944 resultados para Medium Access Control (MAC)


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Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) is a promising cryptographic primitive which significantly enhances the versatility of access control mechanisms. Due to the high expressiveness of ABE policies, the computational complexities of ABE key-issuing and decryption are getting prohibitively high. Despite that the existing Outsourced ABE solutions are able to offload some intensive computing tasks to a third party, the verifiability of results returned from the third party has yet to be addressed. Aiming at tackling the challenge above, we propose a new Secure Outsourced ABE system, which supports both secure outsourced key-issuing and decryption. Our new method offloads all access policy and attribute related operations in the key-issuing process or decryption to a Key Generation Service Provider (KGSP) and a Decryption Service Provider (DSP), respectively, leaving only a constant number of simple operations for the attribute authority and eligible users to perform locally. In addition, for the first time, we propose an outsourced ABE construction which provides checkability of the outsourced computation results in an efficient way. Extensive security and performance analysis show that the proposed schemes are proven secure and practical. © 2013 IEEE.


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Information is one of the most valuable organization s assets, mainly on a global and highly competitive world. On this scenery there are two antagonists forces: on one side, organizations struggle for keeping protected its information, specially those considered as strategic, on the other side, the invaders, leaded by innumerous reasons - such as hobby, challenge or one single protest with the intention of capturing and corrupting the information of other organizations. This thesis presents the descriptive results of one research that had as its main objective to identify which variables influence the Executives´ and CIOs´ perceptions toward Information Security. In addition, the research also identified the profile of Rio Grande do Norte s organizations and its Executives/CIOs concerning Information Security, computed the level of agreement of the respondents according to NBR ISO/IEC 17799 (Information technology Code of practice for information security management) on its dimension Access Control. The research was based on a model, which took into account the following variables: origin of the organization s capital, sector of production, number of PCs networked, number of employees with rights to network, number of attacks suffered by the organizations, respondent´s positions, education level, literacy on Information Technology and specific training on network. In the goal´s point of view, the research was classified as exploratory and descriptive, and, in relation of the approach, quantitative. One questionnaire was applied on 33 Executives and CIOs of the 50 Rio Grande do Norte s organizations that collected the highest taxes of ICMS - Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias on 2000. After the data collecting, cluster analysis and chi-square statistical tools were used for data analysis. The research made clear that the Executives and CIOs of Rio Grande do Norte s organizations have low level of agreement concerning the rules of the NBR ISO/IEC 17799. It also made evident that the Executives and CIOs have its perception toward Information Security influenced by the number of PCs networked and by the number of attacks suffered by the organizations


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A descontaminação dos explantes é um dos princípios básicos para o sucesso da cultura de tecidos. Um dos problemas diagnosticados na propagação in vitro da figueira, através de gemas apicais, é a contaminação endógena dos explantes por bactérias. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência de alguns antibióticos em meio de cultura para o controle de bactérias endógenas em gemas apicais de figueira. Foram avaliados os seguintes tratamentos: T1(sem adição de antibiótico); T2 (30 mg L-1 de cloranfenicol); T3 (250 mg L-1 de ampicilina sódica); T4 (500 mg L-1 de ácido nalidícico); T5 (150 mg L-1 de cefalotina sódica); T6 (500 mg L-1 de tetraciclina), e T7 (400 mg L-1 de norfloxacina). Após coletados em campo, os segmentos de ramos contendo as gemas foram colocados em recipiente com água corrente. Posteriormente, as gemas apicais foram imersas em álcool etílico a 70% e hipoclorito de sódio a 2,5%. Todo procedimento de desinfestação externa dos explantes foi realizado em câmara de fluxo laminar. Os explantes foram inoculados em tubos de ensaio contendo 15 mL de meio básico MS suplementado, após a autoclavagem, com as doses de antibióticos de acordo com os tratamentos estabelecidos. Após a inoculação, os explantes foram mantidos em sala de crescimento por quatro dias no escuro e, em seguida, sob fotoperíodo de 16 horas de luz branca fria e irradiância de 25 µmol m s-1, na temperatura de 22 ± 3ºC. A assepsia realizada externamente nos explantes foi suficiente para o controle de contaminação fúngica, e a adição de antibióticos ao meio, após autoclavagem, foi eficiente para o controle de bactérias endógenas, cujo antibiótico ampicilina sódica proporcionou mais de 90% de explantes sobreviventes.


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Nowadays due to the security vulnerability of distributed systems, it is needed mechanisms to guarantee the security requirements of distributed objects communications. Middleware Platforms component integration platforms provide security functions that typically offer services for auditing, for guarantee messages protection, authentication, and access control. In order to support these functions, middleware platforms use digital certificates that are provided and managed by external entities. However, most middleware platforms do not define requirements to get, to maintain, to validate and to delegate digital certificates. In addition, most digital certification systems use X.509 certificates that are complex and have a lot of attributes. In order to address these problems, this work proposes a digital certification generic service for middleware platforms. This service provides flexibility via the joint use of public key certificates, to implement the authentication function, and attributes certificates to the authorization function. It also supports delegation. Certificate based access control is transparent for objects. The proposed service defines the digital certificate format, the store and retrieval system, certificate validation and support for delegation. In order to validate the proposed architecture, this work presents the implementation of the digital certification service for the CORBA middleware platform and a case study that illustrates the service functionalities


