990 resultados para Malignant Myoepithelioma
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Osteopetrosis is characterized by a considerable increase in bone density resulting in defective remodeling, caused by failure in the normal function of osteoclasts, and varies in severity. It is usually subdivided into three types: benign autosomal dominant osteopetrosis; intermediate autosomal recessive osteopetrosis; and malignant autosomal recessive infantile osteopetrosis, considered the most serious type. The authors describe a case of chronic osteomyelitis in the maxilla of a 6-year-old patient with Malignant Infantile Osteopetrosis. The treatment plan included pre-maxilla sequestrectomy and extraction of erupted upper teeth. No surgical procedure was shown to be the best to prevent the progression of oral infection. Taking into account the patient's general condition, if the patient develops severe symptomatic and refractory osteomyelitis surgery should be considered. The patient and his family are aware of the risks and benefits of surgery and its possible complications.
Background and objective: Drainage with metallic stents is the treatment of choice in malignant obstructive jaundice. Technical and clinical success with metallic stents is obtained in over 90% and 80% of cases, respectively. There are self-expandable metallic stents designed to increase permeability. The aim of this study was to describe the results obtained with totally covered self-expandable and uncovered self-expandable metallic stents in the palliative treatment of malignant biliary obstruction. Patients and methods: Sixty eight patients with malignant obstructive jaundice secondary to pancreatobiliary or metastatic disease not amenable to surgery were retrospectively included. Two groups were created: group A (covered self-expandable metallic stents) (n = 22) and group B (uncovered self-expandable metallic stents) (n = 46). Results: Serum total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase and gamma glutamyl transferase levels decreased in both groups and no statistically significant difference was detected (p = 0.800, p = 0.190, p = 0.743, p = 0.521). Migration was greater with covered stents but it was not statistically significant either (p = 0.101). Obstruction was greater in the group with uncovered stents but it was not statistically significant either (p = 0.476). Conclusion: There are no differences when using covered self-expandable stents or uncovered self-expandable stents in terms of technical and clinical success or complications in the palliative treatment of malignant obstructive jaundice.
Purpose: To investigate the clinical efficacy of paclitaxel combined with additional chemotherapy for mid-stage and advanced malignant tumors, and the benefits afforded by scientific nursing. Methods: Patients with mid-stage and advanced gastric cancer were randomly divided into test and control groups. Control group was given intravenous chemotherapy (400 mg/m2 fluorouracil and 2500 mg/m2 cisplatin) and nursed conventionally, while the test group was additionally treated with 80 mg/m2 paclitaxel and underwent special scientific nursing. Clinical effects and changes in the rates of apoptosis and cell proliferation were recorded. The effect of applying scientific nursing on therapeutic outcomes was also evaluated. Results: The overall rate of treatment effectiveness, clinical control rate, mean apoptosis and proliferation rates in the test group were 56.40, 92.30, (7.10 ± 3.17 and 28.70 ± 3.22 %, respectively, while, in the control group, the values were 38.50, 64.10, 25.40 ± 2.67 and 32.60 ± 2.93 %, respectively. The differences were all statistically significant (p < 0.05). In terms of nursing efficacy, the test group had a lower pain score and higher quality-of-life scores (Karnofsky performance status score) than control group. There was no significant difference in the incidence of adverse reactions between the two groups (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Paclitaxel has a significant effect when used to treat mid-stage and advanced gastric cancer. Moreover, additional nursing not only enhances the therapeutic effect but also improves prognosis and quality-of-life.
