998 resultados para Mecanismos da dor neuropática
El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar las propiedades mecánicas, así como los diferentes mecanismos de fractura activados mediante ensayos de indentación instrumentada, de electrolitos basados en circona estabilizada con itria ("yttria stabilized zirconia",YSZ) y ceria dopada con gadolinia ("gadolinia doped ceria", GDC), para pilas de combustible de óxido sólido, SOFCs. Ambos materiales, con un espesor final de 200 ¿m, se conformaron mediante prensado uniaxial a 500 MPa y se sinterizaron a 1400ºC. Propiedades mecánicas tales como la dureza (H) y el módulo de Young (E) han sido estudiadas a diferentes profundidades de penetración utilizando el algoritmo de Oliver y Pharr.
A dor no joelho é o sintoma mais comum na osteoartrite, sendo a principal causa de incapacidade crônica em idosos e uma das principais fontes de morbidade atribuível à osteoartrite em geral. As causas de dor no joelho em pessoas com osteoartrite não são facilmente entendidas e o conhecimento sobre as causas da dor é fundamental para que futuramente sejam realizadas intervenções específicas. A fadiga óssea representa o remodelamento do osso subcondral na osteoartrite, levando a uma consequente alteração na forma do osso e/ou perda óssea. No entanto, a fadiga óssea não é algo facilmente interpretado, pois é de difícil detecção na ausência de defeitos claros da cortical e pela sobreposição de estruturas ósseas nas radiografias convencionais. A fadiga óssea está associada não apenas a dor no joelho, mas também a rigidez e incapacidade. Se a fadiga ocorre antes da osteoartrite avançada, isso sugere que alterações no osso subcondral podem ocorrer simultaneamente a alterações da cartilagem e que tratamentos visando sua preservação podem não ser eficazes. Lesões com padrão de edema ósseo estão associadas e são fatores preditivos para fadiga óssea. Este trabalho tem por objetivo rever a literatura mostrando a importância da fadiga óssea e de como diagnosticar esta alteração nos exames de imagem.
Since its inception in the 80's, capillary electrophoresis has matured into a well established technique for the separation and analysis of complex samples. One of its strongest aspects is the ability to handle materials from a diversity of chemical classes, ranging from few to millions of Daltons. This is only possible because several modes of electrophoresis can be performed in a single capillary format. In this work, relevant aspects of capillary zone electrophoresis in its three modes (free solution, micellar and gel), capillary isoelectric focusing and capillary isotachophoresis are discussed and many representative applications are presented.
Desde que empezó la crisis hemos presenciado un doble proceso político que amenaza con socavar algunos de los avances más importantes en materia de igualdad de género realizados en época reciente. Por un lado, hemos asistido a un inmenso recorte del gasto público social y, por el otro, al ascenso por doquier de la derecha, la cual desempolva obcecada sus recetas de auxilio a la familia tradicional para salvarla de los supuestamente crecientes y virulentos ataques perpetrados sobre esta durante los últimos años. Estos dos procesos se encuentran profundamente relacionados y contribuyen a provocar nuevos y actualizados mecanismos de acumulación por desposesión del trabajo reproductivo no remunerado de las mujeres.
Proteins are potential targets for singlet molecular oxygen (¹O2) oxidation. Damages occur only at tryptophan, tyrosine, histidine, methionine, and cysteine residues at physiological pH, generating oxidized compounds such as hydroperoxides. Therefore, it is important to understand the mechanisms by which ¹O2, hydroperoxides and other oxidized products can trigger further damage. The improvement and development of new tools, such as clean sources of ¹O2 and isotopic labeling approaches in association with HPLC/mass spectrometry detection will allow one to elucidate mechanistic features involving ¹O2-mediated protein oxidation.
