932 resultados para Medizinische Modelle


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Diese Bachelorarbeit gliedert sich in einen theoretischen und einen praktischen Abschnitt. Zunächst werden Studien- und Berufswahlmodelle aus theoretischer Sicht betrachtet. Dabei ist festzuhalten, dass kein Ansatz existiert, der den komplexen Studienwahlprozess vollständig abbildet und erklärt. Jedoch ergänzen sich verschiedene Modelle, sodass alle bedeutenden Einflussfaktoren berücksichtigt sind. Ebenso die Conjointanalyse wird einer theoretischen Betrachtung unterzogen. Als eine Methode der Präferenzmessung wird dieses Analyseverfahren häufig eingesetzt, um die Vorziehenswürdigkeit von Produkten zu ermitteln. Sowohl im Bereich der Neuproduktentwicklung, als auch bei der Marktsegmentierung und der Preisfindung findet die Analyse Verwendung. Sehr charakteristisch für die Methodik ist, dass die Präferenzbeurteilung ganzheitlich für das Produkt erfolgt und nicht direkt einzelne Produkteigenschaften bei der Auskunftsperson abgefragt werden. Besonders relevant für diese Arbeit ist die Choice-Based Conjointanalyse. Die Vorziehenswürdigkeit von Konzepten werden basierend auf Auswahlentscheidungen von Probanden erfasst. Die Beweggründe bei der Studienortwahl aus Sicht der Studierenden an der Hochschule Anhalt werden im praktischen Abschnitt dieser Ausarbeitung mit Hilfe der Choice-Based Conjointanalyse untersucht. Dafür wurde ein Fragebogen entwickelt. Es konnte ermittelt werden, dass sowohl der Ruf der Hochschule, als auch die Heimatnähe und die Höhe des Semesterbeitrages bedeutende Einflussfaktoren bei der Studiengangwahl darstellen. Darüber hinaus werden Motive der Studiengangwahl analysiert. Festzuhalten ist, dass sowohl intrinsische Motive, aber auch extrinsische Motive von hoher Wichtigkeit sind.


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50 years ago, the introduction of penicillin, followed by many other antibacterial agents, represented an often underestimated medical revolution. Indeed, until that time, bacterial infections were the prime cause of mortality, especially in children and elderly patients. The discovery of numerous new substances and their development on an industrial scale gave us the illusion that bacterial infections were all but vanquished. However, the widespread and sometimes uncontrolled use of these agents has led to the selection of bacteria resistant to practically all available antibiotics. Bacteria utilize three main resistance strategies: (1) modification of their permeability, (2) modification of target, and (3) modification of the antibiotic. Bacteria modify their permeability either by becoming impermeable to antibiotics, or by actively excreting the drug accumulated in the cell. As an alternative, they can modify the structure of the antibiotic's molecular target--usually an essential metabolic enzyme of the bacterium--and thus escape the drug's toxic effect. Lastly, they can produce enzymes capable of modifying and directly inactivating antibiotics. In addition, bacteria have evolved extremely efficient genetic transfer systems capable of exchanging and accumulating resistance genes. Some pathogens, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and multiresistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis, have become resistant to almost all available antibiotics and there are only one or two substances still active against such organisms. Antibiotics are very precious drugs which must be administered to patients who need them. On the other hand, the development of resistance must be kept under control by a better comprehension of its mechanisms and modes of transmission and by abiding by the fundamental rules of anti-infectious chemotherapy, i.e.: (1) choose the most efficient antibiotic according to clinical and local epidemiological data, (2) target the bacteria according to the microbiological data at hand, and (3) administer the antibiotic in an adequate dose which will leave the pathogen no chance to develop resistance.


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All patients having undergone a coronarography during 1984 have been surveyed in Switzerland. This retrospective study has used existing data in the 13 centers practicing this diagnostic procedure. 4921 coronarographies were carried out in 1984, amongst 4359 patients. In terms of population-based rates, the national figures are 77 procedures/100,000 residents, and 68 patients/100,000 residents. Female rates are one fourth of the male rates (27/100,000 versus 112/100,000). For both sexes, the highest utilization rates are for the age groups 60-64. Swiss figures are relatively low when compared with other developed countries. However, patterns of utilization are very different within the country: according to the Canton of residence of the patient, the utilization rates (standardized for age and sex) vary from 8/100,000 to 160/100,000. There is a distinct gradient from south-west to north-east, which closely corresponds to the distribution of centers practicing the procedure. More intriguing is the fact that cardiovascular mortality shows an inverse geographical gradient, with the highest mortality in Cantons having the lowest rate of coronarography. Various reasons for the observed variations are discussed, in relation with differences in supply of diagnostic and therapeutic equipments, but also in relation with various patterns of demand related to differential morbidity rates and/or differential patterns of clinical decision.


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Frailty, ein geriatrisches Syndrom mit altersbedingter Gebrechlichkeit assoziiert, heisst Verlust physiologischer Reserven verschiedener Organe. Die Folge ist eine erhöhte Verletzlichkeit durch Stress. Eine allseits anerkannte Definition fehlt, und die Abschätzung erfolgt hauptsächlich aufgrund zweier Modelle: des Phänotyps nach Fried und des Index nach Rockwood. Frailty bringt ein deutlich erhöhtes Risiko für funktionelle Hilfebedürftigkeit, Hospitalisation oder Einweisung in eine Institution für Langzeitpflege sowie Tod mit sich. Der Spontanverlauf ist progressiv, kann aber auch reversibel sein, und daher könnte Prävention grundsätzlich in Frage kommen. Unsere Kenntnisse sind derzeit aber immer noch zu lückenhaft, als dass wir gezielt gegen Frailty angehen könnten. Klinische Forschung über Frailty wird erst seit kurzem betrieben. Die Empfehlung, den Frailtygrad durch Leistungsmessung (wie Ganggeschwindigkeit, Griffkraft etc.) zu evaluieren, stützt sich auf die Beobachtung eines Zusammenhangs mit einer späteren ungünstigen Entwicklung, und nicht darauf, dass wir wirksam eingreifen könnten. Klinische und epidemiologische Studien über Frailty sind wichtig. Da die Babyboomer nun älter werden, ist die Gefahr einer Epidemie funktioneller Hilfebedürftigkeit Mitte des Jahrhunderts absehbar, und somit stellt das Problem der Frailty eine grosse Herausforderung dar.


