358 resultados para MTs
A major challenge of modern teams lies in the coordination of the efforts not just of individuals within a team, but also of teams whose efforts are ultimately entwined with those of other teams. Despite this fact, much of the research on work teams fails to consider the external dependencies that exist in organizational teams and instead focuses on internal or within team processes. Multi-Team Systems Theory is used as a theoretical framework for understanding teams-of-teams organizational forms (Multi-Team Systems; MTS's); and leadership teams are proposed as one remedy that enable MTS members to dedicate needed resources to intra-team activities while ensuring effective synchronization of between-team activities. Two functions of leader teams were identified: strategy development and coordination facilitation; and a model was developed delineating the effects of the two leader roles on multi-team cognitions, processes, and performance.^ Three hundred eighty-four undergraduate psychology and business students participated in a laboratory simulation that modeled an MTS; each MTS was comprised of three, two-member teams each performing distinct but interdependent components of an F-22 battle simulation task. Two roles of leader teams supported in the literature were manipulated through training in a 2 (strategy training vs. control) x 2 (coordination training vs. control) design. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and mediated regression analysis were used to test the study's hypotheses. ^ Results indicate that both training manipulations produced differences in the effectiveness of the intended form of leader behavior. The enhanced leader strategy training resulted in more accurate (but not more similar) MTS mental models, better inter-team coordination, and higher levels of multi-team (but not component team) performance. Moreover, mental model accuracy fully mediated the relationship between leader strategy and inter-team coordination; and inter-team coordination fully mediated the effect of leader strategy on multi-team performance. Leader coordination training led to better inter-team coordination, but not to higher levels of either team or multi-team performance. Mediated Input-Process-Output (I-P-O) relationships were not supported with leader coordination; rather, leader coordination facilitation and inter-team coordination uniquely contributed to component team and multi-team level performance. The implications of these findings and future research directions are also discussed. ^
A large series of laboratory ice crushing experiments was performed to investigate the effects of external boundary condition and indenter contact geometry on ice load magnitude under crushing conditions. Four boundary conditions were considered: dry cases, submerged cases, and cases with the presence of snow and granular ice material on the indenter surface. Indenter geometries were a flat plate, wedge shaped indenter, (reverse) conical indenter, and spherical indenter. These were impacted with artificially produced ice specimens of conical shape with 20° and 30° cone angles. All indenter – ice combinations were tested in dry and submerged environments at 1 mm/s and 100 mm/s indentation rates. Additional tests with the flat indentation plate were conducted at 10 mm/s impact velocity and a subset of scenarios with snow and granular ice material was evaluated. The tests were performed using a material testing system (MTS) machine located inside a cold room at an ambient temperature of - 7°C. Data acquisition comprised time, vertical force, and displacement. In several tests with the flat plate and wedge shaped indenter, supplementary information on local pressure patterns and contact area were obtained using tactile pressure sensors. All tests were recorded with a high speed video camera and still photos were taken before and after each test. Thin sections were taken of some specimens as well. Ice loads were found to strongly depend on contact condition, interrelated with pre-existing confinement and indentation rate. Submergence yielded higher forces, especially at the high indentation rate. This was very evident for the flat indentation plate and spherical indenter, and with restrictions for the wedge shaped indenter. No indication was found for