422 resultados para Mannan oligosaccharides


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Es wurden Glycopeptide mit einer Partialsequenz aus der N-terminalen Domäne des natürlichen Selektinliganden PSGL-1 synthetisiert, welche prinzipiell als kompetitive Inhibitoren unerwünschter selektinvermittelter Zelladhäsionsphänomene fungieren könnten. Grundsätzlich könnte es möglich sein, auf diesem Wege entsprechende chronisch entzündliche Krankheiten wie rheumatoide Arthritis zu behandeln und bestimmte akut eintretende schwere Schädigungen von gesundem Gewebe sowie die Metastasenbildung maligner Tumore zu unterdrücken. Das tatsächliche Potential der hergestellten Glycopeptide als Liganden der Selektine kann nun in biologischen Tests geprüft werden. Der gewählte Ausschnitt aus dem P-Selektin-Glycoprotein-Liganden-1 (PSGL-1) reicht von Tyr48 bis Pro59 und umfasst so sämtliche Aminosäurereste der Sequenz, die für das Auftreten einer hochaffinen Rezeptorbindung erforderlich sind. Dabei ist die Seitenkette von Thr57 mit einem O-Glycan modifiziert, welches das in natürlichen Selektinliganden häufig vorkommende Tetrasaccharid Sialyl-Lewisx bzw. ein Mimetikum desselben enthält und die für Mucine typische Form der Anbindung an das peptidische Rückgrat über eine N-Acetyl-α-D-galactosamineinheit aufweist. Zum Aufbau der komplexen Glycopeptidstrukturen wurde zunächst eine Strategie für die Synthese des an die Hydroxylaminosäure gebundenen Oligosaccharids im Gramm-Maßstab ausgearbeitet. Dabei kam der Wahl eines geeigneten Schutzgruppenmusters besondere Bedeutung zu. Das entwickelte Konzept basiert allein auf chemischen Methoden und ermöglicht die parallele Herstellung potentieller Mimetika. So wurde in dieser Arbeit L-Fucose durch D-Arabinose und N-Acetyl-D-neuraminsäure durch (S)-Cyclohexylmilchsäure ersetzt. Die erhaltenen Glycosylaminosäure-Bausteine wurden schließlich in die Glycopeptid-synthesen an der festen Phase eingebracht, welche nach vollständiger Deblockierung die gewünschten Zielverbindungen lieferten.rn


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The aim of this work is to contribute to the development of new multifunctional nanocarriers for improved encapsulation and delivery of anticancer and antiviral drugs. The work focused on water soluble and biocompatible oligosaccharides, the cyclodextrins (CyDs), and a new family of nanostructured, biodegradable carrier materials made of porous metal-organic frameworks (nanoMOFs). The drugs of choice were the anticancer doxorubicin (DOX), azidothymidine (AZT) and its phosphate derivatives and artemisinin (ART). DOX possesses a pharmacological drawback due to its self-aggregation tendency in water. The non covalent binding of DOX to a series of CyD derivatives, such as g-CyD, an epichlorohydrin crosslinked b-CyD polymer (pb-CyD) and a citric acid crosslinked g-CyD polymer (pg-CyD) was studied by UV visible absorption, circular dichroism and fluorescence. Multivariate global analysis of multiwavelength data from spectroscopic titrations allowed identification and characterization of the stable complexes. pg-CyD proved to be the best carrier showing both high association constants and ability to monomerize DOX. AZT is an important antiretroviral drug. The active form is AZT-triphosphate (AZT-TP), formed in metabolic paths of low efficiency. Direct administration of AZT-TP is limited by its poor stability in biological media. So the development of suitable carriers is highly important. In this context we studied the binding of some phosphorilated derivatives to nanoMOFs by spectroscopic methods. The results obtained with iron(III)-trimesate nanoMOFs allowed to prove that the binding of these drugs mainly occurs by strong iono-covalent bonds to iron(III) centers. On the basis of these and other results obtained in partner laboratories, it was possible to propose this highly versatile and “green” carrier system for delivery of phosphorylated nucleoside analogues. The interaction of DOX with nanoMOFs was also studied. Finally the binding of the antimalarial drug, artemisinin (ART) with two cyclodextrin-based carriers,the pb-CyD and a light responsive bis(b-CyD) host, was also studied.