Malignant Catarrhal Fever (MCF), an often-lethal infectious disease, presents as a variable complex of lesions in susceptible ungulate species. The disease is caused by a -herpesvirus following transmission from an inapparent carrier host. Two major epidemiological forms exist: wildebeest-associated MCF (WA-MCF), in which the virus is transmitted to susceptible species by wildebeest calves less than approximately four months of age, and sheepassociated MCF (SA-MCF) in which the virus is spread by sheep (primarily adolescents). Due to the lack of an in-vitro propagation system for the causative agent of the more economically significant SA-MCF, and with the expectation that cross-protective immunity may be provided, vaccine development has focused on the more easily propagated alcelaphine herpesvirus-1 (AlHV-1) that causes WA-MCF. In 2008 a direct viral challenge trial showed that a novel vaccine, employing an attenuated AlHV-1 (atAlHV-1) `C5000 virus strain, protected British Friesian-Holstein (FH) cattle against an intranasal challenge with virulent AlHV-1 `C5000 virus. For cattle keeping people living near wildebeest calving areas in sub-Saharan Africa an effective vaccine would have value as it would release them from the costly annual disease avoidance strategy of having to move their herds away from the oncoming wildebeest. On the other hand, an effective vaccine will release herd owners from the need to avoid MCF, allowing them to graze their cattle alongside wildebeest on the highly nutritious pastures of the calving areas. As such conservationists have raised concerns that the development of a vaccine might lead to detrimental grazing competition. The principle objective of this study was to test the novel vaccine on Tanzanian shorthorn zebu cross cattle (SZC).We did this firstly using a natural challenge field trial (Chapter Two) which demonstrated that immunisation with the atAlHV-1 vaccine was well tolerated and induced an oro-nasopharyngeal AlHV-1-specific and -neutralising antibody response. This resulted in an immunity in SZC cattle that was partially protective and reduced naturally transmitted infection by 56%. We also demonstrated that non-fatal infections occurred with a much higher frequency than previously thought. Because the calculated efficacy of the vaccine was less than that seen in British FH cattle we wanted to determine whether host factors, particular to SZC cattle, had impacted the outcomes of the field trial. To do this we repeated the 2008 direct viral challenge trial using SZC cattle (Chapter Four). During this trial we also investigated whether the recombinant bacterial flagellin monomer (FliC), when used as an adjuvant, might improve the vaccine’s efficacy. The findings from this trial indicated that direct challenge with pathogenic AlHV-1 is effective at inducing MCF in SZC cattle and that FliC is not an appropriate adjuvant for this vaccine. Furthermore, with less control group cattle dying of MCF than expected we speculate that SZC cattle may have a degree of resistance to MCF that affords them protection from infection and developing fatal disease. In Chapter Three we investigated aspects of the epidemiology of MCF, specifically whether wildebeest placenta, long implicated by Maasai cattle owners as a source of MCF, might play a role in viral transmission. Additionally, through comparative sequence analysis, at two specific genes (A9.5 and ORF50) of wild-type and atAlHV-1, we investigated whether the `C5000 strain, the source of which was taken from Africa more than 40 years ago, was appropriate for vaccine development. The detection of AlHV-1 virus in approximately 50% of placentae indicated that infection can occur in-utero and that this tissue might play a role in disease transmission. And, despite describing three new alleles of the A9.5 gene (supporting previous evidence that this gene is polymorphic and encodes a secretory protein with interleukin-4 as the major homologue), the observation that the most frequently detected haplotypes, in both wild-type and attenuated AlHV-1, were identical suggests that AlHV-1 has a slow molecular clock and that the attenuated strain was appropriate for vaccine development. In Chapter Five we present the first quantitative assessment of the annual MCF avoidance costs that Maasai pastoralists incur. In particular we estimated that as a result of MCF avoidance 64% of the total daily milk yield during the MCF season was not available to be used by the 81% of the family unit remaining at the permanent boma. This represents an upper-bound loss of approximately 8% of a household0s annual income. Despite these considerable losses we concluded that, given an incidence of fatal MCF in cattle living in wildebeest calving areas of 5% to 10%, if herd owners were to stop trying to avoid MCF by allowing their cattle to graze alongside wildebeest, any gains made through increased availability of milk, improved body condition and reduced energy demands would be offset by an increase in MCF-incidence. With the development of an effective vaccine, however, this alternative strategy might become optimal. The overall conclusion we draw therefore is that, despite the substantial costs incurred each year avoiding MCF, the partial protection afforded by the novel vaccine strategy is not sufficient to warrant a wholesale change in disease avoidance strategy. Nonetheless, even the partial protection provided by this vaccine could be of value to protect animals that cannot be moved, for example where some of the herd remain at the boma to provide milk or where land-use changes make traditional disease avoidance difficult. Furthermore, the vaccine may offer a feasible solution to some of the current land-use challenges and conflicts, providing a degree of protection to valuable livestock where avoidance strategies are not possible, but with less risk of precipitating the potentially damaging environmental consequences, such as overgrazing of highly nutritious seasonal pastures, that might result if herd owners decide they no longer need to avoid wildebeest.
