967 resultados para Maltose-binding Protein Htlv-1 Gp21 Chimera


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AtTRB1, 2 and 3 are members of the SMH (single Myb histone) protein family, which comprises double-stranded DNA-binding proteins that are specific to higher plants. They are structurally conserved, containing a Myb domain at the N-terminus, a central H1/H5-like domain and a C-terminally located coiled-coil domain. AtTRB1, 2 and 3 interact through their Myb domain specifically with telomeric double-stranded DNA in vitro, while the central H1/H5-like domain interacts non-specifically with DNA sequences and mediates proteinprotein interactions. Here we show that AtTRB1, 2 and 3 preferentially localize to the nucleus and nucleolus during interphase. Both the central H1/H5-like domain and the Myb domain from AtTRB1 can direct a GFP fusion protein to the nucleus and nucleolus. AtTRB1–GFP localization is cell cycle-regulated, as the level of nuclear-associated GFP diminishes during mitotic entry and GFP progressively re-associates with chromatin during anaphase/telophase. Using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching and fluorescence loss in photobleaching, we determined the dynamics of AtTRB1 interactions in vivo. The results reveal that AtTRB1 interaction with chromatin is regulated at two levels at least, one of which is coupled with cell-cycle progression, with the other involving rapid exchange.


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Platelets are small blood cells vital for hemostasis. Following vascular damage, platelets adhere to collagens and activate, forming a thrombus that plugs the wound and prevents blood loss. Stimulation of the platelet collagen receptor glycoprotein VI (GPVI) allows recruitment of proteins to receptor-proximal signaling complexes on the inner-leaflet of the plasma membrane. These proteins are often present at low concentrations; therefore, signaling-complex characterization using mass spectrometry is limited due to high sample complexity. We describe a method that facilitates detection of signaling proteins concentrated on membranes. Peripheral membrane proteins (reversibly associated with membranes) were eluted from human platelets with alkaline sodium carbonate. Liquid-phase isoelectric focusing and gel electrophoresis were used to identify proteins that changed in levels on membranes from GPVI-stimulated platelets. Immunoblot analysis verified protein recruitment to platelet membranes and subsequent protein phosphorylation was preserved. Hsp47, a collagen binding protein, was among the proteins identified and found to be exposed on the surface of GPVI-activated platelets. Inhibition of Hsp47 abolished platelet aggregation in response to collagen, while only partially reducing aggregation in response to other platelet agonists. We propose that Hsp47 may therefore play a role in hemostasis and thrombosis.


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Context: Pregnant tissues express corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), a peptide modulating fetal and placental ACTH and cortisol secretion. These actions are modulated by the locally expressed CRF-binding protein (CRF-BP). Objective: The objective of the study was to determine whether CRF, CRF-BP, ACTH, and cortisol concentrations change in amniotic fluid and umbilical cord plasma in the presence of intraamniotic infection/inflammation (IAI) in women with spontaneous labor at term. Design: This was a cross-sectional study. Setting: The study was conducted at a tertiary referral center for obstetric care. Patients: Patients included women in active labor at term with (n = 39) and without (controls; n = 78) IAI. Main Outcome Measures: Amniotic fluid and umbilical cord plasma concentrations of CRF, CRF-BP, ACTH, and cortisol measured by RIA and immunoradiometric assays were measured. Results: In patients with IAI, amniotic fluid CRF (0.97 +/- 0.18 ng/ml) and CRF-BP (33.06 +/- 5.54 nmol/liter) concentrations were significantly (P < 0.001) higher than in controls (CRF: 0.32 +/- 0.04 ng/ml; CRF-BP: 14.69 +/- 2.79 ml). The umbilical cord plasma CRF and CRF-BP concentrations were significantly (P < 0.001 for all) higher in women with IAI than in controls (CRF: 2.96 +/- 0.35 ng/ml vs. 0.38 +/- 0.18 ng/ml; CRF-BP: 152.12 +/- 5.94 nmol/liter vs. 106.9 +/- 5.97 nmol/liter). In contrast, amniotic fluid and umbilical cord plasma ACTH and cortisol concentrations did not differ between groups. Conclusions: Amniotic fluid and umbilical cord plasma CRF and CRF-BP concentrations are increased in women with spontaneous labor at term and IAI. CRF-BP may modulate CRF actions on ACTH and cortisol secretion, playing a pivotal role in limiting the inflammatory process and thus avoiding an overactivation of the fetal/placental hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis at birth.


