995 resultados para Mast cell degranulation
The amino acid L-glutamate is a neurotransmitter that mediates fast neuronal excitation in a majority of synapses in the central nervous system. Glutamate stimulates both N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and non-NMDA receptors. While activation of NMDA receptors has been implicated in a variety of neurophysiologic processes, excessive NMDA receptor stimulation (excitotoxicity) is thought to be primarily responsible for neuronal injury in a wide variety of acute neurological disorders including hypoxia-ischemia, seizures, and trauma. Very little is known about endogenous molecules and mechanisms capable of modulating excitotoxic neuronal death. Saturated N-acylethanolamides like palmitoylethanolamide accumulate in ischemic tissues and are synthesized by neurons upon excitatory amino acid receptor activation. Here we report that palmitoylethanolamide, but not the cognate N-acylamide anandamide (the ethanolamide of arachidonic acid), protects cultured mouse cerebellar granule cells against glutamate toxicity in a delayed postagonist paradigm. Palmitoylethanolamide reduced this injury in a concentration-dependent manner and was maximally effective when added 15-min postglutamate. Cannabinoids, which like palmitoylethanolamide are functionally active at the peripheral cannabinoid receptor CB2 on mast cells, also prevented neuron loss in this delayed postglutamate model. Furthermore, the neuroprotective effects of palmitoylethanolamide, as well as that of the active cannabinoids, were efficiently antagonized by the candidate central cannabinoid receptor (CB1) agonist anandamide. Analogous pharmacological behaviors have been observed for palmitoylethanolamide (ALI-Amides) in downmodulating mast cell activation. Cerebellar granule cells expressed mRNA for CB1 and CB2 by in situ hybridization, while two cannabinoid binding sites were detected in cerebellar membranes. The results suggest that (i) non-CB1 cannabinoid receptors control, upon agonist binding, the downstream consequences of an excitotoxic stimulus; (ii) palmitoylethanolamide, unlike anandamide, behaves as an endogenous agonist for CB2-like receptors on granule cells; and (iii) activation of such receptors may serve to downmodulate deleterious cellular processes following pathological events or noxious stimuli in both the nervous and immune systems.
The recent demonstration of the occurrence in rat brain and other nonpancreatic tissues of carboxypeptidase A (CPA) gene transcripts without associated catalytic activity could be ascribed to the presence of a soluble endogenous protein inhibitor. This tissue carboxypeptidase inhibitor (TCI), detected by the inhibition of added bovine pancreatic CPA, was purified from rat brain. Peptides were obtained by partial proteolysis of purified TCI, a protein of approximately 30 kDa, and starting from their sequences, a full-length cDNA encoding a 223-amino acid protein containing three potential phosphorylation sites was cloned from a cDNA library. Its identity with TCI was shown by expression in Escherichia coli of a recombinant protein recognized by antibodies raised against native TCI and display characteristic CPA-inhibiting activity. TCI appears as a hardly reversible, non-competitive, and potent inhibitor of CPA1 and CPA2 (Ki approximately 3 nM) and mast-cell CPA (Ki = 16 nM) and inactive on various other proteases. This pattern of selectivity might be attributable to a limited homology of a 11-amino acid sequence with sequences within the activation segments of CPA and CPB known to interact with residues within their active sites. The widespread expression of TCI in a number of tissues (e.g., brain, lung, or digestive tract) and its apparently cytosolic localization point to a rather general functional role, e.g., in the control of cytosolic protein degradation.