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Neben der Therapie allergischer Erkrankungen, wie dem allergischen Asthma oder der atopischen Dermatitis, nehmen präventive Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung einer Sensibilisierung einen immer höheren Stellenwert ein. Hierbei scheint der Einsatz von Pre- und Probiotika vielversprechend zu sein. rnrnIm Rahmen dieser Dissertation wurde der Einfluss von Pre- und Probiotika auf den Phänotyp und die Funktion von DCs untersucht. Hierzu wurden unreife DCs aus Vorläuferzellen im Knochenmark von Mäusen differenziert (BM-DCs). Nach Behandlung der Kulturen während der Differenzierung der BM-DCs mit neutrale Humanmilch-analoge Oligosaccharide-enthaltenden Präparationen (NOS-Präparationen) konnte ein Einfluss auf die Zellen nachgewiesen werden; die NOS-Präparationen sind in der Lage, die durch LPS induzierte Ausreifung der BM-DCs zu supprimieren. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass die primärstimulatorische Kapazität LPS-stimulierter BM-DCs, die in Anwesenheit von NOS-Präparationen differenziert wurden, sowohl für allogene als auch für syngene T-Zellen signifikant vermindert war. Die Charakterisierung dieser T-Zellen ergab zwar eine verstärkte Expression des für regulatorische T-Zellen charakteristischen Transkriptionsfaktors FoxP3, auf funktioneller Ebene konnte jedoch keine Induktion von regulatorischen T-Zellen beobachtet werden; allerdings wurde in diesen T-Zellen eine Anergie induziert. Der Befund, dass verschiedene NOS-Präparationen unterschiedliche Wirkungen auf die Differenzierung von BM-DCs aufweisen, muss weitergehend untersucht werden. rnrnWeiterhin wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit die Auswirkungen einer Kultivierung der BM-DCs mit den beiden probiotischen Bakterien Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) und Lactobacillus fermentum analysiert. Hier induzierte ein Kontakt unreifer BM-DCs mit den Bakterien eine Maturierung der Zellen. Das Potential zur Produktion von IL-10 konnte dabei nicht erhöht werden. Im Gegensatz dazu induzierte eine Supplementierung der Kulturen während der Differenzierungsphase der DCs konträre Effekte; die LGG-Gabe resultierte hier in einer unvollständigen Ausreifung der DCs nach LPS-Stimulus. Dies konnte auch auf funktioneller Ebene als stark vermindertes Potential zur T-Zellstimulation bestätigt werden. Inwieweit die Supplementierung mit LGG in tolerogenen DCs resultiert, welche Tregs induzieren können, muss weiter analysiert werden.


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The overall objective of this PhD was to investigate the possibility to increase the nutritional value of confectionary products by the use of natural ingredients with healthy functions. The first part of the thesis focused on the possible substitution of the most characteristic component of confectionary products, i.e. refined sugar. Many natural whole sweetening alternatives are available, though not widely used; the use of molasses, the byproduct of sugar beet and cane production, still rich in healthy components as minerals and phytochemicals is hereby discussed; after having verified molasses effectiveness in oxidative stress counteraction on liver cultured cells, the higher antioxidant capacity of a sweet food prepared with molasses instead of refined sugar was confirmed. A second step of the project dealt with another main ingredient of various sweet products, namely wheat. Particularly, the exploitation of soft and durum wheat byproducts could be another sustainable strategy to improve the healthy value of confectionery. The isolation of oligosaccharides with bioactive functions form different fractions of the wheat milling stream was studied and the new ingredients were shown to have a high dietary fiber and antioxidants content. As valid alternative, product developers should consider the appealing and healthy addition of ancient grains flour to sweet baked goods. The possibility of substituting the modern whole durum wheat with the ancient Kamut® khorasan was considered, and the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of these grains were evaluated and compared both in vitro and in vivo on rats. Finally, since high consumption of confectionery is a risk factor for obesity, a possible strategy for the counteraction of this disease was investigated. The ability of three bioactives in inhibiting adipocytes differentiation was investigated. In fact, theoretically, compounds able to influence adipogenesis could be used in the formulation of functional sweet products and contribute to prevent obesity.