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The number of solute-binding protein-dependent transporters in rhizobia is dramatically increased compared with the majority of other bacteria so far sequenced. This increase may be due to the high affinity of solute-binding proteins for solutes, permitting the acquisition of a broad range of growth-limiting nutrients from soil and the rhizosphere. The transcriptional induction of these transporters was studied by creating a suite of plasmid and integrated fusions to nearly all ATP-binding cassette (ABC) and tripartite ATP-independent periplasmic (TRAP) transporters of Sinorhizobium meliloti. In total, specific inducers were identified for 76 transport systems, amounting to approximate to 47% of the ABC uptake systems and 53% of the TRAP transporters in S. meliloti. Of these transport systems, 64 are previously uncharacterized in Rhizobia and 24 were induced by solutes not known to be transported by ABC- or TRAP-uptake systems in any organism. This study provides a global expression map of one of the largest transporter families (transportome) and an invaluable tool to both understand their solute specificity and the relationships between members of large paralogous families.


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In the present study we measured maternal plasma concentrations of two placental neurohormones, corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and CRF-binding protein (CRF-BP), in 58 at-risk pregnant women consecutively enrolled between 28 and 29 wk of pregnancy to evaluate whether their evaluation may predict third trimester-onset preeclampsia ( PE). The statistical significance was assessed by t test. The cut-off points for defining altered CRF and CRF-BP levels for prediction of PE were chosen by receiving operator characteristics curve analysis, and the probability of developing PE was calculated for several combinations of hormone testing results. CRF and CRF-BP levels were significantly ( both P < 0.0001) higher and lower, respectively, in the patients (n = 20) who later developed PE than in those who did not present PE at follow-up. CRF at the cut-off 425.95 pmol/liter achieved a sensitivity of 94.8% and a specificity of 96.9%, whereas CRF-BP at the cut-off 125.8 nmol/liter combined a sensitivity of 92.5% and a specificity of 82.5% as single markers for prediction of PE. The probability of PE was 34.5% in the whole study population, 93.75% when both CRF and CRF-BP levels were changed, and 0% if both hormone markers were unaltered. The measurement of CRF and CRF-BP levels may add significant prognostic information for predicting PE in at-risk pregnant women.


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Decay-accelerating factor (CD55), a regulator of the alternative and classical pathways of complement activation, is expressed on all serum-exposed cells. It is used by pathogens, including many enteroviruses and uropathogenic Escherichia coli, as a receptor prior to infection. We describe the x-ray structure of a pathogen-binding fragment of human CD55 at 1.7 A resolution containing two of the three domains required for regulation of human complement. We have used mutagenesis to map biological functions onto the molecule; decay-accelerating activity maps to a single face of the molecule, whereas bacterial and viral pathogens recognize a variety of different sites on CD55.


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The self-assembly in solution of puroindoline-a (Pin-a), an amphiphilic lipid binding protein from common wheat, was investigated by small angle neutron scattering, dynamic light scattering and size exclusion chromatography. Pin-a was found to form monodisperse prolate ellipsoidal micelles with a major axial radius of 112 +/- 4.5 A ˚ and minor axial radius of 40.4 +/- 0.18 A ˚ . These protein micelles were formed by the spontaneous self-assembly of 38 Pin-a molecules in solution and were stable over a wide pH range (3.5–11) and at elevated temperatures (20–65 degC). Pin-a micelles could be disrupted upon addition of the non-ionic surfactant dodecyl-b-maltoside, suggesting that the protein self-assembly is driven by hydrophobic forces, consisting of intermolecular interactions between Trp residues located within a well-defined Trp-rich domain of Pin-a.