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In recent decades the percentage of energy derived from dietary fat has increased. The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between food taste preferences, BMI, age, gender and smoking habits. A computerized questionnaire using a hedonic scale (range 0 to 8) to quantify the liking for sweet and savoury, lean and fat foods, was filled by 233 adults: 171 normal weight (131 women, 40 men) and 62 overweight subjects (BMI > 25 kg/m2 42 women, 20 men). The majority of the subjects had a general preference for savoury lean food irrespective of their BMI or gender. Similarly, preference for sweet lean food was not influenced by the magnitude of the BMI. In contrast, overweight subjects had a preference for sweet fat food (p = 0.05) as well as for savoury fat food (p < 0.05). At any age or BMI, men preferred sweet fat food (p < 0.01). This was not the case for women. Overweight men over forty preferred savoury fat food, in contrast to overweight women of the same age (p < 0.01). The same difference existed between normal weight smokers and non-smokers. This study demonstrates that fat food preference plays a potential role in the development of obesity.


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Neue medizinische Entwicklungen lösen zugleich Hoffnungen und Ängste aus. Immer werden dabei auch Fragen zur ethischen Verantwortbarkeit dieser neuen Möglichkeiten aufgeworfen. Im Spannungsfeld zwischen dem wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt, der gelegentlich die Grenzen erprobten medizinischen Handelns erreicht, und materiellen Allokationsfragen wird das Bedürfnis nach einer «Ethik in der Medizin» immer stärker. Das vorliegende, auf die spezifischen Bedürfnisse der Schweiz ausgerichtete Buch schliesst hier eine grosse Lücke.


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Clinical epidemiology is the most currently used name for a comparatively new branch of medicine covering a certain number of activities related to the practice of clinical medicine, but using epidemiological techniques and methods. Clinical epidemiology has only just begun to be known in Europe, whereas units are being increasingly developed and expanded in North America, particularly within the clinical departments of hospitals. The methods it offers are valid for both practicing physicians and hospital doctors (or those being trained in hospitals) and serve the purpose of promoting a better quality medical service, especially where a more adequate evaluation of the effectiveness of diagnostic methods, therapy and prognosis in medicine is concerned. Clinical epidemiology proposes a methodology of medical reasoning and of decision-making, as well as techniques intended to facilitate the indispensable task of keeping up with advances in medical knowledge.


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Quality control in health care should be performed by health professionals. To do so they must define indicators, set up studies aimed at measuring and analyzing quality of care, and implement quality assurance programs in health care systems. The elements of a quality improvement program of this kind are described, with special emphasis on the contribution of epidemiology in this field.


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AIMS OF THE STUDY: Analysis of indications and results of paediatric renal transplantation in a single centre, before and after the introduction of cyclosporine A (CSA). METHODS: Historical retrospective study. RESULTS: 19 transplantations were performed in 14 patients (5 second grafts) between 1971 and 1987 (group I). 13 patients were transplanted between 1988 and 1998 (no second transplant) (group II). In group II, all the patients had immunosuppression with CSA, but none in group I. Group II, with CSA, showed better renal survival than patients without CSA. In group I, obstructive uropathies (posterior urethral valves, pyelo-ureteral junction stenosis, vesico-ureteral reflux) represent a common cause (35%) of terminal chronic renal failure (TCRF), whereas in group II they represent only 15% of the causes and chronic glomerulonephritis is the most common cause (69%) of TCRF. Acute and chronic graft rejections were the cause of 9 and 1 graft losses in group I and II respectively. Living related donors account for 14% of all renal transplantations in group I and 46% in group II. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of paediatric patients referred to Lausanne for TCRF is stable. We have observed a constant and steady decrease in obstructive uropathies leading to TCRF and renal transplantations, whereas glomerulonephritis are increasingly frequent. Graft survival has much improved since the introduction of cyclosporine A, without an increase in morbidity. In carefully selected cases, intrafamilial renal transplantation provides good results and helps to shorten the time spent on dialysis.


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The respiratory system and nutrition are linked. Obesity is sometimes seen in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but its prevalence, the morbidity and mortality induced by it are not known. In addition, the prevalence of malnutrition is high in COPD and the more severe the COPD is, the higher percentage of malnutrition is present. Emphysematous patients are more frequently undernourished than those suffering from chronic bronchitis. Malnutrition is the consequence of the hypermetabolism induced by the higher cost of breathing in emphysema. The survival rate of these patients is negatively affected by malnutrition. A careful assessment of nutritional status must be performed in all COPD patients, especially during an episode of acute respiratory failure. When signs of malnutrition are present, a nutritional intervention should be initiated rapidly. An amount of calories sufficient to meet the energy expenditure increased by the disease must be given. Excessive intake may overstress the respiratory system whose functional reserve is limited in COPD. The diet must include a well balanced percentage of fat, carbohydrates and proteins. Preservation of the fat-free mass is the minimum goal to reach in acute respiratory failure. After the resolution of the acute phase, a gain of weight should be attempted within a rehabilitation program.