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Zelladhäsions- und Zellerkennungsphänomene spielen eine entscheidende Rolle im biologischen Geschehen: So findet die Kommunikation zwischen Zellen zu einem großen Teil zwischen membranständigen Adhäsionsmolekülen und ebenfalls membranständigen Liganden auf Nachbarzellen statt. Zu diesen Adhäsionsmolekülen gehören die Selektine, die von fundamentaler Bedeutung für die Bekämpfung von Entzündungskrankheiten und damit für die Funktionsweise unseres Immunsystems sind. Tritt eine Entzündung in unserem Körper auf, so sind Selektine an Adhäsionsprozessen beteiligt, die zur Auswanderung von Leukozyten aus dem Blutstrom in das entzündete Gewebe führen. Diese auswandernden Zellen enthalten eine Vielzahl von Wirkstoffen, die Krankheitserreger bekämpfen, aber auch körpereigenes Gewebe angreifen können. Viele Krankheitsbilder, die mit akut oder chronisch entzündlichen Prozessen einhergehen, hängen mit einer Dysregulation der Selektine zusammen. In diesen Fällen werden übermäßig Selektine exprimiert und es kommt zu einer lokal überschießenden Akkumulation von Leukozyten, die zu Schädigungen von gesundem Gewebe führen kann. rnZu diesen Krankheiten gehören z.B. die rheumatoide Arthritis, die myocardialen Ischämie, Psoriasis sowie Asthma und Allergien. Auch bei der Abstoßung von Transplantaten und Tumormetastasierung wurde eine Beteiligung der Selektine nachgewiesen. Eine Strategie gegen diese unerwünschten Effekte ist die selektive Inhibierung der Selektine, welche aufgrund der bedeutenden Rolle der Selektine in der Genese zahlreicher Krankheiten, von großem pharmazeutischen Interesse ist. rnIn der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Entwicklung chemischer Synthesen von Verbindungen beschrieben, welche selektininhibierende Eigenschaften aufweisen sollen. Solche sog. Mimetika, die wie die natürlichen Liganden mit den Selektinen wechselwirken, sind nicht nur potenzielle Medikamente, sondern können auch durch veränderte Affinität zur Aufklärung von selektinvermittelten Zelladhäsionsprozessen dienen.rn


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Il microbiota intestinale riveste un ruolo importantissimo nell’influenzare la salute dell’ospite. È stato dimostrato come la composizione della dieta possa condizionare lo stato di benessere dell’animale, inducendo importanti cambiamenti tra le popolazioni batteriche che coabitano l’intestino; l’uso di prebiotici rappresenta una delle strategie maggiormente impiegate per modulare positivamente la composizione ed il metabolismo dell’ecosistema gastroenterico. Il presente progetto di dottorato si è proposto di indagare gli effetti sul microbiota intestinale del cane e del gatto di diete a diverso tenore proteico e contenenti proteine di diversa digeribilità in presenza o meno di sostanze prebiotiche. Inoltre, sono stati valutati gli effetti della presenza di un estratto di Yucca schidigera e di tannini sulla microflora intestinale del gatto. In ultima istanza, sono state valutate le conseguenze di dosi crescenti di lattosio sul benessere intestinale del cane. I risultati del presente studio hanno rilevato come le sostanze prebiotiche influiscono sulla composizione e sul metabolismo della microflora del cane e del gatto, e come l’impiego di diete ricche di proteine possa avere conseguenze negative sull’ambiente intestinale. Tuttavia, la presenza di oligosaccaridi non sembra contrastare gli effetti negativi che diete ad alto tenore proteico potrebbero avere sull’ecosistema intestinale dell’animale. Nella successiva prova è stato evidenziato come l’inclusione nella dieta di estratti di Yucca e tannini possa contribuire a mitigare l’emanazione di sostanze maleodoranti dalle deiezioni degli animali da compagnia. Nel corso dell’ultima prova, nonostante non siano state osservate differenze tra le popolazioni microbiche intestinali, la somministrazione di dosi crescenti di lattosio ha indotto una certa riduzione delle fermentazioni proteolitiche microbiche. Ulteriori studi sono necessari per stabilire in che misura la dieta e gli alimenti “funzionali” possano influire sul microbiota intestinale del cane e del gatto e come queste informazioni possono essere utilizzate per migliorare miratamente l’alimentazione e lo stato di salute degli animali da compagnia.


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It has been difficult to replicate consistently the experimental model of axonal Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). We immunized rabbits with two lipo-oligosaccharides (LOS1 and LOS2) derived from the same C. jejuni strain and purified in a slightly different way. LOS1 did not contain proteins whereas several proteins were present in LOS2. In spite of a robust anti-GM1 antibody response in all animals the neuropathy developed only in rabbits immunized with LOS1. To explain this discrepancy we investigated fine specificity, affinity and ability to activate the complement of anti-GM1 antibodies. Only rabbits immunized with LOS1 showed monospecific high-affinity antibodies which activated more effectively the complement. Although it is not well understood how monospecific high-affinity antibodies are induced these are crucial for the induction of experimental axonal neuropathy. Only a strict adherence to the protocols demonstrated to be successful may guarantee the reproducibility and increase the confidence in the animal model as a reliable tool for the study of the human axonal GBS.


