988 resultados para Medical geography, history of medicine, medical cartography, climatotherapy, tuberculosis, altitude


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Le corps humain est l'objet privilégié d'action de la médecine, mais aussi réalité vécue, image, symbole, représentation et l'objet d'interprétation et de théorisation. Tous ces éléments constitutifs du corps influencent la façon dont la médecine le traite. Dans cette série de trois articles, nous abordons le corps sous différentes perspectives : médicale (1), phénoménologique (2), psychosomatique et socio-anthropologique (3). Ce premier article traite des représentations du corps en médecine, dont nous décrivons quatre types distincts, qui renvoient à autant de démarches scientifiques spécifiques et de formes de légitimité clinique : le corps-objet de l'anatomie, le corps-machine de la physiologie, le corps cybernétique de la biologie et le corps statistique de l'épidémiologie. The human body is the object upon which medicine is acting, but also lived reality, image, symbol, representation and the object of elaboration and theory. All these elements which constitute the body influence the way medicine is treating it. In this series of three articles, we address the human body from various perspectives: medical (1), phenomenological (2), psychosomatic and socio-anthropological (3). This first article discusses four distinct types of representation of the body within medicine, each related to a specific epistemology and shaping a distinct kind of clinical legitimacy: the body-object of anatomy, the body-machine of physiology, the cybernetic body of biology, the statistical body of epidemiology.


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Objectives: To investigate the associations between falls before¦hospital admission, falls during hospitalization, and length of stay in¦elderly people admitted to post-acute geriatric rehabilitation.¦Method: History of falling in the previous 12 months before admission¦was recorded among 249 older persons (mean age 82.3 ± 7.4 years,¦69.1% women) consecutively admitted to post-acute rehabilitation. Data¦on medical, functional and cognitive status were collected upon¦admission. Falls during hospitalization and length of stay were recorded¦at discharge.¦Results: Overall, 92 (40.4%) patients reported no fall in the 12 months¦before admission; 63(27.6%) reported 1 fall, and 73 (32.0%) reported¦multiple falls. Previous falls occurrence (one or more falls) was¦significantly associated with in-stay falls (19.9% of previous fallers fell¦during the stay vs 7.6% in patients without history of falling, P = .01),¦and with a longer length of stay (22.4 ± 10.1 days vs 27.1 ± 14.3 days,¦P = .01). In multivariate robust regression controlling for gender, age,¦functional and cognitive status, history of falling remained significantly¦associated with longer rehabilitation stay (2.8 days more than non¦fallers in single fallers, p = .05, and 3.3 days in multiple fallers, p = .0.1).¦Conclusion: History of falling in the 12 months prior to post acute¦geriatric rehabilitation is independently associated with a longer¦rehabilitation length of stay. Previous fallers also have an increased risk¦of falling during rehabilitation stay. This suggests that hospital fall¦prevention measures should particularly target these high risk patients.


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Objectives:To investigate the associations between falls before hospital¦admission, falls during hospitalization, and length of stay in elderly¦people admitted to post-acute geriatric rehabilitation. Method: History¦of falling in the previous 12 months before admission was recorded¦among 249 older persons (mean age 82.3±7.4 years, 69.1% women)¦consecutively admitted to post-acute rehabilitation. Data on medical,¦functional and cognitive status were collected upon admission. Falls¦during hospitalization and length of stay were recorded at discharge.¦Results: Overall, 92 (40.4%) patients reported no fall in the 12 months¦before admission; 63(27.6%) reported 1 fall, and 73(32.0%) reported¦multiple falls. Previous falls occurrence (one or more falls) was significantly¦associated with in-stay falls (19.9% of previous fallers fell¦during the stay vs 7.6% in patients without history of falling, P=.01),¦and with a longer length of stay (22.4 ± 10.1 days vs 27.1 ± 14.3 days,¦P=.01). In multivariate robust regression controlling for gender, age,¦functional and cognitive status, history of falling remained significantly¦associated with longer rehabilitation stay (2.8 days more in single fallers,¦p=.05, and 3.3 days more in multiple fallers, p=.0.1, compared to¦non-fallers). Conclusion: History of falling in the 12 months prior to¦post acute geriatric rehabilitation is independently associated with a¦longer rehabilitation length of stay. Previous fallers have also an¦increased risk of falling during rehabilitation stay. This suggests that¦hospital fall prevention measures should particularly target these high¦riskpatients.