Both stem cells and mast cells express c-kit and proliferate after exposure to c-kit ligand. Mutations in c-kit may enhance or interfere with the ability of c-kit receptor to initiate the intracellular pathways resulting in cell proliferation. These observations suggested to us that mastocytosis might in some patients result from mutations in c-kit. cDNA synthesized from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with indolent mastocytosis, mastocytosis with an associated hematologic disorder, aggressive mastocytosis, solitary mastocytoma, and chronic myelomonocytic leukemia unassociated with mastocytosis was thus screened for a mutation of c-kit. This analysis revealed that four of four mastocytosis patients with an associated hematologic disorder with predominantly myelodysplastic features had an A-->T substitution at nt 2468 of c-kit mRNA that causes an Asp-816-->Val substitution. One of one patient examined who had mastocytosis with an associated hematologic disorder had the corresponding mutation in genomic DNA. Identical or similar amino acid substitutions in mast cell lines result in ligand-independent autophosphorylation of the c-kit receptor. This mutation was not identified in the patients within the other disease categories or in 67 of 67 controls. The identification of the point mutation Asp816Val in c-kit in patients with mastocytosis with an associated hematologic disorder provides insight not only into the pathogenesis of this form of mastocytosis but also into how hematopoiesis may become dysregulated and may serve to provide a means of confirming the diagnosis, assessing prognosis, and developing intervention strategies.
Protease-activated receptors (PARs) are widely distributed in human airways. They couple to G-proteins and are activated after proteolytic cleavage of the N terminus of the receptor. Evidence is growing that PAR subtype 2 plays a pivotal role in inflammatory airway diseases, such as allergic asthma or bronchitis. However, nothing is known about the effects of PAR-2 on electrolyte transport in the native airways. PAR-2 is expressed in airway epithelial cells, where they are activated by mast cell tryptase, neutrophil proteinase 3, or trypsin. Recent studies produced conflicting results about the functional consequence of PAR-2 stimulation. Here we report that stimulation of PAR-2 receptors in mouse and human airways leads to a change in electrolyte transport and a shift from absorption to secretion. Although PAR-2 appears to be expressed on both sides of the epithelium, only basolateral stimulation results in inhibition of amiloride sensitive Na+ conductance and stimulation of both luminal Cl- channels and basolateral K+ channels. The present data indicate that these changes occur through activation of phospholipase C and increase in intracellular Ca2+, which activates basolateral SK4 K+ channels and luminal Ca2+-dependent Cl- channels. In addition, the present data suggest a PAR-2 mediated release of prostaglandin E2, which may contribute to the secretory response. In conclusion, these results provide further evidence for a role of PAR-2 in inflammatory airway disease: stimulation of these receptors may cause accumulation of airway surface liquid, which, however, may help to flush noxious stimuli away from the affected airways. ©2005 FASEB
Protease activated receptors (PARs) are a category of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) implicated in the progression of a wide range of diseases, including thrombosis, inflammatory disorders, and proliferative diseases. Signal transduction via PARs proceeds via an unusual activation mechanism. Instead of being activated through direct interaction with an extracellular signal like most GPCRs. they are self-activated following cleavage of their extracellular N-terminus by serine proteases to generate a new receptor N-terminus that acts as an intramolecular ligand by folding back onto itself and triggering receptor activation. Short synthetic peptides corresponding to this newly exposed N-terminal tethered ligand can activate three of the four known PARs in the absence of proteases. and such PAR activating peptides (PAR-APs) have served as templates for agonist/antagonist development. In fact much of the evidence for involvement of PARs in diseases has relied upon use of PAR-APs. often of low potency and uncertain selectivity. This review summarizes current structures of PAR agonists and antagonists, the need for more selective and more potent PAR ligands that activate or antagonize this intriguing class of receptors, and outlines the background relevant to PAR activation, assay methods, and physiological properties anticipated for PAR ligands.