the conical indenter. For the conical indenter it was concluded that the structural restriction due to the indenter geometry was dominating. The working surface for the water to act was not sufficient to influence the failure processes and associated ice loads. The presence of snow and granular ice significantly increased the forces at the low indentation rate (with the flat indentation plate) that were higher compared to submerged cases and far above the dry contact condition. Contact area measurements revealed a correlation of higher forces with a concurrent increase in actual contact area that depended on the respective boundary condition. In submergence, ice debris constitution was changed; ice extrusion, as well as crack development and propagation were impeded. Snow and granular ice seemed to provide additional material sources for establishing larger contact areas. The dry contact condition generally had the smallest real contact area, as well as the lowest forces. The comparison of nominal and measured contact areas revealed distinct deviations. The incorporation of those differences in contact process pressures-area relationships indicated that the overall process pressure was not substantially affected by the increased loads.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
O cancro é um problema de saúde crescente no mundo e é a segunda causa de morte depois das doenças cardíacas. De acordo com a Agência Internacional de Investigação em Cancro (IARC) existem atualmente mais de 10 milhões de casos de cancro por ano no mundo. Os produtos naturais oferecem oportunidades de inovação na descoberta de novos fármacos. Neste sentido, os compostos naturais isolados a partir de plantas medicinais, como potenciais fontes de novas drogas anticancerígenas, têm tido um interesse crescente. Os Óleos Essenciais (OEs) são sintetizados pelas plantas e têm sido estudados pelas suas inúmeras atividades biológicas, incluindo anticancerígena, anti-inflamatória, antimicrobiana, antiviral, antioxidante e repelente de insetos. Este estudo tem como objetivos determinar a eficácia de OEs de seis espécies de plantas das dunas de Peniche (Portugal), como potenciais agentes terapêuticos anticancerígenos em linhas celulares de cancro da mama (MCF7) e do colo-rectal (RKO), assim como perceber o mecanismo de ação destes OEs. Neste estudo, partes aéreas de Artemisia campestris subsp. maritima, Crithmum maritimum, Eryngium maritimum, Juniperus turbinata subsp. turbinata, Otanthus maritimus e Seseli tortuosum foram colhidas na praia da Consolação, em Peniche (Portugal), e os seus OEs isolados através de hidrodestilação. A composição química dos OEs foi investigada por cromatografia gasosa (GC) e por cromatografia gasosa com espetrofotometria de massa (GC-MS) e os compostos maioritários foram descritos para cada óleo. Para avaliar a atividade anticancerígena nas linhas celulares MCF7 e RKO, o método MTS (3- (4, 5-dimethyl- 2 -thiazolyl) - 2, 5-dyphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide) foi usado e a viabilidade celular avaliada, através de diluições sucessivas, a concentrações iniciais de 5 μL/mL e 1 μL/mL, com diluição de 1:2 e 1:10, respetivamente, comparando com o controlo (DMSO). De todos os OEs testados, a atividade anticancerígena foi descrita, em ambas as linhas celulares, como observado pela diminuição da viabilidade/proliferação celular – exceto o OE Eryngium maritimum a uma concentração inicial de 5 μL/mL.Com o objetivo de avaliar o mecanismo biológico de ação dos OEs, foi realizado um western blot para marcadores relativos ao bloqueio do ciclo celular e apoptose (p53, p21 e caspase 3 clivada), para Seseli tortuosum e Otanthus maritimus. Foi observado um aumento do nível proteína p53 nas células tratadas com estes OEs, sugerindo a indução de stress celular nas células cancerígenas testadas. No entanto, não foi observada caspase 3 clivada, sugerindo que a apoptose não terá sido a causa para a diminuição da viabilidade/proliferação celular observada. Foi ainda observado o aumento da expressão da p21 com os OEs selecionados, sugerindo que o tratamento com OE está associado ao bloqueio do ciclo celular. Para validar estas observações, a análise realizada por FACS, depois do tratamento indica um possível bloqueio do ciclo celular na fase G1. Concluindo, a concentração inicial