Electrochemical sensors have attracted considerable attention in recent years because they provide data about the chemical state of our surroundings and the dynamics of the chemical transformations in the form a spatially resolved image. Particular interest has been directed to measurements in restricted-volume samples as new technologies enable the fabrication of miniaturized versions of sensors with reproducible characteristics. Taking these aspects into consideration, this review focuses on the use of electrodes of micrometer dimensions to acquire chemical information in microdomains in which concentrations may not be spatially homogeneous. This is possible because microelectrodes allow fast-response measurements with micrometer resolution to be performed. On the other hand, the use of microelectrodes as amperometric sensors presents an inherent drawback owing to the insufficient specificity toward the substrate of interest. Hence, some comments on strategies to enhance the selectivity of amperometric sensors are also made. Finally, recent applications of structurally microscopic electrodes as in vivo sensors are shown, as well as a prospect of the future trend in this field.
Magnetic soils forming on tuffite of the region of Alto Paranaíba, Minas Gerais, Brazil, usually contain iron-rich spinels exceptionally rich in magnesium and titanium. In this work, samples of the magnetically separated portion from the sand fraction of a Brunizém (Chernossolo) and from its mother-rock material were analyzed with synchrotron X-ray diffraction and 57Fe-Mössbauer spectroscopy. Magnesioferite (MgFe2O4) and maghemite (its pure non-stoichiometric spinel structure, Fe8/3 ⊕ 1/3 O4, where ⊕ = cation vacancy, corresponds to γFe2O3) were the magnetic iron oxides so identified. Basing on these data, a consistent chemical-mineralogical model is proposed for the main transformation steps involving these iron oxides in the pedosystem, starting on magnesioferrite to finally render hematite (αFe2O3), passing through maghemite as an intermediate specie.
Glass-ceramics are prepared by controlled separation of crystal phases in glasses, leading to uniform and dense grain structures. On the other hand, chemical leaching of soluble crystal phases yields porous glass-ceramics with important applications. Here, glass/ceramic interfaces of niobo-, vanado- and titano-phosphate glasses were studied by micro-Raman spectroscopy, whose spatial resolution revealed the multiphase structures. Phase-separation mechanisms were also determined by this technique, revealing that interface composition remained unchanged as the crystallization front advanced for niobo- and vanadophosphate glasses (interface-controlled crystallization). For titanophosphate glasses, phase composition changed continuously with time up to the equilibrium composition, indicating a spinodal-type phase separation.
The biodegradation of lignocellulosic materials is an important natural process because it is responsible for the carbon recycling. When induced under controlled conditions, this process can be used for technological applications such as biopulping, biobleaching of cellulosic pulps, pre-treatment for subsequent saccharification and cellulosic-ethanol production, and increase of the digestibility in agroindustrial residues used for animal feed. In the present work, the enzymatic and non-enzymatic mechanisms involved in the biodegradation of lignocellulosic materials by fungi were reviewed. Furthermore, the technological applications of these extracellular metabolites are presented and discussed.
Solutions of [hydroxy(tosyloxy)iodo]benzene (HTIB or Koser's reagent) in acetonitrile were analyzed using high resolution electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS) under different conditions. Several species were characterized in these analyses. Based on these data, mechanisms were proposed for the disproportionation of the iodine(III) compounds in iodine(V) and iodine(I) species.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da concentração de soluções de sacarose, sucralose e açúcar invertido sobre a cinética da desidratação osmótica de pedaços de goiaba. Frações de 1/12 do fruto foram imersas em soluções de sacarose a 0,5 e 0,4 g mL-1; de sacarose a 0,3 g mL-1 + sucralose a 0,2 g L-1 e em xarope de açúcar invertido, a 50 ºC, por 2 h, sob agitação de 60 min. A solução de açúcar invertido promoveu maior perda de água e redução de massa nas amostras de goiaba submetidas à desidratação osmótica. O melhor desempenho foi obtido para o tratamento em solução de sacarose a 0,4 g mL-1; com perda de água e redução de massa semelhantes aos valores obtidos na imersão em solução de sacarose a 0,5 g mL-1 e ganho de sólidos similar ao observado em solução de sacarose a 0,3 g mL-1.