989 resultados para Memory Tests
Task scheduling is one of the key mechanisms to ensure timeliness in embedded real-time systems. Such systems have often the need to execute not only application tasks but also some urgent routines (e.g. error-detection actions, consistency checkers, interrupt handlers) with minimum latency. Although fixed-priority schedulers such as Rate-Monotonic (RM) are in line with this need, they usually make a low processor utilization available to the system. Moreover, this availability usually decreases with the number of considered tasks. If dynamic-priority schedulers such as Earliest Deadline First (EDF) are applied instead, high system utilization can be guaranteed but the minimum latency for executing urgent routines may not be ensured. In this paper we describe a scheduling model according to which urgent routines are executed at the highest priority level and all other system tasks are scheduled by EDF. We show that the guaranteed processor utilization for the assumed scheduling model is at least as high as the one provided by RM for two tasks, namely 2(2√−1). Seven polynomial time tests for checking the system timeliness are derived and proved correct. The proposed tests are compared against each other and to an exact but exponential running time test.
Even though Software Transactional Memory (STM) is one of the most promising approaches to simplify concurrent programming, current STM implementations incur significant overheads that render them impractical for many real-sized programs. The key insight of this work is that we do not need to use the same costly barriers for all the memory managed by a real-sized application, if only a small fraction of the memory is under contention lightweight barriers may be used in this case. In this work, we propose a new solution based on an approach of adaptive object metadata (AOM) to promote the use of a fast path to access objects that are not under contention. We show that this approach is able to make the performance of an STM competitive with the best fine-grained lock-based approaches in some of the more challenging benchmarks. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Master Thesis to obtain the Master degree in Chemical Engineering - Branch Chemical Processes
Experimental optoelectronic characterization of a p-i'(a-SiC:H)-n/pi(a-Si:H)-n heterostructure with low conductivity doped layers shows the feasibility of tailoring channel bandwidth and wavelength by optical bias through back and front side illumination. Front background enhances light-to-dark sensitivity of the long and medium wavelength range, and strongly quenches the others. Back violet background enhances the magnitude in short wavelength range and reduces the others. Experiments have three distinct programmed time slots: control, hibernation and data. Throughout the control time slot steady light wavelengths illuminate either or both sides of the device, followed by the hibernation without any background illumination. The third time slot allows a programmable sequence of different wavelengths with an impulse frequency of 6000Hz to shine upon the sensor. Results show that the control time slot illumination has an influence on the data time slot which is used as a volatile memory with the set, reset logical functions. © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2015.
Master’s Thesis in Computer Engineering
To determine the rabies antibody level of twenty-four hyperimmune equine sera, Standard Mouse Neutralization (SMN) and Couterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIE) tests were carried out, both at the Instituto Butantan (IB) and Instituto Panamericano de Protección de Alimentos y Zoonosis (INPPAZ). Statistical analysis has shown a correlation (r) of 0.9317 between the SMN and CIE performed at the IB, while at the INPPAZ it scored 0.974. Comparison of CIE data of both laboratories yielded a correlation of 0.845. The CIE technique has shown to be as sensitive and efficient as the SMN in titrating antirabies hyperimmune equine sera. Based on CIE results, a simple, rapid and inexpensive technique, tilers of sera antibody can be reliably estimated in SMN test.
Dissertação apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Engenharia Civil
Crude Toxoplasma gondii antigens represent raw material used to prepare reagents to be employed in different serologic tests for the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis, including the IgM and IgG indirect hemagglutination (IgG-HA and IgM-HA) tests. So far, the actual antigenic molecules of the parasite involved in the interaction with agglutinating anti-T. gondii antibodies in these tests are unknown. The absorption process of serum samples from toxoplasmosis patients with the IgG-HA reagent (G-toxo-HA) demonstrated that red cells from this reagent were coated with T. gondii antigens with Mr of 39, 35, 30, 27, 22 and 14 kDa. The immune-absorption process with the IgM-HA reagent (M-toxo-HA), in turn, provided antibody eluates which recognized antigenic bands of the parasite corresponding to Mr of 54, 35 and 30 kDa, implying that these antigens are coating red cells from this reagent. The identification of most relevant antigens for each type of HA reagent seems to be useful for the inspection of the raw antigenic material, as well as of reagent batches routinely produced. Moreover the present findings can be used to modify these reagents in order to improve the performance of HA tests for the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis
Dissertation presented at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of Universidade Nova de Lisboa to obtain the Degree of Master in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
The objective of the present study is to standardize the technical variables for preparation and storage of Plasmodium falciparum and of antigen components extracted with the amphoteric detergent Zwittergent. P. falciparum obtained from in vitro culture was stored at different temperatures and for different periods of time. For each variable, antigen components of the parasite were extracted in the presence or absence of protease inhibitors and submitted or not to later dialysis. Products were stored for 15, 30 and 60 days at different temperatures and immunological activity of each extract was determined by SDS-PAGE and ELISA using positive or negative standard sera for the presence of IgG directed to blood stage antigens of P. falciparum. Antigen extracts obtained from parasites stored at -20oC up to 10 days or at -70oC for 2 months presented the best results, showing well-defined bands on SDS-PAGE and Western blots and presenting absorbance values in ELISA that permitted safe differentiation between positive and negative sera.