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This work discusses the application of techniques of ensembles in multimodal recognition systems development in revocable biometrics. Biometric systems are the future identification techniques and user access control and a proof of this is the constant increases of such systems in current society. However, there is still much advancement to be developed, mainly with regard to the accuracy, security and processing time of such systems. In the search for developing more efficient techniques, the multimodal systems and the use of revocable biometrics are promising, and can model many of the problems involved in traditional biometric recognition. A multimodal system is characterized by combining different techniques of biometric security and overcome many limitations, how: failures in the extraction or processing the dataset. Among the various possibilities to develop a multimodal system, the use of ensembles is a subject quite promising, motivated by performance and flexibility that they are demonstrating over the years, in its many applications. Givin emphasis in relation to safety, one of the biggest problems found is that the biometrics is permanently related with the user and the fact of cannot be changed if compromised. However, this problem has been solved by techniques known as revocable biometrics, which consists of applying a transformation on the biometric data in order to protect the unique characteristics, making its cancellation and replacement. In order to contribute to this important subject, this work compares the performance of individual classifiers methods, as well as the set of classifiers, in the context of the original data and the biometric space transformed by different functions. Another factor to be highlighted is the use of Genetic Algorithms (GA) in different parts of the systems, seeking to further maximize their eficiency. One of the motivations of this development is to evaluate the gain that maximized ensembles systems by different GA can bring to the data in the transformed space. Another relevant factor is to generate revocable systems even more eficient by combining two or more functions of transformations, demonstrating that is possible to extract information of a similar standard through applying different transformation functions. With all this, it is clear the importance of revocable biometrics, ensembles and GA in the development of more eficient biometric systems, something that is increasingly important in the present day


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A study was conducted during 23 days in order to evaluate the impact of floating aquatic macrophyte on the water quality of a fishpond. Water samples were collected in four points, three inside the pond and one in water inlet. Drastic reduction of dissolved oxygen was observed in the pond, down to 0.87 mg/L. No significant differences (P > 0.05) were observed for total CO 2, nitrite and ammonia with respect to inlet water (P1) and inside the pond (P2, P3 e P4). Chlorophyll a displayed an inverse relationship with phosphorus. Among nitrogen compounds, ammonia presented the highest concentrations except in water inlet where nitrate was higher, 513.33 μg/l, as well as the highest conductivity values. The pH was slightly acid. The results obtained showed that the macrophyte cover promoted an adverse effect in the medium. Under control, aquatic plants might impact positively due to its capacity to reduce total phosphorus and nitrate in the water column as observed in this study.


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Objective - To evaluate the effects of increasing doses of remifentanil hydrochloride administered via constant rate infusion (CRI) on the minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) of isoflurane in cats. Animals - 6 healthy adult cats. Procedures - For each cat, 2 experiments were performed (2-week interval). On each study day, anesthesia was induced and maintained with isoflurane; a catheter was placed in a cephalic vein for the administration of lactated Ringer's solution or remifentanil CRIs, and a catheter was placed in the jugular vein for collection of blood samples for blood gas analyses. On the first study day, individual basal MAC (MAC Basal) was determined for each cat. On the second study day, 3 remifentanil CRIs (0.25, 0.5, and 1.0 μg/kg/min) were administered (in ascending order); for each infusion, at least 30 minutes elapsed before determination of MAC (designated as MAC R0.25, MAC R0.5, and MAC R1.0, respectively). A 15-minute washout period was allowed between CRIs. A control MAC (MAC Control) was determined after the last remifentanil infusion. Results - Mean ± SD MAC Basal and MAC Control values at sea level did not differ significantly (1.66 ± 0.08% and 1.52 ± 0.21%, respectively). The MAC values determined for each remifentanil CRI did not differ significantly. However, MAC R0.25, MAC R0.5, and MAC R1.0, were significantly decreased, compared with MAC Basal, by 23.4 ± 79%, 29.8 ± 8.3%, and 26.0 ± 9.4%, respectively. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance - The 3 doses of remifentanil administered via CRI resulted in a similar degree of isoflurane MAC reduction in adult cats, indicating that a ceiling effect was achieved following administration of the lowest dose.


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Environmental problems caused by synthetic fungicides have increased the search for alternative methods of control of plant diseases. The objective was to evaluate the effect of essential oil of citronella grass, on the fungus Rhizoctonia solani, in different methods of in vitro fungitoxicity. We used a randomized design in a factorial design with four replications, where the factors were composed of four methods for assessing the in vitro fungitoxicity of the essential oil of citronella grass (essential oil diluted in Tween 80 (0.5%) and embedded in the culture medium PDA (potato dextrose agar) still melting, essential oil diluted in Tween 80 (0.5%) and distributed on the surface of the PDA; oil essential diluted in Tween 80 (0.5%) and distributed on filter paper attached to the inner surface of the lid of the Petri dish, pure essential oil and distributed on the surface of the culture medium, and control) and five evaluation periods (2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 days of incubation). Was used 0.25μL mL-1 of citronella oil in all treatments. Of the treatments evaluated the use of pure oil distributed on the surface of the culture medium was more effective in reducing the mycelial diameter in all evaluations. In this method the rate of mycelial growth was 9,02 mm day-1, reaching in last evaluation 79,77 mm.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The search for more reliable security systems and information management of these systems is leading to a growing progress in new technologies investments that allow the implementation of equipment with a high level of reliability, but also have an agile and practical operation. This led people to turn increasingly looking for home automation systems, enterprise and industry for the automation and integration of their systems. The identification by radio frequency is very widespread today for ensuring both agility in handling records data, the reliability of their identification systems, which are increasingly advanced and less susceptible to fraud. Attached to this technology, the use of the database is always very important for the storage of information collected, the area where the MySQL platform is widely used. Using the open source Arduino platform for programming and manipulation of RFID module and LabVIEW software for the union of all these technologies and to develop a user-friendly interface, you can create a highly reliable access control and agility places a high turnover of people. This project aims to prove the advantages of using all these technologies working together, thus improving a flawed system effectively safety, cheaper and quicker


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)