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The adaptation of insect vectors of human diseases to breed in human habitats (domestication) is one of the most important phenomena in medical entomology. Considerable data are available on the vector mosquito Aedes aegypti in this regard and here we integrate the available information including genetics, behaviour, morphology, ecology and biogeography of the mosquito, with human history. We emphasise the tremendous amount of variation possessed by Ae. aegypti for virtually all traits considered. Typological thinking needs to be abandoned to reach a realistic and comprehensive understanding of this important vector of yellow fever, dengue and Chikungunya.


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This paper examines the use of the medical metaphor in the early theories of crises. It first considers the borrowing of medical terminology and generic references to disease which, notwithstanding their relatively trivial character, illustrate how crises were originally conceived as disturbances (often of a political nature) to a naturally healthy system. Then it shows how a more specific metaphor, the fever of speculation, shifted the emphasis by treating prosperity as the diseased phase, to which crises are a remedy. The metaphor of the epidemic spreading of the disease introduced the theme of the cumulative character of both upswing and downswing, while the similitude with intermittent fevers accounted for the recurring nature of crises. Finally, the paper examines how the medical reflections on the causality of diseases contributed to the epistemology of crises theory, and reflects on the metaphisical shift accompanying the transition from the theories of crises to the theories of cycles.


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This is a summary of some of the activities the Board was involved with in 2011. More information about the Board’s work is available in the agendas, minutes, reports and press releases on the website, www.medicalboard.iowa.gov, and the Board’s page on Facebook. Much has been accomplished in the past year, but much more remains to be done. The Board looks forward to the many challenges that lie ahead and will continue to strengthen and enhance services to the public and licensees. I am very proud of the staff and Board members and their commitment to excellent service to the citizens of Iowa.


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En primer lloc, aquest llibre conté una traducció i transcripció de la Topografia Mèdica de Vic, d'Antoni Millet, de 1798. Aquesta transcripció es completa amb una investigació analítica i detallada del context cultural en què sorgiren les primeres topografies mèdiques al nostre país.El present document suposa el redescobriment d'una figura rellevant de la medicina catalana, Antoni Millet, de qui també es recull una segona obra entorn a una epidèmia que afectà la ciutat de Ripoll l'any 1790.


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En aquesta publicació el doctor Vallribera enumera part del fons no catalogat de la Reial Acadèmia de Medicina de Catalunya, en concret 145 memòries trameses a l¿Acadèmia per tal d¿optar als premis de Topografies Mèdiques. L¿autor n¿enumera les característiques i afegeix una valoració personal.El valor dels treballs recollits rau en la diversitat d¿enfocaments dintre de la temàtica sanitària i en el seu considerable interès sociològic i per a la petita història local, doncs força d¿aquestes memòries es refereixen a poblacions catalanes però també a algunes espanyoles i fins i tot de les filipines.


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ICHC - International Conference on the history of cartography 14.-17. 6. 2003


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Le corps humain est l'objet privilégié d'action de la médecine, mais aussi réalité vécue, image, symbole, représentation et l'objet d'interprétation et de théorisation. Tous ces éléments constitutifs du corps influencent la façon dont la médecine le traite. Dans cette série de trois articles, nous abordons le corps sous différentes perspectives : médicale (1), phénoménologique (2), psychosomatique et socio-anthropologique (3). Ce premier article traite des représentations du corps en médecine, dont nous décrivons quatre types distincts, qui renvoient à autant de démarches scientifiques spécifiques et de formes de légitimité clinique : le corps-objet de l'anatomie, le corps-machine de la physiologie, le corps cybernétique de la biologie et le corps statistique de l'épidémiologie. The human body is the object upon which medicine is acting, but also lived reality, image, symbol, representation and the object of elaboration and theory. All these elements which constitute the body influence the way medicine is treating it. In this series of three articles, we address the human body from various perspectives: medical (1), phenomenological (2), psychosomatic and socio-anthropological (3). This first article discusses four distinct types of representation of the body within medicine, each related to a specific epistemology and shaping a distinct kind of clinical legitimacy: the body-object of anatomy, the body-machine of physiology, the cybernetic body of biology, the statistical body of epidemiology.


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This is a summary of some of the activities the Board was involved with in 2011. More information about the Board’s work is available in the agendas, minutes, reports and press releases on the website, www.medicalboard.iowa.gov, and the Board’s page on Facebook. Much has been accomplished in the past year, but much more remains to be done. The Board looks forward to the many challenges that lie ahead and will continue to strengthen and enhance services to the public and licensees. I am very proud of the staff and Board members and their commitment to excellent service to the citizens of Iowa.