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Introdução e Objetivos: Os efeitos da prática de exercícios sobre a funcionalidade de indivíduos com Paraparesia Espástica Tropical/Mielopatia Associada ao HTLV-1 (PET/MAH) são desconhecidos. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar os efeitos de um Programa de Exercícios Domiciliares (PED) e a sua taxa de adesão em indivíduos com PET/MAH. Métodos: Vinte e três participantes com o diagnóstico de PET/MAH, marcha preservada e que não praticavam exercícios há pelo menos um mês foram submetidos ao PED de 20 semanas. Os desfechos primários incluíram os escores de força muscular, contração isométrica voluntária máxima (CIVM) e comprimento muscular dos membros inferiores, dor lombar e nos membros inferiores, EDSS, Escala de Incapacidade do IPEC, Índice de Barthel e SF-36. A taxa de adesão e os eventos adversos também foram mensurados e caracterizados. Resultados: No momento da análise os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos de acordo com o teste Timed Up and Go (TUG) (<20s vs \226520s). O comprimento dos músculos isquiotibiais e plantiflexores, a CIVM dos membros inferiores e o componente \201CAspectos Sociais\201D da SF-36 apresentaram melhora significativa no grupo TUG <20s. Os indivíduos do grupo TUG \226520s melhoraram significativamente o componente \201CCapacidade Funcional\201D da SF-36. A taxa de adesão foi de 90% no total e os eventos adversos, como fadiga, dor muscular e caimbras foram de intensidade leve a moderada Discussão: Foi observada uma boa adesão ao PED, além de melhora significativa da incapacidade e da qualidade de vida dos indivíduos com PET/MAH. É possível que o grupo TUG \226520s apresente um maior componente neurodegenerativo e, portanto, uma menor probabilidade de incremento da funcionalidade. Conclusões: O PED foi eficaz em melhorar algumas incapacidades e a qualidade de vida dos indivíduos com PET/MAH. Tais resultados reforçam a necessidade de estratégias alternativas ao modelo ambulatorial, que ampliem a participação destas pessoas a programas de reabilitação


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INTRODUÇÃO: O vírus linfotrópico para células T humanas (HTLV-1) é o principal agente causador da Paraparesia Espástica Tropical / Mielopatia associada ao HTLV-1 (PET/MAH) e da Leucemia da célula T do Adulto (LTA). A maioria dos indivíduos infectados permanece assintomática, somente 2 a 5% irão desenvolver uma das duas doenças. Fatores da interação HTLV-1/ hospedeiro estão envolvidos no risco de desenvolver doença. A lesão neurológica na PET/MAH parece ser consequência de uma reação inflamatória, desencadeada pelo reconhecimento de células infectadas por linfócitos T citotóxicos, com consequente liberação de citocinas e lesão medular. OBJETIVO: Identificar marcadores genéticos, que possam ajudar no prognóstico e tratamento dos pacientes portadores do HTLV-1. MÉTODOS: Nas amostras de 117 portadores do HTLV-1 assintomáticos e 171 pacientes com acometimento neurológico em acompanhamento na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, foram realizadas as tipificações dos genes do HLA Classe I e II, dos polimorfismos dos genes das citocinas -308TNF-\03B1,-174IL-6, +874IFN-\03B3, códon 10 e 25TGF-\03B21 e -1082 - 819-592IL-10, e a quantificação da carga proviral. Os dados foram organizados em um banco de dados no programa SPSS. As frequências alélicas e genotípicas foram obtidas por contagem direta. O equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg foi avaliado para os polimorfismos das citocinas no sitio http://bioinfo.iconcologia.net/ubbweb/SNPStats_web, em relação ao HLA foram utilizadas as ferramentas disponíveis no sítio \201CLos Alamos HIV database tools\201D. As comparações entre os grupos foram realizadas através de tabelas de contingência 2x2 (quiquadrado, exato de Fisher e odds ratios), valores de p\22640,05 foram considerados significantes RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: O alelo A*02 não influencia a condição clínica nem os níveis da carga proviral. Os alelos A*29 e B*44 foram mais frequentes entre os indivíduos assintomáticos e a sua presença influenciou os níveis da carga proviral sugerindo proteção ao desenvolvimento de doença neurológica. O alelo A*68 foi mais frequente entre os pacientes com doença neurológica, porém sua presença não influenciou nos níveis da carga proviral. O alelo C*04 foi mais frequente entre os portadores assintomáticos e não influenciou os níveis de carga proviral, já o alelo DRB1*03 predominou entre os pacientes com doença neurológica e a sua presença entre os indivíduos assintomáticos acarretou níveis mais elevados de carga proviral, sugerindo ser um possível fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de doença neurológica. Na análise do polimorfismo genético das citocinas, o polimorfismo de IL-10, com perfil fenotípico de baixo produtor da citocina foi mais frequente no grupo dos assintomáticos, enquanto que o fenótipo de produtor intermediário predominou entre os sintomáticos. O perfil fenotípico da população estudada foi caracterizado como: baixo produtor da citocina -308TNF-\03B1, intermediário a alto produtor para códon 10 e códon 25 TGF-\03B2, baixo a intermediário produtor para -1082,-819,- 592 IL-10, alto produtor para -174 IL-6 e baixo a intermediário produtor para +874IFN-\03B3