The last decade has witnessed a major shift towards the deployment of embedded applications on multi-core platforms. However, real-time applications have not been able to fully benefit from this transition, as the computational gains offered by multi-cores are often offset by performance degradation due to shared resources, such as main memory. To efficiently use multi-core platforms for real-time systems, it is hence essential to tightly bound the interference when accessing shared resources. Although there has been much recent work in this area, a remaining key problem is to address the diversity of memory arbiters in the analysis to make it applicable to a wide range of systems. This work handles diverse arbiters by proposing a general framework to compute the maximum interference caused by the shared memory bus and its impact on the execution time of the tasks running on the cores, considering different bus arbiters. Our novel approach clearly demarcates the arbiter-dependent and independent stages in the analysis of these upper bounds. The arbiter-dependent phase takes the arbiter and the task memory-traffic pattern as inputs and produces a model of the availability of the bus to a given task. Then, based on the availability of the bus, the arbiter-independent phase determines the worst-case request-release scenario that maximizes the interference experienced by the tasks due to the contention for the bus. We show that the framework addresses the diversity problem by applying it to a memory bus shared by a fixed-priority arbiter, a time-division multiplexing (TDM) arbiter, and an unspecified work-conserving arbiter using applications from the MediaBench test suite. We also experimentally evaluate the quality of the analysis by comparison with a state-of-the-art TDM analysis approach and consistently showing a considerable reduction in maximum interference.
Accepted in 13th IEEE Symposium on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia (ESTIMedia 2015), Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Astringency is an organoleptic property of beverages and food products resulting mainly from the interaction of salivary proteins with dietary polyphenols. It is of great importance to consumers, but the only effective way of measuring it involves trained sensorial panellists, providing subjective and expensive responses. Concurrent chemical evaluations try to screen food astringency, by means of polyphenol and protein precipitation procedures, but these are far from the real human astringency sensation where not all polyphenol–protein interactions lead to the occurrence of precipitate. Here, a novel chemical approach that tries to mimic protein–polyphenol interactions in the mouth is presented to evaluate astringency. A protein, acting as a salivary protein, is attached to a solid support to which the polyphenol binds (just as happens when drinking wine), with subsequent colour alteration that is fully independent from the occurrence of precipitate. Employing this simple concept, Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) was selected as the model salivary protein and used to cover the surface of silica beads. Tannic Acid (TA), employed as the model polyphenol, was allowed to interact with the BSA on the silica support and its adsorption to the protein was detected by reaction with Fe(III) and subsequent colour development. Quantitative data of TA in the samples were extracted by colorimetric or reflectance studies over the solid materials. The analysis was done by taking a regular picture with a digital camera, opening the image file in common software and extracting the colour coordinates from HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) and RGB (Red, Green, Blue) colour model systems; linear ranges were observed from 10.6 to 106.0 μmol L−1. The latter was based on the Kubelka–Munk response, showing a linear gain with concentrations from 0.3 to 10.5 μmol L−1. In either of these two approaches, semi-quantitative estimation of TA was enabled by direct eye comparison. The correlation between the levels of adsorbed TA and the astringency of beverages was tested by using the assay to check the astringency of wines and comparing these to the response of sensorial panellists. Results of the two methods correlated well. The proposed sensor has significant potential as a robust tool for the quantitative/semi-quantitative evaluation of astringency in wine.
This paper analyzes several natural and man-made complex phenomena in the perspective of dynamical systems. Such phenomena are often characterized by the absence of a characteristic length-scale, long range correlations and persistent memory, which are features also associated to fractional order systems. For each system, the output, interpreted as a manifestation of the system dynamics, is analyzed by means of the Fourier transform. The amplitude spectrum is approximated by a power law function and the parameters are interpreted as an underlying signature of the system dynamics. The complex systems under analysis are then compared in a global perspective in order to unveil and visualize hidden relationships among them.