Allergic eye disease encompasses a group of hypersensitivity disorders which primarily affect the conjunctiva and its prevalence is increasing. It is estimated to affect 8% of patients attending optometric practice but is poorly managed and rarely involves ophthalmic assessment. Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis (SAC) is the most common form of allergic eye disease (90%), followed by perennial allergic conjunctivitis (PAC; 5%). Both are type 1 IgE mediated hypersensitivity reactions where mast cells play an important role in pathophysiology. The signs and symptoms are similar but SAC occurs periodically whereas PAC occurs year round. Despite being a relatively mild condition, the effects on the quality of life can be profound and therefore they demand attention. Primary management of SAC and PAC involves avoidance strategies depending on the responsible allergen(s) to prevent the hypersensitivity reaction. Cooled tear supplements and cold compresses may help bring relief. Pharmacological agents may become necessary as it is not possible to completely avoid the allergen(s). There are a wide range of anti-allergic medications available, such as mast cell stabilisers, antihistamines and dual-action agents. Severe cases refractory to conventional treatment require anti-inflammatories, immunomodulators or immunotherapy. Additional qualifications are required to gain access to these medications, but entry-level optometrists must offer advice and supportive therapy. Based on current evidence, the efficacy of anti-allergic medications appears equivocal so prescribing should relate to patient preference, dosing and cost. More studies with standardised methodologies are necessary elicit the most effective anti-allergic medications but those with dual-actions are likely to be first line agents.
Ocular allergy is a significant and growing issue worldwide but for many patients, it is often not differentiated from systemic conditions, such as hay fever. Management of seasonal and perennial allergic conjunctivitis is often poor. Management is principally through avoidance measures (blocking or hygiene), nonpharmaceutical (such as artificial tears and cold compresses) and pharmaceutical (such as topical antihistamines and prophylactic mast cell stabilizers). Vernal and atopic keratoconjunctivitis are more severe and generally need treatment with NSAIDs, steroids and immunomodulators. Giant papillary conjunctivitis can be related to allergy but also is often contact lens related and in such cases can be managed by a period of abstinence and replacement of the lens or a change in lens material and/or design. Immunotherapy can be efficacious in severe, persistent cases of contact lens or allergic conjunctivitis.
Allergic eye disease encompasses a group of hypersensitivity disorders which primarily affect the conjunctiva and its prevalence is increasing. It is estimated to affect 8% of patients attending optometric practice but is poorly managed and rarely involves ophthalmic assessment. Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis (SAC) is the most common form of allergic eye disease (90%), followed by perennial allergic conjunctivitis (PAC; 5%). Both are type 1 IgE mediated hypersensitivity reactions where mast cells play an important role in pathophysiology. The signs and symptoms are similar but SAC occurs periodically whereas PAC occurs year round. Despite being a relatively mild condition, the effects on the quality of life can be profound and therefore they demand attention. Primary management of SAC and PAC involves avoidance strategies depending on the responsible allergen(s) to prevent the hypersensitivity reaction. Cooled tear supplements and cold compresses may help bring relief. Pharmacological agents may become necessary as it is not possible to completely avoid the allergen(s). There are a wide range of anti-allergic medications available, such as mast cell stabilisers, antihistamines and dual-action agents. Severe cases refractory to conventional treatment require anti-inflammatories, immunomodulators or immunotherapy. Additional qualifications are required to gain access to these medications, but entry-level optometrists must offer advice and supportive therapy. Based on current evidence, the efficacy of anti-allergic medications appears equivocal so prescribing should relate to patient preference, dosing and cost. More studies with standardised methodologies are necessary elicit the most effective anti-allergic medications but those with dual-actions are likely to be first line agents. © 2011 British Contact Lens Association.
Oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (OTSCC) has an aggressive biological behavior, with a high propensity for the development of lymph node metastases. In this context, lymphangiogenesis is considered an important phenomenon for the spread of tumor cells and may be influenced by microenvironmental stimuli. Mast cells have been implicated in tumor progression, although their influence in the formation of lymphatic vessels is not well established. The aim of this study was to analyze, in a case series of OTSCC (n=50), possible correlations between lymphatic vessel density (LVD), mast cell count and clinicopathological features, including tumor-node-metastasis (TNM) stage, histological grade of malignancy (Bryne, 1998), and nodal metastasis. LVD was established as the mean number of lymphatic vessels immunostained by anti-podoplanin (D2-40) antibody, identified in five microscopic fields (200x). For the analysis of mast cells, tryptase-immunoreactive cells were quantified in five fields (400x). Both immunostainings were analyzed in the tumor center and invasion front. Intratumoral lymphatic density (ILD) was higher in cases in advanced clinical stages (III-IV), compared to those in initial stages (I-II), as well as in metastatic cases in respect of non-metastatic (p<0,05). There were no statistically significant differences between low-grade and high-grade malignancy cases with respect to ILD (p>0,05). Peritumoral lymphatic density (PLD) and mast cell counts showed no significant relations with any of the clinicopathological parameters evaluated (p>0,05). Also there were no significant correlations between LVD and mast cell counts, whether in intratumoral (r = -0,004; p=0,977) or peritumoral region (r = -0,154; p=0,285). The results of the present study suggest that intratumoral lymphatic vessels may contribute in part to the progression of OTSCC, although PLD may be insufficient to justify differences in biological behavior. This supports the hypothesis of involvement of other mechanisms in metastatic spread of malignant cells, which could complement the effects of lymphangiogenesis. Although mast cells perform several pro- and antitumoral functions, they do not appear to directly influence aggressiveness of OTSCC. In addition, the quantity of these cells may not be essential for lymphatic vessel formation.
