968 resultados para Mesh smoothing


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li consumption is log-Normal and is decomposed into a linear deterministic trend and a stationary cycle, a surprising result in business-cycle research is that the welfare gains of eliminating uncertainty are relatively small. A possible problem with such calculations is the dichotomy between the trend and the cyclical components of consumption. In this paper, we abandon this dichotomy in two ways. First, we decompose consumption into a deterministic trend, a stochastic trend, and a stationary cyclical component, calculating the welfare gains of cycle smoothing. Calculations are carried forward only after a careful discussion of the limitations of macroeconomic policy. Second, still under the stochastic-trend model, we incorporate a variable slope for consumption depending negatively on the overall volatility in the economy. Results are obtained for a variety of preference parameterizations, parameter values, and different macroeconomic-policy goals. They show that, once the dichotomy in the decomposition in consumption is abandoned, the welfare gains of cycle smoothing may be substantial, especially due to the volatility effect.


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In this article we use factor models to describe a certain class of covariance structure for financiaI time series models. More specifical1y, we concentrate on situations where the factor variances are modeled by a multivariate stochastic volatility structure. We build on previous work by allowing the factor loadings, in the factor mo deI structure, to have a time-varying structure and to capture changes in asset weights over time motivated by applications with multi pIe time series of daily exchange rates. We explore and discuss potential extensions to the models exposed here in the prediction area. This discussion leads to open issues on real time implementation and natural model comparisons.


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The past decade has wítenessed a series of (well accepted and defined) financial crises periods in the world economy. Most of these events aI,"e country specific and eventually spreaded out across neighbor countries, with the concept of vicinity extrapolating the geographic maps and entering the contagion maps. Unfortunately, what contagion represents and how to measure it are still unanswered questions. In this article we measure the transmission of shocks by cross-market correlation\ coefficients following Forbes and Rigobon's (2000) notion of shift-contagion,. Our main contribution relies upon the use of traditional factor model techniques combined with stochastic volatility mo deIs to study the dependence among Latin American stock price indexes and the North American indexo More specifically, we concentrate on situations where the factor variances are modeled by a multivariate stochastic volatility structure. From a theoretical perspective, we improve currently available methodology by allowing the factor loadings, in the factor model structure, to have a time-varying structure and to capture changes in the series' weights over time. By doing this, we believe that changes and interventions experienced by those five countries are well accommodated by our models which learns and adapts reasonably fast to those economic and idiosyncratic shocks. We empirically show that the time varying covariance structure can be modeled by one or two common factors and that some sort of contagion is present in most of the series' covariances during periods of economical instability, or crisis. Open issues on real time implementation and natural model comparisons are thoroughly discussed.


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OBJETIVO: Comparar duas técnicas de tratamento da hérnia incisional em coelhos utilizando a tela de polipropileno apoiando um reforço peritônio - aponeurótico ou suturada nas bordas do anel herniário 'em ponte . MÉTODOS: Foram operados 60 coelhos para a produção de hérnia incisional, em uma incisão mediana de 4 centímetros. Após 30 dias, metade dos animais foram operados com o fechamento primário da parede, com colocação de uma tela de polipropileno apoiando o reforço e a outra metade dos animais com a colocação da tela suturada nas bordas do anel herniárioem ponte . Os animais foram avaliados com 30 (M1), 60 (M2)e 90 (M3) dias de pós-operatório. Os parâmetros analisados foram a evolução clínica, análise da força de ruptura da cicatriz, estudo macroscópico, análise microscópica e morfométrica. RESULTADOS: Não foram observadas diferenças significantes com relação a força de ruptura e estudos histológicos nos dois grupos e vários momentos estudados. Não houve diferença estatística com relação às complicações, embora os animais que receberam a telaem ponte tiveram aderências mais firmes e intensas à parede abdominal. CONCLUSÕES: As duas técnicas utilizadas para correção da hérnia incisional em coelhos não mostraram diferenças significantes quanto a força de ruptura, análise histológica e morfométrica. O número de complicações foi semelhante, porém a aderência de órgãos da cavidade abdominal à área de cicatriz foi muito mais intensa no grupo em que a tela foi colocadaem ponte .


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Traumatic injuries treatment of the fronto-naso-orbito-ethmoidal region has been one of the most challenging treatments within maxillofacial surgery, particularly of extensive orbital defects, very common in this type of pathologic condition. A 48-year-old man involved in a car collision presented an extensive bilateral fracture of the orbit medial wall, nasal bones, the nasal septum, and the frontal anterior table. The clinical and tomographic findings concluded the diagnosis of a maxilla and fronto-naso-orbito-ethmoidal fracture. Among the variety of biomaterials, the titanium mesh was elected because of the extension and magnitude of the bone defect, obtaining this way esthetic and functional results with better prognosis.


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A 2-month-old dog was presented with injuries involving both hind paws. Only the 5th digit and its digital pad were present on the right paw. Following a full-thickness skin graft, the 5th digital pad was transferred distal to the metatarsal bones. The transferred pad permitted weight-bearing on the limb.