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In view of the reported inflammatory effects of corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF) and the associated regulatory elements in the gene of its binding protein (BP), we postulate that both BP as well as novel BP-ligands other than CRF may be involved in inflammatory disease. We have investigated BP in the blood of patients with arthritis and septicaemia and have attempted to identify CRF and other BP-ligands in synovial fluid. The BP was found to be significantly elevated in the blood of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and septicaemia. There was less BP-ligand and CRF in synovial fluid from patients with rheumatoid arthritis that from those with osteo- or psoriatic arthritis. There was at least 10-fold more BP-ligand than CRF in the fluid of all three groups of patients. A small amount of immunoreactive human (h)CRF, eluting in the expected position of CRF-41, was detected after high-pressure liquid chromatography of arthritic synovial fluid; however, the bulk of material with BP-ligand binding activity eluted earlier, suggesting that synovial fluid contained novel peptides that interacted with the BP. These results would suggest that the BP and its ligands could play an endocrine immunomodulatory role in inflammatory disease.


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We have suggested recently that the fall in plasma CRF-binding protein (BP) during the last few weeks of pregnancy is a direct effect of association with its ligand because of the rapid decrease in plasma BP concentration seen in normal males reaching a nadir some 15 min after a bolus injection of synthetic CRF. In the present study, we have investigated the physicochemical properties of both natural and recombinant BP by gel filtration under physiological conditions and have shown that association of human CRF to this BP results in an increase in molecular weight consistent with the formation of a dimer form of the BP ligand complex. The dimer is more stable when the interaction occurs in the presence of serum or if a peptide with a higher affinity for the BP is substituted as ligand. Experimental evidence would also suggest that the dimer BP has a higher affinity for ligand than the monomeric form. We suggest that this dimerization occurs in vivo when CRF is released into the bloodstream and provides the trigger that causes the uptake of the complex at specific receptor sites.


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Data obtained during routine diagnosis of human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) and 2 (HTLV-2) in ""at-risk"" individuals from Sao Paulo, Brazil using signal-to-cutoff (S/C) values obtained by first, second, and third generation enzyme immunoassay (EIA) kits, were compared. The highest S/C values were obtained with third generation EIA kits, but no correlation was detected between these values and specific antibody reactivity to HTLV-1, HTLV-2, or untyped HTLV (p = 0.302). In addition, use of these third generation kits resulted in HTLV-1/2 false-positive samples. In contrast, first and second generation EIA kits showed high specificity, and the second generation EIA kits showed the highest efficiency, despite lower S/C values. Using first and second generation EIA kits, significant differences in specific antibody detection of HTLV-1, relative to HTLV-2 (p = 0.019 for first generation and p < 0.001 for second generation EIA kits) and relative to untyped HTLV (p = 0.025 for first generation EIA kits), were observed. These results were explained by the composition and format of the assays. In addition, using receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis, a slight adjustment in cutoff values for third generation EIA kits improved their specificities and should be used when HTLV ""at-risk"" populations from this geographic area are to be evaluated. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.