In this thesis, we studied the cross-talk between malignant cells and stromal cells, with the aim to elucidate the respective contribution to myeloid neoplasm onset and progression. First, we characterized and compared mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) isolated from myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS-MSCs) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML-MSCs) patients. We demonstrated that, despite some unaltered functions, patient-derived MSCs show also intrinsic, distinct functional abnormalities, which could all potentially favor a leukemia-protective bone marrow (BM) niche in vivo. Second, we investigated the ability of AML cells to modulate the AML-MSC functions. In a GEP-screening, we found that 40% of BM-derived AML samples show a higher IFN-γ expression, compared to the mean IFN-γ expression in healthy BM-derived cells. We demonstrated that in co-culture experiments, IFN-γ+ AML cells modify AML-MSC gene expression and function, inducing the up-regulation of IDO1, and consequently the generation of T regulatory cells. Finally, we wondered if the transcriptome of stromal cells could be influenced by the hematopoietic-specific alterations, i.e. Dnmt3a and Asxl1 mutations, which occur early in MDS/AML patients. We found that Dnmt3a- and Asxl1-null BM cells, when transplanted in wild-type mice, induce profound and deletion-specific modifications in the transcriptome of wild-type BM stromal cells, suggesting the ability of Dnmt3a- and Asxl1-null BM cells to shape the niche. Furthermore, we compared the transcriptome of wild-type BM stromal cells, obtained from transplantation experiments, with that of MSCs isolated from low-risk MDS patients with DNMT3A and ASXL1 mutations, and we highlighted some common modifications, which could be potentially relevant for human disease and specific for DNMT3A/ASXL1 mutations. In conclusion, this thesis pointed out that there is a bi-directional cross-talk, in which stromal cells can influence malignant cells, and in turn malignant/pre-malignant cells can alter stromal cell gene expression and function. Both mechanisms could potentially contribute to the pathogenesis of myeloid malignancies.
Glycosyltransferases ST6GAL1 and B4GALNT2 (and their cognate antigens Sia6LacNAc and Sda, respectively) are associated with colorectal cancer (CRC) but it is not fully clear their biological and clinical significance. We explored the clinical relevance of both glycosyltransferases by interrogating The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database while the phenotypic/transcriptomic effects of ST6GAL1/B4GALNT2 overexpression were studied in genetically modified CRC cell lines. Transcriptomic data from CRC patients in TCGA database suggested a moderate impact of ST6GAL1 on CRC progression, although it was not possible to define a clear role for this glycosyltransferase. Transcriptomic analysis of ST6GAL1-transduced cell lines revealed a much deeper effect of ST6GAL1 on gene expression in SW948 than in SW48. The overexpression of ST6GAL1 induced opposite effects on soft agar growth and wound healing in both cell lines. These results indicate that the impact of a cancer-associated glycosyltransferase change on phenotype/transcriptome can be extremely variable, depending on the molecular context of the tumor cell. On the contrary, transcriptomic analysis of B4GALNT2-modified cell lines together with TCGA database survey demonstrated a strong impact of B4GALNT2 on the transcriptional activity of CRC cells, in particular its association with a better prognosis. We suggest an anti-tumoral role of B4GALNT2 in CRC. We also investigated the glycan changes related to ST6GAL1/B4GALNT2 expression in a small cohort of tissues/plasma as well as the N-glycomic profile of CRC, normal and polyp tissues. We found an increase of ST6GAL1 activity in CRC and inflammatory bowel disease plasma samples comparing with plasma from healthy donors. A different Sda protein carrier pattern was observed between healthy donors and CRC plasma samples. β-arrestin 1 is a possible candidate as Sda carrier protein in plasma samples although future validation studies are needed. The alterations found in the N-glycan pattern highlight the importance of N-glycome as a molecular signature in cancer.
Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma (MPM) is a very aggressive cancer whose incidence is growing worldwide. MPM escapes the classical models of carcinogenesis and lacks a distinctive genetic fingerprint, keeping obscure the molecular events that lead to tumorigenesis. This severely impacts on the limited therapeutic options and on the lack of specific biomarkers, concurring to make MPM one of the deadliest cancers. Here we combined a functional genome-wide loss of function CRISPR/Cas9 screening with patients’ transcriptomic and clinical data, to identify genes essential for MPM progression. Besides, we explored the role of non-coding RNAs to MPM progression by analysing gene expression profiles and clinical data from the MESO-TCGA dataset. We identified TRIM28 and the lncRNA LINC00941 as new vulnerabilities of MPM, associated with disease aggressiveness and bad outcome of patients. TRIM28 is a multi-domain protein involved in many processes, including transcription regulation. We showed that TRIM28 silencing impairs MPM cells’ growth and clonogenicity by blocking cells in mitosis. RNA-seq profiling showed that TRIM28 loss abolished the expression of major mitotic players. Our data suggest that TRIM28 is part of the B-MYB/FOXM1-MuvB complex that specifically drives the activation of mitotic genes, keeping the time of mitosis. In parallel, we found LINC00941 as strongly associated with reduced survival probability in MPM patients. LINC00941 KD profoundly reduced MPM cells’ growth, migration and invasion. This is accompanied by changes in morphology, cytoskeleton organization and cell-cell adhesion properties. RNA-seq profiling showed that LINC00941 KD impacts crucial functions of MPM, including HIF1α signalling. Collectively these data provided new insights into MPM biology and demonstrated that the integration of functional screening with patients’ clinical data is a powerful tool to highlight new non-genetic cancer dependencies that associate to a bad outcome in vivo, paving the way to new MPM-oriented targeted strategies and prognostic tools to improve patients risk-based stratification.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the structural and molecular effects of antiangiogenic therapies and finasteride on the ventral prostate of senile mice. 90 male FVB mice were divided into: Young (18 weeks old) and senile (52 weeks old) groups; finasteride group: finasteride (20mg/kg); SU5416 group: SU5416 (6 mg/kg); TNP-470 group: TNP-470 (15 mg/kg,) and SU5416+TNP-470 group: similar to the SU5416 and TNP-470 groups. After 21 days, prostate ventral lobes were collected for morphological, immunohistochemical and Western blotting analyses. The results demonstrated atrophy, occasional proliferative lesions and inflammatory cells in the prostate during senescence, which were interrupted and/or blocked by treatment with antiangiogenic drugs and finasteride. Decreased AR and endostatin reactivities, and an increase for ER-α, ER-β and VEGF, were seen in the senile group. Decreased VEGF and ER-α reactivities and increased ER-β reactivity were verified in the finasteride, SU5416 groups and especially in SU5416+TNP-470 group. The TNP-470 group showed reduced AR and ER-β protein levels. The senescence favored the occurrence of structural and/or molecular alterations suggesting the onset of malignant lesions, due to the imbalance in the signaling between the epithelium and stroma. The SU5416+TNP-470 treatment was more effective in maintaining the structural, hormonal and angiogenic factor balance in the prostate during senescence, highlighting the signaling of antiproliferation via ER-β.
Bisphosphonates (BPs) are a class of drugs used to treat osteoporosis and malignant bone metastasis. BPs show high binding capacity to the bone matrix, especially in sites of active bone metabolism. The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research defines BRONJ as an area of exposed bone in the maxillofacial region that has not healed within 8 weeks after identification by a healthcare provider in a patient who is receiving or has been exposed to a bisphosphonate and has not had radiation therapy to the craniofacial region. Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) can adversely affect quality of life, as it may produce significant morbidity. The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) considers as vitally important that information on BRONJ be disseminated to other dental and medical specialties. The purpose of this work is to offer a perspective on how dentists should manage patients on BPs, to show the benefits of accurately diagnosing BRONJ, and to present diagnostic aids and treatments strategies for the condition.