de 5 μL/mL revelou ser muito tóxica para as linhas celulares testadas. No entanto, a uma concentração final de 1 μL/mL foi demonstrada uma diminuição da viabilidade/proliferação celular para todos os OEs. No estudo preliminar do mecanismo de ação dos OEs, foi demonstrado, face à presença da p21, que os óleos de Seseli tortuosum e Otanthus maritimus atuam bloqueando o ciclo celular. Para comprovar estes resultados, o FACS realizado (apenas no OE de Seseli tortuosum) revelou que este bloqueio pode ocorrer, pelo aumento da percentagem de células observadas, na fase G1. Estes resultados demonstram o interesse destes OEs de Peniche na procura de novos agentes quimo preventivos contra a progressão do cancro da mama e colo-rectal.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
En el siguiente artículo se evidenciaran las distancias totales recorridas por jugadores de rugby, las cuales se desprenden de datos empíricos (cuantificación de las mismas a través de GPS) de un total de veintiún (N=21)jugadores pertenecientes al grupo I de la URBA. Los datos recogidos nos indican que, independientemente de su puesto dentro de la cancha, los jugadores recorren en promedio 5115 metros por partido. Sin embargo, los datos de mayor importancia, como se verán, son los valores registrados específicamente por cada puesto de juego, ya queel mínimo valor de desplazamiento requerido para un jugadoren este deporte, es el que registran los pilares, de 4092 mts y el mayor valor alcanzado, se da para los puestos de loswings y el full back, donde recorren 5856 mts. El GPS además, nos da la posibilidad de contabilizar las distancias registradas a velocidades de desplazamiento >a los 18 km/h, donde aquí también cada puesto mostrara distintos valores, como se veráen diferentes cuadros. Debido a que ?los requerimientos físicos del rugby son bien diferentes y variados para cada jugador? (Delovo, 2013: 4) ¿resulta necesario diferenciar los entrenamientos para cada puesto específico de este deporte?
En el siguiente artículo se evidenciaran las distancias totales recorridas por jugadores de rugby, las cuales se desprenden de datos empíricos (cuantificación de las mismas a través de GPS) de un total de veintiún (N=21)jugadores pertenecientes al grupo I de la URBA. Los datos recogidos nos indican que, independientemente de su puesto dentro de la cancha, los jugadores recorren en promedio 5115 metros por partido. Sin embargo, los datos de mayor importancia, como se verán, son los valores registrados específicamente por cada puesto de juego, ya queel mínimo valor de desplazamiento requerido para un jugadoren este deporte, es el que registran los pilares, de 4092 mts y el mayor valor alcanzado, se da para los puestos de loswings y el full back, donde recorren 5856 mts. El GPS además, nos da la posibilidad de contabilizar las distancias registradas a velocidades de desplazamiento >a los 18 km/h, donde aquí también cada puesto mostrara distintos valores, como se veráen diferentes cuadros. Debido a que ?los requerimientos físicos del rugby son bien diferentes y variados para cada jugador? (Delovo, 2013: 4) ¿resulta necesario diferenciar los entrenamientos para cada puesto específico de este deporte?
Global warming is real and has been with us for at least two decades. Questions arise regarding the response of the ocean to greenhouse forcing, including expectations for changes in ocean circulation, in uptake of excess carbon dioxide, and in upwelling activity. The large climate variations of the ice ages, within the last million years, offer the opportunity to study responses of the ocean to climate change. A histogram of sealevel positions for the last 700,000 years (based on a new d/sup 18/O stratigraphy here compiled) shows that the present is near the margin of the range of fluctuations, with only 6 percent of positions indicating a warmer climate. Thus, the future will be largely outside of experience with regard to fluctuations of the recent geologic past. The same is true for greenhouse forcing. Our inability to explain sudden climate change in the past, including the rapid rise of carbon dioxide during deglaciation, and differences in ocean productivity between glacial and interglacial conditions, demonstrates a lack of understanding that makes predictions suspect. This is the lesson from ice age studies.