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An improvement to the quality bidimensional Delaunay mesh generation algorithm, which combines the mesh refinement algorithms strategy of Ruppert and Shewchuk is proposed in this research. The developed technique uses diametral lenses criterion, introduced by L. P. Chew, with the purpose of eliminating the extremely obtuse triangles in the boundary mesh. This method splits the boundary segment and obtains an initial prerefinement, and thus reducing the number of necessary iterations to generate a high quality sequential triangulation. Moreover, it decreases the intensity of the communication and synchronization between subdomains in parallel mesh refinement. © 2008 IEEE.


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This study aimed to compare in vitro the shear bond strength between metallic brackets (Abzil) with conventional mesh bases and metallic brackets with bases industrially sandblasted with aluminum oxide using three adhesive systems, in order to assess the influence of sandblasting on adhesiveness and to compare 3 different bonding systems. Two hundred and forty bovine incisors were used and randomly divided into 6 groups (40 teeth in each group), according to the bracket base and to the bonding system. The brackets were direct-bonded in bovine teeth with 3 adhesive systems: System A - conventional Transbond™ XT (3M -Unitek); System B - Transbond™ Plus Self Etching Primer + Transbond™ XT (3M - Unitek) and System C - Fuji ORTHO LC resin-reinforced glass ionomer cement in capsules (GC Corp.). Shear bond strength tests were performed 24 hours after bonding, in a DL-3000 universal testing machine (EMIC), using a load cell of 200 kgf and a speed of 1 mm/min. The results were submitted to statistical analysis and showed no significant difference between conventional and sandblasted bracket bases. However, comparison between the bonding systems presented significantly different results. System A (14.92 MPa) and system C (13.24 MPa) presented statistically greater shear bond strength when compared to system B (10.66 MPa). There was no statistically significant difference between system A and system C.


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The applications of the Finite Element Method (FEM) for three-dimensional domains are already well documented in the framework of Computational Electromagnetics. However, despite the power and reliability of this technique for solving partial differential equations, there are only a few examples of open source codes available and dedicated to the solid modeling and automatic constrained tetrahedralization, which are the most time consuming steps in a typical three-dimensional FEM simulation. Besides, these open source codes are usually developed separately by distinct software teams, and even under conflicting specifications. In this paper, we describe an experiment of open source code integration for solid modeling and automatic mesh generation. The integration strategy and techniques are discussed, and examples and performance results are given, specially for complicated and irregular volumes which are not simply connected. © 2011 IEEE.


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The use of QoS parameters to evaluate the quality of service in a mesh network is essential mainly when providing multimedia services. This paper proposes an algorithm for planning wireless mesh networks in order to satisfy some QoS parameters, given a set of test points (TPs) and potential access points (APs). Examples of QoS parameters include: probability of packet loss and mean delay in responding to a request. The proposed algorithm uses a Mathematical Programming model to determine an adequate topology for the network and Monte Carlo simulation to verify whether the QoS parameters are being satisfied. The results obtained show that the proposed algorithm is able to find satisfactory solutions.


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This paper describes strategies and techniques to perform modeling and automatic mesh generation of the aorta artery and its tunics (adventitia, media and intima walls), using open source codes. The models were constructed in the Blender package and Python scripts were used to export the data necessary for the mesh generation in TetGen. The strategies proposed are able to provide meshes of complicated and irregular volumes, with a large number of mesh elements involved (12,000,000 tetrahedrons approximately). These meshes can be used to perform computational simulations by Finite Element Method (FEM). © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Purpose: It is recognized that chronic inflammation can cause cancer. Even though most of the available synthetic meshes are considered non-carcinogenic, the inflammatory response to an infected mesh plays a constant aggression to the skin. Chronic mesh infection is frequently the result of misuse of mesh, and due to the challenging nature of this condition, patients usually suffer for years until the infected mesh is removed by surgical excision. Methods: We report two cases of squamous-cell carcinoma (SCC) of the abdominal wall, arising in patients with long-term mesh infection. Results: In both patients, the degeneration of mesh infection into SCC was presumably caused by the long-term inflammation secondary to infection. Patients presented with advanced SCC behaving just like the Marjolin's ulcers of burns. Radical surgical excision was the treatment of choice. The involvement of the bowel played an additional challenge in case 1, but it was possible to resect the tumor and the involved bowel and reconstruct the abdominal wall using polypropylene mesh as onlay reinforcement, in a single stage operation. He is now under adjuvant chemotherapy. The big gap in the midline after tumor resection in case 2 required mesh bridging to close the defect. The poor prognosis of case 2 who died months after the operation, and the involvement of the armpit, groin and mesenteric nodes in case 1 shows how aggressive this disease can be. Conclusion: Infected mesh must be treated early, by complete excision of the mesh. Long-standing mesh infection can degenerate into aggressive squamous-cell carcinoma of the skin. © 2013 Springer-Verlag France.