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M-ficolin (ficolin-1) is a complement-activating pattern-recognition molecule structurally related to mannan-binding lectin. It is produced by monocytes and neutrophils, and is found in serum. Its biological role is largely unknown. We assessed M-ficolin concentration in serum from pediatric cancer patients. The aim of this study was to explore association of M-ficolin with clinical and hematological parameters, and to investigate whether the risk of chemotherapy-related infections was related to M-ficolin concentrations in serum.


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The pattern-recognition molecule M-ficolin is synthesized by monocytes and neutrophils. M-ficolin activates the complement system in a manner similar to mannan-binding lectin (MBL), but little is known about its role in host defense. Neonates are highly vulnerable to bacterial sepsis, in particular, due to their decreased phagocytic function.


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The surfaces of Bacillus anthracis endospores expose a pentasaccharide containing the monosaccharide anthrose, which has been considered for use as a vaccine or target for specific detection of the spores. In this study B. anthracis strains isolated from cattle carcasses in African countries where anthrax is endemic were tested for their cross-reactivity with monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) specific for anthrose-containing oligosaccharides. Unexpectedly, none of the isolates collected in Chad, Cameroon, and Mali were recognized by the MAbs. Sequencing of the four-gene operon encoding anthrose biosynthetic enzymes revealed the presence of premature stop codons in the aminotransferase and glycosyltransferase genes in all isolates from Chad, Cameroon, and Mali. Both immunological and genetic findings suggest that the West African isolates are unable to produce anthrose. The anthrose-deficient strains from West Africa belong to a particular genetic lineage. Immunization of cattle in Chad with a locally produced vaccine based on anthrose-positive spores of the B. anthracis strain Sterne elicited an anti-carbohydrate IgG response specific for a synthetic anthrose-containing tetrasaccharide as demonstrated by glycan microarray analysis. Competition immunoblots with synthetic pentasaccharide derivatives suggested an immunodominant role of the anthrose-containing carbohydrate in cattle. In West Africa anthrax is highly endemic. Massive vaccination of livestock in this area has taken place over long periods of time using spores of the anthrose-positive vaccine strain Sterne. The spread of anthrose-deficient strains in this region may represent an escape strategy of B. anthracis.


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Background Numerous interactions between the coagulation and complement systems have been shown. Recently, links between coagulation and mannan-binding lectin-associated serine protease-1 (MASP-1) of the complement lectin pathway have been proposed. Our aim was to investigate MASP-1 activation of factor XIII (FXIII), fibrinogen, prothrombin, and thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI) in plasma-based systems, and to analyse effects of MASP-1 on plasma clot formation, structure and lysis. Methodology/Principal Findings We used a FXIII incorporation assay and specific assays to measure the activation products prothrombin fragment F1+2, fibrinopeptide A (FPA), and activated TAFI (TAFIa). Clot formation and lysis were assessed by turbidimetric assay. Clot structure was studied by scanning electron microscopy. MASP-1 activated FXIII and, contrary to thrombin, induced FXIII activity faster in the Val34 than the Leu34 variant. MASP-1-dependent generation of F1+2, FPA and TAFIa showed a dose-dependent response in normal citrated plasma (NCP), albeit MASP-1 was much less efficient than FXa or thrombin. MASP-1 activation of prothrombin and TAFI cleavage were confirmed in purified systems. No FPA generation was observed in prothrombin-depleted plasma. MASP-1 induced clot formation in NCP, affected clot structure, and prolonged clot lysis. Conclusions/Significance We show that MASP-1 interacts with plasma clot formation on different levels and influences fibrin structure. Although MASP-1-induced fibrin formation is thrombin-dependent, MASP-1 directly activates prothrombin, FXIII and TAFI. We suggest that MASP-1, in concerted action with other complement and coagulation proteins, may play a role in fibrin clot formation.