Stroke is a prevalent disorder with immense socioeconomic impact. A variety of chronic neurological deficits result from stroke. In particular, sensorimotor deficits are a significant barrier to achieving post-stroke independence. Unfortunately, the majority of pre-clinical studies that show improved outcomes in animal stroke models have failed in clinical trials. Pre-clinical studies using non-human primate (NHP) stroke models prior to initiating human trials are a potential step to improving translation from animal studies to clinical trials. Robotic assessment tools represent a quantitative, reliable, and reproducible means to assess reaching behaviour following stroke in both humans and NHPs. We investigated the use of robotic technology to assess sensorimotor impairments in NHPs following middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). Two cynomolgus macaques underwent transient MCAO for 90 minutes. Approximately 1.5 years following the procedure these NHPs and two non-stroke control monkeys were trained in a reaching task with both arms in the KINARM exoskeleton. This robot permits elbow and shoulder movements in the horizontal plane. The task required NHPs to make reaching movements from a centrally positioned start target to 1 of 8 peripheral targets uniformly distributed around the first target. We analyzed four movement parameters: reaction time, movement time (MT), initial direction error (IDE), and number of speed maxima to characterize sensorimotor deficiencies. We hypothesized reduced performance in these attributes during a neurobehavioural task with the paretic limb of NHPs following MCAO compared to controls. Reaching movements in the non-affected limbs of control and experimental NHPs showed bell-shaped velocity profiles. In contrast, the reaching movements with the affected limbs were highly variable. We found distinctive patterns in MT, IDE, and number of speed peaks between control and experimental monkeys and between limbs of NHPs with MCAO. NHPs with MCAO demonstrated more speed peaks, longer MTs, and greater IDE in their paretic limb compared to controls. These initial results qualitatively match human stroke subjects’ performance, suggesting that robotic neurobehavioural assessment in NHPs with stroke is feasible and could have translational relevance in subsequent human studies. Further studies will be necessary to replicate and expand on these preliminary findings.
John Flavel was a Reformed Puritan of the seventeenth-century who wrote a series of devotional guides that offered instructions drawn from Christian mystical traditions on how to improve religious activities as a means of ecstatically encountering God. Evaluating the efficacy of these instructions from a scientifically-based behavioural perspective, this study has found that Flavel’s techniques were likely helpful to his readers in facilitating socially normative ecstatic experiences through ordinary Christian practice. Furthermore, discovering that Flavel promoted the use of these techniques for engaging with ecological materials in the wilderness and country-side, this essay proposes that Flavel introduced his readers to effectual manners that could help them ecstatically encounter God during the practice of meditational nature-based walks.
As one of the most successfully commercialized distributed energy resources, the long-term effects of microturbines (MTs) on the distribution network has not been fully investigated due to the complex thermo-fluid-mechanical energy conversion processes. This is further complicated by the fact that the parameter and internal data of MTs are not always available to the electric utility, due to different ownerships and confidentiality concerns. To address this issue, a general modeling approach for MTs is proposed in this paper, which allows for the long-term simulation of the distribution network with multiple MTs. First, the feasibility of deriving a simplified MT model for long-term dynamic analysis of the distribution network is discussed, based on the physical understanding of dynamic processes that occurred within MTs. Then a three-stage identification method is developed in order to obtain a piecewise MT model and predict electro-mechanical system behaviors with saturation. Next, assisted with the electric power flow calculation tool, a fast simulation methodology is proposed to evaluate the long-term impact of multiple MTs on the distribution network. Finally, the model is verified by using Capstone C30 microturbine experiments, and further applied to the dynamic simulation of a modified IEEE 37-node test feeder with promising results.
En el siguiente artículo se evidenciaran las distancias totales recorridas por jugadores de rugby, las cuales se desprenden de datos empíricos (cuantificación de las mismas a través de GPS) de un total de veintiún (N=21)jugadores pertenecientes al grupo I de la URBA. Los datos recogidos nos indican que, independientemente de su puesto dentro de la cancha, los jugadores recorren en promedio 5115 metros por partido. Sin embargo, los datos de mayor importancia, como se verán, son los valores registrados específicamente por cada puesto de juego, ya queel mínimo valor de desplazamiento requerido para un jugadoren este deporte, es el que registran los pilares, de 4092 mts y el mayor valor alcanzado, se da para los puestos de loswings y el full back, donde recorren 5856 mts. El GPS además, nos da la posibilidad de contabilizar las distancias registradas a velocidades de desplazamiento >a los 18 km/h, donde aquí también cada puesto mostrara distintos valores, como se veráen diferentes cuadros. Debido a que ?los requerimientos físicos del rugby son bien diferentes y variados para cada jugador? (Delovo, 2013: 4) ¿resulta necesario diferenciar los entrenamientos para cada puesto específico de este deporte?