The high frequency of urinary tract infections (UTIs), some of which appear to be endogenous relapses rather than reinfections by new isolates, point to defects in the host's memory immune response. It has been known for many decades that, whereas kidney infections evoked an antibody response to the infecting bacteria, infections limited to the bladder failed to do so. We have identified the existence of a broadly immunosuppressive transcriptional program associated with the bladder, but not the kidneys, during infection of the urinary tract that is dependent on bladder mast cells. This involves the localized secretion of IL-10 and results in the suppression of humoral immune responses in the bladder. Mast cell-mediated immune suppression could suggest a role for these cells in critically balancing the needs to clear infections with the imperative to prevent harmful immune reactions in the host.
G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are seven-pass integral membrane proteins that act as transducers of extracellular signals across the lipid bilayer. Their location and involvement in basic and pathological physiological processes has secured their role as key targets for pharmaceutical intervention. GPCRs are targeted by many of the best-selling drugs on the market and there are a substantial number of GPCRs that are yet to be characterised; these could offer interest for therapeutic targeting. GPR35 is one such receptor that, as a result of gene knockout and genome wide association studies, has attracted interest through its association with cardiovascular and gastrointestinal disease. Elucidation of the basic physiological function of GPR35 has, however, been difficult due a paucity of potent and selective ligands in addition to a lack of consensus on the endogenous ligand. Herein, a focussed drug discovery effort was carried out to identify agonists of GPR35. Various in vitro cellular assays were employed in conjunction with N- or C-terminally manipulated forms of the receptor to investigate GPR35’s signalling profile and to provide an assay format suitable for the characterisation of newly identified ligands. Although GPR35 associates with both Gαi/o and Gα13 families of small heterotrimeric G proteins, the G protein-independent β-arrestin-2 recruitment format was found to be the most suited to drug screening efforts. Small molecule compound screening, carried out in conjunction with the Medical Research Council Technology, identified compound 1 as the most potent ligand of human GPR35 reported at that time. However, the lower efficacy and potency of compound 1 at the rodent species orthologues of GPR35 prevented its use in in vivo studies. A subsequent effort, carried out with Novartis, focused on mast cell stabilisers as putative agonists of GPR35, revealed lodoxamide and bufrolin as highly potent agonists that activated human and rat GPR35 with equal potency. This finding offered–for the first time–the opportunity to employ the same GPR35 ligand between species at a similar concentration, an important factor to consider when translating rodent in vivo functional studies to those in man. Additionally, using molecular modelling and site directed mutagenesis studies, these newly identified compounds were used to aid characterisation of the ligand binding pockets of human and rat GPR35 to reveal the molecular basis of species selectivity at this receptor. In summary, this research effort presents GPR35 tool compounds that can now be used to dissect the basic biology of GPR35 and investigate its contribution to disease.