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It has been suggested that the ratio of lactose to milk oligosaccharides in mammalian milk/colostrum is based on the ratio of expression of a-lactalbumin and glycosyltransferases in the mammary epithelial cells. It has also been suggested that the high secretion of milk in dairy breed cows has been acquired by a high expression of a-lactalbumin expression. As there is a large difference of milk secretion level between dairy and non dairy breed cows, there may be a difference in the ratio of lactose to milk oligosaccharides in milks between dairy and non dairy breed cows. In this study, the concentrations of hexose, sialic acid as well as sialyllactoses, which are representative bovine milk oligosaccharides, were determined in the milks of dairy and non dairy breed cows. The concentration of hexose was significantly higher in the milks of non dairy breed cows than that of dairy breed cows, but there were no significant differences with respect to sialic acid and sialyllactose. The significant difference of the ratio of the concentrations of 3'- and 6'-sialyllactose to total hexose in milk was not observed between dairy and non dairy cows.


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Mannan-binding lectin (MBL) and ficolins are microbial pattern recognition molecules that activate the lectin pathway of complement. We previously reported the association of MBL deficiency with anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies (ASCA) in patients with Crohn's disease (CD). However, ASCA are also frequently found in MBL-proficient CD patients. Here we addressed expression/function of ficolins and MBL-associated serine protease-2 (MASP-2) regarding potential association with ASCA.


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In the tsetse fly, the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma congolense is covered by a dense layer of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored molecules. These include a protease-resistant surface molecule (PRS), which is expressed by procyclic forms early in infection, and a glutamic acid- and alanine-rich protein (GARP), which appears at later stages. Since neither of these surface antigens is expressed at intermediate stages, we investigated whether a GPI-anchored protein of 50 to 58 kDa, previously detected in procyclic culture forms, might constitute the coat of these parasites. We therefore partially purified the protein from T. congolense Kilifi procyclic forms, obtained an N-terminal amino acid sequence, and identified its gene. Detailed analyses showed that the mature protein consists almost exclusively of 13 heptapeptide repeats (EPGENGT). The protein is densely N glycosylated, with up to 13 high-mannose oligosaccharides ranging from Man(5)GlcNAc(2) to Man(9)GlcNAc(2) linked to the peptide repeats. The lipid moiety of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol is composed of sn-1-stearoyl-2-lyso-glycerol-3-HPO(4)-1-(2-O-acyl)-d-myo-inositol. Heavily glycosylated proteins with similar repeats were subsequently identified in T. congolense Savannah procyclic forms. Collectively, this group of proteins was named T. congolense procyclins to reflect their relationship to the EP and GPEET procyclins of T. brucei. Using an antiserum raised against the EPGENGT repeat, we show that T. congolense procyclins are expressed continuously in the fly midgut and thus form the surface coat of cells that are negative for both PRS and GARP.


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Digestion of starch requires activities provided by 6 interactive small intestinal enzymes. Two of these are luminal endo-glucosidases named alpha-amylases. Four are exo-glucosidases bound to the luminal surface of enterocytes. These mucosal activities were identified as 4 different maltases. Two maltase activities were associated with sucrase-isomaltase. Two remaining maltases, lacking other identifying activities, were named maltase-glucoamylase. These 4 activities are better described as alpha-glucosidases because they digest all linear starch oligosaccharides to glucose. Because confusion persists about the relative roles of these 6 enzymes, we ablated maltase-glucoamylase gene expression by homologous recombination in Sv/129 mice. We assayed the alpha-glucogenic activities of the jejunal mucosa with and without added recombinant pancreatic alpha-amylase, using a range of food starch substrates. Compared with wild-type mucosa, null mucosa or alpha-amylase alone had little alpha-glucogenic activity. alpha-Amylase amplified wild-type and null mucosal alpha-glucogenesis. alpha-Amylase amplification was most potent against amylose and model resistant starches but was inactive against its final product limit-dextrin and its constituent glucosides. Both sucrase-isomaltase and maltase-glucoamylase were active with limit-dextrin substrate. These mucosal assays were corroborated by a 13C-limit-dextrin breath test. In conclusion, the global effect of maltase-glucoamylase ablation was a slowing of rates of mucosal alpha-glucogenesis. Maltase-glucoamylase determined rates of digestion of starch in normal mice and alpha-amylase served as an amplifier for mucosal starch digestion. Acarbose inhibition was most potent against maltase-glucoamylase activities of the wild-type mouse. The consortium of 6 interactive enzymes appears to be a mechanism for adaptation of alpha-glucogenesis to a wide range of food starches.