Although cartilaginous tumors have low microvascular density, vessels are important for the provision of nutrition so that the tumor can grow and generate metastasis. The aim of this study was to assess the value of the vascular pattern classification as a prognostic tool in chondrosarcomas (CSs) and its relation with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression. This was a retrospective study of 21 enchondromas and 57 conventional CSs. Clinical data and outcome were retrieved from medical files. CSs histologic grades (on a scale of 1 to 3) were determined according to the World Health Organization classification. The vascular pattern (on a scale of A to C) was assessed through CD34, according to Kalinski. CD105 and VEGF were also evaluated. Poor outcome was significantly associated with vascular pattern groups B and C. Higher vascular pattern were 6.5 times more frequent in moderate-grade and high-grade CSs than in grade 1 CS. On multivariate analysis, a clear correlation was found between VEGF overexpression and B/C vascular patterns. Only 18 (benign and malignant) tumors stained for CD105. The results point to the use of the vascular pattern classification as a prognostic tool in CSs and to differentiate low-grade from moderate-grade/high-grade CSs. Vascular pattern might be also used to complement histologic grade, VEGF immunostaining, and microvascular density, for indicating a patient's prognosis. Low-grade CSs develop under low neoangiogenesis, which conforms to the slow growth rate of these tumors.
The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy and reproducibility of the cytologic diagnosis of salivary gland tumors (SGTs) using fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). The study aimed to determine diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity and to evaluate the extent of interobserver agreement. We retrospectively evaluated SGTs from the files of the Division of Pathology at the Clinics Hospital of São Paulo and Piracicaba Dental School between 2000 and 2006. We performed cytohistologic correlation in 182 SGTs. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and diagnostic accuracy were 94%, 100%, 100%, 100%, and 99%, respectively. The interobserver cytologic reproducibility showed significant statistical concordance (P < .0001). FNAC is an effective tool for performing a reliable preoperative diagnosis in SGTs and shows high diagnostic accuracy and consistent interobserver reproducibility. Further FNAC studies analyzing large samples of malignant SGTs and reactive salivary lesions are needed to confirm their accuracy.
Cryosurgery is an efficient therapeutic technique used to treat benign and malignant cutaneous diseases. The primary active mechanism of cryosurgery is related to vascular effects on treated tissue. After a cryosurgical procedure, exuberant granulation tissue is formed at the injection site, probably as a result of angiogenic stimulation of the cryogen and inflammatory response, particularly in endothelial cells. To evaluate the angiogenic effects of freezing, as part of the phenomenon of healing rat skin subjected to previous injury. Two incisions were made in each of the twenty rats, which were divided randomly into two groups of ten. After 3 days, cryosurgery with liquid nitrogen was performed in one of incisions. The rats' samples were then collected, cut and stained to conduct histopathological examination, to assess the local angiogenesis in differing moments and situations. It was possible to demonstrate that cryosurgery, in spite of promoting cell death and accentuated local inflammation soon after its application, induces quicker cell proliferation in the affected tissue and maintenance of this rate in a second phase, than in tissue healing without this procedure. These findings, together with the knowledge that there is a direct relationship between mononuclear cells and neovascularization (the development of a rich system of new vessels in injury caused by cold), suggest that cryosurgery possesses angiogenic stimulus, even though complete healing takes longer to occur. The significance level for statistical tests was 5% (p<0,05).
The recently-proposed Bethesda reporting system has offered clinical recommendations for each category of reported thyroid cytology, including repeated fine-needle aspiration (FNA) for non-diagnostic and atypia/follicular lesions of undetermined significance, but there are no sound indications for repeated examination after an initial benign exam. To investigate the clinical validity of repeated FNA in the management of patients with thyroid nodules. The present study evaluated 412 consecutive patients who had repeated aspiration biopsies of thyroid nodules after an initial non-diagnostic, atypia/follicular lesion of undetermined significance, or benign cytology. The majority of patients were female (93.5%) ranging from 13 to 83 years. Non-diagnostic cytology was the most common indication for a repeated examination in 237 patients (57.5%), followed by benign (36.8%), and A/FLUS (5.6%) cytology. A repeated examination altered the initial diagnosis in 70.5% and 78.3% of the non-diagnostic and A/FLUS patients, respectively, whereas only 28.9% of patients with a benign cytology presented with a different diagnosis on a sequential FNA. Repeat FNA is a valuable procedure in cases with initial non-diagnostic or A/FLUS cytology, but its routine use for patients with an initial benign examination appears to not increase the expected likelihood of a malignant finding.