies, suggesting new directions for research in ferroelectrics and multiferroics using techniques which measure the electric field gradient.


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Este projecto de doutoramento tem como objetivo isolar e caracterizar sistematicamente novos polímeros de coordenação, no estado sólido. A presença de grupos rígidos possuindo, em particular, átomos de oxigénio e de azoto, deverá induzir interessantes propriedades fotoluminescentes (rendimentos quânticos e tempos de vida elevados, assim como vias de transferência de energia eficientes), que poderão permitir a utilização dos compostos poliméricos na produção de dispositivos funcionais. As diferentes abordagens sintéticas foram ajustadas para cada material e basearam-se, preferencialmente, nas sínteses hidrotérmicas e nas assistidas por radiação de microondas. A estrutura dos materiais foi elucidada a partir de métodos de difracção de raios X (de cristal único ou de pós) em conjunto com outras técnicas, tais como RMN de estado sólido, microscopia eletrónica, análises térmicas, espectroscopia vibracional e estudos de composição elementar. Os compostos microcristalinos foram sistematicamente estudados a fim de investigar outras propriedades além das de fotoluminescência. Alguns dos materiais revelaram multifuncionalidade apresentando simultaneamente tempos de vida na ordem dos milisegundos, elevados rendimentos quânticos e elevado desempenho como catalisadores heterogéneos. As propriedades magnéticas de um composto baseado em érbio foram igualmente estudadas, assim como as de adsorpção e permuta de solvente de uma estrutura porosa baseada em cério.


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In this study, an attempt has been made to find the textural, geochemical, sedimentological characteristics of sediments and water phases of the kayamkulam estuary located in the Southwest coast of Kerala, besides the impact of gas based thermal power plant located at the northern part of the estuary. Estuaries are an important stage in the transport of the solid weathering product of the earth’s crust. These weathered products or sediments are complex mixtures of a number of solid phases that may include clays, silica, organic matter, metal oxides, carbonates, sulfides and a number of minerals. Studies on the aquatic systems revealed the fact that it posses severe ecological impairments due to heavy discharge of sediments from 44 rivers, the continued disposal of pollutants rich materials from industries, sewage channels, agricultural areas and retting yards


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The present study describes the surface properties and catalytic activities of ferrospinels containing Co, Ni and Cu prepared by the low temperature route. Various physico-chemical methods have been adopted to characterise the systems. The reactions carried out are the Friedel-Crafts benzoylation of aromatics and the cyclohexanol decomposition. We have attempted the sulphate modification of the ferrites and have studied the surface and catalytic properties of the sulphated analogues.The work is presented in six chapters, the last chapter giving the summary and conclusions of the results presented earlier. Our samples prove as potential catalysts for the benzoylation of aromatics , for which truly heterogeneous catalysts are rare. Again , the materials show remarkable dehydration/dehydrogenation activities during cyclohexanol decomposition. There is plenty of scope for research in this field, especially in the development of environmentally benign catalysts for acylation reactions.


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Voltammetric sensors are an important class of electrochemical sensors in which the analytical information is obtained from the measurement of current obtained as a result of electrochemical oxidation/reduction.This current is proportional to the concentration of the analyte.Chemically modified electrodes(CMEs) have great significance as important analytical tools for the electrochemical determination of pharmaceuticals.The modification of electrode results in efficient determination of electro-active biomolecules at very lower potential without its major interferences.The operation mechanism of CMEs depends on the properties of the modifier materials that are used to promote selectivity towards the target analytes.Modified electrodes can be prepared by deposition of various compounds such as organic compounds ,conducting polymers,metal oxides,etc. on the various electrode surfaces.The thesis presents the development ,electrochemical characterization and analytical application studies of eight voltammetric sensors developed for six drugs viz.,Ambroxol,Sulfamethoxazole,PAM Chloride, Lamivudine,Metronidazole and Nimesulide.The modification techniques adopted as part of the present work include Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube(MWCNT) based modification.Electropolymerisation and Gold Nanoparticle (AuNP) based modifications.


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The prime intension of the present work was a synthetic investigation of the preparation, surface properties and catalytic activity of some transition metal substituted copper chromite catalysts. Homogeneous co-precipitation method is employed for the preparation of catalysts. Since the knowledge about the structure and composition of the surface is critical in explaining the reactivity and selectivity of a solid catalyst. a systematic investigation of the physico-chemical properties of the prepared systems was carried out. The catalytic activity of these systems has also been measured in several oxidation reactions of industrial as well as environmental relevance. The thesis is dedicated to several aspects of chromite spinels giving emphasis to its preparation, characterization and catalytic performance towards oxidation reactions.


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Various compositions of linear low density polyethylene(LLDPE) containing bio-filler(either starch or dextrin)of various particle sizes were prepared.The mechanical,thermal,FTIR,morphological(SEM),water absorption and melt flow(MFI) studies were carried out.Biodegradability of the compositions were determined using a shake culture flask containing amylase producing bacteria(vibrios),which were isolated from marine benthic environment and by soil burial test. The effect of low quantities of metal oxides and metal stearate as pro-oxidants in LLDPE and in the LLDPE-biofiller compositions was established by exposing the samples to ultraviolet light.The combination of bio-filler and a pro-oxidant improves the degradation of linear low density polyethylene.The maleation of LLDPE improves the compatibility of the c blend components and thepro-oxidants enhance the photodegradability of the compatibilised blends.The responsibility studies on the partially biodegradable LLDPE containing bio-fillers and pro-oxidants suggest that the blends could be repeatedly reprocessed without deterioration in mechanical properties.