Bakgrund: Vilken roll har företag i vårt samhälle? Vilken funktion ska de fylla? Är företagens funktion att vara vinstmaximerande och enbart se till sitt eget bästa, eller har de ett större ansvar och skyldigheter mot samhället? Dessa frågor har diskuterats under lång tid och bilden av företag och företagande förändras kontinuerligt i takt med att samhället förändras. Tankarna om att företag har ett socialt ansvar, vid sidan av det ekonomiska, har spridit sig över världen och frågor som har dykt upp är om det finns någon motsättning mellan socialt ansvar och företagens vinstintresse. Eller kan det vara så att socialt ansvarstagande kan leda till ökad lönsamhet? Syfte: Att genom en empirisk undersökning ge en förklaring om svenska noterade bolags rapporterade arbete med CSR har en positiv inverkan på dess lönsamhet. Metod: För att uppnå syftet valdes en deduktiv kvantitativ metod för att kunna göra en statistisk generalisering. Det rapporterade CSR-arbetet operationaliseras med hjälp av Folksams rapport "Index för ansvarsfullt företagande" och lönsamhet mäts via avkastning på totalt kapital (ROA) samt vinstmarginal. Analysen genomförs med hjälp av multipla regressionsanalyser. Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar att företags rapporterade CSR-arbete har en positiv inverkan på svenska noterade företags lönsamhet, både mätt i avkastning på totalt kapital (ROA) och vinstmarginal.
Att besitta förmågan att kunna läsa är något som blir allt viktigare i dagens samhälle då vi hela tiden möts av text i olika sammanhang. Dock visar internationella undersökningar, såsom PIRLS, en negativ trend när det handlar om svenska elevers läsförmåga. Vi får en allt sämre förmåga att tolka texter och läsmotivationen verkar även den sjunka. Forskare talar om vikten av att eleverna ska känna en genuin motivation inför skolarbetet för att på bästa sätt kunna tillägna sig kunskapen vilket blir problematiskt för de elever som upplever läsning som något svårt och tungt. Denna systematiska litteraturstudie syftar till att lyfta fram olika forskares teorier angående motivationens betydelse när det handlar om läsning hos framför allt elever med lässvårigheter. Resultatet av föreliggande litteraturstudie visar att läraren, materialet och arbetssättet kan påverka en elevs motivation. Studien lyfter även fram olika arbetsmetoder som visat sig gynnsamma för elevers läsmotivation. Den slutsats man kan dra är att varje elev är unik och motiveras av olika saker. Med andra ord är en individanpassning av undervisningen ett måste för att varje elev ska få chansen att känna en äkta motivation gentemot skolarbetet.
In early 2016 students at the University of Worcester were set the task of creating an adaptation of Verdi’s La traviata, a work which they knew from having seen the production by Richard Eyre live streamed from the Royal Opera House, at the Odeon Cinema in Worcester. The majority of students attested that this was their first encounter with opera and many were not looking forward to the project. This paper will describe and examine the process of adaptation and will reflect on how the mediated experience of the opera informed the final live production. It will also examine how the devisers of a new work, called Violetta Undone, considered the inclusion of musical and dramatic themes from the opera, as well as how they considered matters of relevance to contemporary audiences. The paper will furthermore consider how this process of undoing the opera not only fulfilled the requirements of the module (to learn about the processes of adaptation) but also brought the students closer to opera as an art-form. The paper will reflect on how, what was ultimately produced, not only radically deviated from what we understand as opera (as represented by the production which acted as a stimulus) but simultaneously adhered closely to the theoretical notion of gesamtkunstwerk which lies at the heart of opera theory. Additionally, questions that will be considered include: What lessons might be learned about educating drama students about opera? And how might undoing opera in a collaborative way inform dramaturgical explorations of operas?