Berberine is an alkaloid used as a fluorochrome in the identification of heparin and DNA. Enerback, 1974, described the technique used until today to study granules rich in heparin of vertebrate mast cells. Santos et al., 2003, studied mast cells of the mollusk Anomalocardia brasiliana using biochemical and histological analysis. This work used the fluorescent dye berberine technique to improve characterization of these cells. Mollusk organs (ctenidium and mantle) were processed with routine histological techniques. Tissue sections were treated with berberine 0,02% in redistilled water acidified to pH 4, by the addition of citric acid for 20 minutes. The visualization was made through fluorescence microscopy with ultraviolet region emission. The mast cell fluorescence had a strong yellow color, where cell nuclei appeared more greenish. This result was very similar to the ones reported before. Mast cells are location at the epithelium surface is the same in both organs, mantle and ctenidium. The fluorescence was easily observed in the granules. Therefore, this technique showed to be good and sensitive to study mast cell of invertebrates
Changes induced by PA on nucleic acid (NA) conformation and synthesis is proven to be a major reason for PA essentiality (1-3). However, PA interactions with other polyanions, for instance polyanionic membrane lipid bilayers and glyosaminoglycans have received less attention (3-4). The functional importance of these interactions still is an obscure but interesting area of cell and molecular biology, especially in mammalian cells for which specific PA transport systems are not fully characterized (5). In mammals, activity and turnover of the polyamine (PA) synthesis key enzyme is controlled by a set of proteins: Antizymes (OAZ1-3) and antizyme inhibitors (AZIN1 and 2). It is demonstrated that AOZ modulate polyamine uptake (6), and that PA transport to mitochondria is linked to the respiratory chain state and modulates mitochondrial permeability transition (7). Antizyme expression variants have been located in mitochondria, being proposed as a proapoptotic factor (7-8). AZIN 2 is only expressed in a reduced set of tissues that includes mast cells, where it is associated to mast cell granules membrane (9). This fact, together to the abnormalities observed in bone marrow derived mast cell granules when they are differentiated under restricted PA synthesis conditions (10 and unpublished results), point out to important roles of PA and their related proteins in structure and function of mast cell granules. We will also present novel biophysical results on tripartite interactions of PA that remark the interest of the characterization of PA interactions with lipid bilayers for biomedicine and biotechnology. Thus, the information reported in this paper integrates previously reported information with our still unpublished results, all indicating that PA and their related proteins also are important factors for structure and dynamics of biological membranes and their associated functions essential in human physiology; for instance, solute interchange with the environment (uptake and secretion), oxidative metabolism and apoptosis. The importance of these involved processes for human homeostasis claim for further research efforts. 1. Ruiz-Chica J, Medina MA, Sánchez-Jiménez F and Ramírez FJ (2001) Fourier Transform Raman study of the structural specificities on the interaction between DNA and biogenic polyamines. Biophysical J. 80:443-454. 2. Lightfoot HL, Hall J (2014) Endogenous polyamine function--the RNA perspective. Nucleic Acids Res. 42:11275-11290. 3. Igarashi K, Kashiwagi K (2010) Modulation of cellular function by polyamines. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 42:39-51. 4. Finger S, Schwieger C, Arouri A, Kerth A, Blume A (2014) Interaction of linear polyamines with negatively charged phospholipids: the effect of polyamine charge distance. Biol Chem. 395:769-778. 5. Poulin R, Casero RA, Soulet D. (2012) Recent advances in the molecular biology of metazoan polyamine transport. Amino Acids. 42:711-723. 6. Kahana C (2009) Regulation of cellular polyamine levels and cellular proliferation by antizyme and antizyme inhibitor. Essays Biochem. 4:47-61. 7. Agostinelli E, Marques MP, Calheiros R, Gil FP, Tempera G, Viceconte N, Battaglia V, Grancara S, Toninello A (2010) Polyamines: fundamental characters in chemistry and biology. Amino Acids 38:393-403. 8. Liu GY, Liao YF, Hsu PC, Chang WH, Hsieh MC, Lin CY, Hour TC, Kao MC, Tsay GJ, Hung HC (2006) Antizyme, a natural ornithine decarboxylase inhibitor, induces apoptosis of haematopoietic cells through mitochondrial membrane depolarization and caspases' cascade. Apoptosis 11:1773-1788. 9. Kanerva K, Lappalainen J, Mäkitie LT, Virolainen S, Kovanen PT, Andersson LC (2009). Expression of antizyme inhibitor 2 in mast cells and role of polyamines as selective regulators of serotonin secretion. PLoS One 31:e6858. 10. García-Faroldi G, Rodríguez CE, Urdiales JL, Pérez-Pomares JM, Dávila JC, Pejler G, Sánchez-Jiménez F, Fajardo I (2010) Polyamines are present in mast cell secretory granules and are important for granule homeostasis. PLoS One 30:e15071.
Abstract : The chymase-dependant pathway responsible for converting Big ET-1 to ET-1 was established in vitro. It has only been recently, in 2009, that our group demonstrated that the conversion of Big ET-1 to ET-1 (1-31) can occur in vivo in mice (Simard et al., 2009), knowing that ET-1 (1-31) is converted to ET-1 via NEP in vivo (Fecteau et al., 2005). In addition, our laboratory demonstrated in 2013 that mMCP-4, the murine analogue of human chymase, produces ET-1 (1-31) from the Big ET-1 precursor (Houde et al. 2013). Thus far, in the literature, there are no specific characterizations of recombinant chymases (human or murine). In fact, the group of Murakami published in 1995 a study characterizing the CMA1 (human chymase) in a chymostatin-dependent fashion, using Angiotensin I as a substrate (Murakami et al., 1995). However, chymostatin is a non-specific inhibitor of chymase. It has been shown that chymostatin can inhibit elastase, an enzyme that can convert Angiotensin I to Angiotensin II (Becari et al., 2005). Based on these observations, the proposed hypothesis in the present study suggests that recombinant as well as extracted CMA1 from LUVA (human mast cell line), in addition to soluble fractions of human aortas, convert Big ET-1 into ET-1 (1-31 ) in a TY-51469 (a chymase-specific inhibitor) sensitive manner. In a second component, we studied the enzyme kinetics of CMA1 with regard to the Big ET-1 and Ang I substrate. The affinity of CMA1 against Big ET-1 was greater compared to Ang I (KM Big ET- 1: 12.55 μM and Ang I: 37.53 μM). However, CMA1 was more effective in cleaving Ang I compared to Big ET-1 (Kcat / KM Big ET-1: 6.57 x 10-5 μM-1.s-1 and Ang I: 1.8 x 10-4 ΜM-1.s- 1). In a third component involving in vivo experiments, the pressor effects of Big ET-1, ET-1 and Ang I were tested in conscious mMCP-4 KO mice compared to wild-type mice. The increase in mean arterial pressure after administration of Big ET-1 was greater in wild-type mice compared to mMCP- 4 KO mice. This effect was not observed after administration of ET-1 and / or Ang I.
Systemic Mastocytosis (SM) is a hematological disorder characterized by abnormal proliferation of mast cells in various organs, ranging from indolent variants to advanced entities with poor prognosis. The KIT D816V gene mutation drives mast cell growth, but its presence alone is not fully transforming. The SETD2 gene, responsible for maintaining genomic integrity, is often impaired in advanced SM (advSM), leading to reduced expression of histone marker H3K36Me3. Proteasome inhibitors are effective in restoring SETD2 function and suppressing mast cell growth, offering an alternative therapy for patients resistant to tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Aberrant expression of Plk1 and Aurora kinase A correlates with SETD2 loss and can be targeted with inhibitors like alisertib and volasertib, leading to reduced cell growth and apoptosis. Additionally, inhibition of Wee1 enhances apoptosis and reduces colony growth in SM cells. Molecular diagnostic techniques like droplet digital polymerase chain reaction (ddPCR) offer a less invasive and reliable method for detecting the D816V mutation in peripheral blood, and efforts to standardize molecular assays across laboratories show promising reproducibility. Overall, this research provides new insights into the mechanisms of advanced SM, identifies potential therapeutic targets, and validates molecular diagnostic tools for SM diagnosis.